True Love || Liv Rooney

By 1mayfield1

24.9K 534 64

This book is based off the Disney tv show Liv and Maddie. Your character will be replacing Holdens. I do not... More

Home Run-A-Rooney


2.2K 58 1
By 1mayfield1

"Oh! Hey, Andie." Liv greeted once she saw Andie approach her. "I have a prezzie for you." Liv reached into her locker and pulled out a bejeweled welding mask.

"No way. A bejeweled welding mask." Andie said as she took the mask. "This'll go great with the bejeweled blowtorch you gave me last month."

"I know." Liv said as she clapped her hands.

"I can't wait to show Y/N." Andie smiled.


"Y/N. You know, the girl I secretly like and was about to ask out but Andie asked her first because she didn't know I liked her and now I have to avoid her because she's dating my friend and everytime I see her I get the crushies?" Liv blabbed to the camera before letting out a laugh. "That Y/N."


"Liv, we haven't hung out much lately. Do you wanna go mini-golfing after school?" Andie asked.

"Oh. I don't really know about that. I only spend time with people who have bejeweled welding masks." Liv said.

Andie smiled and lifted up her welding mask. "I have one of those."

Liv clapped and gave Andie a hug.

"Hey, Andie. Hey, Liv." Y/N said as she walked over to the two girls and put an arm around Andies waist.

"Hey, Y/N." Liv said while fiddling with her fingers.

"Liv's going mini-golfing with us after school." Andie told Y/N.

"Oh, awesome." Y/N smiled.

"Oh." Liv said with a fake laugh. "We're going with Y/N."

"Wait till you see how amazing she is." Andie bragged.

Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. "You're amazing."

"No, you are." Andie argued.

"No, you're amazing." Y/N retorted.

"Stop." Andie said as she nuzzled her nose against Y/N's. 

Maddie then walked over to her locker and listened in on the conversation.

"Oh. Wow, I just realized, you know, I have, um, I have stuff to do after school." Liv lied.

Y/N and Andie nodded.

"And I also have... things." Liv lied again.

"Aw, well, that's a bummer, but okay." Andie said.

"Definitely another time." Y/N told Liv.

"Okay." Liv said.

"When you're done with you 'things'." Y/N said before grabbing Andies hand and walking away.

Liv laughed awkwardly as she watched them walk away. "Don't forget the stuff." Liv called out.

"Crushies?" Maddie asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Liv said.

"Okay." Maddie responded. "Three, two, one."

"Of course I've got the crushies, Maddie." Liv shouted and Maddie smiled. "I mean it happens every single time I'm around Y/N. And I wanna hang out with Andie. She's just..." Liv chuckled. "She's always with her. I don't know. What do I do?"

"Liv, I think until you get over your feelings for Y/N, you just need to find something you and Andie can do without her, you know?" Maddie advised.

"What up, my twins?" Willow greeted as she rounded the corner. She gave Maddie a chest bump and gave air kisses to Liv. "Who wants to join me in the Battle..."

"I'm in!" Maddie shouted as she raised her hand.

"...of the Bands?" Willow finished.

"No, I'm out." Maddie revoked putting her hand down and walking away.

"How about you, Liv? You sing while I kill it on the drums?" Willow asked while taking out her drum sticks. 

"Wills, I didn't know you played the drums." Liv said. 

"Yeah, I took it up recently." Willow said spinning the drum stick with her fingers.

Liv nodded. "Needed something to beat with a stick to release your frustrations about Joey not returning your affections?"

Willow pouted. "Why won't he love me, Liv? Why?" Willow started to bang on the locker with her drum sticks. "Anyways... The Battle. What do you think?"


"I think that Andie plays the bass, and if we were in a band, we could hang out without Y/N." Liv told the camera. "Oh, She's the girl that I secretly like and I was about to ask out but- Wait, I totally already told you guys this." Liv laughed.


"Oh, hey, Andie." Liv said as she and Willow ran over to Andie. "Willow and I are starting a band. Do you wanna be in it?"

"You bet I do." Andie told them. "A band with my girls?"

"Yes! We have a band." Willow announced.

"Oh, yay!" Liv cheered.

Willow gave a chest bump to Andie, then she gave one to Liv, who fell over.

"Oh! Oops, wrong twin." Willow said as she and Andie helped Liv up.


Later that night Liv, Andie, and Willow were getting ready to practice for the Battle of the Bands.

"All right, how about this for a name? Liv and the Blowtorches." Andie suggested.

"Um, Andie, I don't know if I necessarily wanna be 'Liv and the' anything." Liv told her. "You know, we need a name for us.

"How about The Dream? Because it was duct taped to my drum when I bought it at the thrift shop." Willow pointed out.

"Works for me." Andie said.

"Yeah, all right, The Dream it is. Let's do this!" Liv shouted.


"Okay, so two summers ago, I played lead guitar in the movie The Funaways." Liv told the camera with a laugh. "I mean, okay, so I mimed playing, but how hard can it be, right?"


Liv started to play her guitar off key and Andie and Willow shared a look.

"That was-" Willow started.

"Just don't say anything." Liv cut her off. "I already know. I'm also just now realizing that my movie guitar was not plugged into anything."

"Liv, the contest is tomorrow. We need a lead guitarist." Andie told her and Willow nodded.

"Okay, let's all of us think. Do any of us know a lead guitarist?" Liv said.

everyone thought for a moment before Andie gasped.  "I know someone."

"Yay!" Liv cheered.

Andie called Y/N and when she arrived she played her guitar to show everyone how good she was. Willow and Andie smiled at Y/N while Liv had an irritated look on her face.

"Is it me, or did we just find our lead guitarist?" Andie said.

"You know we did. What do you say, Y/N?" Willow asked.

"I'm in if you're in." Y/N said to the girls before turning to Liv. "Liv?"

"What?" Liv asked as she came out of her thoughts. "Yes. Oh, yes. I am so in."


"Trouble." Liv said to the camera.


The next day Liv, Y/N, Andie, and Willow were practicing for the Battle of the Bands. Y/N started to play her guitar and Andie started to play her keyboard as Liv got ready to sing.

"We are wound up like clock. Rolling like we rock. Coming out to play." Liv sang as she made eye contact with Y/N. Y/N smiled at Liv causing Liv to stumble back and bump into Andies keyboard.

"Liv, are you okay?" Willow asked, concerned.

"Yeppers! Yep." Liv said with a nervous laugh. "Yes. Um, I'm just having trouble focusing. I just need something to block out all of my distractions."


"You know, like sunglasses, or, like, a blindfold, or blackout curtains to block the sun that shines in Y/N's eyes." Liv said to the camera, with a smile.


Liv walked back into the room with a jacket over her head. "Alright, this should do it."

Y/N, Andie, and Willow gave each other questioning looks

"The Battle of the Bands is tonight. Just go with it." Willow told Y/N and Andie. "Two, three, four!"

Y/N started to play her guitar and Andie started to play her keyboard while Liv got ready to sing.

"We are wound up like a clock. Rolling like we rock. Coming out to play." Liv sang.

Y/N walked over to stand next to Liv.

"Kids just buzzing like a wire. The roof is getting higher. Ain't nothing in our way." Liv sang as she started to spin which made her and Y/N get tangled up in the wire. Liv stopped spinning and now Y/N and Liv's faces were inches apart.

Y/N nodded. "So this rock and roll move needs work." Y/N said with an awkward smile and Liv laughed sheepishly.


Later that night everyone was at the Battle of the Bands while Liv stayed home and gave her stuffed animals a concert.

"We're doing it our way. Say hey, hey, hey." Liv stopped singing when she saw Maddie enter the room. "Heyyyy."

Maddie smiled. "Hey. What are you doing?"

Liv gestured to her stuffed animals. "I'm giving a concert to Mr. Cuddles and his merry band of friends." Liv said like it was obvious. "I love you, stuffed animals!"

"Liv, you do know that the Battle of the Bands is about to start? Why aren't you there right now?" Maddie questioned.

"Oh. I'm not going." Liv said putting down her guitar.

"What? Why?" Maddie asked.

"Because I can't be in that band with Y/N." Liv told her.

"Okay, but, Liv, that doesn't mean that you should just quit." Maddie said.

"Okay, easy for you to say, Mads. When have you ever had feelings for someone that you can't be with?" Liv asked her.

Maddie waited a while before answering. "I'm just gonna stand here until it hits you."

"Okay." Liv said with a smile. The two sat in silence for a couple seconds before Liv realized. "Oh, Diggie."

"Diggie." Maddie repeated. "Yes, thank you. And, Liv, when you joined that band, it was sort of like you joined a team. You know? And it is crunch time, and you cannot let yourself get distracted right now." Maddie continued. "Do you think I let myself get distracted when I'm playing in a game and my ex-boyfriend's in the stands and sweat is stinging my eyes and Mom's screaming 'she came out of my womb with a basketball'?"

Liv laughed. "Yeah, Mom does do that a lot, doesn't she?"

"Literally every time I score." Maddie said. "But the point is, Liv, your team needs you right now, and you can't let them down just because things are hard for you. So what are you gonna do?"

"Im gonna go join my team." Liv responded.

"Then what?" Maddie urged. 

"We're gonna win the Battle!" Liv shouted.

"Go, go, go!" Maddie encouraged as Liv ran out the room.


Back at the school Willow was pacing while Y/N tuned up her guitar.

"We're up next. Where's Liv?" Andie asked as she walked into the hallway.

"Yeah, what do we do if she doesn't show up in time?" Y/N questioned.

"Worst-case scenario, I body-slam you both in the ring." Willow told them. "So at least people get their money's worth."

Just then Liv ran over to them. "Hey, team I'm so sorry I'm late. Are we ready to win this?"

"Liv, where were you?" Willow asked.

"Is everything okay?" Andie asked concerned.

Liv looked at Y/N before answering. "Yes, yeah. It is now. I promise. And I'm really sorry."

"Next up, our final performance of the night. Let's welcome The Dream." They heard Johnny Nimbus announce.

"Hey guys, are we ready to get out there and show Stevens Point how it's done?" Liv asked the group while putting her hand in the middle.

"Yeah!" Andie answered as She, Willow, and Y/N put their hands over Liv's.

"Yeah, let's battle!" Liv cheered as the group threw their hands up. Willow, Andie, and Y/N ran into the gym. "I love you, Wisconsin!" Liv shouted as she followed them.

Y/N and Andie started to play their instruments while Liv waited for her cue.

(Here is the song if you wanna listen to it)


We are wound up like a clock

Rolling like we rock

Coming out to play 

Say hey

Kids just buzzing like a wire 

The roof is getting higher

Ain't nothing in our way 

Say hey

When we hear the bass

We'll be losing our minds 

Say hey

First note of our song

It's the one that goes like

Say hey, hey, hey

We're gonna make it shake tonight

Just dance your fears away 

Say hey, hey, hey

Who cares if we are wrong or right?

We're living for today 

Say hey, hey, hey

While our song is on everything's okay

Say hey, hey, hey

We're gonna make it shake tonight

We're doing it our way

Say hey, hey, hey


Come on

One, two, one, two, three, four go!

Say hey, hey, hey

We're gonna make it shake tonight

Just dance your fears away

Say hey, hey, hey

Who cares if we are wrong or right

We're living for today

Say hey, hey, hey

While our song is on everything's okay

Say hey, hey, hey

We're gonna make it shake tonight

We're doing it our way

Say hey, hey, hey

The crowd cheered as Johnny Nimbus and Parker walked onto the ring.

"Wow! How about that, Stevens Point? Huh?" Johnny asked the crowd. "You wanna announce the winner, Parker?"

"This is all you. You're the king." Parker told him.

"Aw. I know. Okay, the judges have made their decision and it's unanimous. The winner of the Battle of the Bands is..." Johnny peaked at the card he was holding. "The Dream!"

The crowd cheered as Willow and Liv hugged each other.

"She came out of my womb with a microphone!" Karen shouted from the audience. 

Andie, Y/N, and Willow looked at Karen while Liv had an embarrassed smile on her face.


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