My Dark Lady (Tom riddle X Re...

mr3lt1 tarafından

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Y/n Malfoy's family decided to make an arranged marriage between Lord Voldemort's oldest son Tom Riddle and t... Daha Fazla

Back To Hogwarts
At Least Someone Looks Happy
School Day
Slytherin Party
Astronomy Tower
The Wedding Day
First Kiss
Your Body Speaks To Me
The Muggle Club
Great News
A Nightmare
A Disaster
A War Is Coming
The Order of the Phoenix
On Hunt for Horcruxes
The War

Wedding News

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mr3lt1 tarafından

I opened the door to my father's office and slowly walked in. Worry had showered my whole body. It wasn't often that my mother and father wanted to talk to me in my dad's office.

"Sit down Y/n." Lucius pointed to the chair in front of his desk and I did what he told me to.

"You know that you are our only daughter." he said delicately. I was getting more nervous with every passing second. "And you know that we want the best for you." he was starting to scare me with the way he spoke. "So your mother and I thought it would be the best for you if you got married." he slowly said and I got so confused. What was he talking about?

"What?" I looked up from him to mom. They both didn't say anything. "Have you lost your mind?" I cried "At least are you going to tell me with who I'm getting married or I will find out on my wedding?" now my anger was filling me up and overflowing me.

"Don't be disrespectful!" my mother whispered to me. "With no one other than Tom Riddle." my father looked deadly in my eyes.

"We're doing this to keep you safe." Narcissa said as she looked down at her hands wich were lying on her lap.

"For my safety or yours?" I stood up.

"Y/n please sit down. This engagement is very important." dad said, trying to stay calm.

"Oh, really, and what is it important for?" I lifted my shoulders up.

"Our family's reputation and the safety of our family." father explained coldly.

"You're joking, right?" I laughed, but my smile froze when I noticed a tear rolling down my mom's cheek.

"Mom? He is joking, right?" I went and kneeled down in front of her "Mom say something!" I grabbed her hands tight. She only shaked her head no. After a few minutes she raised her head and looked at me "You'll get married as soon as you finish school. I'm so sorry Y/n!" she wiped away her tears.

"I don't want to marry Riddle. I hate him." I let go of her hands and stood up.

"Unfortunately, no one's asking you." dad kept his calm tone which drove me crazy.

"Father, don't do this to me. I've been trying so hard to be a good daughter my whole life. And at the end, I'll get this in return?" a single teardrop rolled down my face.

"You're a good daughter, but you have to understand, we need to think about the future of our future grandchildren. Marrying the dark lord's oldest son is the right thing to do. Now you may hate us, but you're going to thank us later, once you are mature enough to understand. "

"But-" I tried to speak about my point of view, but unfortunately no one seemed to care what I think or feel.

"Now go get ready tonight, the dark lord and his family will visit us." dad got out of his seat and opened the door for me.

"This is not fair." I said as I left the room. "Life is not fair!" he shouted after me.

I went up the stairs and walked into my room. I slamed the door and threw myself on my bed. Bitter tears flowed from my eyes.

I could hear the door open and after a few seconds I felt а hand stroking my back. "What happened Y/n?" my twin brother Draco asked.

"Mother and Father decided to make me marry Tom fucking Riddle." I sat down. I looked at him and he didn't seem surprised at all. "You knew!" I stood up from the bed. "You fucking knew and you didn't tell me!" I yelled "Why didn't you tell me, were you waiting for your nephews first?"

"Y/n I wanted to tell you but father kept me quiet. He thought you'd run away if we told you earlier." he stood up as well.

"He knows me so well." I went up to the door and opened it. "Leave!" I shouted.

"Y/n listen."

"Leave! Draco please leave." I yelled and more tears rolled down.

He got out without saying a word more, and I slamed the door shut after him.

I couldn't believe my whole family were planning my engagement without informing me. Such a bullshit! I went into my bathroom. I undressed and turned on the water. Hot drops of water flock to my body along with hot tears.

After my short shower, I stood in front of my wardrobe. As much as I didn't want to get married, I didn't want to disappoint my family. That's why I just decided to obey.

I pulled out a black dress long to the knee with long fluffy sleeves. I also pulled out a black belt.

I got dressed and went back to the bathroom. I dried my blonde hair and with a pinch collected it in a bun. I dropped a few strands of hair from the front. I put on makeup and put on low black heels.

I went down to the dining room where mom and dad were. They looked at me for a moment and then they keep ordering things to Dobby.

"How do I look?" I rolled my eyes.

"Properly and when the guests come, I want you to act like a lady and no rolling of eyes." mother said and left the room.

"Father are you sure you want to engage me with Riddle?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sure Y/n." the doorbell rang "Now go and open the door and don't forget your manners."

I left the room and opened the front door. When I met the sinister red eyes of the dark lord, I shuddered.

"You're welcome my Lord." I stepped aside so he could get in.

"Good to see you Y/n." he said coldly and entered, he made his way to the the dinning room.

"You're welcome, Mrs. Riddle." I smiled at Bellatrix. She didn't respond only nodded and walked in.

"Hello Y/n." Tom stepped on the door frame.

"Hi Tom." I tried my best to sound friendly.

"Long time no see." he smirked and I nodded.

The whole summer I haven't seen him "It would of been so much better if it could stayed that way." I whispered quietly.

"Did you say something?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I said why don't you come in." I forced myself to smile at him.

After he disappeared around the corner Mattheo came inside. He smiled at me and I smiled at him as well.



We hugged each other tightly. Mattheo was my boy best friend.

"I'm sorry you have to marry Tom." he whispered in my ear. "I wish you luck with him and your nerves. If he is good at something it's at driving people crazy."

As a response I laughed awkwardly and closed the door.

Mattheo and I entered the dining room. The Dark Lord sat at one end of the table and my father at the other. On the right side of the lord sat Tom and on the left Bellatrix. On dad's right side sat Draco and mom on the left. Mattheo went around the table and sat down between Draco and Tom and I took the last seat between mum and Bellatrix.

"I'd be happy if we could start talking about the wedding without saying anything that isn't needed."the Dark Lord started after Dobby served the food.

I choked on the water that I was drinking. My father looked at me like he was going to kill me any moment.

"As you wish my Lord." he said to get the attention away from me.

"After dinner, we can leave Tom and Y/n alone to choose their decorations and clothing. And we will discuss who is coming as a guest." the Lord said and put a fork full of food in his mouth.

"I'm sorry my lord, but don't you think its a little early to talk about that. They are getting married after they graduate from Hogwarts, right?" my mom said. I could see the fear in her eyes.

"Prehaps you are right, but I don't see the harm of talking it out early." the Dark Lord said and took a sip from his wine.

I picked up a pea from my plate and notice Tom staring at me. I raised an eyebrow and he looked away.

After we ate, everyone went to the living room, leaving me and Tom alone in the dining room.

"Just so you know, I don't want to marry you, I'm doing this for my family." I informed him as he smirked and I sat in an armchair at the bottom of the room.

"And I'm not dying to marry you, either." he rolled his eyes and sat on the hand place of the armchair.

"This is the catalog. Pick something, for me doesn't matter." he passed me the catalog and I opened it.

After a few minutes in silence, I finally spoke. "That's what I want." I pointed to pictures from the catalog.

"It will do." he looked at the photos for less then a second.

"You didn't even look." I said and rolled my eyes.

"I did and don't roll your eyes at me." he pulled the catalog out of my hands and handed me another one. "Choose a dress and suit."

"Asshole." I grumbled under my nose.

"I heard you."


Again silence sat between us and I focused on the dresses.

"That one." I pointed at a photo.

"Between so many dresses you chose this?" he raised an eyebrow. "I'll wear the dress not you, so shut up." I said irritated. "You're going to wear the dress to my wedding."

"It's my wedding too."

"Whatever! Show me what you chose for me."

"Okay, it's fine." He took the catalogue again. "Let's go tell our parents." he stood up and made his way to the door without waiting for me, but then he stopped and turned to face me, I was just now getting up from the armchair. He pulled two rings out of his pocket.

"Here." he threw me the little one.

"Do I have to wear it before the wedding?" I asked in the hope that he would say no.

"Of course not." he said sarcastically. "Put the fucking ring on and don't take it off ever." he said angrily and walked out of the room.

I kept the ring in my palm for a few seconds and just looked at it.

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