Say That You'll Stay (GMD3/Di...

By EmilyRachel_D3

104K 1.5K 559

When Mia's best friend Sky comes to live with her in England, they almost immediately bump into Dan and Micky... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 36

3K 35 8
By EmilyRachel_D3

A/N: Thought we'd trial a POV for this chapter so let us know if you guys like these style of POVs!(:


(The day before)

-Sky's POV-

I race out of Mia's house and immediately hail a cab. It screeches to a halt in front of me and I quickly get in.

A million thoughts run through my head: why is this so urgent? Are my parents okay? Is someone in hospital? Do I have to go back to Australia?

The last one triggers slight tears as the thought of leaving Mia or Micky is unbearable.

I wipe the brimming tears with the back of my hand and clutch onto my phone as the taxi drives me toward the train station. I distract myself with the amazing London city lights in the dark night.

My phone vibrates suddenly and I pick it up to see 'Micky <3' flash across the screen with the word 'calling' underneath.

My heart thumps at double the speed and I contemplate answering him. But what would I say? I have to leave for god knows how long because something possibly terrible has happened? That would only scare the crap out of him. Before I manage to hit the ignore button, the ringtone stops and I breathe a sigh of relief. I love Micky more than anything and the last thing I want to do is worry him or hurt him.

"Miss?" The taxi driver turns around.

I look out the window and realise that I'm already at my destination. I pay him and thank him quickly before exiting the cab.

It takes me about 10 minutes to find platform 7 but eventually I calm some of my nerves and rest on the bench while I wait for the train.

My phone vibrates again and I nervously glance at the screen to see a text from Mia: 'Hey Sky, I hope you're okay, text me when you're there alright? And come back soon! I miss your snores ;)'. I chuckle to myself and pull out my headphones Micky had gotten for me from my bag and slip them on. The train arrives and I find myself a seat, bracing myself for the long ride ahead. 

An hour later the train stops at my destination and I hop off in search of my parents. 

"Skylar!" I hear in the distance.

I whip around to see my loving parents I haven't seen for almost a month.

"Mom! Dad!" I yell and run towards them. I stop short in front of them when I see worried expressions on their faces.

"What?" I ask nervously.

"We're so sorry baby," my mom says before pulling me into a hug. 

My heart stops beating and I pull away quickly.

"What's happened?"

-Micky's POV-

I set my phone down slightly concerned that Sky wasn't picking up her phone. She's never without her phone and she never ignores my calls. Or maybe I'm just being clingy. Maybe she's asleep ... or maybe she's out with Mia... Mia!

I dial Mia's phone and wait a few rings before the other end of the line picks up.

"He- hey Micky," she greets with a slight nervous edge to her voice.

"Heya Mia, is Sky with you?" I ask her.

She falls silent for a second before replying "Nope she's not. She's out at the moment."

Confused thoughts fill my head. Where in the world could she be?

"So where is she?" I ask, my voice coming out a bit demanding.

I clear my throat, "sorry, I'm just a bit confused and slightly worried," I admit.

"It's okay", she reassures me, "I'm not too sure where she went, but she'll back."

More confused and worried thoughts pop into my head but I shake my them out. She's probably gone out for a walk or whatever.

"Don't worry about it," I tell her, "I'll try her number again later or something,"

She mumbles something on the other end of the line and says a quick bye before hanging up. 

I pull the phone from my ear and randomly chuck it onto my bed before going and taking a quick shower. 

After the calming shower I let myself worry over Sky again. Is she okay? I feel jittery over the possibilities. Before I know it I run smack into Dan, effectively ending my train of thought.

"Hey mate, watch it," he teases. He looks up at me and his eyebrows furrow into a worried arch, "you okay Micky?"

I shrug, not exactly knowing myself, "you don't happen to know where Sky is do you?" I ask scratching the back of my neck.

"Nah sorry mate, why? Is she okay?" He asks mirroring my worried expression.

"I dunno, she's not picking up her phone or anything. I even called Mia and she doesn't seem to know anything except that she went out" I tell him.

"Don't worry Mick, she's probably out for a bit and forgot her phone or something" he comforts me.

I sigh and decide to accept what he's telling me. "You're probably right..."

"Of course I'm right" he smirks.

I roll my eyes and him and realise that he's fully dressed. "And where are you going at 10 at night?"

He looks down at himself and grins. "It's me and Mia's one month tomorrow, so thought I'd give her a surprise midnight date." 

I can't help but grin myself. They're the cutest couple, aside from Sky and I of course. "Good boy," I pat him on the back.

He only grins back at me as he swipes the keys from the kitchen table. 

I watch as he plays with his keys and walks towards the front door.

"Hey Mick," he says suddenly turning around, "Don't worry about Sky. Remember, she loves you."

Just like that, a warm glow flows through my body. It was like a sudden flashback: I love this girl. I love the way she smiles, the way she whispers my name in my ear as she cuddles up to me on the couch, the feeling of her lips on mine... I love her.

A smile creeps on my face but before I could look up and thank Dan for that reassurance, he had already left.

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