Can't Let You Go [Dnf Mafia a...

By ForgetMe_ForgetMeNot

157K 5K 3.7K

A normal customer. He had blonde hair, slightly tanned skin, tall and a cute smile, I thought nothing of it... More

introduction & information about the story.
Chapter one-New person in town?
•Chapter two-Rain•
Chapter three-Snow..
Chapter four-the mafia's son?
Chapter five-Schlatt.
•Chapter six-Cat Cafe•
Chapter seven-~"you're such an idiot!"~
Chapter eight-!Alarm!
Chapter nine-Warning.
Chapter ten-Chased
Chapter eleven-Family business
Chapter twelve-"I warned you didn't i?"
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen-things i should've known.
Chapter fifteen-Discussing.
Chapter sixteen-"Moving in?"
Chapter seventeen-~°•Running together•°~
Chapter eighteen-~-Free again-~
Chapter nineteen-A new person arrived.
Chapter twenty-Response
Chapter twenty-one" I'm here. "-
Chapter twenty two-Liam.
Chapter twenty three-Better luck next time.
Chapter twenty four-Thinking too much.
Chapter twenty five-The truth.
Chapter twenty six-Jealousy.
Author's note :D
Chapter 27
chapter 33
Authors note.
Authors Note (please read)
Chapter 34-Explanation.
Chapter 35
Chapter 36- kiss, kiss, fall in love jk /srs
Chapter 37- Masquerade.
Chapter- 38 masquerade 2
::Chapter 39::
.:Chapter 40:.
.:Chapter 41:.
.:Chapter 42:.
.:Chapter 43..learning to love:.
.:Chapter 44:.understanding..
.:Chapter dinner:.
Announcement :]
.:Chapter 46:..Mission:.
.:Chapter 47:.amazing name:.
Uh hello please read, thank you.
AYO evan posted an announcement WAKE UP Thank you very much.
.:Chapter 49:..Shock:.
.:Chapter 50:..argument:.
.:Chapter 51:.miss you:.
.:Chapter..52:..gone:. name srry:.
.:Chapter 54:.
.:chapter night:.
.:Chapter 56:.
.:Chapter 57:.truly the best night
.:N o t e:.
.:Chapter 58:.T is for Trauma:.
.:Chapter 59:.damn it.:.
.:Chapter 60:.Two Birds, No Stone, Please Don't Kill My Birds.
.:Chapter 61:.:Cupid Chose The Wrong Person (I Think):.
.:Chapter 62:.What the hell Im in hell:.
.:Chapter 63:.
.:Chapter 64:.:Wilbur:.
Hi there

.:Chapter 65:.:I Wish We Didn't Have To End Like This:.

1.2K 28 41
By ForgetMe_ForgetMeNot

(Read note in the end please >~<)
Three days later.


"Ehm." I flinch and open my eyes that were immediately blinded by the lights coming in through the big window in dreams room. I've been sleeping on the chair next to him, I can't sleep without him beside me. It's just not the same.

My eyes squint, trying to find my phone then I felt something underneath my right foot. I sigh and take it, answering it without checking who it was. I'm too tired to do anything at the moment, I just woke up on a chair that I passed out on.

"George? Did you just wake up?" I hear Sapnap ask with some shuffling on his end "yeah.." I clear my throat "uh. I need help here, Giana's acting weird." I sigh unknowingly at the name, I exhale again.

"Are you okay gogs?.." he asks and I let out a hum "you sound tired. Did you sleep?" I hum a 'No' and ruffle my hair "I'll be up. Just keep her in your sight." Sapnap gives me an 'okay!' Then hung up.

I turn my head left and watch his face for a bit as the sun continues shining on his face. I exhale and open my eyes fully, letting them adjust. My head hurts more than yesterday, I should've listened to Wilbur and just took the pills.

My eyes drift to his hand and I reach out and just. Hold them softly for a minute then let go and stand up, leaving the room with a quiet click.

Dream should've woken up by now. They say he's gone into a coma that should last a few days. But I'm scared it's longer than that, weeks..maybe years. I'm not feeling well.

"George." Wilbur approaches me with a worried expression "hey, hey are you okay?" He places a hand on my shoulder "yeah I just woke up." I remove his hand. It's weird how I reacted calmly to that.

"If you need anything, don't be afraid to tell me." I just nod, There is no way I'm asking something from you. Too uncomfortable for me. I cover my mouth as I yawn.

"Where were you going?" Wilbur asks, pulling up his sleeves "I was just going up to Sapnap." I tell him before I continue my way and he hums and I take off. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone, but Wilbur didn't see that. Well. I feel drained more than ever.

He's a nice man, I'm just. Not, doing okay.

Everything's falling apart and I can't do anything but watch as it crumbles to pieces. I worsened my relationship with my mother, my brother isn't contacting me anymore, I feel left out by everyone in this building and I'm sure they don't like me very much. But that's okay. Wilbur and Sapnap, Tommy, Karl, and Bad.

They're the only ones that make me feel included. Well, Karl has been with me since high school so he's my best friend, he doesn't count. I turn the corner and then call the elevator.

Dream got shot by his father, and went into a coma. His father is nowhere to be seen nor is his uncle, which is very scary considering he's the one giving me glares in the halls. His aunt, I still haven't seen her but I've heard from Wilbur about her.

I open Giana's bedroom door and I see Sapnap on the sofa with a frown "she doesn't want to do anything but sit in the corner." He tells me and I sigh. Again.

"Is it because of Dream?" He asks and I think about it "yeah. Maybe." Sapnap exhales and cracks his knuckles "Gigi, do you want to go to Dream?" He asks her and she turns her head and nods "come on." I put my hand out and she hurries on getting up.

"Wait for me inside, I just need to take this call." Giana nods and goes in and I close the door behind her, before accepting the call I hear footsteps behind me and a click sound. I freeze as something hits my head and a chuckle erupts from the person that's holding the gun.

"You can be so easy to scare sometimes." That voice is so familiar but I just can't think of who it is, I stand still. "Let's make a deal, " they whisper in my right ear as I grip my phone and try to still my movements "You, forget about all this you have going on with Dream."

"And I get the money that I want." I don't know whether I should do anything, should I just stay still? "Easy. Yes or no?" They ask and I feel chills run down my spine. This is Dreams uncle. The money that was mentioned instantly made me realize who he is. I remember him asking Dream for money, but I didn't hear how much. I'm guessing it's a lot.

"If I say no.." I exhale then hear a huff and he hits me again "You get shot and even if you live, I'll make sure you live in hell." he puts the gun on my head and I stand still and close my eyes "Go inside that room and get your phone then come out. I'll wait here to escort you." He opens the door and pushes me in.

There Giana sat next to Dream, frowning. A woman with long blond hair, sitting on a chair beside Dream, wearing a suit that fitted her perfectly. She looks at me surprised for a moment then smiles "uh. Hi." She may be another family member I haven't met yet. She seems nice.

Yet I shouldn't really interact with anyone in this building, for all I know they could be dangerous.

"Hey! I'm Amelia." She greets and Giana turns to look at me "hi." God, what is wrong with me today? I'm so out of my mind. I can't even greet one of Dream's family members. Am I just going to assume she's family now? She could be a friend. Doesn't matter, I said hi twice now.

"You seem confused? I'm his fiancé." She says as she places a hand on her chest. I bite my lip, I don't know whether I should believe this. I mean, No one ever mentioned something like- this?

Karl would have told me right? He wouldn't keep something like this from me. Right? Nor would bad. Right? Am I right? They wouldn't do this to me.

"'s an arranged marriage. But in all honesty, I could get used to him. Dream isn't so bad. At least I hope he isn't like what the people say, we've been friends since we were kids." she says with a smile at the end. She's really pretty. Shiny blond hair, pretty blue eyes with black long natural lashes. Perfect body shape.

"The marriage is for money, every mafia is like that. It'll help his dad a lot, and us. Plus if we don't work out, we could have separate rooms maybe! He won't like me quickly, I'm too energetic. Sorry! I'm rambling about my thoughts again. God." She runs a hand through her hair and smiles, brightly.

"Sorry!! Your name?" Amelia puts her hair away from her face that's bright red. She's happy, really happy. I'm guessing she likes him a lot.

"George." I smile and close the door behind me "his, friend." I struggled there. I feel so bad, she looks so happy. What's worse is that they look perfect together. It hurts imagining him with someone else. But, he needs the money a lot.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asks, tilting her head and I nod "yeah." I take a deep breath then..let go "I really need to go though." I pick up my phone and sigh, I'm leaving. For my safety, and ranboos. My family who barely ever cared about me. I smile at her and she smiles back, I grasp the cold handle and pull. Dream's uncle pats my shoulder and smiles sickly "You're doing a good thing." he says as I close the door. It'd just hurt if I look at Dream one more time.

I shouldn't be hurt, of course, this kind of relationship won't last. We're both different from each other. Different. And even if we lasted, it wouldn't work out. What I want in the future, isn't what he wants. Two different paths, he chose left. I chose right. I should've thought of this from the start.
I spent that night in my apartment. In my room, rethinking all the things that happened last year. The party. That time I fell in front of the cafe on the sidewalk, where he helped me. In the park, the one I realized his eyes were green. The cat cafe, where the first time I ever really felt butterflies as he was swinging me around.

The rooftop we sat on then got chased by a bunch of mafia men. His dorky smile when he does something stupid, that we both laugh at. When I moved in. Liam, I have nothing to say about him.

The time we almost kissed on the train. It was raining, and I remember smiling at night to myself when minx was screaming at me on the phone about how I was blind enough to not realize.

The night I realized my feelings for him were true, in the kitchen at 2 AM. When I cried because of him right in front of him, and he still doesn't know. He hugged me and I felt so comforted, but not heard. We watched a movie after that.

The time, in the car, where he just kissed me suddenly and I thought I was going to get my neck snapped. I went home that night still in shock, then woke up in the morning on my bed, smiling.

The masquerade. The hallway where I thought that I'd be alone. If I said no, all of this, all of these memories. They..I wouldn't be thinking of them. These feelings. That I felt, from no one, but him. I felt them every time I was with him.

Our arguments were small and somewhat stupid, it was both of our faults.

I have no right to be upset, I'm the one leaving, not him. I'm the one running away for my safety, my selfish will to leave after I repeatedly wished for death my whole life. I'm the one who should've thought hard enough as to not get into something like this. I'm the one who should've stayed away from the start.

The memories, the feelings, him. I just don't..want to let go. I can't let go. It's like I haven't gotten enough. But, everything has been taken away from me. Everyone left. I left.

Just like what I thought. I'd end up alone again. I did. It's unfair. But it's my fault, I couldn't do anything but stand still. I let it happen, again. I'm always scared. It's always my fault. Me, me, me. George that, George this.

Me, I'm the problem.

I'm the problem.

I left without a goodbye.

"I have never felt more safe in someone's arms."
- George.
(In whatever chapter, it may have been deleted or removed or a draft I forgot about but remembered that one sentence.)

1854 Words


No, there will be a sequel. A sequel for what?

Some will say smut..You nasty. Some will say, more family angst.
Some will say ALL.

I say, ALL. But more scenes with tension. Cause I like them.

I really wanted the ending to be perfect, but this is all I've got. I had 5 Drafts. And so far, this one just, fit? IDK but yeah :D Hope you enjoyed this story and would like more. I'll be posting updates on my board, so stay tuned! LOVE YOU!

Drink water, eat something, rest, hug the ones you love, and GET GRASS. GO! NOW. I'm joking, do whatever you want.

July 2021 :') late night, watching ranboos steam. Deleted my first story then wrote this for fun. Now look where we are.

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