Tolerance Book II

بواسطة Frances51163

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The continuing saga of Detective Jay Halsteads' complicated life as he works with Chicago PDs' Intelligence U... المزيد

Chapter One: Questions
Chapter Two: Finding Jay
Chapter Three: Profiling
Chapter Four: Running on Empty
Chapter Five: A New Plan
Chapter Six: Hospital Work
Chapter Seven: Unwelcome Memories
Chapter Eight: Possibilities Considered
Chapter Nine: Navigating Bureaucracy
Chapter Ten: Persuasion
Chapter Eleven: A Promising Lead
Chapter Twelve: Dead End
Chapter Thirteen: A Hard Earned Calm
Chapter Fourteen: A New Theory
Chapter Sixteen: A Fatal End
Chapter Seventeen: Elusive
Chapter Eighteen: Under Scrutiny
Chapter Nineteen: Instinct
Chapter Twenty: Piecing Together A Puzzle
Chapter Twenty-One: Resolve
Chapter Twenty-Two: Obsession
Chapter Twenty-Three: Respite
Chapter Twenty-Four: Options
Chapter Twenty-Five: Setting A Trap
Chapter Twenty-Six: Waiting Game
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Surprise
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Taking A Break
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Ultimatum
Chapter Thirty: Forging A New Plan
Chapter Thirty-One: The Pier
Chapter Thirty-Two: Selfless
Chapter Thirty-Three: Another Blow
Chapter Thirty-Four: Coping
Chapter Thirty-Five: Downtime
Chapter Thirty-Six: Back In The Game
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Revelations
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Assessment
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Only Option
Chapter Forty: Demise
Chapter Forty-One: Drawing Conclusions
Chapter Forty-Three: A Nightmare Mission
Chapter Forty-Four: A Snipers' Role
Chapter Forty-Five: Acceptance
Chapter Forty-Six: Another Twist
Chapter Forty-Seven: Taking Stock
Chapter Forty-Eight: Allies Reunited
Chapter Forty-Nine: A Possible Reason
Chapter Fifty: The Phone Call
Chapter Fifty-One: Countdown
Chapter Fifty-Two: Mission Impossible
Chapter Fifty-Three: The Unknown
Chapter Fifty Four: Home Truths
Chapter Fifty-Five: A New Threat
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Planning
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Prevention Attempt
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Unpredictable
Chapter Sixty: Unforeseen
Chapter Sixty-One: Danger Zone
Chapter Sixty-Two: Sitting Ducks
Chapter Sixty-Three: Countdown
Chapter Sixty-Four: Aftermath
Chapter Sixty-Six: A New Plan
Chapter Sixty-Seven: Ghosts of Demons Past
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Reflection
Chapter Sixty--Nine: Plans Anew
Chapter Seventy: Nightmare Awakening
Chapter Seventy-One: Oversight
Chapter Seventy-Two: Worries
Chapter Seventy-Three: Pendulum of Doom
Chapter Seventy-Four: Ending In Sight
Chapter Seventy-Five: Exit Plan
Chapter Seventy-Six: Out of Control
Chapter Seventy-Seventy-Seven: The Unknown
Chapter Seventy-Eight:
Chapter Seventy-Nine: Decisions
Chapter Eighty: Questions
Chapter Eighty-One: Doubts
Chapter Eighty-Two: Comrades In Arms
Chapter Eighty-Three: Updates
Chapter Eighty-Four: Chasing Clues
Chapter Eighty-Five: Facing Danger
Chapter Eighty-Six: Unwelcome Find
Chapter Eighty-Seven: Reunion
Chapter Eighty-Eight: Downtime
Chapter Eighty-Nine: Revenge Contemplated
Chapter Ninety: More Death
Chapter Ninety-One: Canadian Possibilities
Chapter Ninety-Two: Assessing a Killer
Chapter Ninety-Three: Persuasion
Chapter Ninety-Four: Waiting On A Killer
Chapter Ninety-Five: Prelude to a Showdown
NOTICE: Had to start Tolerance Book III as Chapter 196 kept Crashing App

Chapter Fifty-Six: In House Considerations

297 8 6
بواسطة Frances51163

Mouse looked up from his monitor as Al approached.

"You got a minute?" the older man enquired as he stopped in front of the IT Specialists' desk.
"Sure. Was just going to get a coffee anyway."
"Good. I'm buying," Al informed the surprised man and headed down the stairs without awaiting a response.
"Al?" Mouse quickly grabbed his jacket and followed the Detective, he had intended to grab a drink in the Break Room.
"Not here."

Twenty-five minutes later both men sat in a booth in a cafe Al frequented regularly. After the friendly middle- aged Waitress had delivered their coffees and departed Mouse couldn't be patient any longer.

"So why are we here?"
"Needed to talk to you in private. I'm worried about Jay."
"So am I," Mouse agreed, wondering where the discussion would go.
"How much do you know about Jays' Sniper work?"
"Not a lot!" the younger man snorted, their friend was not prone to sharing.
"I was a Sniper a lifetime ago," Al offered softly.
"Yeah man, I know."
"By the time Jay came along the game had changed beyond recognition."
"Why are you telling me this?" Mouse asked uncertainly as he poured creamer over his drink, his companion was not known to make idle chatter so clearly he was leading up to something.
"You know we figure King has some military links right?"
"I want to know what King could possibly know about Jays' Sniper duties."
"You're kidding."
"I'm deadly serious," Al assured evenly.
"Does Voight know you're asking this?"
"Does it matter?"
"Yes .... no.  No it doesn't ....... because I'm not doing it.  I won't spy on Jay which is essentially what you're asking me to do. Man you know how private he is. I can't believe you even asked me!" the IT Technician muttered crossly as he pushed away his mug in disgust, his interest in the hot beverage forgotten.
"You know I wouldn't ask unless it was absolutely necessary.  I'm not happy about it either but that doesn't matter. All that matters is keeping Jay safe. Information is power.  Hell you of all people know that."
"What makes you think I could access his Military Records?"
"You telling me you can't?" Al countered with an arched brow conveying his scepticism after taking a drink of coffee.
"You know Jay.  He guards his privacy and in view of everything that happened with his old man you know he's still feeling vulnerable.  Not that he'd ever admit it."
"Wouldn't be human if he wasn't," Al agreed easily, "and I know we found out things he never wanted us to know about but the information I want might protect him."
"And it might not," Mouse tossed back morosely, deeply unhappy by the unexpected request, "I'll do it ..... but only if Jay agrees."
"That might work " Als' usual laid back approach wasn't thrown by the proviso.
"Thought you'd say no."
"If I ask him to tell me about Afghanistan he'll refuse," the Detective stated frankly, "that's why we're here Mouse."
"I know," the IT Specialist rolled his eyes, "but there's a big difference between talking about what went down over there and letting you see the Records.  Easier on him if you read about it."
"You think you can persuade him?" Al couldn't argue with the younger mans' logic.
"Voight could just ask him outright," Mouse had come to the conclusion that the Sergeant had approved this discussion.
"Figure he'll pay more attention to you on this."
"So you expected me to refuse to go digging?"
"You're a good friend Mouse," the Detective pointed out succinctly, "I hoped you would come up with the alternative you did."

Al smiled slightly.   For the first time since the conversation began he was relieved as he sensed the ex-Ranger would convince his former Lieutenant that the invasion of privacy was essential.  He had informed Voight Mouse would be reticent about snooping but given what was at stake had agreed to broach the topic.  Despite the IT Specialists' observation that Voight could ask Jay the necessary questions himself Al had discussed the issue with the Sergeant and it soon became clear his old friend did not want to undo the trust he had built up with his youngest Detective.  The moustached man could relate to that.


21st Precinct

Several hours later Voight had informed the men the Units' space had been comprehensively swept for hidden listening or surveillance devices so they could converse safely without retreating to his office.  He had been
unwilling to wait for the new safety measures to be set up so had called on a few favours.  The Units' domain would be checked regularly until the new security was in place.

The Unit, in addition to Murphy and a newly arrived Parker, were busy going through various venues and locations that would appeal to King.  Mouse had surprised them all upon imparting his search results that there were over two hundred concert venues. They comprised of various sizes and were scattered across a wide expanse of Chicago real estate.

"Wouldn't Navy Pier be a good target?" Adam looked up from the list Mouse had sent around to everyone detailing capacity size and concert dates.  With the 24 hour window they could ideally rule out a number of locations.  The clock was running down on the time allotted by King and the men were considering every angle. 

"With this many possible targets it's going to be a guessing game," Kevin shook his head in disgust, sometimes he hated this job.
"Navy Pier would be a military tie in," Antonio considered the location.
"Isn't the Navy different to the military?" Adam chimed in clearly confused.
"The Navy is a branch of the military," Al put in helpfully, "but to make it easier to understand the U.S. Army deals with protecting the land and the Navy deals with protecting the seas.  As for Navy Pier it's a bit obvious isn't it?"
"Maybe that's what he wants us to think," Adam countered.

Antonio and Kevin had returned a short while ago after meeting with a CI
Kevin trusted. Turns out the CI, one Marcus Wilde, had heard talk about assault rifles for sale.  He had not been able to impart any further information to the Detectives but had assured them he would make some discreet enquiries.  Kevin had sternly cautioned the CI about the grave danger attached to that task and advised him to watch his back as the weapons' arsenal would attract the baddest of the bad element if it was in fact up for sale.  Wilde had taken the warning in his stride.  At forty-four he considered himself better than street smart.  Upon the duos' return to the 21st they had updated the others on the meeting with the long time CI.  As the pair had expected it raised more questions than answers.  Why would King threaten to show the destruction assault rifies could cause if he was getting rid of them?  It did not make any sense.  Wilde had not heard anything about the missing M67s so it was possible the rifles being sold were unrelated to those stolen by King or the man was going to use the hand grenades alone to create havoc, despite his message.

"Anyone else get anywhere with CIs?" Voight asked as he stood in the open doorway of his office.
"No Sarge," Adam divulged in disappointment, they had known the time frame they were working under was not conducive to quick results.
"Just how much damage could M67s do on their own?" Kevin enquired eyeing the three ex-military men in the group.
"It's a fragmentation grenade," Al eventually responded quietly, "it can kill up to 5 meters away and create casualties 15 meters away.  Fragments can be dispersed over a range of 230 meters."
"Damn," Antonio cursed softly all too easily imagining the damage dozens of such weapons could do.
"Did you ever deal with them?" Kevin asked curiously.
"How about you Jay?" Adam turned towards his friend and was met with a blank expression.
"I dealt with the aftermath of a few," the auburn haired man stated avoiding eye contact and then changed the topic as he looked towards Voight, "so Sarge where are we going to concentrate our highest personnel?"
"We'll have to assume it's one of the bigger targets he'll hit," the seasoned Sergeant obligingly went along with the change in conversation, "more impact equals more exposure."
"Makes sense," Antonio agreed tearing his eyes away from Jay, it constantly surprised him just how much his friend had been through and yet remained standing.
"I'm doing up a list of the top six venues with more comprehensive details," Mouse noted without his fingers stopping their keyboard dance.
"Good.  I want everything you can give me," Voight commented as he eyed the wall clock, "choose a place for takeout. It's on me."
"Thanks Sarge," Adams' stomach grumbled at the mention of food.
"You're worse than a baby," Kevin rolled his eyes at his friends' ever present ferocious appetite, "and before you say it ....,"
"..... you're not a growing boy!" several voices loudly chimed in unison.

A short while later Jay sat at his desk and contemplated the likelihood of stopping King before anyone else was killed.  Reluctantly he came to the grim conclusion it was an impossible task.

"Care to share?" Parker walked over.
"Nothing to share."
"You look like you're carrying the weight of the world."
"Don't see anyone doing Riverdance," Jay pointed out evenly, gesturing to the serious faces around the room.
"I take your point," the Psychologist sighed, "so how bad do you think it will be?"
"Your guess is as good as mine," the Detective deflected the query, "you know King isn't shy on causing maximum destruction."
"No he's not," the New Yorker agreed as he sat on the corner of the other mans' desk, "but you are acquainted with the stolen weapons, I'm not."
"Heck Doc you only need to know they're weapons being acquainted ain't essential," the experienced ex-Ranger imparted wrily.
"Still wish we knew what he planned."
"That would be too easy.  So when is your next conference?"
"I'm finished.  I was scheduled to attend one tomorrow but it was postponed at the last minute."
"Why?" Jay checked absently, his attention already returning to the list before him of the venues Mouse had narrowed down.
"Two of the other Speakers got delayed so the decision was made to postpone the rest of the conference until next month."
"So you're coming back again?" Jay looked away from the list, an intense look overtaking his features.
"Depends on my schedule.   The new date may conflict with other commitments.  Why?"
"Two of the concerts taking place tonight were postponed."
"So?" Parker didn't understand the relevance of that coincidence.
"King knows Murphy and yourself are here," Jay declared as he rose and headed for Voights' office with a pronounced limp, crutches forgotten.
"What's got into him?' Adam looked over as he put down the receiver on another unhelpful call.
"I honestly don't know," the New Yorker admitted ruefully.

"Sarge you got a minute?" Jay asked after tapping on the door and opening it.
"Sure," the seasoned Sergeant shared a look with Murphy knowing the younger man would not interrupt unless it was important then motioned to a chair, "and where the hell are your crutches?"
"Forgot them .....,"
"Not sure how you could," Murphy grimaced after watching the pained walk to the chair, "it's hurting me just watching you!"
"Out with it Halstead," Voight as ever cut to the chase once his subordinate was seated.
"I'll leave you two alone," the HS Assistant Director offered.
"This concerns you ... and Parker."
"Go on," Voight urged as Murphy remained seated.
"King knows Murphy and Parker are in town ....,"
"How do you know that?" Murphy demanded.
"There are two concerts scheduled for tonight that were postponed."
"Out with it," the Sergeants' legendary brusqueness came to the fore, he was just as baffled as their Visitor.
"The concerts had been initially planned for New York ....,"
"Why postpone to here if they were originally meant to take place in New York," Murphy voiced his puzzlement.
"They were postponed over one of the shootings in New York."

Voight considered the new information not entirely convinced of its' accuracy although his Detective clearly was.  It could just be a coincidence but then the 24 hour time frame limited the possible targets down considerably to one date.  Even if the concert or concerts were targets however he was unsure how Jay had arrived at the conclusion that King was aware of Murphy and Parkers' presence in the Windy City.  Looking across his desk at the pale man he frowned.  He was clearly in no condition to be working ......


CI - Confidential informant

Riverdance - Traditional Irish music       
                        and dance show.

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