past and future (Modern AU :L...

By Alie-Heart

26.8K 821 94

A 27 year old woman named Norie Chausiku is in a relationship with Levi Ackerman, they've been together for 8... More

Short Flashback


171 6 0
By Alie-Heart

"You need to sleep, take a nap"Levi spoke to a 12 month old Eren.

The baby cried and held his sleeves as he was being placed in the crib.

"If you don't take your nap you'll get cranky and I really don't-"

"Dada! Lelie!"

"Did you talk back to me?"Levi said in a low voice and glared down at Eren.

The baby stared as he immediately grabbed his blanket and teddy bear and laid on his side and closed his eyes.

"Good, I'll see you later okay?"Levi whispers and kissed his head and grabbed the baby monitor and walked out of the room.

But then he jumped when he heard Norie cry out making him quickly run downstairs.

She sat on the couch sobbing out as Levi ran with the baby bag over his shoulders and her slippers with car keys in the other and said "how far apart are the contractions?" Thinking her water had broke.

"No! Look!"Norie cried and pointed to the TV.

Levi looked and saw an ad about sheltered animals causing his face to drop and Norie fell back against the couch and placed her hand on top of her 8 month baby bump.

"Why?! Why do they have to go through it Levi?! Those sick bastards leaving them to starve! Why?!"she sobbed.

"Give me your phone!"

"Why-Just give it to me!"Norie cut Levi off with a stern yell.

He quickly handed it over as she snatched it and dialed a number and Levi stood there wondering what she was doing.

"Hello?!"Norie cried out into the phone that was placed against her ear.

"Yes, me and my boyfriend would like to adopt every dog in your shelter-No!"Levi cut her off and grabbed the phone from her.

"Oh so you support the dogs being in shelters without family?! That's cold-hearted even for you Levi!"Norie yelled and then cried.

"No, that's not-I care okay? But darling we can't just adopt every dog, it's not possible"he said and placed his hands on her waist.

"Yes it is! I'll just have you sleep on the couch and the dogs can sleep on the bed with me"she says making Levi stare at her blankly.

"I think you're pregnancy hormones are making you-Oh so it's my fault that the dogs are in the shelters?"Norie cut Levi off with a sarcastic tone.

"Darling that's not what I meant-Then what did you mean?! God you're so confusing!"she cut him off again angrily and smacked his hands away from her waist and walked to the kitchen.

Levi stood there as he just sighed and walked to the living room to change the channel instead so she wouldn't cry-

"So now you're just gonna change the channel?! What the hell Levi! I was watching house of drama! I'm 3 episodes behind and Hange has been trying to spoil me on it!" Norie yelled from the kitchen.

He blankly changed the channel back as she came back with a bag of chips and peck his cheek with a smile.

"I love you"

"Come on sit with me, I want you to watch with me"Norie says and sat him down on the couch and then she leaned back to lie on his chest.

"Don't touch me"she said quickly and slapped Levi's arm away which he wanted to wrap around her.

But then his face blanked when Norie grabbed his hand again and placed it on her right breast and opened the chips to eat them.

"I really don't want to watch this"Levi said.

"No come on it's interesting I promise"

"Then what's it about?"

"Well theirs a lot so I can explain it all, but in this episode theirs a woman named Sabrina whose cheating on her husband Chad with his friend Max and now she's pregnant and she doesn't know who the father is, but the thing is, Max has a wife and she's pregnant too so now she's trying to figure out what to do"

Levi sat there as he tried putting together what she had said and only says "okay"

Norie gasped and gripped the bag of chips and said "he left a note"

"A note-He left a note in the car! He knows! He knows Levi!"she cut him off.

"Darling I'm trying my best to understand you"Levi says

"It okay, you don't have to watch this if you don't want too, I'll be fine here"Norie spoke but she kept her eyes on the screen.

Levi looked down at her and moved strands of hair away from her face and brings his hand down to her baby bump and caressed it softly.

"No...I'll stay with you"




"Yeah baby"

"Can we eat the sticks from the popsicles?"



"It's wood"





"But does wood taste good?"

"Baby are you sure you want to be in here?"

Eren smiled and said "I want to be with mama"

Norie sat on the toilet with the palm of her hand holding her head up.

"But can Mama be alone? For just a couple of minutes?"

"Then I will miss you"

"I'm not going anywhere, where's Dada? Mikasa? Aren't they downstairs?"


"Oi, I'm a doll"Levi said as he held a paper doll in his hand.

"No dada, again"Mikasa says as she held the other paper doll.

"But I said what you told me to do"


He sighed and cleared his throat.

"Hello my name is princess Levi and I love dresses and horsey's"

"Good"Mikasa says with a smile and thumbs up as he just shook his head.

She then turned to the toy flip phone next to her and picked it up, she opened it and placed it to her ear.


Levi stared at Mikasa as she says "yeah".


She then extended the toy phone towards him and said "it's my prince, he wants to talk to you"

"Your prince?"Levi questions.

"Yeah, he wants to talk to you"Mikasa spoke and pushed the phone into his hands.

Levi grabbed the phone and placed it to his ear.

"Say hi-You have a nerve calling my daughter like you already pay bills, I don't care if you're a prince or if you live in some big ass castle, you cannot show up at random and start painting yourself as her prince."he cut Mikasa off.

"I will find you...I will"

Levi closed the flip phone again and handed it back to Mikasa who only stared with a blank face.

"What? He wanted to talk, I talked"

He saw Norie walking down the stairs as he furrowed his eyebrows and says "wasn't Eren with you?"

Norie stopped and she turned around to reveal that Eren was on her back, inside her shirt with his head sticking out of the collar. He smiled cheekily and brightly as Norie continued to walk down the stairs.

"Oh and I forgot to say, Mel is going to give us some casserole she made yesterday"she says as she mentions their 50 year old neighbor.

"You know what that means..."

"We don't have to cook"they said in unison and relief.

"And we should take the kids out for a little air and sun, we haven't been to the park in a month so let's go there"Norie said as she grabbed the grapes from the fridge and two bowls to give the toddlers their snacks.

"Let's just put them in their strollers and walk around in a circle till they fall asleep"

Levi looked at her and Norie just stared back with a blank face as Eren nibbled on her cheek with his lips while mumbling as Mikasa tried to climb onto Levi's shoulders while she used his hair to grip so she can get up.

"I was joking"he responded.

Their doorbell rang and Norie smiled and says "the casserole is here! It's here!"

"Okay mama will be back my loves, me and Levi are getting your dinner! Stay in the living room"she said as she took Eren out of her shirt and placed him next to Mikasa in the living room.

Levi and Norie walked to the front door and opened it to see Mel, as they spoke Mikasa turned to Eren and says "do you want to talk to my prince?"

"Well dada doesn't like that boy so I don't like him either"Eren responded and pushed the phone away.

"Don't talk about him like that"Mikasa mumbled lowly with a glare making the boy yell in fear.

"I'm sorry!"he defended himself and grabbed a pillow to use as a shield but the pillow made Levi's phone fall of the couch and land on the rug.

"Wow... Mikasa"Eren says


"We have Dadas phone!"he called out happily as he held up the all black apple phone above his head

Mikasa stared and shrugged while saying "okay?"

"Don't you know what this means?! Instead of using your flip phone and only having your princes' phone number, we can call anyone AND take photos!"Eren explained.

"Get my good angle"Mikasa says.

After they took countless photos they decided to call a few people, at first they were thinking about what to say and the toddlers thought of a few things to talk about with certain people.


"Hello, thank you for calling Shinganshina Pizza Lot! What would you like?"a woman answered.

"Hi, hello!" She heard a small voice say.

She stopped and said "oh um..hi?"

"I just want to tell you about my Mama"

"Honey how old are you?"

"Don't worry about it, do you know who Norie Chausiku-Ackerman is?" Eren spoke as she heard the happy and proud tone in his voice

"No unfortunately I don't-"

"Well she's the best Mama in the world! I love her very much, Shes really pretty and she cares about me and Mikasa! Oh, also say hi to Mikasa!"

"hi" the woman heard her small voice say.


"Okay that's all I wanted to say, bye bye!" Eren said and hanged up the call as the lady just stood there.


"Hello your calling wall rose diner, are you taking an order?"a man spoke as he got the notepad and pencil ready.

"Hi, my name's Mikasa"

He froze as furrowed his eyebrows and says "hello Mikasa?"

"Um I only called because I want to tell you about my Dada, his name is Levi Ackerman"

"You sound really young"

"Did I ask?"

The man froze at the toddlers attitude as Mikasa continued "say hi to Eren"

"Hi!" He heard Eren call out.

"Hey bud look-"

"We just wanted to say that we love our Dada so much and he's so cool, he smacked a bird once at the zoo because it tried taking Eren away from the bag of popcorn he held" Mikasa explained.

"That's great?"

"Okay, bye bye"


"Hey Levi what's wrong-"

"Oi oi oi, nothings wrong"

Erwin froze as he held in a laugh when he figured out straight away that it was Eren trying to imitate Levi and a deep voice.

"I am just calling to tell you that Eren and Mikasa can eat all the cookies that you keep in the pantry-Oh and they can watch TV during their nap time!"

"Wow really?"Erwin said playing along.

"Yes is that right Eren and Mikasa?" 'Levi' asked the toddlers.

"Right!" They responded in unison.

"What are you doing?"

Erwin chuckled as he heard Levi's voice as the toddlers froze and he heard Eren say "nothing"

"Wow Levi, I really thought it was you"he said jokingly.

"I don't sound like a chipmunk"



"Look at that, doesn't this look so good?"Norie spoke as she put a portion of casserole on Eren and Mikasa's plates as they sit in their high chairs.

"Good!"they responded.


"What?"Norie questions.

She turned to see Levi holding up his phone to her and showed her the different photos the toddlers have taken of themselves in the living room.

"Send them to me"Norie only said.

"Really? Theirs over 102 photos"

"Did I stutter Levi?"



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