Connected || Wanda Maximoff

By WindSpirittt

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i n t r o d u c t i o n


138 3 0
By WindSpirittt

"SO LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT," America began trying to understand, "you have a date with Wanda soon?"

Cecellia had just proceeded to tell America about the date that she agreed to go on with Wanda. Let's just say America was excited for Cecellia.

"Yes," Cecellia nodded trying not to be completely panicked.

"You sound like you are panicked," America read her expression.

Cecellia just nodded, "yeah... I've never been on a date before- definetly not with a girl that I'm destined to be with."

"Wait- You, Avenger and Elemental, never been on a date before?" She asked as if it was some huge crime.

Cecellia just sighed, "I never found anyone that came close to what I wanted, and then I met... Well," she was flustered at the thought of admitting she wanted Wanda, but that's the truth.

"Wanda," America smiled.

"Yeah..." She smiled back.

"Okay, the first step to dating," America grabbed her arm and pulled her out of her room, "is to get an outfit, we should go shopping because I'm pretty sure we'd just find sorcerer robes here."

"Do you even have money?" Cecellia asked the kid.

America shook her head, "no, but you're a SHIELD agent, you do," she pointed out.

"Fair, fine, I'm guessing portal there isn't a choice," she said as the kid shook her head, "okay I'll drive."

They got to the mall and America made Cecellia try on a bunch of things, some in her style and some completely out of her style, but to be fair they were both having fun. America needs moments like this, moments with a mother figure to remember.

They finally agreed on an outfit:

"I'm gonna die," Cecellia complained.

"No, you're not," America just smiled at her, "you've done this a ton of times before in other universes and you've crushed it a ton of times before," she said confidently.

"Yeah... Because that's likely," Cecellia nodded but she didn't believe her own words, "let's be honest I probably blew it like I blow most things."

"Cecellia," America touched her arm, "you look great, you like her like really like her, right?" She nodded, "good, that's all that matters. Go with that feeling."

"I'm taking love advice from a teenager," she mumbled.

"Hey," the teenager said.

Cecellia just smiled, "no offense, of course," she said.

"Do you think Wanda is feeling the same way you are?" America asked.

Cecellia just shrugged, "I mean I hope so."

Wanda conjured up a dress or five before she picked one that may be a bit overdressed but she couldn't help it:

She looked good, she just hoped that Cecellia was just as into this as she was... She could check but didn't want to without permission.

"What are you doing?" Strange asked as he knocked on the open door (that she totally didn't leave open for Cecellia).

"Getting ready for a date," Wanda answered turning to him, "any tips on how I should do my hair?"

He seemed surprised, "you and Cecellia?" she nodded, "congratulations," he found it impressive that they could find time for love in such times like this, "maybe up?"

"Hmm," she smiled at him, "okay, thank you."

"Your brother will be ecstatic," he commented looking over at Pietro who sped over but out of eyesight of Wanda, he tilted his head as Strange just winked at him.

"Oh, he'll freak out," Wanda sighed, "I can only imagine, I'm gonna avoid him actually," Pietro walked up to the door but not in view yet, "if he knew I had a date-"


Facepalm initiated.

Pietro started to shake her, "who are you dating? Is it Cecellia? It's Cecellia isn't it?" He asked frantically.

"Um, yes, it may be," Wanda answered sheepishly, knowing Pietro can be a bit protective, "don't make a big deal out of this."

Pietro gave her a look before sighing, "can I do your hair?"

She smiled, "of course, you can."


Cecellia shrugged, "seemed like a good call, and what's the worst that could happen?"

America shrugged before finishing, "go ahead and look."

Cecellia looked in the mirror to see a side braid and the rest of her hair down, "whoa, I like it, kid, thank you," she hugged her, "seems I'm ready," she straightened her jacket trying not to feel anxious.

"You have this, okay?" America tried to reassure her.

"Yeah, I have this," Cecellia tried to be optimistic this time for the kid's sake but her mind wasn't.

America just smiled at her as they left her room, they went downstairs and waited, and that was when Strange made a portal in the room, "America, I need your help with Harkness," he then looked at Cecellia, "I heard from Wanda about your date, good luck."

"Thanks," Cecellia was flustered by the idea of Wanda talking to others about their date.

America looked at Cecellia, "are you sure I should leave you?"

"I'll be fine, kid, Gandalf needs you as backup anyway," Cecellia commented.

Strange just nodded at Cecellia before gesturing to the portal to the kid who went through and he did too before it closed. Now Cecellia is waiting on her own.

"We need to talk."

It was a flash and she heard him before she saw him.

Pietro Maximoff was one fast guy that's for sure, "oh?" she asked.

"You're going out with my sister tonight and we're gotta have the big brother talk," Pietro stated making her nod, "you get it? So, you better not break her heart or I'll probably have to hurt you."

Cecellia laughed, "okay but I have zero plans on breaking Wanda's heart," she said confidently, she then thought of what 616 Wanda said 'soulmates'.

"Well that is a relief," Wanda said as she was at the top of the stairs her brown hair pulled into a pinned-up ponytail, she wore a red dress and black heels, "I'd be worried."

"Wanda..." Cecellia took in the sight of her, "you look beautiful," she told her.

"Right answer," Pietro whispered to her.

Wanda just smiled, "you look lovely as well, Cecellia."

"Thank you, you can thank the kid honestly," Cecellia confessed, about to start nervous rambling but she stopped herself before she could, "so are you ready?"

"Of course," Wanda walked over and put out her hand for her as Cecellia smiled before taking it, "we'll be back," she told her hovering twin.

"Don't do anything I would do!" Pietro called out as they walked out of the Sanctum.

The two laughed amongst themselves as they walked down the street, "your brother is..."

"Eccentric?" Wanda asked with a laugh, "I guess both of us kind of are."

"I don't think you are," Cecellia stated as she looked at Wanda still holding her hand, "you are unique, Wanda Maximoff."

Wanda smiled at her, "thank you, Cecellia Coulson," squeezing her hand.

"So what are we gonna do? We never discussed the details of this date," Cecellia pointed out.

"It's a surprise," Wanda winked at her.

Cecellia trusts Wanda so she just allowed the surprise, "okay," they then got to Wanda's car which Cecellia didn't even ask how they got it back here.

They got in as Wanda said, "I hope you don't mind a long drive," she told her.

"Let me guess, where we're going is a bit far?" She asked and the witch nodded, she just thought back to the other Wanda who could teleport with her magic... Guess this Wanda hasn't learned that, "I'm fine with long drives, I actually enjoy them, I get to feel and hear the wind so."

Wanda smiled, "good," they ended up driving for a good two hours before they arrived at the Hudson River.

Cecellia's eye's dilated in wonder as she saw the water, water was her second-best element... She smiled, "it's beautiful here!"

"I knew you'd enjoy it, Natasha brought Pietro and me here when we first got here in this country," Wanda explained.

They went down to the river as Cecellia took off her shoes, "we are so overdressed," Cecellia stated with a laugh.

"Yes, we are but it's okay," Wanda said with a smile, she held her hand as she took off her heels with the other hand.

Cecellia also took off her jacket setting it on a nearby bench along with her boots as Wanda did the same with her heels. They got in the water as Cecellia conjured water into her palm, "ah, I love water, it's my second best element."

"Oh?" Wanda asked.

"Yeah," she smirked before conjuring a water attack from behind the witch that hit her back soaking her!

Cecellia laughed as Wanda was shocked but happy, she then used her magic to make a water ball to drench the elemental!


"No fair!"

"As if you using your elemental abilities was fair."

"Okay, that's fair," Cecellia laughed, splashing her lightly with her open hand.

Wanda smiled as she splashed her back, "I'm so glad we did this."

Cecellia smiled back, "so am I, to be honest, I liked the surprise," she admitted.

"I knew you would," she pulled her closer, "you being an Elemental and all."

"Thank you, beautiful," Cecellia called her the pet name that she heard many times that alternate selves called alternate Wanda's. She wasn't sure if it was a good idea, she just felt it was right.

Wanda's smile brightened, she looked down biting her lip before looking back at her, she pulled her hand up to her lips as she watched while Wanda kissed the back of her hand, "you're welcome," she said.

Couldn't help but think about the idea of them kissing, they've had many dreams of them kissing but they have never kissed in this reality, it made her eager.

"Wanna go have lunch?" Cecellia suggested after thinking too much about kissing Wanda.

Wanda smiled and nodded, "why not," they stepped out of the river as they both were soaked, "we could air dry but..."


"Let me just," she put up her hands and they both got dry just like that! Once dried she smiled at the Elemental, "I guess you could have done the same, but I wanted to do it."

"You know I'm starting to think we have people staring," Cecellia pointed out.

Wanda shrugged, "well, I am an Avenger and you are a retired Avenger," she explained, "wanna walk for a close restaurant, or do you wanna drive?"

"Let's walk," Cecellia decided.

They walked as silence fell upon them but it was not an uncomfortable one but a nice one as if they could handle being quiet with eachother, even so with Wanda being a telepath, Cecellia trusts Wanda with her mind.

"How about here?" They came across a cute cafe as Wanda's eyes lit up at it, it reminded her of sitcoms she'd watched.

Cecellia noticed the way Wanda's eyes lit up and couldn't help but smile, "sure, it's cute," she commented.

They went inside as they ordered before getting a table outside, "you know... I really, really like you," Cecellia confesses.

Wanda blushed a bit, "I really, really like you too," she grabbed her hand, "I was so nervous, to be honest, to try to be together with the person I'm practically destined to be with."

Soulmates, just like 616 Wanda had said, she smiled, "well, maybe we're Soulmates...?"

"Soulmates," Wanda smiled at the idea, "yeah, that sounds right."

"It does, doesn't it?" Cecellia asked.

They brought their food and drinks; a latte for Wanda and lemonade for Cecellia, they ate and drank, talked, and laughed. It was nice, they then walked to a bridge where they stopped to talk again.

Cecellia messed with the water during their conversation, she couldn't help it with the water being so close, "your amazing," Wanda told her once she noticed.

"Oh, that's nothing, beautiful," Cecellia winked at her.

Wanda pulled her closer by the hand as she smiled at her, "can..." She hesitates before deciding to just go with what she is thinking, "can I kiss you?"

Cecellia nodded as Wanda leaned in and kissed her, Cecellia kissed back, touching her face before pulling away.

They both smiled at eachother widely BEFORE KISSING EACHOTHER AGAIN.

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