Life's Unfair

By redhotspot

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"Listen to me. Life is cruel and unfair. It only gives you one chance, so don't fuck it up." ~ ... More

Authors note: Please read
Chapter 1: Tranquility
Chapter 2: Buyers choice๏ฟผ
Chapter 3: Brat
Chapter 4: Levi
Chapter 5: A visit to the past
Chapter 6: Leaving the nest
Chapter 7: An old friend
Chapter 8: The test
Chapter 9: Scouts
Chapter 10: Equipmet
Chapter 11: Late night workout
Chapter 12: First expedition
Chapter 13: Stitches
Chapter 14: Stuck
Chapter 15: Rescue
Chapter 16: Talk with the Commander
Chapter 17: Captain's orders, Commanders judgment
Chapter 18: Small moments
Chapter 19: One cape, Two cups
Chapter 20: Hanges lab
Chapter 21: Erwins task
Chapter 22: A trip to wall sina
Chapter 23: Croissants and Cruelty ๏ฟผ
Chapter 24: The final preparations
Chapter 25: Reflecting the Past, Changing the Future
Chapter 26: Mastermind Behind it All
Chapter 27: Dancing at gunpoint
Chapter 28: Times up
Chapter 29: Mood by the Moon
Chapter 30: Sensitive Subjects
Chapter 31: Taking things slow
Chapter 32: Speeding things up
Chapter 33: I want you
Chapter 34: Trust Builds, Lust Fills (nsfw)
Chapter 35: One Step Forward, 6 Steps Back
Chapter 36: Tears of Fears, on Hands of Dears
Chapter 37: Bath of Burdens
Chapter 38: Cleansing in Calmness
Chapter 39: Terrors only Peacemaker
Chapter 40: An Extensive Misunderstanding
Chapter 41: Reports and Retorts
Chapter 42: Boldness post Bickering
Chapter 43: Lifes Unfair
Chapter 44: Public Intertwinement
Chapter 45: A Gruesome Realitys Unrevealing
Chapter 46: Borrowing Bandages
Chapter 48: Years and Tears

Chapter 47: Loving Words and Bloodied Shirts

116 2 0
By redhotspot

TW/CW: Blood, bloody nose, blood clots (slightly descriptive).

Pushing the door open, the man's eyes quickly scanned the dimly lit room, darkness swallowing his figure in the entryway. Tossing his keys onto the cabinet, he quickly pulled off his shoes, entering farther into the room.

Looking at the couch where he had left the girl, his brows furrowed upon noticing she was gone, the kitchen to the right equally as dark. Hurrying over to the bedroom, he quickly walked through the door, still not seeing the girl he was looking for.

Levi's eyes locked onto the closed door of the bathroom, a small amount of light flooding out from the crack, his heart rate increasing as he neared it. The door handle which he had broken open earlier lay useless and limp. Pushing open the door quickly his widened eyes quickly meet with the slightly stunned woman from his dramatic entrance.

She stood over the sink with a tooth brush in her mouth, her expression shocked to see him barge in, she had changed into her nighttime wear and had clearly been getting ready for bed.

"You okay?" (Y/n) asked with her mouth full, the brush jiggling slightly.

Nodding his head slowly, his eyes eventually detached from hers, having calmed upon seeing her, noticing the broken glass from the mirror that had shattered earlier.

Slowly walking forward, his hand lightly touched her knee, asking her to move slightly. Taking the trash can out from under the sink, he grabbed a pair of disposable gloves as well, slipping them on quickly.

As the girl finished up getting ready, Levi had cleaned up the mess from behind the door, noticing she had already picked up most the large pieces and even cleaned up the blood from his hand.

The thin shards of glass moved and bumped into each other as the man stood up, the bin in his hand moving with him. Taking it into the kitchen he emptied it into the larger trash, hearing the crashing sounds of the glass bits falling down. Once he finished, the blue gloves that protected his hands came off, getting thrown into the same trash.

Levi quickly noticed the woman had already picked up the knife from earlier and cleaned it off, placing it back into the drawer where she had found it.

Rubbing his forehead with a couple fingers, the man sighed, unsure how to help her, though soon found himself back in the bathroom with her.

Placing the bin back under the sink, he slowly spoke up, turning around and leaning on the counter, "We'll be meeting Erwin in his office tomorrow morning, 9:00." He crossed his arms.

Meeting with Levi's eyes, she noticed how tired he looked, "Oh, okay. What for?" (Y/n)'s eyes slowly trailed away, knowing it probably wasn't going to be good.

"Just to go over a few things." He replied flatly, the girl sensing he didn't want to go in much detail, she nodded slowly.  

"Okay..." She whispered faintly, keeping her eyes lowered.

Levi studied her face, his eyes never leaving her. He knew she was stressed, he could tell she was lost. Of course she was, how could she not?

She was an over thinker to start off with, he was well aware she was already freaked out and overwhelmed with all that had happened recently. He wanted to help her, he just wasn't sure how. Levi is a man of few words, he's never been in a relationship like this, let alone be one to comfort another human.

He knew she was special to him, she made him feel things no one else could, she was the only one he would ever show any affection to. But he wasn't quite sure how to approach a situation like this, it was clear he felt something towards her, though he wasn't quite sure how to express it.

Though right now, all he wanted was so see her relax, even just slightly.

"(Y/n)" He called her name softly, her eyes looking up to his, "I don't care what Erwin says tomorrow, you make the final call. This is your body, so this is your choice. Do you understand?"

The girl was a little taken aback, though she nodded slightly.

"He might be our commander, but when it comes to this child, I honestly don't give a shit about what he says. This is your decision, not his." Levi's voice was low, his eyes serious and strong.

He paused for a second before speaking again, "I want to be completely transparent with you. I don't plan on leaving, I don't plan on making you move out, and I don't plan on ending things with you because of this. I'm with you and I'm not going anywhere." Her eyes widened slightly, " I don't care what choice you make. If you decide you would like to put them for adoption, I will help you through the process. If you decide to have an abortion, I will pay for the procedure. And if you decide you would like to keep them," the man paused, "If you would like me to, I would be happy to become the father figure in their life. I will treat them as if they are my own, and I won't let anything happen to them. Only if you would like, but I will be here for you, for whatever you need."

The room fell quiet, the girl was shocked from his words, struggling to find the words to reply. Her lips were parted, completely surprised from the honest words he had spoken.

"Levi-" She breathed, watched as he stepped closer, pushing himself from the counter.

The dark haired man's hand lightly came up to cup her face, his thumb slowly tracing her skin, "Do you understand what I'm saying?" He asked her, his voice low.

"Why?" The only response she could push past her throat, whispering it so quietly it could hardly be heard.

"Tch dumbass," Levi's scoffed, "Because unfortunately, I seem care about you."

Pulling her head forward slightly, the male leaned his head down, placing a soft kiss onto her forehead.

Pressing his head to hers, they leaned into each other, "Both of you." His breath tickled her as she felt his other hand lift her shirt.

Moving down, Levi slowly bent in front of her, pressing a kiss to her stomach.

(Y/n) was speechless, her eyes wide and filled with shock, as the man stood up again, she watched as his expression turned back to normal.

"Go get some sleep now, I'll be there in a bit." Levi spoke flatly, turning around and turning on the water to have it warm up.

Without saying a word, the girl stepped forward, wrapping her arms around his torso from behind, feeling as the male tensed slightly. His head tilted slightly to the left, his eye being able to see her rest her face on his back.

Once she saw him look at her, she tilted her head up to him, pushing herself taller by standing on her toes, kissing his cheek.

"Thank you, Levi." (Y/n) whispered, letting go of the man and walking back to the bedroom, unaware of the pink tint left on the tops of his ears.

Taking a breath in, he hadn't even realized he was holding his breath, quickly moving his hand to his face he scratched his nose before speedily moving to grab his face wash and pop the lid open, quickly returning to his untouchable state.

The next morning, 2:57 am.

(Y/n) slept soundly, her face resting atop her pillow as she lay on her side. The man beside her fast asleep as well, his body turned towards hers but not touching.

A slow moving feeling crept down the back of the girls nose, slowly making its way further and further. As quickly as it had started, a flood of the dark liquid found its way down her nose, jolting her awake.

Sitting up quickly her fingers brushed underneath her nose, finding it hard to see in the darkness, but she could feel the blood on her hand.

Levi who lay next to where, stirred awake from the movement, his eyes adjusting to the light as he sleepily looked up at her.

Quickly placing the back of her hand to her nostrils, she temporarily stopped the blood, tossing the sheets off her legs as she swung them over the edge.

Feeling her leave in a rush, he quickly sat up, using his elbow to prop himself up, "Are you alright?" The man asked urgently, his voice husky from his slumber.

"Yeah." She brushed him off quietly, as she stood, quickly feeling as her head lightened, her vision going dark and her knees became weak.

Stumbling forward she felt as a hand snatched onto her elbow, another grabbing onto her waist to sturdy her. Her head fell forward and bumped into Levi's chest, not having the strength to pull away she just let herself rest for a second.

Taking a slow breath in, she watched as her vision came back, blinking away the darkness, slowly lifting herself from his sturdy hold.

"Sorry, stood up to fast." (Y/n) mumbled, realizing her hand had left her nose she quickly returned it, a sad attempt to stop the blood.

Noticing the blood dripping down her arm and nose, his fingers tilted her chin up slightly, "The hell..." He whispered, "What happened?"

"It's just- bloody nose, that's all." The female sighed, pulling away and walking to the bathroom.

"What do you mean that's all? How did it happen?" Levi followed her to the room, flicking on the light, "And do you always faint when you stand up?"

"No- well, I mean kinda? I don't know. Happens often, not sure why. I just sometimes stand up to fast." The girl turned on the sink, eyeing the red dripping down her arm and pooling up in her hand.

"Jesus-" Levi breathed, noticing how her hair kept falling from behind her ear. Walking closer he quickly snatched it all up into one hand, taking a hair tie from the counter and tying it up for her.

"And this is normal." (Y/n) said calmly, bending over and starting to splash up her arm with the cool water, rinsing the blood away.

The man's eyebrows furrowed, watched as she quickly grabbed some toilet paper and held it to her nose, continuing to wash her bloodied hand.

"What part of waking up at 3 am with a bloody nose is normal?" Levi scolded.

Having bled through the old one, the girl quickly grabbed a new section of toilet paper, "I don't know. But it's always been that way, I get bloody noses often. I mean, sometimes they go away for a month or so, but then they will come back. Usually I get one every day for a week or so and then they go away again. It's just something I've always dealt with. I think it has something to do with the weather. I'm not sure." She sighed, briefly glancing at the man.

"You should see a doctor." Levi handed her a new section of toilet paper, pulling the trash from under the sink as she shrugged.

Stepping closer to her, the man tugged on her sleeve slightly, "Take off your shirt."

"What-" (Y/n) wasn't sure where that suddenly came from.

"You got blood on it. Take it off, I'll wash it." Levi asked again, eyeing the blood stains on her shirt.

Glancing in the mirror, she saw what he was talking about, hesitating slightly, "Uh... I don't have anything on underneath."

Cocking an eyebrow at her response, he stared at her plainly and unamused.

When she still hadn't moved, he sighed, "(Y/n). I've seen you naked before. You really think I'm going to stand here and critique your body at three in the god damn morning while your bleeding from your nose?"

Her eyes flashed away from his, moving to the floor, embarrassed from her hesitation but even still, the feeling of anxiety flooding through her, making her feel sick.

The man could feel her tense response to his words, realizing they may have come out a little harsher then intended. Exhaling quietly, he turned around, leaving the bathroom.

Coming back in shortly, he noticed her attention on her tissues, changing them out again. Quietly setting a fresh shirt on the counter he turned and closed the door.

Having washed the shirt, a bit of time had passed by, he had been shocked to find she hadn't got any blood on the bed or his shirt. Though he wasn't going complain about that.

Pushing open the bathroom door softly, the girl sat on the floor, her back leaning against the cabinet.

Quietly walking closer, the male bent down by her side, noticing she had her eyes closed, still holding a tissue to her nose, though as she heard him, her eyes opened and looked over.

"Still bleeding?" He asked, seeing as she nodded slowly.

"I'm just waiting for the blood clot." (Y/n) sighed, shifting her weight slightly.

"The blood clot?"

"Yeah. Once that passes then it usually stops." She sounded defeated, the clock was now coming on for 4 am.

"If you blow your nose will it come out faster?" Levi questioned.

"Probably. I just don't like doing that, I hate how it feels and looks." The girl replied softly, slowly reaching over and grabbing another section of toilet paper.

Bringing it up to her nose, she slowly pulled the used one away, recognizing the gross feeling in her nose her eyes shut. Continuing to pull, the thick red clot slowly revealed itself from her nose, she could feel it all the way from the back, cringing at the feeling.

"Holy shit-" Levi swore under his breath, watching as the extracted the disgusting string of mucus from herself, his eyes wide.

Once it was out, she quickly tossed the tissue into the trash, using the new one to check for anymore bleeding, happy to find it had stopped.

Calmly looking back over to the man, she smiled innocently, chuckling when she saw the slightly shocked expression on his face.

"Like I said, normal." She spoke sweetly, standing up and pulling the trash bag from the bin, tying it in a knot.

"Did that hurt?" He asked, looking up at her.

"No, not really. Mostly just feels weird." The girl shrugged.

Standing up next to her, the man took a small piece of tissue, wetting it slightly before taking the woman's chin between his fingers. His expression had gone back to normal, (Y/n) watched him as he slowly wiped the dry blood from around her nose.

Soon their eyes meet, the pair briefly pausing, just watching each other. Taking his hand away from her, Levi cleared his throat, "Get back to bed, I'll throw this away."

Softly taking the trash bag from her hand, Levi walked past the woman, heading into the kitchen, feeling the cold wood below himself.

With all the windows shut, the room was silent, no crickets from outside, no chatter from the cadets, nothing. Just pure silence.

Entering back into the darkened room, his slightly astray hair swayed with his movements, lightly tickling his skin. Noticing (Y/n) had already gotten back in bed, he picked up the covers on his side, sliding in next to her, settling in.

Almost automatically, he lifted his arm closest to her up, a usual invite between the two, watching as a small smile crept onto her lips. Scooting closer, the female draped one arm onto his body, her head resting on his chest, feeling the warm embrace of his arm as he lowered it to her back.

"Thanks for staying up with me." She whispered, listening to his calming heartbeat.

"I still think you should see a doctor." Levi replied, his voice low but his tone soft.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." She chuckled, feeling as the man noticed her shirt had risen up, tugging it back into place softly, "Goodnight, Levi." She yawned.

Listening to her sleepy voice, the man could only admire her even more, "Goodnight, (Y/n)." He spoke, her name rolling off his tongue in just the right way, causing her to crack a warm smile at his voice.

The embrace warmed the pair, even though neither of them admitted it, the wouldn't rather be anywhere else. Both of them wishing they could freeze time, staying in this loving feeling forever, not having to face the cruelty of their reality. But for this moment, they could enjoy it. Enjoy each other.

Thanks for reading! And yes, that whole bloody nose scene is all from personal experience 😀 help idk what's wrong with me HAHA

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