From one night to life

By Andyerobertbr

26.5K 1.7K 375

What can happen when one night totally changes the story of two people who are passionate about their work an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 -Christmas special
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81 - Special Christmas
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94

Chapter 29

315 17 4
By Andyerobertbr

As Robert entered the station, his gaze went straight to Andy. She had a completely startled expression, as if she was in shock. In Andy's mind, there were several options for who would be the new captain, based on the candidates she'd seen during the tests, but at no time could she have imagined that Robert would be her new captain.

Several questions began to arise in her mind: "Is Robert my new captain? Will Robert live in Seattle? Why didn't he say anything to me?" Andy was missing him so much too, she just thought about when they would have some alone time so she could hug him, kiss him and obviously clear all the doubts that were going through her head.

Andy was still paralyzed when she felt an elbow tightening next to her ribs. It was Maya.

Maya: Andy, what's that reaction? At least mask your indignation at not being the captain or do you intend to get in trouble with the new captain on day one?

Andy pulled herself together and tried to hide it.

Robert: Good morning 19.

All: Good morning.

Robert: I appreciate Chief Ripley's words and feel honored to be called upon to lead such an important team as the 19. Replacing Captain Pruit Herrera is a very big responsibility and I hope to live up to his job.

Pruit smiled upon hearing this. He was pleased with the Chief's choice. He didn't know much about Robert, but he could see in the way he stood and acted that he was someone with experience and the strength necessary for such a mission.

Pruit: Welcome Captain Sullivan. I'm sure Chief Ripley made an excellent choice in bringing you to this station. I wish you to be happy here, as I have been for many years.

Robert: Thank you Captain Herrera. It will be an honor to continue your work.

Robert squeezed Pruit's hand and Andy's heart couldn't help but race. She was increasingly tense and more in need of answers about everything that was going on. Seeing her father and her boyfriend interacting like this opened up even more questions in her head.

Robert let go of Pruit's hand and went to meet the rest of the team.

Each said his name and when he approached Andy he said:

Robert: Lieutenant Herrera, correct?

Andy nodded her head not understanding why he said her name.

Robert: I remember you. You kept me company once I was at the station a few months ago, accompanying Chief Ripley.

He flashed a smile at Andy and that smile was enough to make her feel weak in her legs and want to kiss him. She smiled back.

Lucas: Well, now that the presentations are done, everyone can go back to their work. Captain Herrera and Captain Sullivan, I'd like to meet with you at the office to work out all the details of the captaincy transition.

The three headed towards the office, while the others spread out around the station to do their chores.

Andy had never liked table service, but this time, she was grateful to have been cast in such a role. That way, she would be alone, without having to talk to the rest of the team about her opinion of the new captain. In addition, she could also follow up when the meeting was over.

The meeting had been going on for over an hour and she was curious to know what they were talking about so much, but as the curtains were closed, she couldn't see what was going on inside the room.

About three hours later, the office door opened. It was Pruit.

Pruit: Andy, please come here.

Andy was even more nervous about this call. She wondered why her father would call her to a meeting like this. She entered the room and then Pruit said:

Pruit: Andy, we've already finished signing all the documents and now I feel really tired. I need to return home.

Andy: Sure, dad. I'll take you home and then return to the station.

Pruit: You won't have to take me. I'll call a taxi.

Andy: But if you're not feeling well, you can't go home alone.

Pruit: I'm not sick. I'm just tired. I just want my bed to sleep in. Don't worry. Soon I will be with renewed energy.

Involuntarily, Andy looked at Robert. And with the look, he sent her the message that her father was really okay and that she could trust what he said.

Andy: Okay. I'll call a taxi for you.

Lucas: It won't be necessary. I'm also leaving now and will take you home.

Andy: Thank you chief.

Pruit: Andy, I called you here because Captain Sullivan will need your help. I still haven't introduced him to the station nor shown him how we organize our reports and other documents. This is important and you are the most appropriate person on the team to teach him everything he needs to know. In these first few days, I hope you can assist him in whatever is necessary.

Andy: All right. I will do this. Now you go home and rest. If you need anything, call me.

Pruit: I will.

Pruit kissed his daughter and shook Robert's hand.

Pruit: See you later captain.

Robert: Have a good rest Captain.

Pruit and Lucas headed toward the exit and Andy followed them to the door.

She locked the door and made sure all the curtains were closed. Then, she walked seductively up to Robert and started to give him a few little slaps on his chest.

Andy: I ​​shouldn't forgive you.

Robert: I'm sorry. I didn't want to take your spot. I wanted to surprise you by coming to live in Seattle. But I was supposed to go to station 12. That was my deal with Lucas. You would be captain of 19 and I of 12. Only today, when I arrived at the airport, I was informed that I would be coming here. What can I do to make you forgive me?

Andy: I'm not mad that you're my new captain. I'm mad because I've been trying to resist the crazy urge to kiss you for hours and on top of that trying to hide everything I'm feeling from the team.

Andy gave Robert a kiss and, although he didn't think it was right for this to happen inside the station, he also couldn't take it anymore from longing and wanting to kiss her, so he gave in.

Robert: So you're not mad at me?

Andy: I ​​would never be mad at you for that. I love you so much that I would never put the title of captain above our history and what you represent in my life.

She gave him another kiss.

Andy: I'm not going to deny that, until a few moments before you arrived, I was upset that I had lost the captain's seat. But I just didn't want some stranger to take over the station. We're like family, and you're my family too, so I'm glad you're our new captain. To be honest, I even prefer it that way, because now I will have more time to accompany my father in the treatments and I will still have you here with me every day. It looks perfect to me.

Robert: I was so afraid that you were going to get hurt and not forgive me. All I wanted was to be by your side and not take your spot. Are you really not upset about all this?

Andy: I'm glad you're here and that's all that matters. I'm thinking I'm in a dream because you came to live in Seattle. And if this is a dream, I don't want to wake up anymore.

Robert: This is not a dream. Finally, the distance that existed between us ended. I love you and I couldn't stand being so far away anymore, especially after everything you've been through in the last few weeks.

Andy: Thanks for coming. Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for choosing me and loving me. I love you.

Andy was kissing Robert with every word of gratitude. At the same time, she was leading him to the bedroom in the captain's room.

Robert: Hey young lady, what are you doing?

Andy: Just obeying my father's orders. He asked me to introduce you to the station. I'll start by showing you where your dorm will be.

Robert was torn between his desire and the rules.

Robert: Andy, that's not right.

Andy: I know it's not right, but it's just the two of us here. Everyone left for a call just now and it will take a while. I miss you so much.

She said as she kissed him on the cheek and around the neck. As much as Robert wanted to resist, he couldn't anymore. He also wanted to have her completely. So he allowed himself to be led to the dorm, but not letting their lips come loose. They couldn't get enough of the longing kisses.

Along the way, they were leaving pieces of their clothes and once they approached the bed, both were already completely ready to give themselves to each other.

Robert: I know it's not right, but I love you so much that I can't help but see you like this, beautiful in front of me and entirely mine.

Andy: I ​​will always be yours. I love you so much. And today, with your arrival, all I wanted most since I saw you was to surrender completely in your arms and receive all the caresses and manifestations of love that you offer me.

Robert: And I will always be ready to fulfill your every wish.

They kissed again, increasing even more the desire to surrender to pleasure.

Soon, the rest of the clothes they still wore were stripped from their bodies. They would like to enjoy that reunion calmly, but they didn't have much time, as they feared that at any moment they could be interrupted.

Robert, started kissing her around the neck, because it was always Andy's weak point and that's where he knew he gave her a lot of pleasure. And it was at that moment that Andy began to let out little moans that made Robert more and more mad and in love with that woman. He continued to kiss her down, causing Andy to feel her body arch with her raw arousal. She was enjoying the pleasure Robert was giving her, but she wanted even more. She needed to feel him urgently. So she just said Robert's name, as a form of supplication, which was granted without delay.

Her bodies connected and they loved each other. They were getting hotter and hotter, and when Andy was already climaxing, she let out a new moan that was silenced by Robert with an even more intense and passionate kiss, taking the two of them to pleasure together.

Then, while they calmed their breathing, they remained lying down. Robert ran his fingers through the curls of Andy's hair, while she also stroked his chest, which at that moment she was supporting her head.

Andy: Do we really need to wrap up? This moment with you is perfect.

Robert: Any moment with you is perfect. But now we need to go. The team can arrive at any time.

With a certain sadness in her eyes, Andy gave him one last passionate kiss. Then they got up, took a quick shower, and while they were putting on their clothes, Robert had to warn Andy:

Robert: Andy, when I first came to Seattle, I figured it would be easy for us to reveal our relationship because we would both work at different stations and we would both have the same patent. But now everything has changed. I'm your captain and if our superiors find out, I'll probably lose my job here and I'll only have the job in Montana and I don't want to be away from you anymore.

Andy: I ​​don't want you to walk away from me ever again. Having you here in Seattle is a dream come true. But I understand that we need to be careful.

They finished getting dressed and then Andy went to introduce him to every space of the station.

When the rest of the team arrived, they were close to reception and so that no one would suspect, they started to talk formally.

Andy: Do you have any further questions, Captain Sullivan?

Robert: Not Lieutenant Herrera. You explained to me everything I needed to know. I'll go to my office and if there's a need, I'll call you.

Andy: Alright sir.

Robert walked into the office and started filling out some documents regarding his transfer to Seattle.

Meanwhile, outside, Andy was with Jack and Maya.

Jack: Wasn't this guy that friend of Chief Ripley's that you were intimate with in the TV room a few months ago?

Andy: Our captain is that friend of Chief Ripley's, but I wasn't in any intimacy with him that day. I was just being nice.

Jack: And now you two are going to be walking around the station together all day?

Andy: Hey Jack, you know how to be annoying. I don't owe you any explanation as to whether or not I will help our captain through this transitional phase.

Jack: I'm also a lieutenant of this station. By the way, I was promoted to lieutenant before you. If he has doubts, why hasn't he asked me any questions yet?

Maya was just watching their conversation and laughing at the jealous scene Jack was making, but at that moment she decided to join the conversation.

Maya: Jack, you don't want to argue with Andy about who knows the most about how this station works, do you?

Jack: Why not?

Maya: Everyone knows that Andy helped Captain Herrera since she was a child. She knows where every document and object on this station is. She is able to locate each document even while blindfolded. There's no one who knows this place more than she does.

Jack stormed off toward the kitchen, leaving the two of them alone.

Andy: I ​​don't even know why we still stop to answer these questions from Jack.

Maya: I don't know if he's more jealous of losing the race to be captain or seeing you befriend the new captain.

Andy: Well, for my part, he has no reason to be jealous. There is nothing more between Jack and me, just as there is no friendship with this new captain. And I'm only being polite and helpful with him because it was my father's request.

Maya: Polite? Helpful? I know.. But just between us, this captain is pretty sexy.

Andy didn't notice, but her cheeks turned red and she didn't know what to say. No doubt she thought Robert was very sexy, but she also needed to keep the secret very well hidden.

Andy: I ​​didn't even notice what he looks like. I'm still absorbing the fact that a stranger is among us.

Maya: This friend of mine is really changed. At other times, you would have noticed that he is quite attractive.

Andy: Let's change the subject.

Maya: All right. I won't say any more about the sexy captain. I'll take a shower.

Maya also left and Andy was left alone at the front desk.

A few minutes passed and she was already bored with nothing to do. So, she decided to play with Robert through cell phone messages.


"Are you in need of help captain?"


"It's all right, Lieutenant. I'm not in need of help."

And he also wanted to provoke her:


"Any plans for tonight Lieutenant?"


"I heard that a guy I text with on his cell phone is in town. I think about asking him to dance at Casa de Salsa downtown. You know how it is, it's not every day that there's a kind, affectionate and very beautiful man flirting with me, right?"


"I don't think you should waste this opportunity. I will also go somewhere to have a few drinks and try to win over some city girl."

Andy stopped texting when the phone rang and she had to answer it to give some guidance to someone in the community. So Andy and Robert went back to their jobs, but Robert couldn't resist the temptation to at least see her at reception through the blinds in his office.

At the end of the day, when the shift was over, he left his office and, even though she was alone at the time, so as not to generate any mistrust, he walked past Andy and just said:

Robert: Have a good rest Lieutenant

Andy: Have a good rest captain. I hope you had a good first day on our team.

Robert: It was a good shift at work. See you tomorrow.

Andy: See you tomorrow.

Andy went home and was excited to enjoy the night with Robert. She dressed in a dark green dress, which had a cleavage between her breasts and a slit on the side of her right thigh. She made a hairstyle that allowed her neck to be free, thus enhancing her necklace and her earrings, but also allowing Robert to give her the kisses at that point that was her favorite. She did light makeup and wore the perfume Robert liked best.

She left her room and went into the living room, where her father was watching television.

Pruit: You look beautiful my daughter. Are you going out somewhere?

Andy: Yes I will, Dad. I'm going to meet some friends.

Pruit: Glad you're having fun again. My illness and the race for the captaincy were taking a toll on her youth. You're still too young to just be at home and work.

Andy: Papi, I took care of you and I take care of you because I love you. Don't feel like it was a bother, because it wasn't. The most important thing is your health. But yeah, now that you're all right, I'm going to have some fun.

Pruit: Enjoy the night, hija.

Andy: Thank you. Oh! I don't come to sleep at home, but if you need anything, call me.

Andy kissed her father and left.

When she arrived at Casa de Salsa, Robert was sitting at the bar drinking a drink and didn't notice her arrival. She hugged him from behind and whispered in his ear:

Andy: You must be the kind, caring, very handsome man I've been texting on my cell phone with.

Then she gave him a kiss behind the ear.

He was bristling with surprise and turned quickly to see her. She looked amazing. He was going to kiss her, but first he also wanted to play by whispering to her:

Robert: I don't know if I'm that lucky you're saying, but I'd love to ask you to dance and offer you a drink.

Both were smiling and enjoying every moment of the night. Robert was still sitting on the counter, so their faces were even. First he kissed her on the neck, as he knew she liked, and then they shared a long, loving kiss.

Robert: You look even more beautiful today. I never get tired of admiring you.

Andy: Thank you. Today is a special day. Today we start a new story together. I still can't believe you're here and all I want is to be able to celebrate with the most beautiful and loving man I've ever met.

Andy kissed him again and then they went to the dance floor where they danced for long hours. Both were very happy with the new cycle that was starting in their lives.

When it was time to leave, Andy asked:

Andy: Are you staying at the same hotel as usual? I want to spend this night with you.

Robert: Not this time. This time I'm staying at Lucas' house.

Andy: Chief Ripley?

Robert: Yes. So we can't go there. But I also want to spend this night with you. Let's go to a hotel.

They left towards the hotel where they spent the night together, making love and falling asleep together.

At dawn, Andy woke up first. She asked the front desk to have breakfast sent to her room, and while she was waiting for breakfast to arrive, she started waking Robert up with a few kisses.

Andy: Good morning. Time to wake up.

Robert: Can't we get some more sleep?

Andy: As much as I love being here, lying in your arms, I need to go. I still have to get home and get ready for work. There's a new captain at the station and I need to impress him.

She said mocking the situation.

Robert: I'm sure this captain was already impressed the first moment he saw you.

He then pulled Andy closer and gave her a few more kisses.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. It was the maid bringing the breakfast Andy had ordered. She got up and fetched the tray, returning to the bed beside Robert.

While they ate, they took the opportunity to discuss some important details about how they would relate to each other at work.

Robert: It will be difficult for us to keep that secret working together. But now, more than ever, we need to cover up. I so wish I could reveal to everyone how much I love you, but now I'm your Captain and it makes everything harder than before.

Andy: It's really going to be really hard to hide my love for you while working. But I don't want to do anything that would risk you losing your job and having to go back to Montana.

Robert: I'm not going back to Montana anymore. I promise you. I belong here in Seattle with you.

He kissed her and said again:

Robert: But we need to think of a way that we don't leave any suspicion.

Andy: Yes. We need a good strategy. Jack is already suspicious because we spent a lot of time together yesterday and you didn't call him at any time to help you, since he's also a lieutenant.

Robert: I don't care what Jack is thinking. It wasn't me who called you, it was your father who told me that the lieutenant most prepared to help me was you. And I will not disagree with him. You know more about that station than I ever knew any of the stations I worked for.

Andy: My whole life was in that place. But anyway, we need to think of some strategy so that our secret stays just between us.

Andy stopped to think about the idea he was having.

Andy: Everyone on the team knows that I really wanted to be the captain so that my father's legacy wouldn't pass to any stranger... to anyone other than the 19 family. I'm so glad you're the new captain. But for the team, we can pretend I didn't like your arrival. You could be more authoritative with me too. We can have some arguments and disagree at times in front of the team. That way, we won't be suspicious.

Robert thought it was a good idea. It would be fun to play this game in front of the team. They continued planning how they would make their disguises for the next few shifts.

In addition, Andy took advantage of the moment of conversation to ask some questions that she had been thinking since the day before.

Andy: What did you tell Chief Ripley to get a spot here in Seattle?

Robert: I said I needed to get back to the city and he soon suspected that I was in love. I confirmed that I was coming because of the love of my life, but said I couldn't say more than that.

Andy: And you intend to live in his house?

Robert: No. I will buy a house here in Seattle. I just haven't bought it yet because I would never buy our house without you by my side helping to choose.

Andy: Our house?

Robert: I know right now we won't be able to live together yet. It would be very difficult to hide our relationship if you move now. But as soon as everything is calmer, I want to marry you and in the meantime, I want you to be part of all the choices of our home.

She gave him a kiss with so much love, that this kiss symbolized the "yes" of a future marriage proposal. The kiss was getting hotter and hotter and they were both starting to feel the weather heating up. Realizing that they were going to be late, Andy had to interrupt.

Andy: Robert, we don't have any more time. I really need to go home. We can't be late for work.

Robert: Unfortunately, you're right.

Then Andy got up and started getting ready to go home.

Andy: See you at the station. I love you.

Robert: I love you too.

She finished dressing and headed home, where she took a quick shower and then headed to the station.

Robert stayed at the hotel a little longer and decided to get dressed right there and go straight to work.

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