
By 77_Kaleidoscope_77

22.6K 896 1.6K

A new relationship blossoms between two young college students, but not in the way either of them ever expect... More

Tipsy (NSFW)
Big News
Support Needed
Parental Guidance pt.1
Parental Guidance pt.2
Party Crasher pt.1
Party Crasher pt.2
The Ugliest Trait
Back Off
Open Up
All In Your Head
Bonus- Self Love (NSFW)
From the Source
Best Friends Forever pt.1 (NSFW)
Best Friends Forever pt.2
More Than Friends (NSFW)
Talk (NSFW)
Announcements pt.1
Announcements pt.2 (NSFW)
Satiated (NSFW)
Fun (NSFW)
Bonus- Transparency (NSFW)
Have Fun
Aftermath (NSFW)
Poker Face

Bonus- Girl Talk

477 21 70
By 77_Kaleidoscope_77

"Girl... You do not need a bed this big," Cana snickered as she draped herself over the giant mattress, "You should just let me have it, honestly..."

"You don't need a bed this big, either," Lucy giggled as she sat beside her on the plush comforter, "Besides, would you even be able to fit this in your room?"

"Woah, stop flexing your large luxury-sized condo space."

"Oh hush, I wasn't."

"Mhm, but I actually would put a bed like this to good use. It'd make all of the 10-people orgies I've been having every week easier to manage."

They stared at each other in silence, the flabbergasted look on Lucy's face making it impossible for Cana to hold in her laughter. "I'm joking, girl! You know I could never get away with something like that in Gildarts' house."

Lucy breathed out a laugh, "I wouldn't put it past you."

"What? You think I'm just out here fucking 10 people at once?"

"I mean, maybe. You seem like the type to enjoy that sort of thing. I wouldn't judge."

"Oh my gosh," Pretending to be offended, the brunette pouted her lips and sunk further into the blankets, "Lulu thinks I'm a whore!"

"You are a whore."

"Bitch-" After thinking about it for a second, Cana shrugged, "Actually, you're right."

"I know," Lucy scooted closer to her so they were side-by-side, and she laid on her back so they were looking up at the ceiling together. She'd gotten quiet, and Cana turned her head to look at her, admiring her content face.

She seriously missed this, just being in each other's rooms and talking about nothing, or everything, or just sitting in silence and enjoying each other's company. It took some time for them to be able to go back to being close like this, Cana felt like she'd been feeling some sort of sexual tension where there shouldn't have been any. And Lucy seemed to be matching her energy, like she was keeping her distance until she felt like Cana was at least a little bit over her.

She didn't know just how much she had come to terms with the rejection by now, but she knew that being here with her didn't make her feel weird anymore.

"Y'know, this might be a little odd, but I wish I could be as bold as you sometimes..." Lucy turned over to face her, having gotten uncomfortable with laying on her back.

"Yeah..? Why do you wanna be bold?"

"For Natsu, of course."

"Oh yeah... Did you ever end up taking my advice yet?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Wait..." Cana jolted up, looking much more excited than Lucy did, "You did!? Oh my gosh, did you guys finally have sex!?"

"No," Lucy laughed, "I only gave him a blow job, like, 4 days ago."

"What!?" She gave her a light shake, causing the blonde to laugh even more, "Oh my gosh, little Lulu gave her first blow job! How was it?"

"I don't know, you'd have to ask Natsu. But I kinda feel like it was bad."

"Oh... Why? Was he, like, quiet during it?"

"Heh, definitely not... But I literally had no idea what I was doing. And I thought I was setting the mood for us to do much more that night, but he straight up didn't touch me afterwards. Like, maybe I turned him off or something."

"...Wait, let me get this straight," With her chin in her hand, Cana's face grew serious as she thought it all over, "You gave him head, and he didn't follow up with anything after? Did he even say anything?"

"Well, we were in the car when I did it-"


Lucy snickered before getting back on track, "Yeah, but we obviously wouldn't have had space in the car to do anything else, so I told him I was gonna go inside and shower, and he just didn't mention it after that. I even slept in his room that night, but nope, all he did was stare at me until we went to sleep. I tried to kiss him to get him started, but he didn't take it any further. And then the days after we kinda went back to not getting intimate past kissing, I've been too scared to say anything..."

"...Maybe he was waiting on you to set the mood..?"

"I thought I did set the mood, he better not have been expecting a blow job again, I'm not gonna be doing all the work, no way."

"Natsu is a walking conundrum..." Cana's eyes trailed over Lucy's body, stopping at her belly, "I think he might be holding himself back until you spell it out to him that you want him to do something to you. He might be afraid of hurting you or making you uncomfortable."

"Uh... Maybe, but you seriously don't think he would've gotten the hint by now?"

"When have you ever experienced a man taking a hint?"


"All I'm saying is, Natsu's the type of guy that you have to straight up communicate with. I mean, practice with me for a sec', what exactly did you want to happen that night?"

"Well..." Ignoring any bit of shame she might've had, Lucy sighed, "I wanted him to pin me to the bed and fuck me senseless."

Of all the things she could've said, that was far from what Cana had expected. "Oh, wow, alright-"

"I'm not done. I wanted him to be waiting outside the bathroom door for me to finish my shower, grab me before I could cover myself with a towel, and practically throw me onto his bed. And then I wanted him to eat me out, y'know, so we'd be even. And after that, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from fucking me until I couldn't walk anymore, and then maybe fuck me again when we woke up the next morning."

"Lucy," Cana laughed in pure bewilderment, it didn't even seem like Lucy was aware of what she just said, "I think you've been reading too much erotica lately."

"No, I'm just pregnant and horny as fuck. Seriously, I'm tired of having to get myself off on my own. Something about this second trimester is making me crazy."

"Yeah, no kidding."

Lucy snapped herself out of her horny-driven daze, looking into Cana's eyes with a sudden seriousness, "I'm sorry, does that offend you?"

She knew what she meant, and honestly, the last thing Cana wanted to talk about was whatever feelings she might still have. It'd only make it awkward. "No, it's just bizarre to see you so down bad like this."

"Ugh, if you saw how big his dick is, you'd be down bad too."

"Oh my God, please don't tell me how big his dick is-"

"It's gotta be at least 9 inches, seriously. And it's not just long, his girth-"

Cana gagged and sent the blonde a grimace, "Ugh, stop, he's literally like my brother, I don't wanna know how big his dick is."

"Okay, suit yourself. But yeah, when I see him, all I can think about is having him inside me."

"Oh God..." As much as it was hard to comprehend that Lucy could ever say anything this shameless, Cana knew she at least had to try and help her get through this. That's what friends are for. "Okay, uh... I guess you really just gotta tell him exactly what you want, like how you just over-shared and told me just now."

"Ugh, but how can I do that without ruining the mood? Like, when I took your advice and acted without thinking, it really helped me be confident with what I was doing... Talking about it just makes me nervous and anxious." Lucy groaned into her hands and rubbed at her eyes, already beyond frustrated with all of this.

"Just try and sound sexy when you talk about it. Bring it up when you feel like you guys are close to finally crossing that line."

"You say that like it's easy to do."

"Okay, um, here, I'll be you. Imagine you just got done making out," Cana got in character, flipping her hair over her shoulder and batting her eyelashes, "Hey, baby, can I ask you something?"

Lucy couldn't stop from giggling, amused with her attempt at being sexy. "Wait, am I playing myself, or am I playing Natsu?"

"You're playing Natsu. Now, baby, can I ask you something..?"

"Of course, anything..."

Cana threaded her fingers through Lucy's hair and pulled her close so she coud whisper into her ear, "Why don't you fuck me?"

"...Pffft-" Lucy tried to keep it together, but she just couldn't, "Okay, okay, who has that ever worked on?"

"Bruh," Cana huffed and flopped back down on the bed, "I'll have you know that there's tons of people who find me sexy as fuck. You're just weird."

"Yeah, but have you ever asked someone 'why don't you fuck me?' like that?"

Lucy was mocking her, even mimicking the way she batted her lashes and flipped her hair. Cana knew she wasn't the sexiest woman in the world, but she wouldn't let her feats be undermined like this.

"Actually, yeah, kinda."

"And it worked?"

"Oh it worked, I had the best sex of my life that day."

"Yeah, it was probably someone who was just desperate."

"Do you think only desperate people find me sexy?"

"I find you sexy, Cana. I just didn't find that sexy."

"...Wait, you do?"

Lucy rolled her eyes, though she found the brunette's surprise humorous, "Yes- in the most platonic way ever- you are a very sexy woman. But I couldn't take you seriously just then, I can't imagine saying that to someone without laughing."

Cana hummed as she thought very carefully about what she was about to say. Clearly, Lucy is afraid of embracing her sexuality, as if she's embarrassed by it. And she doesn't find her as a credible tutor, which would change if she only knew the experience she's had...

"You wanna know who I ended up having that conversation with?"

"Yes, I do. Do I know them?"

"Yeah, but promise me you won't tell them, or anyone, that I told you."

"I promise."

"It was Mira."

Lucy's face was immediately laced with doubt, and when Cana didn't tell her she was kidding, she bursted out into laughter, "Shut up..."

"No, I'm serious. Granted I didn't ask her that exact question, but... Okay, believe it or not, Mira's kinky as fuck, and she showed me that she has this sex dungeon or whatever, but she never used any of her kinky shit on me... and so one day I asked her, like, why doesn't she fuck me as rough as I know she wants to, y'know? And-"

"Woah woah woah," Lucy was dying with laughter, tears escaping her eyes and her face turning pink, "What!? A sex dungeon!? Literally shut up, there's no way-"

"I'm serious!" Her laughter was contagious, but Cana wasn't about to let her doubt her like this, "Look," She pulled out her phone and opened her messages with Mirajane, showing Lucy the most recent ones;

"I miss you," Sent from Mira, and Cana's response;

"Do you want me to come over?"

"Later, if you're not busy..."

"I'm never too busy for you"

"You're so cute... Where are you?"

"Home and bored. I'm ready when you are"

"I'm on my break right now, I'll be off at 3... Can I get a pic until then ? ;)"

The conversation ended with several nudes from Cana, and Lucy's jaw was just on the floor. She was frozen in disbelief for a good couple of minutes, and then she squealed, "Cana!"

The brunette laughed evilly, she should've known better than to doubt her, "Yes?"

"No freaking way!"

"Yes freaking way!"

"Oh my God!" Lucy was a mixture of excited and confused and everything else at once, "Okay, pause everything, I need a back story now. How did you guys start? Are you dating? Wait, please don't tell me you're dating..."

Despite the grin that she couldn't shake from her face, Cana's brows furrowed, "Wait, why can't we be dating?"

"Because what if she's the jealous type? I don't want Mirajane on my bad side, I've seen her do some crazy stuff in the past."

"Oh, well we're not dating, and the origins of how our almost daily hookups came to be is kinda... sad..."

"I promise I won't judge you guys..."

She knew that Lucy was being genuine, but she still had a sad smile when she looked the blonde in the eyes and confessed, "It was because of you."

"...Oh, I see where this is going."

"Yeah, remember how I sent a bunch of people a drunk text when I relapsed? I sent Mira one and she nearly beat my ass for scaring her like that... and then she asked me to be friends with benefits out of nowhere. 'Said she figured it'd help me not think about you, and honestly, seeing her really has been a big help. I don't have wet dreams about you anymore."

Whether she was joking about that last bit or not, Lucy giggled, and stuck her tongue out, "Well then I guess you should thank me. I'm the reason you get to sleep with Mirajane. Mirajane, like c'mon now, do you know how many people would kill to be you right now? I honestly thought she was asexual and aromantic."

In some weird way, Lucy was kind of right, her brutal rejection wasn't so bad after all. "I don't know about her being aromantic, but I can assure you Mira's the most sexual woman on this planet. It's so freaky, like you'd never have guessed she'd have such a kinky side to her."

"Girl, I'm still in disbelief."

"Honestly, I don't believe it either sometimes. That's why I thought she was fucking with me when she was telling me about her sex room, and the fact that she never took me in there again after showing it to me, I thought maybe she was bluffing. But it was as if she was waiting on me to mention it again, because as soon as I asked her, she took me in there and tortured the fuck outta me... and it was amazing."

Lucy shook her head, still struggling to process that they were still talking about the same loving and sweet Mirajane she knew. Then, it hit her, and she gasped, "Oh my God, no wonder you were literally fingering her at the study session! I knew something was up!"

"Uh... I wasn't fingering her..."

Cana's blush had Lucy not believing her for a second, and the brunette sighed, "Okay, I didn't finger her, but she wanted me to. Like, I'm the one that had to remind her that anyone could've seen us at any moment, and that her baby sister was there, which got her to stop. I think she wasn't thinking straight because she was jealous of Loke or something, which I guess is pretty adorable-"

"So she is the jealous type! Don't tell her you're over here if she asks, she might get the wrong idea!"

"Please, Mira won't be mad at you, she likes you. Besides, I'm just assuming, I'm sure Mira's feelings don't go beyond sexual. But we're totally off topic now, you still don't know how to fix your intimacy issues with your himbo boyfriend!"

"Ugh," Lucy rolled her eyes as she was reminded of her non-existent sex life, "Yeah, if you managed to get someone like Mira to have sex with you, you gotta teach me your ways," She draped herself over the edge of the bed, but grimaced when she remembered how much she doesn't like laying on her back. "I just... I need to know how to be desirable to him."

"I'm telling you, he's probably just waiting on you to bring it up, just like Mira was waiting on me. You might feel awkward initially saying it, but it could end up better than you expected."

When she saw how much the blonde had started to sulk, Cana sighed in defeat. She ran her fingers through her hair, unable to think up something that might make her feel better. "Or... maybe your blow job just sucked..?"

Lucy groaned again, "Goddammit..."

"Hey, don't be discouraged if that's what it is... You're new at this, here, give me your hand."

Grasping Lucy's hand in hers, Cana guided her into pointing 3 fingers up and crossing them over each other, and sent a grin her way, "Mind if I give you a demonstration?"

Curious, she nodded, "Sure, go ahead."

"Alright, so when you go down on a guy, you gotta get him excited first. Tease him a little, like this..." She licked over the length of her fingers, and then swirled her tongue over her fingertips.

Looking past how gross it felt, Lucy took this educational experience seriously, "But I did that! I swirled my tongue and everything!"

Cana held her hand up to silence her, and then swerved her tongue around her digits in a way that made Lucy's eyebrows raise.

"Woah, how'd you just do that?"

"It's all about finesse, sometimes it's best to be less calculated and more messy," Cana wiped her mouth, "And then there's deepthroating. I'm not gonna go down on your fingers because your hands taste like lotion, but..."

"Well excuse me if I didn't expect my hand to be in anyone's mouth today..."

"Here, show me what you did on my fingers. Do you know how far down you managed to get? How bad is your gag reflex?"

Lucy stared at Cana's fingers when she presented them to her, and then grasped the brunette's wrist. "I actually surprised myself with how far I went... I think I made it only about 3 inches short before I started to gag."

"Really? Okay, maybe you weren't so bad, then..."

Lucy shrugged, and just as she opened her mouth to show Cana what she meant, her bedroom door swung open, both of them gasping and flinching to look up at who was staring at them in the doorway.

Natsu looked a little messy, he'd clearly just gotten off from work, and he looked back and forth between both of them before he glared at Cana. "What... What are you guys doing?"

"I, it's not, this isn't-" Lucy stuttered over her words, trying to find a way to explain what was going on without exposing the embarrassing truth.

"We were just sucking each other's dicks~" Cana didn't find the situation embarrassing in the slightest, she actually thought it was hilarious, "Wanna join us?"

Natsu rolled his eyes at the suggestive hand motions she made at him, and went up to Lucy to give her a peck on the lips.

He held her face in his hands, making Lucy smile at him in pure adoration. She kissed him again a few more times, wrapping her arms around his neck and nearly bringing him down on the bed with her. "How was work? I missed you," She asked in-between kisses, moving from his lips to smooch every inch of his face.

"It was slow today... All I could think about was you..." Natsu laughed from all the kisses she gave him, but he didn't stop her, "I really missed you too, baby."

"You two are gonna make me sick," Cana was almost sure they'd forgotten she was still there, "Please don't start fucking each other in front of me or something."

Glaring at her once again, Natsu grabbed Cana's face in his hand and shoved her head-first so she flopped back on the bed, earning a surprise yelp from both women. "Fuck off."

"Bitch, don't you ever-" Cana attacked him back, scratching at his arms in a way that really didn't phase him at all, "You're so rude! And to think I'm in here listening your girlfriend talk about how much she wants to fuck you-"

"C-Cana!" Lucy hushed her, though it didn't seem like Natsu was taking her seriously anyway.

"You better not try anything funny with my girl, you hear me? Because next time I'm gonna be slamming you onto the floor," He grabbed both of Cana's arms to stop her movements, so she leaned up and bit his ear.

"Shut up. I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want to Lucy, and you can't stop me. She's our girl today, bitch."

Natsu looked at Cana, looked down at the cold hardwood floor beneath them, and then back at the brunette's face, his eyes cold. She had a split second to react when she felt him begin to pull her down, trying her best to stay on the bed.

"Okay, okay, I'm kidding! Natsu!" She squirmed around, not wanting to be thrown down, "Ack! Stop!"

"You asked for this."

"Alright alright, I get it! Don't actually go wrestle-mania on me!"


"What, are you kidding?"

"Alright, then prepare to be curb stomped."

When a little giggle sounded near the foot of the bed, Cana turned to see Lucy lounging about and watching them in amusement. It felt like an act of betrayal. "Help me, Lulu! He's crazy!"

"I'm, like, 97% sure he's just joking. Also... you did ask for it, just saying."

Yep. Betrayal.

"Fine, I'm sorry! I won't try anything 'funny' with her."

"Good," Natsu released her and turned back to his girlfriend, that giddy smile right back on his face, "I'm gonna go shower now, let me know if you need anything." He gave her one more kiss before he made his way out of her room, though he didn't leave before he made himself clear, "I'm trusting you to make smart choices, Cana."

"I'm trying to help you, dipshit. You know what? I hope you get blueballs, since you don't wanna appreciate my efforts!"

He was already gone while Cana continued to rant and rave, and Lucy tried to keep her laughter at a minimum as she reeled her in. "Hey, chill, he can't hear you anymore."

"Ugh, whatever. You are so lucky I care about you two idiots."

"Yes, I am. Thank you for letting me confide in you about this, I really appreciate your friendship."

As she was pulled into a hug, Cana sighed, "Yeah, whatever, of course."

"...I don't want to be rude, but now that Natsu's home... I kinda want to see if your advice holds up..."

"...Lucy," Cana eased out of the hug to narrow her eyes at her, "Are you trying to ditch me for some dick right now?"

"I'm sorry! I told you, this 2nd trimester has me going crazy!"

"You know what? It's cool, I've been there before. Dick can be one hell of a curse."

"I mean, it can wait until he's at least out of the shower. I'm having a good time with you, I don't mean to be dismissive."

"Nah, I won't judge you, go get you some, girl," Cana took out her phone and stared at it for a bit, as if she was waiting for something to happen. "Mira said she's supposed to be off work right now, anyway... She'll be calling me any minute now."

"...Calling you?"

"Yeah, we like to call each other after work all the time. Just to tell each other how our days went, y'know?"

"Mhm..." Lucy's brow rose in suspicion, though Cana was too preoccupied with her phone to notice, "You guys are totally dating."

"What?" That got her to look up, and she flicked the blonde on the forehead to rid her of her bizarre thoughts, "No, we're just friends. I call you sometimes to just talk about my day, does that mean we're dating?"

"No, but you do have a crush on me."

"...Dammit Lucy-"

"So, if you do that with Mira, you must like her too, right? I can already picture it, you must've fallen in love after the first time you two hooked up. She must make you feel vulnerable in a way that no one else does, like you can shed all your insecurities with her."

She'd gone into a daze, Cana having to shake her to snap her out of it, "Hey, you seriously need to cut down on all the romance novels..."

"My choice of literature has nothing to do with this. I know you, and I know this isn't just a casual hookup for you."

"Ughhh... Why do you want me to be in love with her so bad?"

"I just want you to be happy. Mira seems like a nice match, I mean, she's like the sweetest person ever. And she's already at least physically attracted to you, and the fact that it was she who initiated this between you guys makes me think she's always had feelings for you. Add that up with the fact that even you felt she was jealous of Loke the other day, I'd say it's pretty clear that she wants you all to herself."

Cana whined, it felt so strange to be having this conversation. After everything that's happened these past few months, the last thing she wanted right now was to fall in love again, especially with someone as far out of her league as Mirajane is. She chose not to look at their relationship like that, everyone knows how much of a mistake it is to catch feelings for your friend-with-benefits.

"Listen, Mira is sweet and all, but I don't need to be getting caught up right now. Sure, if she asked me out I wouldn't say no- I'd be crazy to ever reject her- it's just... I'm not trying to set myself up for heartbreak again."

Lucy had the guiltiest pout on her face, sending the brunette into a slight panic, "Wait, don't feel bad, it's not your fault-"

"I just want you to be happy..." Lucy repeated, sniffling and wiping her eyes, "I'm sorry."

"Cut it out," Cana pulled her into a hug, trying her best to keep her from getting any sadder, "I'm fine, Lulu, you don't have to worry about me. I like my relationship with Mira the way it is. I am happy, I don't want to complicate it with romance. I promise I'll be fine."

"Okay..." Lucy's voice was muffled into the crook of Cana's neck as she hugged her back, "But in all seriousness, I genuinely think Mira has a crush on you."


"I'm just saying. 10 bucks says she's gonna ask you out before I have this baby."

"Alright, loser, aren't you supposed to be preparing to seduce your man right now? C'mon..." Cana got up and went over to Lucy's dresser, skipping the first drawer and opening the second.

They both knew what was in that drawer, and Lucy was intrigued as she watched her shuffle through a few articles of clothing before pulling something red out and tossing it to her.

"Here, put this on. It'll really help set the mood."

"Oh?" Lucy looked at the two-piece lingerie set before her and held the bralette up to her chest, "Are you sure..?"

"Yeah. You have all these cute panty sets, might as well put one of them to use."

"But... I don't even know if I can fit this anymore..." Lucy turned to her mirror and stared at her reflection as she held one cup of the bra over one of her breasts, studying the way it looked on her, "My boobs got a lot bigger since I bought this..."

"That's fine... It'll be more tempting for him to rip it off of you if you're spilling out of it."

"And..." Now, she held the bottoms up to her waist, "These used to flatter my body so well... now I don't know if I'll be able to get the straps over my hips."

"...Hey," Cana was surprised to see her so opposed to the idea, "Just be naked if you feel like wearing that will make you uncomfortable, or maybe see if there's something else in here you could wear, you have a ton. I don't think Natsu will complain either way."

Lucy sighed, and finally looked away from her reflection to shake her head, "No, I'll try to wear it. Maybe he'll like it."

"That's the spirit..." She was about to look through Lucy's drawer to see if she might've had anything she'd be more comfortable with wearing, but then her phone started ringing, and she knew exactly who'd be calling.

Lucy seemed to know too, so she wasn't surprised when Cana dropped everything and answered, "Hey... I was starting to think you'd never call."

As interesting as it was to watch how much Cana's demeanor changed while she spoke to Mira, Lucy figured she should use this time to get dressed.

She took her shirt off and put on the bra, and just as she thought, it barely fit over her chest. Honestly, she felt more provocative wearing this than she would if she went naked. I suppose that's a good thing...

Next were the panties, and after removing her shorts and putting the underwear on, Lucy sighed in defeat. She didn't like the way any of it looked on her, and if there was anything she knew about trying to be seductive, it's that confidence is key, and she just wasn't feeling it right now.

Grumbling under her breath about how she's gonna have to go maternity lingerie shopping now, Lucy took everything off and rummaged through her dresser herself.

She put on a black mesh bra that was virtually see-through, pleased to see that it wasn't too small in a way that was completely uncomfortable, but it gave her breasts a nice push to extenuate her cleavage.

She searched again for some bottoms, trying to find a pair that wouldn't be too tight around the sides or completely unflattering. Thinking back to a couple weeks ago, she remembered how Natsu mentioned a specific pink thong of hers, so she threw on the smallest pair of pink panties she found in hopes that it was the pair he'd been talking about.

Glancing over at Cana, the brunette gave her a thumbs up, her phone still up to her ear. "That looks good, I'm sure he'll-" Her eyes widened, and she lowered her voice, now clearly speaking to Mirajane through her device, "Oh, I'm with Lucy right now... Just helping her learn how to be seductive."

Lucy cringed, she wasn't kidding about being careful in case Mira is the jealous type. Luckily for her, Cana held the phone down for a second and gave her an apologetic smile, "Alright Lulu, I'm gonna have to get going now. Have fun with your himbo."

They hugged each other, and Lucy whispered, "Please don't tell Mira we were 'sucking each other's dicks' or anything crazy like that, okay?"

"Ha, alright, I'll try to remember that. Update me on how things go for you today, alright?"

"I will. Now go before Mira comes over here and burns the building down because I've been keeping you too occupied."

Cana laughed on her way out, immediately going back to talking into her phone. As the sound of her voice trailed off in the distance, Lucy turned back to her mirror to study her reflection again.

She messed around with her hair for a bit, flipping it every which way until ultimately just leaving it falling down her back. She turned to her side to look at her belly, mentally comparing her body now to what she remembered it looked like the night she met Natsu.

Her belly was nice and round now, and from what she's seen, it was a little on the larger side for a woman just around 2 weeks into her 2nd trimester. And although it wasn't super huge, the knowledge that she still had roughly 5 more months to get even bigger made her anxious about the impending back pain she knew she'd have to face.

Natsu always seems so happy to see her belly, though. He's made it clear how he loves the idea of watching their baby grow. It helps a lot with coming to terms with all of the changes her body is going through, Lucy felt lucky to have a partner that made her feel so secure in her own skin.

She decided that she wanted nothing more than to give all of herself to him, although she's technically already done it before. Regardless, there was no doubt in her mind that he had all of her trust right now.

Now let's just see if he can get the hint...

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After the GMG, Lucy gets the chance to see the Cherry Blossom Festival in person. What happens when Cana gets in on Mira's shipping? And right after...
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331K 13.5K 58
Lucy Heartfilia lives with her parents in a fine mansion, but her father was murdered by a hit man. Lucy's mother decides that the only way to keep...