A House to A|ucard (Anthology...

By wulfwuman

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•⚰️•🍋• (🔖Wattys 2022 Nomination)A House to Alucard is a completed anthology collection of short stories bes... More

oh brother! (0.5)
Stealing Glances -green eyes (1)
Stealing glances -nice & hard (2)
Quincy's a girl? (3)
Dangerous Wanderings- venturing (4)
Dangerous Wanderings-door (5)
Dangerous Wanderings- couple (6)
Captain Imani -Sole Survivor (7)
Captain Imani -live wire (8)
Captain Imani -Hot Sause (9)
Captain Imani- Battle ready (10)
Captain Imani- Heat wave (11)
twisted hearts-loud on arrival (12)
twisted hearts-on an out (13)
twisted hearts- a cross with (14)
twisted hearts-love of war (15)
In the rain- before the rain (16)
In the rain-the rain begins (17)
In the rain-raining on (18)
In the rain-down pour (19)
Holiday vistor-Christmas tale p.1 (20)
Holiday vistor-p.2 (21)
mechanics of vampires (21.5)
All Father's Scent (22)
Vampyr tying knots (23)
I am not the word Autism (24)
Short shots required from friends (25)
Pastries & Pearls (26)
Honey & Creme (27)
Dared to Cheat (28)
a vivid dream (29)
Deep Connection (30)
All the Mirrors lie (31)
peace & quiet (32)
My Heart is Yours ch. 1 (33)
My Heart is Yours ch. 2 (34)
My Heart is Yours ch. 3 (34)
My heart is yours part 4 (35)
breaking up (36)
roses, notes and Immortal yanderes (37)
engulfed (38)
ice cream social (39)
Something Soft (40)
Sweet Creme (41)
cruel looks (42)
happy 590th (43)
loud & lewd (44)
loss of a paragon (44)
Skyrim bet (46)
innocent enough (47)
Not sexy but funny (48)
stand off ( 49)
good day to die (50)
veiled rebirth (51)
Strangers Conversing 1st night (52)
Strangers Conversing 3rd Night (54)
pretty deadly (55)
I see you (56)
AmikArtest bio

Strangers Conversing 2nd night (53)

47 2 0
By wulfwuman

It is Friday night and your leech roommates have gone clubbing while you nurse a work injury. You work as a Barista at a well known Cafe. A knife slipped as you cut lemon bars. Such a simple task you have done some many times it shouldn't have happened. You were stressed about bills and then a customer came up to the front yelling their complaint at you in which you had no control of.

That's when the knife slipped and you cut your palm just under your thumb. The doctor tells you a centimeter in any other direction and you would have cut a tendon that would have required surgery. You don't feel very lucky. You are on medical leave for a week and will get paid but not if you were at the job working.

(Y/n) stares at her (d/h) and tries to wiggle her fingers. The bandage is tight and so you need to keep the circulation following or the hand goes numb. The railing of the bridge is the right height to elevate the fresh wound. A soft giggle slips from your mouth.

'What if Alucard is a true vampire? Am I going to get savaged? Or would that be ravaged?

Then Alucard's large form is pressing against your body and peering down on you. Your instincts should be screaming and your hands clawing but his body is more comforting. A long and slow sigh leaves your mouth.

"Good evening (Y/n). I almost thought you might not show..."then he flares his nostrils and licks his pale lips like a hungry wolf. He could smell you a kilometer away or more. You are young but sorrow has made your blood a sweet and earthy smell to it.

When newly turned oh he would have savaged you to death for every drop of your precious blood. Now over five hundred years as the first Nosferatu, he is more than willing to ravage you for a bit. You would be a tasty tidbit but you would walk away a bit weak with only fuzzy headedness but very much alive. But you won't ask him for that. Your mind is weighted even heavier with your injury.

"May I see?" he asks barely above a whisper but you hear him loud as a church bell on a Sunday morning.

You mumble, "Doctor says got lucky I guess." You extend your whole arm, palm up to his face as if giving him an offering. He blinks and licks his lips. You catch the old vampire off guard. Everything about him should send you screaming into the night yet you treat him as a warm blanket you snuggle in on a cold night.

It is truly strange yet wonderful to dare say magical?

Unholy King lifts a bit of the bandage. You are quite fortunate as he has seen men on battlefields get slices on their hands like yours and lose most of the grip in them. "I usually don't agree with medical doctors and some of their quackery but this one is indeed correct. The stitching has been done well too. It should heal quickly..."

"I came tonight as I felt I made a promise to you and I never break promises. Yet I am exhausted and have no silvery lines of written words or a golden tongue to dazzle you."

"Such things are for political and charlatans with evil plans." the ebony haired vampire comments. He then hands you a single rose. It's dark and the lamp only helps see the color so much. Yet...you swear you know exactly the color as if by a memory.

Alucard presses his lips to the shell of your ear, "I took a guess...did I guess wrong, little one?"

You let your soft laugh out that is hauntingly beautiful to the jaded old one. "You are a master of observation and have a keen eye to human behaviour. Dare I say, women in particular?'

"Such a beautiful laugh." Alucard decides to see how enamoured you are with vampires. He, Alucard as Dracula so he picks a popular line from the Copela's movie that he detests.

"There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights."

This time (Y/n) laughs so hard you gasp for breath. "You need a stern whipping for that one Alucard! Such nonsense! If you insist on being an ass and quoting Bram Stoker shit make it in your words!"

The No Life King pretends to frown then nuzzles his nose in your (l/hair). "You smell divine so I will tell you a rendition of Stoker's you will feel more..."

"He wears the guise of a man, but I never thought of him as one. Or even as a vampire, for that matter. He is king and castle both; his dominion - the river Styx, the untold dead he's drowned in it - his subjects. What cost victory? What ploy will leave him in the dust? These questions run through my mind every waking moment. Thoughts of him even invade my dreams leaving me crying out for bloodshed. And now, at long last, our war has dawned... I bring all that I am to this fight - body and soul. But is it enough? How do our arsenals compare?"

In this time. In this space of living on this earth is but an alternate ending. Hellsing destroyed the Major before the final note was played. The future changed when Alucard returned from Brazil. Perhaps a bit of irony is that Alucard is fully aware, in his subconscious of all alternate universes his body resides so he witnesses each history change slightly for that universe. It is quite a thing to wrap one's mind around, even the King of Vampires. He does not speak of it to his Master. It maybe the key to being free once more and no longer Hellsing's chained demon.

He can change form, summon familiars, bend men to his will and the taste of human blood brings him life anew. And these powers he can call upon as quickly as a man might blink! But I take the stage with nothing. Why, you ask? Because I am a human being. To be a vampire, to taste life eternal and wage war throughout the centuries - what a perfect existence! But that is a bridge too far; I cannot embrace undeath! Vampirism is brilliant - one can quaff another's soul like a vintage eiswein (ice wine) and steal everything that defines them.

Shadow King pauses to look at your reaction and feel the tuggings of your human mind trying to comprehend these words. (Y/n) answers. "For all of your strengths and abilities the simple rule, the myth of the Hero says you can be defeated by a mere human, weak and mortal."

Alucard bows his head slightly then continues his monologuing style of storytelling. "Sharing one's life with another and they with you - losing the borders of oneself in a great sanguine sea... To gain by losing, what a delicious irony. It is the bliss of acquiesce. It is the bliss of... surrender. And so I say - to hell with you! What's mine, is mine alone! Every hair, every drop of blood... I am me... I am me. I am me! You are ruin made flesh, made beautiful. You are loved, and so I despise you. That is why you are my foe, my dazzling count. You are that most precious thing - a worthy opponent. An arch enemy. A king upon which to wage war! What you call victories are nothing more than the opening salvos of a battle fifty years in the making! - "

"It's quite crude in wording but I can not explain better...St. George and the slaying of the dragon. You, son of the Dragon now, is the evil monster men fear. Hellsing took up the holy order to slay you but they failed at the last moment. Yet in the east, China, Korea and Japan the dragon is holy and a bringer of men's destinies. Emperors are the sons of dragons..."

The Vampire King laughs genuinely at your words. You bring philosophy to the table and myths from other places across the world. Could be an old soul trapped in a young and frail human body? Perhaps...

"A century ago his reign of terror paralyzed London. Five hundred years ago he held back the Ottoman Empire. If that great river of blood meets his lips - the game is lost. He'll knock aside the chessboard like a petulant child. Life and death - he's cheated them both for centuries! How does one go about slaying such a force of nature? Do you cut through wave after wave of thralls on the battlefield and take his head like one of the Teutonic Knights of old? Nein. (No.) He'll simply summon more of his stolen blood, but that could work in my favor, because my enemy's greatest strength is also his Achilles' heel; tyrants have always been especially susceptible to poison."

"Hmm, yes but do you really know why you get all the ladies' knickers soaked?" (Y/n) wiggles her eyebrows up and down at Alucard.

The imposing figure of a vampire pulls back to see if you are serious. "Tell me little human why I am such a panty soaker?"

"Your life is the worst possible fairy tale. Your children die. Your wife dies. You lose your country. You lose your faith. Your head even supposedly. Then you live a life between the living and the dead called undead. You are in limbo for eternity while a zombie is reanimated but continues to deteriorate. You both are an abomination against nature..."

"Going to end that thought by insulting me?"

"Black Prince...eer, equivalent title, have you heard of hybristophilia? It is an attraction to historical or living men that are violent and operate beyond the law. You Sir have SKGs."

The jaded vampire is laughing, "And what does that stand for?"

"Serial...Killer...Groupies. You're like an undead rock star and all the women want in your pants, you bad boy. They just forget one little thing, don't get too close to that man. Admire him from afar. Send him love letters in prison but never meet him. That's why historical figures are 'safe' but there is alway an exception. That's you. Vlad Drǎculea, the man that became a myth yet still a hero in his native lands."

"Draga mea, vampires don't exist and that Voivode died centuries ago to decapitation..."Alucard moves to pin your body between the railing of the bridge and his firm body, cool to the touch and hard like stone. "You do not want to live yet you do not want to end your life by your hand."

The vampire slowly turns your body and cups your chin in his hand. His other hand removes his glasses so you can finally see his vampiric eyes. His cool breath is blowing on your face. Yet you can't believe how beautiful his eyes are. How they could be so many colors of the sun that he now grows weak from.

"Your eyes are but pools of swirling flame to consume the moth should it venture too close..."

The unearthly handsome Vampire king tilts his head ever so slightly then places a soft kiss on your lips. "Little one should I choose your fate for you?"

"That makes me a coward doesn't it?" you sigh sadly. This is the one person, being...monster that you don't want to think you are a weak coward giving up.

"The one condition is, when I make the decision you accept it without tears or whining. No begging or asking to change the decision..."

(Y/n) pauses and closes her eyes. You can sense Alucard's eyes burning your image into his mind as he waits for your decision.

"Alucard I understand the terms you are offering. I accept them." You feel a sense of calm wash over you.

"I will see you tomorrow night. It will be a full moon that night...little one." the vampire smiles. "And if you don't show I will hunt you down. You said you accepted my terms little human."

The last thing his sensitive vampire ears hear is your soft haunting laugh, "I will be here just don't you forget old man!"

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