For Her Undamaged (GirlxGirl)

By Maverickk17

102K 4.5K 3.1K

She wanted to change and that's what she did. 17 year old Bailey Skeels has been one to follow rules and go... More

Character Aesthetics
1. False Accusations
2. Test Cheaters
3. Motherly Disappointment
4. They Know
5. Shutdown Once
6. Second Time
7. School Beans
8. Listen Here
9. Sewer Criminal
10. Jackass Advice
11. Not Broken
12. Serial Killer
13. Trust Issues
14. Be Nice
15. Book Money
16. Yes? No?
17. Alphabet Mafia
18. Unneeded Comment
19. Perfect World
20. Just Vanish
21. Trying Here
22. Small Goodnight
23. Missing Morning
24. Wrong Feeling
25. It's Me
26. Getting Better
27. Annoying Questions
28. Unknown Plan
29. Like Him
30. Our Life
31. Casual Interrogation
32. Cookie Deal
33. Poisoned Celery
34. Little Blue
35. Winner Winner
36. Dirty Mind
37. Always Skeptical
38. Predicament Fucking
39. Jealous Tension
40. Lost Together
41. What Now?
42. Minds Away
43. Feeling Worse
44. Spicy Thoughts
45. Wanting Her
46. Having Her
47. After Glow
48. Kept Secret
49. Almost Perfect
50. Missing Her
51. Leather Cover
52. March 10
53. Lands Away
54. BOOM! Confrontation
55. With Her
56. Lightning Bolts
57. Mother's Right
58. Simply Swaying
59. Bloody Knuckles
60. Deal's Off
61. Starting Over
62. It's Obvious
63. Aunt Jacky
64. Grad Gift
65. Meet Up
66. Next Step
67. The Truth
68. All Together
69. Gone Again
70. More Cookies
71. Not Good
72. What Now
73. You're Here!
74. The Unknown
75. For Me
76. For Her
Out now

77. A Break

1.1K 31 11
By Maverickk17

A/N: long chapter ahead.

Bailey's POV:

I grabbed my things and Marco waited for me before he locked the car, "Are you staying too?" I ask him as we walk to the front door. "No, I just need to grab my things from upstairs then I'll be leaving, actually leaving this tome." He opens the door and we both walk inside.

"You're here." I turn the corner and Skylar stands up from the couch and Dean turns around. "What happened?" I ask putting my stuff down then Skylar comes running to me and tackles me but I gain my balance hugging her back. "Please don't randomly leave again." She mumbles into my shirt and I look at Dean.

"Go back to bed, I'll be there in a few minutes," I tell her and she lets go of me waddling back to her room. "I got my stuff, I'll be in contact soon. Goodnight." Marco waves at us, "I'll see you." "Goodnight Marco, say hi to June for me." I wave at him and he smiles before leaving.

"Is Skylar okay?" I ask knowing that she isn't. "This whole thing is taking a toll on us and it's even worse for Skylar, she's starting to think it's her fault but I don't know what exactly happened, it all happened fast." He tries to fight his yawn but it wins, "I just know she needs you right now, you'll make her feel better." He stands with a little wobble and I reach out for a hug.

"We'll find Sage." I tell him and he nods on my shoulder. "I know but right now I think we both need a break for now. I'm going to bed, you should too." We both let go and I wait for him to walk up the stairs then I enter Skylar's room. I watch her chest rise and fall, her deep breathing fills the room and I quickly change before getting under the blanket laying on my side to see her.

"I'm here now." I whisper moving a strand of her out of her face, "Thank fuck." She mumbles turning on her side then I feel her arm wrap around my waist and she pulls me closer to her, leaving an inch of space between us. "Are you okay?" I ask stroking her cheek with my thumb. "I don't know, I'm worried about Sage but I'm glad you're okay I really am." She touches her forehead against mine and I give her a kiss.

"Please tell me you're okay and that you're staying." She completely engulfs me in her arms and the blanket and it becomes exceedingly warm very quickly. "I'm fine trust me I am and about me staying," I say trying to breathe the I feel the bed jump and she shoots up getting onto her knees and staring at me.

"You're not leaving again are you? You can't go not after what happened to Sage. If you're going somewhere I'm going too, they can't take you away from me Bailey." She panics her eyes bouncing between mine and they start to tear up while her hands grip the hem of my shirt. My heart begins to ache.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere." I cup her face gently and her rapid breathing slows. "I'm sorry, I just-" She drops her head on my shoulder and I slowly pull us both back down onto the bed. "I just can't have what happened to Sage happen to you, I can't." She mumbles and I just hold her, Dean said she thinks this is her fault.

"I'm staying okay, I'll tell you about that later but I need you to know that this isn't your fault," I say feeling her weight shift onto my body. "You protected him and he protected you. You were only doing what was best and so was he, there's no one to blame here besides the people you were fighting." I tell her and she lifts her head to look at me, her hair long and frizzy curtains over her face.

"I don't know." She says, "What do you mean you don't know?" I move her hair away from her face. "I don't know what to think it feels like my head is going to fucking explode and that my eyeballs will pop out of their damn sockets." She squints her eyes with a laugh making me smile. "That probably feels right after what you went through, we'll talk about the rest of this in the morning okay." I give her another kiss and she lays her head back on my chest.


1 month later

Skylar's POV:

"Another fucking bust." I cuss ripping my helmet from my head and I let it drop onto the asphalt road before booting it to the garage door. They're giving me no leads, they're giving me zero help, I don't know why I even both to ask the Angellos for anything. I just want my brother back and they're not doing shit.

I pick up my helmet before punching in the code and waiting for the slow door to open. "You're back? Anything?" I look towards the ground and Dean slides out from under Bailey's car. "No as fucking always." I spit between my teeth and he sighs, pinching his nose's bridge.

"We'll keep trying, he's out there. Not dead." I watch him slide back under his car and the thought couldn't help but scream in my head. What if he is dead? What if he's already gone? What if there's no saving him? There could be no more Sage. No more big brother. I could be causing down a ghost, an uncatchable spirit.

What if Sage is gone, forever?

I leave the garage into the house before I could think about that any longer. I hate thinking that he's gone because I know he's stronger than that and I didn't see him die, he was still there when I left but after, he was gone in thin air. "Beans?" I look around the kitchen and living room but I don't see her.

I go into my room and I spot her curled up on her side of my bed, snoring. Of course she's snoring. I kneel beside her and I touch my hand on her cheek. It's been a really long month, too long with me leaving and coming back, Dean and Marco doing whatever they're trying to do and now with college, I'm starting to see her less and less even though her school is only two hours away, she's gone for most of the day.

"I'm back." I kiss her lips and I brush my finger against her eyelashes hoping to wake her up. "I'm back Beans." I try again this time getting a small reaction but she still doesn't wake up. I grab my blanket that she's curled up in and I rip it off her body, "Hey it's cold!" She sits up straight searching for the blanket with her hands and I smile in victory.

"I know but I need to wake up and you didn't so I ripped the blanket off." I hold it in front of her and she snatches it out of my hands, early morning Beans is never my favorite out of the rest, late night Beans is my favorite, she's more cuddly then. "I want to say that this is abuse but I'm not, so I'm going to say it's foul and rude. I thought you love me." She curls back up and my jaw drops.

"I do love you that's why I need you to get out of bed." I try to take the blanket again but this time holds it tighter. "But why?" She whines and I sigh. "Because it's a surprise," I grunt trying to pull harder but she's somehow beating me. "I can't with you and surprises you've been doing surprises since we've met. I've had too many surprises in my life and they're all from you." She continues to whine as I pull on the blanket.

"It's a good surprise I promise now come on. Today is a day that both of us aren't doing shit. I'm taking a break from searching and I want that break with my girlfriend so it would be nice if you could get up." I strain then I get flung onto my ass with the blanket on top of me.

She freaking let go of it and let me fall. "But we could stay the day in bed don't you think?" She sits up straight as if she wasn't trying to go back to sleep a couple seconds ago. "No, we can't stay in bed today," I tell her as I get up and I toss the blanket back at her then she wraps herself back in it and smiles and cheeky smile.

"What are we going to do in bed then?" I ask standing by the edge and she sits up holding the side of my waist then I feel my back hit my bed and she straddles me. "Well, I like this." Her hands hold my wrists beside my head and she leans down kissing me hard, "I really like this." I say between our lips meeting.

"So can we stay in bed?" She asks with a smile and her hair falls to one side but I shake my head, "Nope we need to go but we can do this later." I lean my head up kissing her neck and she lightly gasps, "Whatever you had planned isn't going to happen if you keep doing this." She lets go of my wrists and she lets me sit up straight but I keep her on my lap.

"How are you feeling? Did you find anything linking to Sage?" She asks holding onto my shoulders and I shake my head, "Nothing, no leads or witnesses but it's okay, I just look harder but how's college? I know that culinary class is kind of kicking your butt." I chuckle a little as she sulks in my arms.

"I thought watching enough Gordan Ramsey would be enough but no, I'm struggling with making eclairs and I love eclairs." She rubs her face with a groan and I pull her hands away, "That's why I'm taking us on a trip today. Just a small one to a place you've been before so don't worry. We'll come back to reality later because right now I just want to get lost with you for a bit." I tell her, feeling the comfortable silence grow around us.

She looks at me longingly then a small smile creeps on her face, "So since we're supposed to take time off does that mean I can ride your bike this time." She bites her bottom lip and I immediately shake my head. "Nope, that's not going to happen. Sorry, you have a car." I tell her but she just sighs, I don't know what got into her but bikes are starting to spark her interest which means bad news for me.

"It was worth the ask, now let's go I want to know this surprise." She gets off me with a spin and I lay a tap on her butt which gets me a middle finger as she walks out of my room. I shake my head walking out too but to the garage where Dean is still under the car. "Hey Dean, we're gonna go out for the day, we'll be back before it gets dark," I tell him and he gives me a thumbs up then I feel a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders.

"I'm ready." I hear Beans' muffled voice and I turn around seeing her in my old helmet and she holds out my new helmet towards me. "Looks like you are. Alright let's go." I tell her grabbing my keys and my wallet.

"We'll see you later Dean, there's food in the fridge." Beans tells Dean and he thanks her. I get on my bike and so does she wrapping herself tightly around me. She has such a tight hold. It's insane but I love it. My bike sounds with a loud bang and growl and I pull out of our neighborhood.


Bailey's POV:

I hold onto Skylar's torso, her strong torso as the scenery flashes by us, the high speed doesn't scare me anymore. I love it now, feeling us cut right through the wind. With nothing but us on the road I take my arms away from her only to feel her grab my arm. "What do you think you're doing?" She asks and I lift my visor and I hold her shoulders.

"I'm doing something I've always wanted to do. Just like in the movies." I tell her and she shakes her head. "No, you're doing that, last time I went this fast you were terrified and I had to help you off my bike. I'm not doing that again and I told you I wasn't ever going to go that fast again." She starts to slow down.

"I'm not scared anymore. Just for a few seconds, please. Once I'm done I promise I'll hold onto you again." I try to convince her and I lift up her visor and she turns her head for a single second. "Okay." She says and I feel the bike speed up, she looks forward and I let go of her taking a deep breath before I sit up straight and I spread my arms out wide and I lift my head high.

The air glides and engulfs my body and I couldn't help my smile. "Whooooo yeah!" I scream taking in everything, this freeing moment. I glance down at the Skylar's side mirrors and I see her look at me and even though I can't see any part of her face I know that under that hard headed helmet of hers she's smiling at me, the same way that I'm smiling at her.


Dean's POV:

Pizza or pasta. Pizza or pasta. Pizza or pasta. Pizza or pasta. Pizza or pasta. I can't decide, Bailey is the reason I'm gaining 10 pounds every meal. But I'm not complaining because her food is so much better than Sage's, not saying he can't cook, he's a decent home cook but Bailey beats him but a thousand meals.

I toss the pizza into the oven then I hear the doorbell ring. Can't even eat my pizza in peace. I open the front door and I see Marco standing in his usual suit and a folder between his arms. "Good morning, may I come in? It's important." He says, "Everything's important whenever I have to see your face." I step to the side and he walks in and I follow him after closing the door.

"You're not exactly a cup of tea yourself but where are Bailey and Skylar?" He asks then tosses the folder on the table and some of the papers fly out. "They went out. They both needed a break, Bailey's in college and Skylar is constantly out looking for clues, evidence, anything and so am I. It's understandable so they're on a date I think I just know they need each other right now. We're all so fucking stressed." I explain to Marco as I check on my pizza.

"A date, that's nice. They deserve one, I checked with the college to make sure that Bailey was okay and she's doing just fine. Skylar on the other hand is slowly becoming reckless again, she's being careless when looking and trying to find Sage, I've cleaned up some of her messes but it needs to stop." He crosses his arms but I feel my head pound.

"Oh yeah? She's careless and reckless? What do you think is going to happen, she lost her brother. Any time Bailey leave to go somewhere without telling her anything, she freaks out and has a damn panic attack. It doesn't matter how long it's been. She needs Sage back. I need him back, don't you understand." I throw it in his face, my blood begins to boil but stops when I feel him shove the folder into my chest.

"What's this?" I ask and I open it up. "We've found Sage. Really found him along with Liliana in a new location that they were transferred too. We're ready to move and get them back but we need you three ready before we can start." He tells me then places his hand on my shoulder.

I scan the pictures, the locations, different little things and a photo of Sage and Liliana together holding each other happily. "We know where they are. I think it's time." I look at him and I close the folder. "It's time."


To Be Continued

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