The Street Fighter

By beebee12345678

381K 11.8K 3.1K

At the age of 17, Skylar Green is left to care for her 5-year old brother, Dylan. Her mother? Dead. Her fathe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Authors Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 5

20.5K 537 182
By beebee12345678

Once we arrived at home, Dylan and I chatted endlessly. We talked about our day and he was excited to find out that I made two friends, Tyler and Lyla.

I cooked what was left of the pasta. I really need to go shopping. Whilst cooking it, Dylan was having a bath. I was putting the pasta with the sauce on plates just as Dylan came in wearing his batman pyjamas.

He sat down to eat and so did I. "Dylan later, I might need to drop you off at Caleb or Faith's house if they're not busy. Is that okay with you?" I asked him.

His eyes brightened at the thought of playing with his head and he nodded his head, not being able to talk with the food in his mouth. I laughed at him, "You really like them, don't you?" I questioned.

He swallowed his food and said, "Yeah, they are really funny, they both have older brothers and Faith has an older sister. And Caleb also likes batman!" He screamed the last part.

I chuckled at that.

I put Dylan's pyjamas in his bag, he put it on. I texted Lyla for her address and as soon as I got it, I headed there.

Once we arrived at their house, I saw that it was just Lyla, Faith and Caleb. Tyler must have dropped Caleb off earlier on.

I kissed Dylan on the cheek handing him his bag and left.

I went to the gym that I first saw, Cole's Gym. It seemed like a good gym, I went inside with my gym bag on my shoulder. As soon as I entered I was faced with a man in his early forties.

He looked at me surprised before sighing and saying, "you've got the wrong place, this is not the tanning salon, it's across the street." He pointed behind me. I followed his gaze and sure enough, he was pointing at the tanning salon.

I was not impressed, what makes him think that I didn't want to come to the gym.

"What makes you think that I didn't want to come to the gym?" I seethed.

I hadn't gone to the gym in a couple of days, so I haven't had anything to let my anger out on. If this man wasn't careful, I would be letting my anger out on him.

His eyes widened before going back to normal. "No girls allowed." He said. Instead of saying anything, I walked past him, ignoring his protests for me to stop.

As soon as I found what I was looking for, I stopped. Nearly making him crash into me but before that could happen I stepped to the side. Since I was in the gym, I only now noticed that everyone was looking at me.

Maybe it is rare for a girl to come here.

The man followed my gaze to the door in front of us that clearly had a ladies sign for the changing room. I flipped him off and walked inside, I don't think he even noticed, he was too stunned.

Making sure I was alone, I got changed into my shorts. Since there were no girls, I decided to put my t-shirt on over the top of my sports bra. All men at gyms are perverted.

I stuffed everything else into one of the many lockers that were there and left the changing rooms going back to the gym.

I started by grabbing a skipping rope. All around me I could sense them looking at me and could hear them laughing and snickering. I smirked. They don't know the treat they're in for.

I learnt from Shaun that skipping is good for coordination and footwork movement, this is my favourite warm up.

So, I started. I could feel all eyes on me as they waited to see what would happen. I started jumping, getting faster as I did so. You see, it's all in the wrist movement.

As I started getting into it, I started getting even quicker, getting lighter on my feet and even crisscrossing. I was losing myself, every time the rope hit the floor making a nice beat. I was losing myself in the rhythm and the rhythm was speeding up.

I don't know how long I was skipping for, but it felt good. I haven't been to the gym in a long time so I don't think I am as fit as I was.

As soon as I finished skipping I checked the time, I skipped for 15 minutes which was good. Although, it wasn't enough. Looking around, the men were looking at me shocked. The smirk was permanently stuck on my face.

Finishing up my warm up, I did push ups, crunches and 20 minutes of cycling. I stretched so that I wouldn't do any damage to my body when working out and went straight to the punching bag.

It looked untouched, these men must be weaklings. I decided to punch bare-knuckled, this way I will be able to strengthen my skin and bones. I started striking the bag making it swing back and forth.

Punch, jab, fake, roundhouse kick, uppercut, left hook. I kept at this for a long time, trying out new moves and different techniques. The bag was shaking with the amount of force I was putting into my punches.

After all of this, I went to the weights and started lifting. Gradually lifting heavier weights.

I checked the time, it was 8.19pm. I had been here for exactly 1 hour and 39 minutes. Not that long, but I wanted to get back to Dylan.

Deciding to call it a day, I headed back to the changing rooms to have a shower. I was drenched in sweat and not being used to working out in a t-shirt didn't exactly help.

After having my shower, I got dressed into my original clothes. As I was passing the front desk, I noticed the man that was originally there had been replaced by a younger guy who I knew. It was Tyler.

I greeted him and he looked up surprised to see me here. Or maybe it was the fact that there was a girl here. Or even both.

He snapped out of it and smiled at me. "Hi Skylar," he greeted me. I acknowledged him with a head nod and walked outside to my motorbike.

It was 8.40pm by the time I got to Lyla's house where I left Dylan. I knocked on the door and when it opened I came face to face with Lyla. Looking behind her I saw Dylan in his batman pyjamas-his t-shirt and boxers-looking at me with a big smile on his face.

He ran up to me and I picked him up and threw him in the air. He kissed my cheek and I put him down. "Did you have fun?" I asked him.

"Yeah, we watched Scooby Doo and drew pictures." He exclaimed.

Dylan said his goodbye to Caleb and Faith and we went back home.

Dylan fell asleep soon after I put him in bed, tucked him in and kissed him.

I got changed out of my clothes and wore what I usually wore to bed, a normal bra and boxers. It was comfortable and this way when I had my nightmares, my clothes wouldn't get drenched in sweat and I also wouldn't take as long to get changed in the morning.

I tucked myself under the covers next to Dylan and fell into the usual dreamless sleep.


This morning when I woke up at 3 o'clock I wasn't able to get to sleep. Deciding on doing something better than just panting, I got changed into a sports bra and spandex shorts.

I smirked when I noticed that my tattoo was visible, not that anyone would see it, it was too early in the morning.

In case Dylan woke up and freaked out not seeing me there, I wrote a note to him.

Baby Boy,

Gone out for a run, I couldn't sleep.

Love you, Sky

I left the note on my pillow knowing he would see it there. This happened quite often, so he was used to it but I still felt guilty for leaving him there all on his own.

He has a little phone in case of emergencies though so if anything bad happens, he can just call me.

Starting out on my run, I went around the area till I got to a path. I had already seen what was to the right of this path, however I noticed a faint path that led somewhere else.

A few people seemed to have come this way and as I ran further along this path I noticed beer bottles, some were smashed. A normal person would hardly have been able to make out voices of people-a lot of people-in the distance, but I'm not a normal person, now am I?

As I neared the building, the noise grew louder. I smiled at what I realised all that noise was from, a street fight.

Now I was sprinting to the place, my adrenaline was kicking in, just the roar of the crowd got my blood pumping with excitement.

Once I reached the building, the smell of sweat and blood reached my nose making me sigh in content. This is who I am.

A big, burly man advanced towards me, "What's a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this? How about I take you to my place and we can-" He sentence was cut short by my fist colliding with his face knocking him unconscious.

The sickening sound of a crack made me smirk in triumph. I've been waiting to hit someone in ages. Ok, that sounded like I have anger issues. Which I don't let me be clear with you know, I don't. I just had pent up anger inside of me itching to let loose.

I looked around to check if anyone noticed what I just did. I mean, a girl knocking out a big man doesn't raise any suspicion at all, does it? Of course not. Note the sarcasm used here.

As I was looking around, my eyes landed on a pair of blue eyes that were looking directly at me. Quickly I turned around and put the hood of my jumper on so that the person couldn't study the features of my face.

Instead of staying, I opted for leaving and going back to check if Dylan had woken up to not see me there.

I ran back, looking over my shoulder every minute, just in case. As I reached the rundown apartment I quietened not wanting to disturb other residents staying here. I got to the second floor where our flat was and opened the door.

First I checked my room to see if Dylan had woken up but I sighed in relief when I saw him snuggled up under the duvet. I smiled at the sight of him, he looked so peaceful.

I checked the time and saw that it was 5 o'clock. I had a shower making it quick then got dressed.

My key necklace was on as always. If I was in danger I could just pull the key off the weak chain and flick out the dagger. I chose a grey tank top, black denim shorts, a flannel shirt and black converses. Since my shorts were quite short you could see my seahorse tattoo.

The seahorse tattoo links to the sea and so does the name Dylan. I got the tattoo especially for Dylan. Also, the animal seahorse means protection and I will always protect Dylan.

At the sound of me putting on my clothes Dylan started to stir. Eventually he woke up so I went up to him.

"It's too early baby, go back to bed," I said softly.

"I can't sleep properly without you, can you lay next to me," he told me truthfully.

"Of course," I replied.

I lay next to him on my side, my hand playing with his hair and my other hand unconsciously rubbing soothing circles on his side. I was spooning him, but it wasn't weird at all, it was calming and made me feel secure.

I closed my eyes for a few minutes then made sure that Dylan was asleep. I slowly got up and put a pillow in my place making it seem like I was still there.

Next, I brushed my teeth and my hair, putting it up in a ponytail. Going into the kitchen, I saw an apple and decided that it would be my lunch. I made Dylan a sandwich for his lunch and decided that he would eat toast for breakfast.

I packed the sandwich with a packet of crisps and the last apple into his lunchbox.

Going back onto our room, I laid back down on the bed where I previously was and did the usual. I rubbed his arm and told him that he needed to get up. He reluctantly obliged, not wanting to leave the warmth of the duvet or me.

He seemed quite tired and since I had done everything needed, I helped him. I dressed him into a pair of black shorts with a grey t-shirt. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth while I put on a cartoon for him-and maybe me.

I put the bread into the toaster then went back to the living room to see that Power Rangers was on. I sat down on the floor with my legs crossed singing and playing air guitar to the theme song.

I heard giggling and snickering from the other side of the room and turned my head to see Dylan covering his mouth with his hands trying to stifle his giggles.

Once he saw that I noticed him laughing at me his eyes widened and his laughing ceased. I put on a creepy smile which only made him look even more scared. As a final touch, I put my hands up as if ready to tickle him.

He was scared, but his eyes still held a hint of amusement. I couldn't hold it in any more, I fell on my back laughing while tears streamed down my face. His face turned from frightened to a more sinister look.

Whilst laughing so hard, I didn't even realise that he was a step away from me. He stepped forward and before I knew what was happening I was on the floor laughing but this time it was because Dylan was tickling me.

Darn me for being so ticklish.

"Stop Dylan! Stop!" I pleaded. After a few more seconds he stopped.

I stood up, my stomach aching from the amount of laughing I was doing and from the lack of food. Just as I started walking over to the kitchen with Dylan trailing behind me, the toast popped up.

I put them on a plate and spread some butter on it. After this, I handed Dylan his slice and took a bite of mine.

Once we finished, I cleaned all the dishes and told Dylan to get his bag. I wiped my hand on the tea towel and soon got my bag too.

We went to the motorbike and not before long were at school parking in the spot I was in yesterday.

The staring hadn't come to a halt yet, in fact it seemed like there were more people looking at me than yesterday. Even more boys but the girls, they were glaring at me. If they were trying to be intimidating, it wasn't working. That's for sure.

I walked to Dylan's school and dropped him off, kissing him goodbye. On my way back, I walked through the car park which was now crowded.

There were girls shouting at me, 'slut,' 'tattoos are disgusting' and 'you're ugly'. I rolled my eyes at them and smirked. The calmer I stay, the more infuriated they get.

Even so, the words didn't affect me, at my old school they used to call me lesbians, fags and all sorts just because I was rejected them. That all stopped though when I punched a boy in the face. This was still nothing compared to that school.

In this school, no one has even insulted me to my face, bunch of pussies.

I walked through the doors of the school and as I neared my locker I realised that it was different. When I got to it I saw the word, slut, on it.

I snorted in disbelief; this was the best they could do?

Someone heard me snort and I could hear their heels clicking against the floor making their way over to me. Sensing them behind me, a little too close for comfort, I stepped to the side once.

However, her perfume was suffocating me, so I stepped to the side again, then again, and once more. I inhaled deeply, being able to breathe properly again, but just for safety precautions, I took another step to the side.

That's better, fresh, clean air.

Finally looking up to her face, I noticed that more were behind this person. She must be the leader or something, I've noticed that this school has cliques, the jocks, the nerds, the stoners, the wannabes and I think I just found the cheerleaders with Queen Bee as their leader.

She smirked at me, probably thinking I was stepping back in fear. Fear of her caked up face and suffocating perfume, yes. Fear of her and her followers, hell no.

She started walking towards me. I breathed in deeply and held my breath. Just to make this quicker I stepped forward and met her in the middle. Let's hear what she has to say to me then.

"Listen here you little slut, you are not to touch Zach, he's mine." She spat the words slut.

If he was yours you wouldn't have a problem with me being around him you little bitch. I wanted to say but I didn't, nor did I open my mouth. No, I kept it firmly shut.

Instead I just rolled my eyes, I don't even know a Zach.

I was about to turn around, but her hand about to make contact with my face made me alert. I stepped back and just before I could kick her in the stomach, I became more aware of my surroundings and controlled myself.

There seemed to be a crowd gathered around us, obviously anticipating for a fight that the new girl would lose. So when I did this they all gasped, surprised I was able to dodge her attack. I simply smirked.

Even though they were wanting a fight, I was not going to give them the satisfaction. I just turned around like I originally was going to do and walked to my first class, Science. The bell had already rung and I was late for class on my second day.

Only a few people were in the room meaning I wasn't the only one who was late.

The teacher brushed me off before I could say anything, she must be used to this. Other students entered the classroom, settling into their seats. I watched all of this from the seat I chose at the back of the class.

The teacher in this class was called, Mrs Irwin and she seemed like a nice teacher.

She started her class and I started taking notes. This seems to be the only subject at this school that I haven't already learnt. In all of my other classes, I just listen to music but in this class there is something to learn.

Before I knew it the class had ended and I was on my way to English, the worst subject ever. I sighed, mentally preparing myself for the most boring lesson of all time.

~~~~Lunch Time~~~~

Instead of going outside this lunch, I went to the canteen. Yesterday I came here but it was empty as I was early and I walked straight through it to get to the back doors.

As I walked through the doors, I noticed how cliché it looked. All the little cliques on their own table, the cheerleaders flirting with the jocks. My eyes landed on the last table that was empty and I walked over to it.

Everyone seemed to be watching my every move, the room strangely quiet making a big difference from when I entered. I sat down in one of the chairs, everyone's gaze still on me.

Already accustomed to the stares, I thought nothing of it. I pulled out the apple out of my bag and bit into it, the sweetness making my taste buds explode. Either it tasted really good, or I just haven't eaten an apple in a long time.

Everything seemed to be going fine, until the door opened, it was as if the room stilled. I just finished my apple so I stood up and threw it in the bin, going through the back doors not able to see who came through the doors.

I went to the place under the tree that I now claimed mine, it's not as if anyone went here anyway. I looked up at the tree to see just how high it was when something caught my eye. Something that I would most definitely recognise-a gun.

It was a 9mm pistol, I could tell from just here. I was an expert on guns, Dad taught me how to use them as well as a few other weapons. I must say it comes in handy now so that I can keep Dylan and I safe from danger. Although that's very hard, it's as if danger comes looking for me.

Curious as to what it's doing there, I climb up the tree. After climbing up a couple of metres I reach it. I pull my sleeve over my hand, careful that I don't touch it with bare hands. I didn't want my fingerprints all over it.

Aware of the weak branches, I started my journey down. About two metres down, I had enough and just jumped. I did it in a certain manner so that I wouldn't hurt myself.

Before anyone saw me holding a gun I stuffed it into my bag. I carried on as if nothing had happened but my mind was swarming with different thoughts.

As usual, I put in my earphones and listened to music until the bell rang.

I went to PE and got changed into my normal clothes. Mr Mason gave me a discreet nod and went on with his class. Today we were playing football altogether.

I saw the Queen Bee and all her minions on the side wearing barely anything. They seemed to be cheerleading instead of getting ready for playing football.

Mr Mason picked two captains, they were Carter and Blake. They started picking who they wanted on their team.

"Tyler," Carter said.

"Chase," said Blake.

"Lyla," Carter said making Lyla blush. I see something's going on here.

This calling carried on until it was me, two other girls and a lanky boy.

Carter called out, "Hazel."

My name was called out and when I looked up I saw that it was Blake that had called me.

"Yeah," I stupidly reply. The class snicker and I realise why he called my name. I mentally face palm and walk behind Blake where to the rest of the team was standing.

I'm not the best at football but I do like playing it with Dylan, although most of the time I let him win but by a small margin.

We got into our positions and Mr Mason blew the whistle signalling the game has started.

We were three quarters into the game, the opposing team had the ball. I was running to the ball when a girl nearby stuck out her foot trying to trip me up. I smirked, having fast reflexes came with an advantage.

I jumped over her foot looking back to see the confusion etch on the girl's face. I smirked then looked forward, my eyes locked on the ball. I tackled with the guy for the ball and finally I won it.

I started dribbling with the football towards the goal. I reached the goal and faked kicking it to the goal, instead I kicked it to Blake who scored it into the goal.

He ran up to me and high-fived me. Unexpectedly, he picked me up by my waist and spun me around. Just as I came out of my state of shock he put me down.

He cheekily grinned back at me and I returned one. A full blown grin, from ear to ear. I was actually having fun. It was as if no one else was around us, as if he was another brother that I could laugh with. And for once, I liked it.

After Mr Mason talked to the class, Blake and I walked back together, side by side, both of us smiling.

"I heard from Tyler that you now go to his dad's gym," what he said surprised me.

Tyler told him that?

Wait, Tyler's dad? That man was Tyler's dad?

It started to make sense now, it was probably a family business.

I nodded, confirming what he said. "Do you want to go to the gym then for free period?" He asked me.

I didn't need to think, I was going to go there anyway. "Yeah" I replied.

I got changed into my normal clothes quickly and then went to my locker where I had stuffed my bag for the gym. I got it out with everything else I need.

Like we said, I met Blake at the front of school and together we walked to his motorbike. It looked like the latest model of the Harley Davidson and must have cost a fortune.

He got on and without hesitation I got on, eager to hear the hum of the engine and feel how smoothly it runs.

I wrapped my arms around his waist but before he could start the motorbike he looked back at me. "What about your helmet?"

"I don't need one," I shrugged. He looked at me, concern plastered on his face. He took off his helmet and strapped it on my head before I had a chance to argue.

He smiled, "There, that's better."

He took off to the gym, the trees and houses a blur. Once we stopped I noticed we weren't at the gym. He got off and noticing the confusion on my face he explained.

"I just need to get changed and grab what I need from my house. Come in and you can also get changed." I nodded and got off the bike taking my bag with me.

He opened the door to his house that was more like a mansion. No wonder he could afford such a beauty that was his bike, his parents must be rich.

A man came out, he seemed to be in his early forties, and his hair was a dark brown. However, that is not what had caught my eye. In fact two things caught my eye.

The fact that he had a gun on him. Yes it was hidden and discreetly on top of it, but of course I was able to notice it.

Yet, that was not what stood out to me. Instead it was his eyes. Those eyes that I had seen on someone very special to me. The green eyes that had me not able to lie, or the ones that had me trust in them, or the ones that showed warmth and love for me.

But they were also the eyes that haunted my nightmares, the same person who I drove away and made leave.

The eyes similar yet didn't show me the same affection or passion. These eyes didn't seem like my weakness.

Still, they looked like the same eyes that I said 'I love you' to.

But the green of the eyes I would know anywhere.

They could only be my father's.

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