Begin Again

بواسطة Straightnochaser9

355K 12.9K 9.8K

After 8 generations the American mafia finally had birthed not just one but two girls. Demontre and Angelic... المزيد

I'm so happy you're here :D
1. You dumb piece of sh!t
2. The Consequences Of A Mistake Is Death
3. Little Dumpling
4. Never Count A Women Out
5. I'll See You In Hell
6. If Only We Knew
7. Currently Under Attack
8. It's Just A Bullet Graze
9. A Brand New Brighter Future
10. It All Started With Pure Bliss
11. Oh Sugar Snaps
12. I'm All That You Have
13. She's All I Have
14. My Sister Saved Me
New Characters/ Twins Now
15. 26 Pieces Of Rhubarb Pie
16. Why Can't We Just Kill Her
17. Going To fold Quicker Then A Taco
18. They Know Who We Are
19. You Were Kidnapped By My Sister
20. Fucking Animal
21. Thicker Then Blood
22. Sugar Biscuits
23. Trust Has To Be Earned
24. Pubic Hair Of Penguins
25. Did You Have To Stab Him
26. Never Have Enough Garlic Bread
28. Sugar Babies Feeding Me
29. And She Gives Great Head
30. Fallen Penis Pieces
31. Pure Sex & Muscles
32. Shoot Him In The Dick
33. I'll Beat You All With My Shoe
34. She Could Suck The Soul Out Of Anyone
35. Dude Dont Call My Sister Fat
36. So You Can Eat His Bootyhole
37. Someone's Dirty Little Secret
38. A Selfish Idiotic Bitch
39. Just Survive The Night
40. Im Such A Stupid Girl
41. Optimism In My Life
42. You Fucked Up
43. I Wish I Didnt Break Down
44. Sexy Stranger's Name
45. Get A Passion For Dicks
46. I'm Just So Tired
47. You Fucking Bozo
48. No Need For The Foreplay
49. Forgive You And Forget You
50. Kill Those Jackass
51. Strange Tingling Sensation
52. Was She Really Going To Shot Me?
53. Easy Breezy Beautiful Cover Girl
54.The Bitch Is Crazy
55. Go So I Can Blow Your Father
56. The Calm Before the Storm
57. Lets Go Save Those Girls
58. Set The World On Fire
59. All You Need Is One
60. Yeah Its a Trap
61. Welcome Home
62. Your Own Personal Hell
63. Moment Of Weakness Is My Gain
64. To Young To Die
65. Taking my power back
Pretty fireworks
66. Own Personal Whorehouse
67. She's Dead
68. She Needed This

27. Pent Up Murderous Tension

3.7K 159 197
بواسطة Straightnochaser9

"So we realized we never went over the house rules with you two."

"We've been here for almost 2 weeks and now you wanna spring rules on us?" Tre arched her eyebrow in confusion at bio mom. I mean I get it we are just kids ... well technically. But we've been on our own for so long it's alittle far fetched to think we'll follow rules now.

"Yes I know we probably should have told you when you first came but with school starting next week we were reminded that we never told you guys what they were." She shrugged while putting a blueberry waffle on her plate. Imaging picking a blueberry waffle when a chocolate chip pancake is right there, like hello anything with chocolate is superior.

You think they make chocolate underwear? I mean I wouldn't wear them BUT I'm sure someone would people have weird ass kinks.

Imagine they melt 'I didn't crap myself I'm just wearing chocolate panties and they melted.' Ohh I want grilled cheese one with a nice melty cheesy cheese pull.

Cheese pulls are sexy!!! Like don't get me flowers get me something ooey gooey cheesy, or just ooey gooey- like brownies! Triple chocolate brownies of course because – hello chocolate! The more you put the better!

"Ouch," giving Tre a side glare for kicking me I turn my attention back to bio mom who was staring at us like we were crazy from her spot at the head of the table.

"You two ok?" Lele asked with his eyebrows raised, in between shoveling bites of eggs.

Men I swear to god are bottomless pits, they eat so god darn much.

"You can like breath between bites the breakfast isn't going anywhere and dad made sure to make extra," Ezekiel said in a disgusted tone while handing Lele a napkin to wipe the ketchup of his cheek.

"Thanks," he murmured while snatching the napkin before adverting his attention back to us.

"Yah we're fine I just accidentally stubbed Angy's toe," Tre preached with way to much innocence.

Accidentally my butt.

Tre knows that my inner monologue can have me lost in space. But she also knows that a simple tap on my arm or snap of fingers brings me out of her, no need for physical violence.

"So the rules?" She repeated trying to stir the conversation.

I hope its not something stupid like verbal answers only, like excuse me a head nod is a universal answer.

"Right so please let us know of your whereabouts, because if you don't We'll I'll think you were kidnapped again and send out numerous search parties." Reese shrugged.

Fair enough.

"This is a drug free home, although we don't consider weed drugs."

Don't do drugs anyways.

"If you're going to get drunk don't do in front of business associates. And don't do at a random
place you have a trusted friend or family member with you."

Your I'm a cool mom is showing

"Any guests that sleepover need to be removed from the premises before sunrise, I don't run a whorehouse that serves breakfast."

Only guests I have in my bedroom is Ben & Jerrys anyways.

And Tre is more of a hit it quit it kinda gal besides Nancy, so no worries.

"Any questions?"

Is that it?

"Is that it?" Tre replied.

Gosh I love twin telepathy.

"What? Do you want us to add something? Something stupid like to be in bed before 10 pm, and no relationships allowed." Bio mom snickered while sipping on her orange juice.

Putting the glass down swiftly she give bio dad a slap on the arm.

"The fuck what that for?" Faking hurt he brought his arm up near bio mom's mouth. "Kiss it to make the pain go away bambina?"

He's 5, like he's actually 5.

"The slap was so that you would shut up and wouldn't make a stupid comment like the 'no relationships' rule should I apply." she snorted while slapping his arm away from her.

"I mean I think it's a good rule, I'm the only man they need! And women?! They only need each other and you no one else is needed so no relationships!" He all but shouted while looking at us with what I think was a threatening look but he just made him look like an even bigger softy.

"Women?" Tre asked with an arched brow.

"Yes we don't ever assume sexualities and I feel like my vagina houses a rainbow because all I spew out is a bunch of fruit loops." She shrugged like we were having the most conversation.

Pursing her lips she peered over Ezekiel. "Except for him... never thought a straight white man would ever be a minority but the gays have him in this house outnumbered."

"You're all," flicking her hand so her wrist went limp, everyone at the table broke out in a fit of giggles at what Tre just did.

"Although labels bother the shit of me, yes everyone in the family besides Ezekiel is somewhat well..." The laughter only got louder as we watched bio dad flick his hand in the same way Tre did.

Once the table had quieted down Reese brought the conversation back to the rules. "You mentioned you two have been on your own for a few years now." Bio mom started with a sadden tone, "I know it doesn't make sense to implement rules, especially when its clear you two are more then capable of taking care of yourself. We just hope you'll give us the courtesy to follow those."

Turning her head to me, I give Tre a head nod. The rules weren't anything crazy, and she's right we're living in their house we can give them the courtesy to follow the rules.

"Yes, no problem."

"Ok good," bio mom replied with a breath-taking smile that made her look more Miss America then mafia boss.

Watching her at times was alittle eerie because it was a carbon copy of the one Tre normally has.

Its insane how Reese and her twin have the exact face but never made the same faces. Our 'aunt' smiled from time to time but even when it was genuine it wasn't as beautiful as bio mom.

Coming back here as made me think more and more about Tre and I ...personalities ? I mean even with bio mom being a mafia boss she still has this warm and inviting aura. Despite my attempts at distancing myself I can't help the warmness I feel when around her. It's like I'm just 'home' and walked into the house with the smell of fresh cookies in the air.

Our aunt had her face, and body and yet all I fault was dredge, pain, and coldness from her. She was a bitch, one that was difficult and dangerous. She deserved every evilness that was dealt to her, but what if I'm like that?

Do people see Tre like Reese- warm, homey, inviting, and me the twin who's just a bitch, and deserves to have bad things done to her?

I mean I always wondered why they picked me to torture ? Did I remind our aunt of herself? Am I destined to be isolated from my family and ostracized that I stoop as low to kidnapping my own family?

"We have to go back to T.I.P headquarters for a few days?" I blurted.

I don't like talking to new people, that's why I'm glad I have Tre she does the talking for both of us.

After the day at the mall I think I've uttered no more then 5 words to anyone, besides of Tre of course. Which is why I'm not surprised everyone is staring at me like I have 3 heads a face which can be seen as shock but I take it as disgust.

A similar face they would give me.

Forget this.

Without thinking twice I get up from my chair, grab 2 pieces of candied bacon and all but bolt out the door.

"Oh shit, sorry we forgot to tell you she had a conference call." I explained without batting an eyelash.

I have no clue why Angy lied to them, but it's clear she needs a break from bio family. The past few days out brother and parents have really been making strides to get to know us.

Although Angy hasn't been verbally responsive, it's clear as day by the permeant state of happiness on her face she enjoyed it. We've been having movie and game nights, quaint lunch outings and just working out as a family.

Honestly I thought they were close to letting down one of the dozens of icy walls Angy has up.

But clearly I was mistaken.

Everyone seemed to buy my excuse as they kept continuing to eat but once I made eye contact with Ezekiel it was clear he knew I was lying.

Well fuck off.

"So, when are you going to T.I.P and for how long?" Zack

That is a great question that I wished I knew the answer to. We sent Philip back home a few days ago to make sure everything is still running smoothly.

Although we would prefer to run T.I.P alone. Philip is more than capable to do it, and we've still been checking in via phone which is why I know we don't need to go there.

"That's why she's having the phone conference, we need more information before we decide, but don't worry we'll be back before school starts." Not wanting to answer a million questions I get up with a polite smile, "I'm going to go check on her on the conference call."

Grabbing a blueberry muffin for the road, I tune out the questions and objections being thrown my way and head to our room. Well it's technically my room but we both sleep in there.

Walking into the room I see Angy hunched over in a ball in the middle of the bed. Hearing the door shut, she pipes her head up and I feel my heart shatter as her face has an almost haunted look on it.

Its face I haven't seen in years. And honestly looking at her in this state makes me want to burn the world down and kill everyone as a result for making my sissy mad.

Jumping on to the bed, I exchanged eyes with her making sure it's ok for me to touch her. Once she gave me the ok, I engulfed her with a hug and started replaying our conversations we had at breakfast.

Was it something Ezekial had said or maybe he gave her a weird look? I swear to God, I will fuck him up.

"It's hard," she whimpered from my chest. "Seeing her face sometimes I think of her and I'm back to that place."

Fuck she's talking about Reese.

We both learned a long time ago words like I'm sorry quite literally mean nothing they're just words.

Actions speak  true intentions.

So, I don't say anything, I just hold on tight to her, until her shaking body has calmed down. Once more relaxed she wiggled out of my arms and gives me a speeshish smile.

I'll text Mauve and see how fast we can get a private jet out here.

It's not fair to our bio mom, but her face is the face that belongs to the women that jump started abusive Angy's life. That face brought that sick man into our live. That face for whatever reason let one of us have a normal life and the other was dealt a hand that rivaled the devil.

If Angy needs a break away from the face, then that's what she'll get.

My main priority will always be her first, no matter what.

Pulling out my phone I text Mauve about the plane and ask her to set us up a mission for as soon as we get off the plane. The best way to cheer Angy up is to take down a vile men, so this is a win win.

The Swedish mafia has been doing shady things in our territory so this way I can get rid of some of this pent-up murderous tension I have. Angy can get lost in more happy thoughts has she'll chop some dicks off.

Jet will be ready in 3 hours, I'll have
the mission set up for you once you
land! Fly safe 💋
                                                             Thank you 😘

"Ok let's pack up we're going on a mission."

Hey my lovely readers!!!

I want Angy to be happy & accept her family so bad ... she deserves to be loved :(

But she still has some inner demons to work through :(

Next chapter will start from Reese's perspective!!!

It may or may not have a pov from one of the twins it just depends on how long Reese's chapter is but which twin would you prefer Angy or Tre?

Also we are finally going find out if the bitch who kidnapped our lovely twins is actually dead or alive!!! What do you think?? Is she dead or alive?

Thank you so much for 45k reads I can't believe I am so close to 50k ALREADY!

Have a great week and make sure you get a pumpkin drink!!

I'll see you next Sunday🎃

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