Reunion at Sea

By ZoneRobotnik

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Shortly after having a nightmare vision about him on an island filled with dark magic, Rapunzel meets the rea... More

Into the Great Tree
Mirror, Mirror
Into the Dark Kingdom
Mad King
Rest and Relaxation
Town Meeting
Rise Up
His Story
A Necessary Change
Old Friend
Something Strange
Talk It Out
Rallying Call
The Return of the King
Back to the Dark


93 3 1
By ZoneRobotnik

"Why are we on Mt. Saison?" Frederic asked as he followed the other Disciples up the mountain.

"We're going to meet with someone. Selina flew on ahead to let him know to expect us." Lucas assured him.

"Who? No one lives on Mt. Saison." Frederic frowned.

"Silly Freddy!" Melina giggled.

"Just because you cannot see zhem, it does not mean zhey do not exist, oui?" Tromus smiled at him.

Frederic sighed. "I am starting to have to accept that..."

They heard giggling and then Lucas led them into a magical area that had a shimmering lake and women and men in various states of undress, many of them in the lake. Selina was among them, relaxing in the lake while someone washed her hair.

"Ahh, there's the rest of you!" A tall woman with red skin, pointed ears, horns, a heart-tipped tail and a rather ample bosom walked towards them in a black dress that left nothing to the imagination. "Ambrosio is a little busy right now, so why don't I get you gentlemen a drink? Sorry, sweetie, nothing here for children."

"Oh, phooey." Melina pouted.

"Mama Insati, we do have that juice Ambrosio brought back for the ones that wanted to say sober." One of the girls said.

"Oh, so we do!" The woman, Insati, laughed.

"Actually, we'd all prefer to stay sober for this meeting." Lucas said with a chuckle. "When will he be done?"

They heard a high moan from somewhere around the lake and Insati shrugged. "Should be done any time soon." She looked over. "Ambrosio, when you're done over there, get dressed before coming back. There's a minor present."

"Technically, she's not a minor." Tromus remarked. "She just stopped aging at twelve years old many centuries ago."

"Well, has she been witness to a grown man's naked phallus?" Insati asked, smirking.

"" Melina cleared her throat. "Uhm, I'm going to go wait outside." She walked away from the area.

"I'll send one of our girls over with some water for you, sweetie." Insati assured her, then turned as they heard the rustle of wings.

Frederic's jaw dropped as they were joined by a creature that was surely of only mythology. A faun, red of fur and hair with golden-brown eyes and black hooves and horns. He was dressed in a green tailcoat and he had beautiful feathered wings that seemed to be also somewhat scaly in appearance.

"Lucas." He greeted, his voice deep and low and having a strange effect on Frederic, making him shiver a bit. "It's been centuries."

"It has." Lucas nodded. "Selina told what we're here for?"

"She has. You have a job for me?" Ambrosio asked. "You know my rules, of course?"

"You'll do anything but murder for a worthy price." Lucas nodded.

"What would you like?" Tromus asked.

"Wait," Frederic spoke up, "even kidnapping?"

"Is that the nature of the job?" Ambrosio asked, while someone came over to bring them all drinks.

"It is." Lucas nodded. "We need you to kidnap the Moonstone from Corona. Its host is a teenage boy that has black hair with a blue stripe."

"Kidnapping the Moonstone...that's going to be a hefty price." Ambrosio said thoughtfully, then turned his gaze to Frederic, his eyes narrowing. "You're the King of Corona, correct?"

"I am." He nodded firmly. "Even if several fools believe otherwise."

"I'm not asking details." Ambrosio waved his hand dismissively. "I'll do the job if I can have you for the rest of the night."

Frederic stepped back, his cheeks going pink. "'H-Have me'?"

"I promise to be gentle." Ambrosio licked his lips.

"Go on then, Fred." Lucas laughed. "You might even enjoy it!"

Frederic looked at Lucas, then back at the winged faun before he sighed and nodded. "Alright. One night."

"Great." He grinned. "I'll go get the kid tomorrow, then." He offered Frederic a hand and he took it before letting him lead him away.

"We'll be back tomorrow to pick you up!" Lucas called. "Selina, you coming back tonight?"

"Nope, I'm good here." She assured him.

"See you tomorrow, then." Lucas grinned and walked out with Tromus.

Melina noticed them and followed them out. "Soo...will he do it?"

"He took payment." Lucas nodded. "We'll have our little bird soon."

The other Disciples had been unnervingly quiet. Ruddiger and Gothel sat together on top of the roof of Rapunzel's tower, looking out at the Kingdom.

"What do you think they're planning?" Ruddiger asked.

"I don't know." Gothel clutched at her skirt. "And, honestly, that frightens me. We have no way of knowing, even Kline can't see that clearly, or is not allowed to tell us if he is."

Ruddiger sat back on his hands. "...It's nice to be able to do this again."

"Hm?" She looked at him.

" know, sit, talk, spend time together. I know that could be a little shit before, I pulled pranks and, frankly, I hate who I used to be. But, we had some good moments, right?" He looked at her.

She smiled a bit. "Yes, we did." She looked down at where Rapunzel, Elsa and Varian were training in the courtyard – more like showing off, really. People loved watching them show off their powers together. "Such a peaceful moment...all those smiles, easily wiped away by an animal attack or something." She frowned.

Ruddiger nodded, then sat up properly. "We have to do what we can to make sure that they don't succeed, whatever they're plotting."

"How can we do that without any hints, though? The House of Yesterday's Tomorrow isn't even in Corona anymore, last we checked." Gothel shrugged.

"We keep our eyes and ears open." Ruddiger got up. "C'mon, let's get back to the others. I bet they're wondering where we are."

Gothel nodded and then she flew down as Ruddiger used his Disciple form to do the same.

"Hey, Ruddiger! Hi, Gothel!" Varian greeted, then summoned water that Elsa turned to ice before she shattered it into little flakes of snow that fell onto the people watching and melted quickly.

"Okay, that's enough playing around." Eugene walked over to them. "Sunshine, you have Queen stuff to do. Your mom is waiting to advise you through it."

"Oh, okay." She pouted. "I'll train some more later."

"See you later!" Varian grinned and turned to Elsa. "Alright, let's keep going!"

"Actually, Anna is looking at me with puppy eyes, so...I gotta go." Elsa chuckled a bit and walked over to her sister. "What do you want to do?"

"Ohh, can we go to that café?" Anna asked as she walked off with her sister.

Varian shrugged and looked at Ruddiger and Gothel. "Looks like you got here just in time for us to stop."

"That's alright, we'll see it another time." Gothel smiled. "How are you doing, Varian?"

"Honestly? Trying not to think of, uh, bad stuff." Varian admitted. "Been having a pretty good day, just relaxing...but the lasting peace has me worried. It's quiet, lately. Too quiet. We haven't seen any sign of Frederic or Lucas or even a wild animal coming to attack with glowing, green eyes."

"Yes, we were just talking about that." Gothel looked at Ruddiger.

"I'm thinking of going with Donella to check to see if the House of Yesterday's Tomorrow is back or not." Ruddiger said, nodding firmly. "We need to know if they're going to make their move soon or not."

"Be careful." Varian walked over and hugged him. "And bring the music box."

"I know." Ruddiger nodded. "We're just going to go look, we won't engage."

"Still, bring the music box." Varian nodded firmly.

"Okay, I will." Ruddiger assured him with a soft smile and kissed his head.

Varian watched as Ruddiger and Donella left to go check on the known locations of the House of Yesterday's Tomorrow and then sighed. He hated that this was being dragged on so long, that Frederic had resorted to siding with Lucas, to losing his humanity, because of how much he hated him. And why would he hate him so much? Why? He still didn't fully understand. Yes, he hated Frederic, but he had damn good reason to. Why did Frederic hate him so much, to the point of torturing him and manipulating the entire Kingdom against him? To the point of selling his soul?

Ugh, he was going to spin around in circles trying to figure this out. He shook his head and walked over to sit at the dock, a place that he'd found to be a quiet place to think.

"I hope I'm not interrupting."

Varian raised an eyebrow at the unfamiliar voice and looked up at the man behind him.

He was dark-skinned with eyes that looked like a shade of golden-brown with long, red hair tied back into a ponytail. He was tall, handsome, and looked really good in a forest-green suit. Actually, Clyde would look hot in that suit, too, Varian considered.

"What would you be interrupting?" Varian shrugged. "I'm the only one here."

"I noticed." He walked over and stood next to him. "It seems like Corona is on a bit of a lockdown right now. I can't get a boat out to go back home."

"Oh, sorry." Varian winced. "We've been having, uh...problems."

"Well, I can't imagine that this is good for commerce." The man said, chuckling a bit.

Varian sighed heavily and nodded. "Yeah, it''s been difficult."

"Well, I suppose I'll have to find things to do here in Corona." The man chuckled. "There's a lot of lovely sights to see here, and lovely men and women to look at." He looked at Varian and winked.

Varian chuckled a bit. "Flattering, but...I'm dating someone." He got up. "You have a good day, sir." He turned to go.

"Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you something." He said, and Varian stopped and looked at him.

"What?" Varian asked, tilting his head a bit.

The man turned to him with a smile. "Lucas said, 'I'm waiting for you'."

Varian gasped as the man was engulfed in blue smoke and then he was no longer human – but he wasn't a Disciple, either. He now had large, red and black feathered wings and had hooves and fur and horns and Varian was just staring in shock and fascination at this creature -

And then he realized what he'd said and stepped back. "You're with Lucas?"

"Oh no." He chuckled and walked towards him. "I'm just here to pick something up for him, that's all. I was paid a royal sum, after all."

"Get away from him!" Adira ran over and swung her sword at hm. He blocked the blow with his powerful wings and then threw them open, knocking her back with a strong gust of wind. "Agh!" She cried out as she was thrown into the water by the sudden wind.

"Adira!" Varian ran to her, then cried out as he was grabbed by the man-creature-thing. "Let go of me!" He looked at the man furiously, then gasped as he made eye-contact with his glowing, golden eyes. "Let..." His eyes slowly closed, his consciousness fading.

"Sleep, little god." He said as he lifted Varian into his arm, then smirked as Adira resurfaced and flapped his large wings before lifting into the sky and flying off quickly, passing through the barrier with ease.

"Varian!" Adira cried, getting up onto the dock. "VARIAN!"

"Adira, what happened?!" Hector ran over to her, then looked where she was looking. "What in the Moon's name is THAT?!"

"Ambrosio..." Gothel said grimly, coming up to them. "He's a supernatural mercenary. I knew they were too quiet."

"How did he get through the barrier?" Hector turned to her. "I thought it repelled anything evil?"

"Ambrosio isn't evil." Gothel shook his head. "He gets paid and he does the job, the only gain he gets is whatever they offer him."

"Well, we need to go after them! Where does he live?!" Adira asked urgently.

"Mt. Saison, but he wouldn't be there. Hopefully, Ruddiger and Donella can intervene." Gothel said grimly. "Even if I fly after them, I wouldn't catch up in time."

Hector pulled out a mirror and tapped it. "Donella!" He ran off.

Ambrosio flew among the clouds with his precious cargo trapped in an enchanted sleep in his arms. He looked around and then dove down to cheerful-looking house and landed outside it, folding his wings. He looked around, then shifted his hold on the little god and walked over to knock on the door. It opened and a little girl looked out.

"Oh, Ambrosio, you're here!" Melina said cheerfully. "Lucas! Ambrosio's here!"

"Ahh, at last!" Lucas walked over to join them. "You got him?"

Ambrosio held out the sleeping teenager. "As promised, the package is safely delivered. Do you want me to wake him from the enchanted sleep?"

"No, we can take it from here." Lucas assured him. "Why don't you come in and get something to drink? I'm sure Frederic would love to see you again." He grinned and opened the door wider. "Mind helping us take him to the altar room?"

"Not at all." Ambrosio assured him, walking in. Lucas closed the door and led him through.

"Ah, you got him! Good!" Tromus said excitedly. "We must prepare the altar now. She has been waiting."

"I can take him now, actually." Lucas said, holding out his arms. Ambrosio handed him over and then Lucas nodded to the side, where Frederic was in the dining hall. "Have fun." He grinned and walked off with Tromus following him.

Ambrosio watched them go, feeling slightly guilty, then shrugged it off. It was none of his business what they did with the boy. A big part of being in the business he was in was that he didn't ask questions about the job. As long as no one died, he didn't want to know. If they wanted to sacrifice him to their demonic overlord, who was he to stop them?

He walked over and looking into the dining room with a grin. "Hey."

Frederic sat up straight in his seat, his cheeks pink.

"What do you mean the Disciples have Varian?!" Ruddiger demanded. "How did that happen?!"

"Calm down, Ruddiger." Donella told him. "What happened, Hector?"

"They sent some neutral party, a mercenary, to kidnap him! We didn't even realize what he was until he changed into a big goat-bird thing!"

"Faun. He's a winged faun." Ruddiger groaned. "They hired Ambrosio." He looked at Donella. "Any sign of the House yet?"

"No, not in any shape we've seen it in, at least." Donella frowned. "And it won't show up on the radar, I have to catch one of them outside—wait, hold on, I'm getting something. This way." She steered the airship towards the source of the demonic energy.

"There!" Ruddiger pointed at a life-size dollhouse. "...Oh. Melina decorated."

They landed the airship and Ruddiger ran to the door, gasping as he saw the building starting to vibrate. "No!" He grabbed at it, but the building started to glow and then it disappeared. "...Shit."

"Where is this Ambrosio?" Donella asked. "We don't know that he took him to them yet, do we?"

"They wouldn't have moved locations if he hadn't." Ruddiger scowled. "I completely overlooked him as a possibility. Shit."

Donella walked over to where the House was. "...Well, let's talk to the others and see about locating the building's new hiding place."

Ruddiger nodded grimly. "...Regulus wouldn't have made that mistake."

"Regulus would've probably made the suggestion. Let's go." Donella grabbed his arm and pulled him along back to the airship. "We need to tell everyone the bad news."

Lucas sighed happily as he stroked Varian's hair out of his face. "In just a few moments...our problems will be over." He nodded to Tromus and they started to summoned glowing vines to wrap around him securely, from head to toe. "It's up to you now, Mistress."

Tromus chuckled as they watched him disappear into the vines.

"Wake up, dear Moonstone."

"Mm..." A blue-haired young man stirred from his sleep and then opened his eyes, finding himself in a strange, colorful landscape. "What...?" He slowly sat up and looked around. "This place...?"

"Forgive me for waking you, dear one. I know it is too soon."

He glanced to the side and looked at the woman standing by him. "...Zhan Tiri?"

"Yes. It has been a long time since you were brought to me, but it is time for you to return to the real world." She walked over and offered him a hand up. "I need your help, as agreed before. I would teach you and watch over you and you, in return, would help me return to the real world."

He rubbed at his head and took her hand, getting up. "Why do I have to return now?"

"The Sundrop is active and attacking my Disciples. You must help them fight her and set me free, as agreed." She cupped his cheek gently. "You will do it for me, won't you?"

"Of course." He nodded. "A promise was made, and you did your part by hiding me here from King Edmund, who sought to kill me after I took a human form."

She smiled and nodded. "That's right, dear one. The others are waiting, I have told them to expect you."

He nodded, then looked towards a door that was opening. "...I am...uncertain about going out there. I have been hiding for so long."

"You will do fine." She assured him. "Go on, now."

He nodded, then walked towards the light shining in from the door. He looked back at her one more time, then went through, the door closing behind him.

He opened his eyes to find himself surrounded by vines, which moved away as he shifted and squirmed to try to get loose.

"It's alright, little moon, we've got you." One of the two people in the room laughed a bit as the vines loosened.

"You find my entanglement humorous?" He asked with annoyance as he sat up. "You know what I am capable of, don't you?"

"You know, part of having a human form is learning to have a sense of humor." One of them said, poking his nose with a chuckle. "Welcome to the real world, Opal. How do you feel?"

"I emptiness." He looked at his stomach and wrapped his arms around it. "And pain. And something shifting."

"He's hungry." The man looked at the other one, then smiled at Moonstone. "I'll take you to get some food. Do you know who I am?"

Moonstone shook his head. "No, I only know you serve the demon that was protecting me."

"I am Lucas, and this is Tromus." He introduced, gesturing to himself and then the other man. "Come along, let's get you some food." He offered him a hand.

Moonstone eyed it silently, then moved to get up without touching his hand, only to gasp as he had an undignified fall. Lucas caught him before he hit the floor and he cleared his throat. "...Thank you. I am...still getting used to this human body."

"No worries, we're right here for you." Lucas assured him, then walked him out of the room, Tromus following.

"Tromus, why don't you go and make sure that food is ready – and let the others know that the Moonstone Opal has awoken finally." Lucas suggested.

"Ah, yes, of course." Tromus nodded and hurried off.

"Why don't I show you to your bedchambers and then we'll bring you to get some food once you're settled in?" Lucas suggested.

"...Yes, I suppose I will need one." Moonstone nodded. "I feel gratitude for your assistance."

"I am happy to serve you." Lucas assured him, leading him through the building to his bedchambers, keeping one hand on his waist and the other holding his hand as he helped him walk steadily.

He looked forward to when he had adjusted to this new form enough to walk on his own. "How long have I been in stasis?"

"Your body has aged sixteen years since you were brought here as a baby by your father." Lucas smiled.

"Hm. Considering I wasn't using it, it's a wonder it aged at all." Moonstone glanced around, taking in his surroundings.

Lucas chuckled. "That's true. We've been taking good care of it for you this whole time."

"You have my gratitude." He nodded.

They stopped in front of a door and Lucas opened it. "Here you are, Honored One. Your bedchambers."

Moonstone looked around the room. It was simple enough, he supposed, but it was a little too...well, it didn't have enough rocks. He held out a hand and gasped when the walls shifted a bit, though the rocks didn't move.

"Oh, sorry. The House doesn't like other magic being used on it. If this interior is bothering you, we can change it." Lucas offered.

"Hm...No, it will do. I just wanted to have my rocks to protect me when I sleep." Moonstone looked at him. "Take me to the bed."

Lucas led him over and sat him down on it. "There you go. Do you need anything else?"

Moonstone's brow furrowed. "...Where is Quirin? Why is he not here to greet me?"

Lucas sighed. "The Sundrop and the Brotherhood captured him, he's their prisoner. We haven't been able to get in and free him, they are working with magic that can repel us."

"I see." Moonstone frowned. "He was supposed to be here."

"The Brotherhood tracked him down, but they haven't been able to find your hiding place. He is strong and loyal." Lucas smiled.

"That is why he was chosen to bring my human form into the world." Moonstone frowned. "And what of the woman that birthed me?"

"She is dead, I'm afraid." Lucas shook his head.

"...I see. Leave me, I wish to be alone." He pushed himself up and shakily walked over to look out the window.

Lucas bowed at the waist and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Moonstone reached up a hand to his face. "...Are these...tears?" He murmured. "I've never...cried before." He clutched at his chest. "...I feel pain."

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