S P A R K Y • riven

Par jkeene2005

353K 9.2K 568

BOOK ONE Running away was never the plan, but Marlene couldn't stay after what had happened. After what she h... Plus

The Night It All Went Wrong.
The Specialist with a Damaged Ego.
A Fragment of What Once Was.
Proper Introductions.
The Delinquent.
Comfort in Conflict.
Strolls Spark Ideas.
Blood Will Have Blood.
Charred Remains.
The Article.
Knowing Why.
For Fuck's Sake.
Stubborn as Always.
A Silver Lining.
Excuses, Excuses.
Tired of it All.
Sharp as a Blade.
I Can See It.
Trying Again.
One Step at a Time.
A Pair.
Who's On Top?
Knowing Everything.
Find Him.
The Wounded, The Found.
Not A Chance.
Thank you :)


11.2K 302 9
Par jkeene2005

Marlene was gone by the time Riven reached the East Wing courtyard, he guessed being an air fairy had its advantages, making her incredibly fast. This probably also explains why her movements were so slick when he had watched her train all those nights ago. She cut through the air so easily because she could control it.

Riven spotted Dane and Beatrix through the swarms of people and began to head over, shedding his jacket so he was wearing a white sleeveless top. He wasn't sure of a lot of things about Marlene but he was sure that he was done thinking about her for one night.

"I'm too sober for this shit." He was ready to get fucked up.

It took Marlene a little time to spot one of her friends but she spotted Terra and Musa standing around a table, she came up behind them both.

"Terra, are these?" Musa was asking her.

"Yeah! I can be a cool nerd..." Terra replied, a wide smile beaming on her face.

In front of them was a tub of brownies, which Marlene had seen Terra making, including how much weed was in them. Marlene stood between the girls from behind and took one, Musa and Terra turned around and smiled when they saw their friend.

"You made it!" Terra exclaimed, "What do you think of the brownie?" She asked, clutching her hands in front of her chest in anticipation.

Marlene took a bite and the thick, rich taste exploded in her mouth, "They're lush Terra, thank you."

"So what changed your mind?" Musa asked her.

"I decided you guys were right, plus I can't let you guys have all the fun." She smiled and Musa did too but she seemed to shift when she noticed Terra's brother approaching the table where the teens were standing.

Sam? Marlene thought his name was, but she wasn't sure. But she did know that they looked at each other a little too long for them to be just friends. Marlene could help but smirk as she patted Musa's shoulder, getting out her way of Sam. When she turned around, Terra was already talking to Dane, her smile even greater than it had been before and Marlene sank into the crowd.

A little while later, Marlene was feeling the effect of Terra's brownie, along with a couple of other drinks she had consumed along the way. She began to play beer pong with Aisha and Bloom against Sky and Riven.

When she first saw him again, she immediately thought: Him, Ah, there he is. That motherfucker. Now and again, the two caught each other's eyes and it was almost a silent dare to see who would look away first. Either way, apart from that, Marls was trying her best to ignore he was even there at all.

"We need this," Bloom told Aisha when it was her shot.

"You got this Aisha." Marlene encouraged, on her other side.

"Try it." Sky taunted, and just as she threw the ball, Bloom seemed to zone out and the ball went in.

"Fuck yeah Aisha." Malene said to her friend and Riven looked at her, remembering he had told her earlier that 'women shouldn't swear.' He took it back, it looked good on her.

Sky began to pick up the cup but quickly placed it back down again.

"This beer's hot." He told the girls, "Did you-" He began to ask,

"Drink up! Them's the rules." Bloom laughed and Aisha and Malene did too. Sky did as he was told and drank the hot beer, the discomfort clear in his face as soon as he lowered the cup but even then, he smiled.

It was Riven's go, he picked up the ball and Sky whispered in his ear, over the loud music, "Don't mess up."

"Use your magic to bounce it out," Marlene told Aisha and Bloom leaned in, giggling.

Riven's eyes flickered to Marlene's and she smirked, knowing that he was about to miss.

He threw the ball and the beer in the cup began to bubble, it bounced out but instead went back up the table towards Riven and Sky, spilling over the remainder of their cups.

Marlene looked back at Aisha who was still looking at the table.

"The fuck?" Riven swore, his shirt having been soaked with beer.

"Sorry, honestly." Aisha apologized, Marlene couldn't help but stifle her laugh at the look on Riven's face. "Sorry, I'm gonna get some paper towels."

When she was gone, Bloom and Marlene began to laugh, not at their friend but they were so caught up in the music and the fun and they were quite drunk.

"That was brilliant," Marlene told Bloom as she and Sky began to stack the cup.

"Easy for you to say, you're not covered in beer." Riven groaned.

"Aww, such a shame." Marls taunted in fake sympathy.

"Shut it Sparky." He snapped and Marlene couldn't help but laugh, she turned to Bloom and Sky.

"I'm gonna go get some more drinks, you want anything?" She offered her back to Riven. When they declined she began to walk away, feeling Riven's eyes on the back of her head. 


So wish I could have gone to that party, seems like a blast. Glad Marls and Riven are getting along-ish.

Continuer la Lecture

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