Very Wrong Reincarnation: Ise...

By Mr_Rinzuri

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A college student with the name of Oliver was reincarnated in another world together with the nation he forme... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 15

498 26 29
By Mr_Rinzuri

Imperial Capital Vale, Valurian Empire

The capital of Valurians, a typical metropolis befitting a great power, stood incomparable compared to its neighbors. It bustled with ceaseless activities, featuring medium-rise buildings with an aesthetically medieval charm that gave the city a unique character, both lively and questionable at the same time.

Amidst the urban sprawl, different  from the nobility district, one could find the sordid reality of Valur – the slave markets.

"Slaves, slaves! Fresh and pure, 14 years old, straight from a village in the north!"

"A good workforce, sir. Beastmen are remarkably robust for manual labor."

In these bustling streets, the city known as the 'Market of Slaves' lived up to its name.

The prevalence of slave trade in Valur wasn't born out of prejudice, culture, or tradition. In fact, Valur had no significant history of slave trade, aside from captured enemy soldiers occasionally used as forced labor in wartime camps. The main driving forces behind the rampant slave trade were far more grim – skyrocketing inflation, Valur's isolation from the global market, a rising poverty rate, recurrent famines claiming thousands of lives each year, and a crumbling economy.

Valur dedicated a staggering 40% of its budget to maintaining its military and controlling its colonies and occupied territories. This dire situation led to mass desperation among its people. Many were willing to trade their freedom for even a morsel of food or a sip of water, deeming the life of a slave a marginally better alternative to starving to death. The escalating crimes further strained the nation's resources, filling its already overcrowded jails. In response, Valur passed laws to mitigate the problem by selling criminals as slaves in the market, all in an effort to shore up much-needed funds for its declining empire.
Inside the halls of the Valurian Imperial Palace, a multitude of individuals representing the nobility, various ministries, and even members of the imperial family had gathered in the grand imperial meeting room to deliberate on pressing matters.

"Kashim appears to be inciting revolt in our frontier colonies," declared a middle-aged man wearing a crown, clearly perturbed by the news.

"Those ungrateful wretches should be annihilated," retorted another individual of similar age and status.

The man with the crown sighed, seeking a more pragmatic perspective. "Let's not be too hasty. If we resort to such extreme measures, we'll have a colossal mess to clean up afterward."

His attention then shifted to a figure standing nearby, seemingly waiting for permission to speak. With a nod from the crown-wearing figure, he granted the request.

"Your Majesty, losing a colony in the frontier might not be as disastrous as it seems. Allowing them to fall under Kashim's influence could be the most rational choice. After all, it's an inhospitable land we've already stripped of its resources over a decade ago. It's essentially a desolate piece of land inhabited by struggling settlers and hardly defensible position in a war against Kashim," the speaker explained, offering a practical perspective on the matter.

The individual wearing the crown seemed to appreciate the more measured perspective. "A more moderate response, I find that reasonable," he responded.

In difference, the other person in the room expressed his disdain for such moderation with a hint of anger. "Cowardice! Just provide me with an army, and I'll crush those fools without breaking a sweat."

The crown-wearing figure, who happened to be the emperor, responded to this with a sobering reminder. "Brother, as the emperor, I cannot take actions that might plunge our nation into ruin. We're already facing immense challenges in securing resources. We have the resources, but financing their acquisition is proving to be an equally daunting task. Years of drought have taken their toll, leading to growing discontent both in our core territories and colonies. On top of that, crime rates are soaring. We're treading on thin ice here, and war, my brother, is an expensive endeavor." He spoke with a tone of practicality and concern for the stability of their empire.

The prince retorted, his voice filled with a hint of nostalgia and perhaps some bitterness. "Damn, what happened to the bravado and audacity of our youth? You used to say we'd conquer the entire world."

The emperor sighed, the weight of responsibility evident in his voice. "Times have changed, my brother. I once yearned for conquest, but I've come to realize that while our armies may indeed crush our enemies on the battlefield, the aftermath is uncertain. If we were to march into foreign lands, there's no guarantee the rebels wouldn't seize the opportunity to strike back. Furthermore, we'd need a massive army to occupy and pacify all of Kashim's territories, and our manpower is sorely lacking." He spoke with a sense of realism, acknowledging the limitations of their empire's current situation.

"Tsk," he clicked his tongue in response. "I understand," he said, accepting his brother's reasoning.

The emperor turned his attention to the ministry, seeking answers regarding the situation in Mineas. "Now, then, regarding Mineas," he began, "why did our efforts there ultimately fail? And the destruction of several towns and forts on the border – who dared to attack us?" His tone held curiosity as he awaited an explanation from his advisors.

"Unknown forces and dragons, according to General Varanasi's expeditionary army. As of now, we haven't identified who they are or if they were responsible for the attacks on our forts and settlements along the border," the advisor reported.

"Is that so?" the emperor replied, showing disappointment.

"Yes, General Varanasi is currently dispatching Falcon Knights to track down those responsible for attacking our settlements. Once we have confirmation, we will devise a retaliation plan and deal a decisive blow to these audacious aggressors," the advisor assured the emperor.

"Get the mess cleaned up as much as possible. We have more pressing matters to attend to. Send more bodies - peasants who can't feed themselves - arm them with swords; that should be enough to deal with those beasts or audacious individuals who think they can defy us," he ordered those in the chamber. "Anyone foolish enough to challenge Valur will learn the consequences. Kashim may be one thing, but anyone audacious enough to destroy my properties will pay dearly."

His use of the term 'properties' referred to the forts and settlements that were lost, not the people or the land ravaged by Vokaltia. He cared little for the lives of the people, as he had an abundance of them, and dealing with them was troublesome. Reducing the population by a few thousand wouldn't impact his empire, and he viewed the people as insignificant pawns for his own interests.

The applause from those in the room signaled their agreement with the emperor's words. However, unbeknownst to them, audacious individuals and the beasts they were seeking were presently engaged in a conflict that could only be described as unthinkable, even incomprehensible in their common sense.

"Guns! Guns! Guns!,"

Then, a Sepecat Jaguar roared to life, its guns blazing as a stream of supersonic tracers streaked through the skies. In the crosshairs was a massive winged humanoid beast.

"Son of a bitch!" the pilot shouted as Vokaltia expertly dodged the gunfire with incredible agility, weaving through the hail of bullets. "Enemy's moving at 350 knots!" he urgently relayed over the radio. "Too fast and agile for its size! I repeat, fast and agile!"

As the Sepecat Jaguar trailed its target, the pilot refrained from going at full speed to avoid overshooting the massive beast. He fired a short burst, trying to hit Vokaltia. Suddenly, Vokaltia came to a halt in mid-air, hovering effortlessly and causing the fixed-wing aircraft to overshoot.

"Holy—" the pilot began, then swiftly adjusted to attack formation. Before seeing the massive pillars, each the size of an electric post, materialized around Vokaltia.

"Damn it!" The pilot cursed and engaged the afterburner, accelerating rapidly to stop in a short span, all the while enduring the sudden increase in G-forces. He gritted his teeth as Vokaltia unleashed a barrage of massive pillars, all missing their intended target by a considerable margin. The Sepecat Jaguar had already put a significant distance and speed between itself and the incoming projectiles, making it nearly impossible for them to hit without precise ballistic calculations.

"Crazy son of a bitch," the pilot muttered as he confronted Vokaltia head-on, the massive humanoid beast also bearing down on him. "Eat this!" he declared, realizing that his IR missiles wouldn't lock onto this creature, and his only viable option was his guns. But he had a secondary weapon that might be ideal for this situation.

In combination with guns — tracers, and plumes of smoke and fire erupted from the Jaguar's wings as multiple 3-inch rockets burst forth from their pods. They streaked towards Vokaltia at menacing speeds, with some of them finding their mark and impacting the beast. The resulting explosions created a cataclysmic display of dirty fireworks in the sky. "Yeah! Get deleted! War thunder baby!" the pilot shouted triumphantly over the comms.

The pilot watched as Vokaltia plummeted to the ground, landing in a river. "Lucky for him," he muttered, frustrated that he couldn't finish off the massive beast with a second strafing run and rocket strikes. Unfortunately, the river was fairly large, making it impossible to deliver a killing blow in these conditions as he sunk below the current.

If it were a clear and shallow river, he would have definitely delivered the killing blow. However, he radioed in, "Flight 32 to command, I've encountered the vermin designated as Vokaltia. It matches the information we've received. However, I can't confirm its status. It has landed in the Awan River in the Tallin Region near Ira City. Coordinates Tango Romeo 42-5-8-11. Requesting instructions, over."

The response came quickly, "Flight 32, good job. We will deploy another squadron to that location to replace you. Return to base and resupply, over."

"Affirmative, over and out."

The Sepecat Jaguar immediately left the region and headed back to Cignus.

Sound of the Sepecat Jaguar slowly died out as it leave the airspace and Vokaltia immediately rose on the river, looking at the direction of Mineas where it going.

And then, lowly groan as he looks on massive wounds he got on his body being hit twice by rockets and one 30mm on his elbows blowing his arm off the planet. There's no blood coming out as he is a gargoyle made of rocks and other minerals, but dark oozing smoke on it's rocky body being burned out slowly like fire on embers.

"Flying is dangerous," he uttered those words. Whatever he had encountered was very dangerous, and attempting to engage it was equally foolish. Presently, the damage done to his body was slowly healing as his hulking form gradually moved on the ground. But he couldn't help but be bothered by the attacker. Vokaltia had casually destroyed human settlements for amusement and then proceeded to hear something unusual from miles away. He grew curious and flew in that direction, where he was immediately attacked on sight, leading to combat. Awfully outmatched in speed and offensive ability, he immediately tried to find a way to appear defeated and withdraw. He chose to engage in combat over a river, a gamble that might have cost him his life, but fortunately, he survived and fell into the river, and his assailant didn't pursue him.

Whatever the thing was doing in Mineas, his former prison land, didn't matter to him. It appeared to have no affiliation with the humans he was playing with. So, if he went in the opposite direction and deeper into human settlements, he might be able to avoid being attacked by the unknown assailant.

He moved on foot, away from Mineas and Cignus, and deeper into Valur. The immediate threat of Vokaltia had disappeared from the border frontiers of Valur and Mineas, but a new threat loomed at the heart of Valur, where major settlements, cities, and population centers were in danger.

Thus, the reign of terror on the eastern continent and the war against Vokaltia began.

"It appears you misunderstand my previous statement." The man, dressed in a modern military uniform reminiscent of Earth's, particularly US navy attire, adorned with countless medals and awards, sternly declared, "We sent the letter to demand your unconditional subjugation and submission, not to negotiate." He spoke arrogantly, surrounded by guards and uniformed personnel armed with what appeared to be submachine guns.

Before him stood a man dressed in old-fashioned medieval attire reminiscent of 18th-century European fashion. He nervously chose his words, aiming to avoid getting killed or escalating the situation.

"Your Highness," he addressed the person, referred to as 'Your Highness,' who raised his eyebrows and grinned. "I fail to see the need for your empire to meddle or conquer other countries. You already possess the entire western territory, along with fame, wealth, and power. I see no reason for you to extend your reach into our lands." He inquired cautiously.

"Indeed, I wouldn't have entertained such foolishness three years ago," he reminisced, his face contorted with bitterness. He then spoke with a serious tone, "But now, for the sake of my beloved — creating a world in which she could live peacefully, I will eliminate anything that stands in my way." His words filled the room with growing discomfort, and the man before him felt increasingly uneasy.

Furthermore, he inquired with a grin, "I've heard that your little nation, the Rylus Commonwealth, has been stockpiling weapons, food, supplies, and issuing numerous mobilization orders. What's the purpose? Are you preparing for war?" He questioned the man, who began to feign ignorance, trembling internally.

"Your Highness, I assure you, I have no knowledge of what you're referring to," the man replied, attempting to maintain his composure.

"Is that so? Ah, right! I should play the fool, just as you did when conversing with your friendly nations. I should pretend that I've already dispatched an army to subjugate your country! That seems fair," he said bluntly, grinning with a mix of amusement and ridicule. He didn't bother with pleasantries or subterfuge.

The unexpected turn of events left the man visibly shaken. "Your Highness, it appears there is a misunderstanding here. My country does not..." he started to explain but was cut off when the person referred to as 'Your Highness' angrily threw some papers onto the table.

"You seem quite different here, displaying meekness and weakness, while in your interactions with other countries, you come across as overly confident. As expected of the third most powerful nation in the world! Truly a force to be reckoned with!" he remarked, addressing the visibly pale man. "Your shame knows no bounds. I'm impressed," he added sarcastically.

Cornered and realizing he had been exposed, the man abandoned all pretenses and attempted to lunge at the prince suddenly, launching an attack. However, the guards surrounding the prince reacted swiftly.


A gunshot rang out, striking the man in the shoulder and abruptly halting his assault. He was then swiftly restrained by other guards.

"That's quite inappropriate," the prince remarked calmly, addressing the trembling man. "As a diplomat, you should maintain a more level-headed demeanor," he advised.

The man, his anger is undeniable, retorted, "You have no idea what you're dealing with! The entire world will stand against you, and you'll find yourself surrounded and defeated!"

Smirking, the prince responded, "Certainly, dealing with a multitude of primitive opponents could be bothersome." He paused for a moment before adding ominously, "I'll simply instruct the weapon manufacturing plants to produce more bullets and ammunition to ensure we have more than enough to obliterate them."

The man, his voice trembling with anger and fear, shouted at the prince, "You monster! One day, you and your empire will come to know the darkness of this world, and even you won't be able to stop it!"

Smirking, the prince responded with an air of arrogance and confidence, "So, we will be enlightened by the grimdarkness of your world? I am the Crown Prince of Sanctium, Aust Yavin Wealk y Sanctium, a descendant of the rulers of the Wealk Monarchy. Under our empire, we will forge forth a civilization—a world teeming with true enlightenment and prosperity. It will be a utopia of peace and equality, even if it means achieving it through destruction and war." He uttered this to the trembling diplomat. "Whoever you are, whatever your world is hiding, we shall destroy it," he declared, "and no one can stop me from pursuing this madness."
Rylus Commonwealth

In the Andriat Sea, Rylusian 7th fleet patrolled the waters. It consisted of five central battery ironclad battleships from the Rylusian Navy, known to be one of the three strongest nations in the world to be able put to ironclad ships in service, following Callusia and Norvoga. These behemoths were armed with 10-inch smoothbore muzzle-loading cannons, resembling the British Audacious-class ironclad battleships from the 1870s. They also boasted an array of guns for anti-ship and anti-air combat, complementing their massive 10-inch cannons mounted amidships.

Admiral Reginald, a man with a face weathered by years at sea, stood on the deck of his flagship, the RNS Valiant. His officers gathered around him, gazing at the calm waters.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" Admiral Reginald said, looking up at the clear blue sky. His officers nodded in agreement.

"Aye, Admiral, it's as calm as a millpond out here," Lieutenant Daniels replied, squinting at the horizon. "Not a storm cloud in sight."

The sea stretched out before them, a vast expanse of sea. The ships glided through the water with ease, their ironclad hulls cutting through the gentle waves.

Captain Thompson chimed in, "Perfect weather for our routine patrol, sir. No signs of trouble on the horizon."

Admiral Reginald nodded, his eyes scanning the fleet. "Indeed, Captain. It's days like these that make you appreciate the sea."

As they continued their patrol, the officers discussed the fleet's readiness. Commander Harris mentioned, "Our crews have been diligent with maintenance, Admiral. The ships are in top shape."

"That's what I like to hear," the Admiral replied, a satisfied smile on his face. "Our fleet is a force to be reckoned with."

The crew members on the various ships of the fleet bustled about, performing their duties with precision. Sailors scrubbed the decks, gun crews inspected their cannons, and lookouts scanned the horizon.

"Everything seems peaceful," Lieutenant Daniels remarked.

"Yes, but we mustn't become complacent," Admiral Reginald cautioned. "Even on a calm day, danger can lurk."

Just then, a seabird soared overhead, its wings casting a shadow on the deck. The officers watched it for a moment before it continued on its way.

"Sign of good luck," Commander Harris said with a grin.

The Admiral chuckled. "Let's hope so, Commander."

As the day wore on, the fleet maintained its steady course. The officers occasionally used telescopes to scan the horizon for any signs of other vessels, but all they saw were the endless blue waters.

Captain Thompson leaned in and said quietly to Admiral Reginald, "Sir, I must admit, it's a bit monotonous out here. Not that I'm complaining about the calm, but a bit of excitement would be welcome."

Admiral Reginald nodded. "I understand, Captain."

As the sun began its descent toward the western horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the sea, Admiral Reginald called the officers together one last time.

"Another day of successful patrol," he said. "We'll continue to ensure the safety of our waters."

The officers raised their hands in salute. "Aye, Admiral."

Before someone on bridge, a keen-eyed lookout, squinted at the distant horizon and saw something.

"Captain," he said, "there's something on the horizon."

Captain Thompson turned his gaze toward the distant point where the lookout was pointing. At first, it was just a faint smudge against the bright sky, barely noticeable. But as seconds turned into minutes, the smudge grew larger, taking shape.

All eyes turned to the distant speck on the sea's edge.

The officers exchanged worried glances, and sailors paused in their duties to peer in the same direction. Was it a fleet of Norvoga, their rival naval power? Or perhaps a friendly fleet patrolling around?

But then, the shape of the approaching vessels became clearer, and it was neither Norvoga nor their own fleet. The silhouette was too massive, too unfamiliar. A silence spread over the ship as everyone strained their eyes to discern the details.

Then, in an instant, the horizon erupted in a blinding flash of fire. Thunderous gunfire echoed across the sea, the deafening noise reverberating through the fleet.

As the first enemy shots landed with an incredible range of over 40 kilometers, a sense of shock rippled through the Rylusian fleet. The deafening impact of the distant cannon fire was followed by a colossal pillar of water erupting from the sea, a staggering 500 meters away from the fleet. The water column soared into the sky, dwarfing even the tallest masts of their ironclad battleships.

The very foundation of their vessels shook as the enormous shockwave rolled through the sea, rattling the ships from bow to stern. Crewmen struggled to maintain their footing as the fleet rocked on the turbulent waters.

Admiral Reginald's voice cut through the disarray, his command echoing with authority and resolve. "Prepare for battle! Ready the guns!" The urgency of the situation was heavy and high, and the crew immediately sprang into action.

The ironclads shifted into formation, their massive cannons pivoting to face the ominous silhouette on the horizon. Crew members hurriedly loaded the cannons with ammunition, their training kicking in as they braced for the inevitable confrontation.

"The enemy fleet is too far, Admiral!" One of the chief gunners shouted. "We need to close the distance! We need to gain speed!" He bellowed.

"Steam at full speed!" The Admiral immediately commanded the boiler room without batting an eyelid to chief gunner.

"Their range is ridiculous!" Thomson shouted. "They're monsters!" He exclaimed.

Then, another shot landed on their left wing, obliterating one of the ships and scattering it into pieces. Their fleet was tossed about like toys on the tumultuous sea.

"What in the blazes is that?!" The crew cried out.

"Admiral! We will be wiped out before we can even fire!" The gunner said. Their cannons had a range of only around 9 kilometers, nowhere near enough to reach the enemy fleet.

As if in a cruel joke, another row of pillars of water erupted around the fleet, turning the once orderly formation into a chaotic sea of exploding shells amidst the calm waters. Flashes on the horizon signaled another round of incoming gunfire, sealing their fate. The Rylusian 7th Fleet was wiped out from outside their effective range, unable to even confirm what had attacked them.

The information of the attackers and their destruction was relayed to the capital city, but it was too late. The carrier air wings of Sanctium swooped in and attacked without warning. The Rylusian wyverns, falcons, and pegasus were unable to stop the menace of the Sanctium aircraft. Attack and dive bombers rained down destruction on the city, while fighters annihilated any aerial opposition from the Rylusian aerial force. That day, a large portion of their city was razed to the ground.

Three days later, the Sanctium Imperial Navy reached the capital and bombarded it into submission, forcing the royal family to surrender. However, many high lords and semi-independent ducal families of Rylus didn't follow the orders of the Rylusian royal family. They continued to resist the invasion and influence of Sanctium for months to come, reducing half of the country to dust in a grinding war of attrition and guerrilla warfare against the overwhelming technological advanced civilization from another world.

Presenting da container gunboat! (Final iteration)

First iteration

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