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By Odile_theblackswan

245K 5.7K 2.4K

๐„๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐š ๐€๐ฅ๐ข๐œ๐ž ๐๐ฅ๐š๐œ๐ค. ๐€ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ๐œ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ค๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ž๐ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ซ๐ž๐›๐ฎ๐ข๐ฅ๐ญ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฐ๐ข๏ฟฝ... More

Aurthors note
Love Letters
1.0 Visitors at Breakfast
1.1 Vistors at Breakfast pt 2
1.2 Aunt Marge
1.3 The Leaky Cauldron
1.4 Platform 9 3/4
1.5 Common rooms
1.6 Omens of Death and Hippogriffs
1.7 The Biggest Fear
1.8 Neville and Alice have a moment
1.9 Fat Lady gets attacked
1.10 The Quidditch Match๏ฟผ
1.11 Information Uncovered
1.12 The Black Break in
New Guests
2.0 Down the Rabbit Hole
2.1 "๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜Œ๐˜บ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฅ๐˜ช๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜‰๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜š๐˜ฏ๐˜ข๐˜ฑ!"
Lots of incorrect quotes-not chapter
2.2 The Red Queen
2.3 Hatter
2.3- The walk
2.4- Meeting the Caterpillar
2.5- Break
Short snippits because i can
2.6- A Failed Rescue Mission
2.7- "All the Best People Are"
2.8- This Place Isn't a Dream
2.9- The Final Battle
Calm before the storm
Not a chapter
3.2~The Dark Mark
3.3~ Back to Hogwarts
3.4~ Three Schools, One Winner
3.5~ No funerals
3.6~ Blazers, Threats, and Dragons Delight
3.7~ The first task
3.8~ Castor
3.9~ "Gorgeous"

1.13 The Prisoner, Werewolf, and Seven Teens

4.7K 131 24
By Odile_theblackswan

Have fun :)
Last chapter of Act 1

Sabrina's boots crunched against the fallen sticks "So what are we looking for again?" William lifted her arm so it didn't get caught on a branch. "Alice has us out here for some reason. She should be here with Cooper soon."

Sabrina stopped walking a looked up at William, "Do you think they like each other? I mean Alice is always with him and they act too close for that to be friendship."

Cooper gasped at his friends words. "Ali! They made a bet on us!"

"I already knew that, you just don't pay attention."

"They will get together when fate has them." William hummed to her before stopping in his tracks. Rina looked at his frozen face. "What is it Will?"

"There is magic surrounding this whole forest right?" "Of course" "Then why is there none in this spot? It's like they didn't want to draw any attention to it."

"What is happening?" Lily rubbed her hands over her face. Alice looked her straight in the eye with a glimmer that said run away, "Chaos"

"Helllooo, where are they? Do you think they went looking for the animals alone?" Alice's voice rang through the forest, making William and Sabrina hurry toward the sound.

The sound of footsteps came from behind them, much heavier footsteps than Alice or Coopers. William grabbed her hand, yanking her away from the large person that was behind them. Sabrina sprinted as fast as she could toward her best friends voice that was still calling out. Her hair that was done in two braids was now ruined by twigs and leaves. "ALICE! COOPER!" She screamed with William.

No one spoke, the hall was silent.

No voice sounded back. The girl tried to keep running but tripped when her boot was caught in a hole, twisting her ankle. "Shit" she hissed through her teeth. William stopped running when he didn't see her purple shirt beside him.

"SABRINA!" He ran back to where she was. She was scooped up into his arms. Then they were running once more when a ragged breathing was heard. They ran till they saw the spot they had class sometimes, William hurried over the pen where Buckbeak once was, and placed Sabrina behind a tree.

Both were panting, tired from running and injuries being painful. William looked up to see Sabrina's tightly shut eyes, a single tear escaped from her eye. As soon as she felt it her hand went up and brushed it away. When she opened her eyes they were swimming with unshed tears, she tilted her head upwards.

Will inspected her injury, "Sabrina, you can cry it's okay to."

"I don't care about not crying Will. I'm wearing mascara and it's not water proof. So unless you want whatever was chasing us to be scared of me, I suggest letting me do this."

Alice let out a chuckle, "Always the makeup"

McGonagall gazed at the teenagers from the future with concern, "Do you need therapy?"

This time it was Neville who waved her off, "We run on vibes and fire whiskey, it's fine"

"You got it mascara monster. I'm just going to set your ankle so you can walk on it better, okay?" She nodded the best she could with her head tilted back. Then let out a pained gasp when her set it back. "We need to get you to Madam Pomfrey." The girl was back into his arms, head resting on his shoulder.

"WAIT! ALICE! COOPER! They're in the forest too!" She scrambled to try and get out of his arms. "We need to get you to the hospital first"

Sabrina fought back, "No, I need to make sure Alice in fine first."

"Love you too sis"

"We both know that she would want you to be safe and unhurt." Sabrina opened her mouth to say something but he put his hand over it. "I'll go look for them if we don't spot them on the grounds."

They in fact did not find them on the castle grounds on the way to the castle. But they did see the golden trio talking to Hagrid as he tried to make them leave.

Narcissa popped her back from how fast she turned toward Regulus and Alice. "So you were in the forest? You were the one calling out?"

"That wasn't either of us...." Regulus tightened his grip on her.

Cooper held Alice's hand as they waited in the forest in a patch of flowers. He played his her fingers, examining all her gold rings. "Why do you have so many? This one has stars but then his ones a moon. Oh wait, this on has a constellation."

"It's a Black family thing, the night sky. Whether it's a moon, star, constellation, or planet, we're always named after one." "Hmm, odd. I have no clue how I was named."

"Really Cooper! I would have never imagined, it's not like your parents died or something." Ginny sarcastically rolled her eyes.

"Would have never guessed. We should go, they obviously aren't meeting us in this section." "Okay"

They walked further into the forest where they thought they heard something. All they found was a white rabbit that had a gray mouse on his head. The blonde squatted down to pet the rabbit who hopped right toward her.

Alice's eyes narrowed at the screen. Knew he was there, she thought to herself. Then, said bunny appeared next to her making her jump out of her dad's arms in surprise.

The bunny just stared right at her. Luna walked over and picked up the bunny, stroking it's head. Ginny followed her girlfriend, "Isn't that your familiar?"

Alice raised one eyebrow, still having a staring contest with the animal, "One of them" then took him into her arms, whispering something into its ear. She sat back down alone in a chair.

"Your so cute, Cooper do you think I could keep him"

"I regret my words" she hissed into the animals ear who just laughed in her mind.

"Him?" "It's obviously a boy"

"Alice, let the rabbit go" She pouted at him but followed his directions by letting it hop away.

"Alice, no offense but I don't like your rabbit. He scares me" Bella held her hands up in arrest. "He does that with everyone, don't worry."

Andromeda looked her sister in the eye and smirked, "But that means I can't give you your birthday gift. It was going to be a stunning black rabbit but oh you know, I guess not."

"Fuck off Andy"

The screen showed the moon in full form before showing Alice and Cooper walking toward the Willow tree. He was throwing twigs as he broke pieces off the branch in his hand. As one hit a root of the tree the whole thing stopped moving. "Whoa" Cooper stepped forward but slipped on leaves and went sliding below the frozen root and into darkness.

Remus flinched, knowing what would be approaching. Sirius hugged the scarred boy tight. "It's fine Remmy, you'll be fine"

Alices sneakers carried her toward his high pitched scream. "Cooper!" She shrieked back before she lied down on the ground, pushed herself down the way her went. She popped back up in a dark room with no light.

Marlene pointed to the screen, "That right there is my nightmare"

"Lumos" her wand lit up, letting her see the tunnel she was in. Voices carried into the tunnel made her stop the light, only looking at what her eyes allowed. Tiptoeing around fallen objects, the blonde made it toward the voices, where she saw the trio, Remus Lupin, Snape, and a mass murderer.

Cooper shot a hand over her mouth, she looked her him with wide eyes that seemed to say, that's my uncle! He shook his head before releasing her mouth. Harry went to attack his godfather when Alice stepped out and flicked her wand, bringing all the wands in the room to her. Harry was flung backwards, making him slumped with Ron and Hermione.

"Boss bitch moment"

"Now, you all are going to tell me what is going on." She warned them with a hint of danger in her voice. "Alice, put down the wands." Remus tried to reason before she cast a silencing spell on him. "You shush, Snape talk now."

Severus just lied there with his eyes shut. "Oh, he's out, okay. Um, you- wait no. Oh I'm going to regret this, Granger-"

"Ronald's rat bit him and then after some running we ended up in here. Lupins a werewolf, Your uncle is here too. Snape tried to attack Lupin but that didn't happen because I knocked him out. Sirius Black didn't actually kill Peter Pettigrew apparently, and the Potter death wasn't his fault."

Bella rubbed in a circular direction on her face, "Info overload starting now"

"Your a werewolf!?" Voices rang around the hall. Remus hung his head low, "I know I'm a monster-"

"What color fur do you have?" "How fast can you run?" Remus smiled with his bangs falling into his eyes.

Sirius looked at her through his grimmy hair, "E-E-Estella? Is that y-you?" Alice turned her piercing glare toward him, "It's Alice!" She growled, her right hand shaking slightly.

Barty stared at Alice's hand. "Is your hand okay?"

"I'm fine, it just happens sometimes, anxiety and memories can be a pain in my ass."

"I'm sorry. I just, I've never seen you. I thought all my family was gone, but now I have some again."

"All due respect sir, this isn't going to work. We aren't family because of some last name. Family takes time and effort. Also, wasn't there something you and werewolf wanted to do?"

Sirius turned to the rat that was frozen to the ground, then he turned to Remus. "E-Alice? May I have my wand back to do something?" Remus asked patiently. She handed it over begrudgingly then waved her hand toward the tunnel, making Cooper come out. He went straight to her side, wrapping an arm around her waist protectively.

The two awake men said the spell, then a rat grew into a short human with ragged hair and yellow teeth. "S-Sirius... R-Remus. My old friends."

The marauder's all cringed at the screen. Lily patted each other they're heads, "It's fine, we'll change the future"

Neither speaks. Pettigrew's small, watery eyes dart
toward the windows and door. Suddenly, he makes a break for it, but Sirius merely shoves him back.

Pettigrew's nose twitches, his gaze finding Harry who was limping toward Cooper. His hands flutter nervously, reveal a MISSING INDEX FINGER.

"Harry! Look at you! Y-you look
just like your father. Like
James. We were the best of
friends, he and I—"

"Future Peter, please don't touch my sons"

Shut up!

I didn't mean to! The Dark Lord,
you have no idea the weapons he
possesses! Ask yourself what you
would have done, Sirius. What
would you

Died! Died rather than betray my
friends! And you should have
realized, Peter, if Voldemort
didn't then-

"Siri, I knew you loved me" James threw his arms around his friend and pretended to kiss him. "Ahah ah, I have a boyfriend and he will bite"

We would.

No... please... you can't...

The small man crawled over to Ron who had a broke leg and was in great pain from it

Ron! Haven't I been a good
friend? A good pet? You won't
let them kill me, will you? I was
your rat...

Ron draws back in disgust. Pettigrew turns to Hermione.

Sweet girl. Clever girl. Surely
you won't let them...

As one, Lupin and Black raise their wands, point them directly into Pettigrew's face. He shrinks back trembling, closing his eyes in fear, when Harry spoke up from where he was now leaning against Cooper.


Pettigrew's lids lift. Lupin and Black turn. Staggered.

Harry, this man...

I know what he is. But we'll take
him to the castle.

Bella crinkled her nose, "Too much kindness"

Harry! No, your being too kind,
I say that we let me drain him
of magic and use it to make
a unicorn

Neville fell off the couch, "what the fu-"

Bless you, boy! Bless you --

Get off! I said we'd take you to
the castle. After that, the
Dementors can have you.

Cooper leaned over to Alice, "Can you actually do that?" She shrugged, "I don't know but I want to find out."

As Pettigrew emerges from the gap he pleaded with them, "Turn me into a maggot. A dung
beetle. A Flobberworm! Anything but the Dementors.."

"Unicornnnnn" Alice singsonged even though no one responded.

"Rude people" Bella crossed her arms. "I know right"

(as Ron emerges)
"Ron! Haven't I been a good
friend? A good pet? You won't
let them kill me, will you? I was
your rat..."

"Is he stuck on one mode?"

As Ron draws back in disgust, a sleepwalking Snape BUMPS his head against a low limb. Hermione turns to Harry.

Don't worry. He's under the
Somnambulist Charm. It's primarily used to transport the seriously deranged.

As Harry nods, Pettigrew's pleading eyes find Hermione.

Blonde girl. Powerful girl. Surely
you won't let them...

Hermione tugs her dress away from Pettigrew's sweaty grasp. Cooper turns, sees Black staring in wonder at the castle, shining radiantly under the bright bowl of the night sky.

"Beautiful, isn't it? I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors. It'll be nice to do it again. Freely." He turned to the twins who watched him in wonder. "That was a noble thing you did back there. He doesn't deserve it."

Harry studies Pettigrew briefly, looks away. Lost in
Thought. "I don't reckon my father'd want his best friends to become killers for a worthless piece of vermin like Pettigrew." Cooper looked at his godfather, "Besides: Dead, the truth dies with him. Alive.. you're free.

"You kids make my heart hurt"

"Were the same age-"

"Shut it"

I don't know if you two know,
but when you were born, James and
Lily made me your guardian...

We know.

And, well, I'll understand if you choose to stay with your aunt and uncle, but, so you know, you could --

Come live with you? When!

Soon as my name's cleared...
I can't take Est-Alice in because
I'm not her guardian, where does
She live anyways?

She goes to an all girls boarding school

Harry looks at Hogwarts. GRINS. Sirius does the same. Alice walked over to them with reigns in hand. "These are for Buckbeak, he was supposed to have an execution today but they were stupid and forgot to come. You'll find him in Hagrid's garden. Take him and leave, Now." Sirius gave them one last grin before running toward Hagrids hut.

Alice looked up at the sky and saw the full moon for a second time. Then Lupin hold on Pettigrew broke, letting the man scamper free into the night as a rat. Hermione took one look at Harry leaning on Cooper and Alice trying to hold Ronald up with a spell. "Run" she yelled.

They all sprinted at fast as they could toward the castle. Leaving Snape floating behind them.

Sirius and James laughed up a storm from Snape hitting things as them ran. Severus glared at anyone who dared to look his way. Alice then fell off her chair with tears running down her face from the amount she was laughing. Her rabbit just sat where she was previously sitting, blinking. Alice waved a hand, "I'm fine, just a bunny terrorizing my brain."

The group made it to the castle as they watched Sirius Black fly away on a Hippogriff, while a werewolf ran back under the roots of the tree. Harry collapsed on the ground with Ron. Hermione panted, leaning down to put her hands on her knees.

"I think that they just ran more than I ever have" A slytherin told his friend who just said, "Same dude, mood"

Alice spoke up after they all regained some breath. "We need to get them into the hospital wing" then Hermione, Cooper, and Alice dragged two boys into the wing. Madam Pomfrey made all of them get into a bed even though Alice tried to tell her that she was fine.

"You were out with them, which means you might be hurt too." She had told the blonde and next thing she knew she was shoved into the bed next to someone that she couldn't see.

Neville rolled his eyes at his sister. "Alice hates the hospital wing for some reason."

"I'm a firm believer that I will heal when I need to"

The next morning she woke up to William standing above her with his thinking face on. "Bloody fuck" she exclaimed, almost hit her head against his.

He stood back and watched as she sat up and looked at her surroundings. "Oh ya, that happened last night"

Will raised his eyebrows in an upset manner, "I would love to tell you about mine and Sabrina's last night, but I would even more like to hear about yours."

"Allie, your mother says that your in trouble." Ginny waved a finger in a scolding manner.

"Later, where's Cooper?" Her fingers ran through her messy blonde hair. Sabrina turned over on her side to look at the blonde. "Stealing food for us"

"Wait Sabrina's still there?" Bardy blinked in confusion. Reggie hit his head, "Yes, she got hurt by whatever that was."

"Brina! Why are you here?" Alice scanned her, looking for any injury. "Twisted my ankle running away from a guy that breathes really heavily." Cooper who had walked in at that moment with food in his arms yelped, "Say what now?"

William snatched the food and handed the girl's their respected plates. "Me and Rina will explain later, you and Ali give us a run down now. Apparently the Hippogriff is gone, along with Professor Lupin. Word the he's a werewolf got out somehow, he's resigning."

"Remus noooo" James leeched onto his friend. "You can't quitttt, who would we use to spy on people withhh?"

Remus shrugged him off before hugging Sirius again.

That made Alice hop off her bed, Madam Pomfrey yelling at her, and make her way to his office. She slid into the doorway, "Sir, you can't leave. You're the best DADA professor we've had so far." Remus paused in packing his bags, "Is that so?"

"This is still the third year right?"

"Yes, Alice's father that kind of scares me, don't murder me please" Cooper face looked more afraid of Regulus than he ever had.

"Ugh yes. The first had No Nose Voldiemort on the back of his head and the second one literally was like a pile of shit."

"Language Alice"

A muggleborn laughed and then another said, "Cap, is that you with all your cake?" Making a few others die of laughter, along with Ginny and Cooper.

"Sorry, but I'm telling the truth. I know that you won't stay but could you at least go visit my uncle? I'm not really allowed out of my boarding school."

Bella raised an eyebrow toward Alice who was just murmuring to the rabbit on her lap. "Star?" That made her look upward and hum in reply. "Do you just have classes all summer?"

"Pretty much, there is a ballet performance and we have other activity classes. But we don't really leave the grounds."

"I think I can do that. He did ask me to give you this gift though." With that he handed her an orange and white colored kitten that stretched in her arms, looking up at her with pale blue eyes. "He thought you could use a pet as he is planning on gifting Ron an owl."

"THAT IS THE CUTEST THING IN EXISTENCE!!!" Marlene screamed at the same time as Bellatrix, they made eye contact and remained like that till Bella winked at her.

"His name is Ray because I can tell that he's a ray of sunshine." Alice stroked his face making the cat swat his paw. "That's fitting, you should get back to the hospital wing before you get me in more trouble."


Alice sulked next to Sabrina on the train. "I don't want to return to Ms. V's" she groaned and slumped her body over Sabrina's lap. The older girl giggled at her and started to braid the blondes hair. "Summer will be over before you know it. Plus, you'll be the main the ballet."

"I forgot about the Ballet!"

Alice sat back up and faced William who was reading. "I guess your right"

They all deboarded the train and gave each other one last hug before exchanging their last words before September. William gripped the youngest's shoulders, "Listen to me, Alice Black, you best not get into any trouble whilst I am not there. Do you understand?"

"Cough mother threats cough" Neville faked coughs dramatically.

"Yes mum, shit I've got to go" she gave them all hugs and kissed Sabrina's cheek. Then she ran towards a black car with Ray in her arms.

As she sat in the backseat she though aloud, "This better be a calm summer."

"You jinxed it Star" Bella groaned.

Then some words popped up on the screen, "It was in fact, not a calm summer"

"See! Jinxed it!"

"Alice you said nothing happened"

"White lies?"

Then the screen went Black.......


Kisses 💋 💋 💋

Ps: sorry if my spelling and grammar was bad I wrote this half asleep in less than a day

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