Together we howl (Complete)

By ShannonCawley

248K 8.7K 399

A year after the battle of Hogwarts, things change drastically for Hermione Granger. Experiencing a terrible... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Chapter 38
Part 39

Part 25

5.2K 200 9
By ShannonCawley

Luna's POV

Our time in Diagon Alley was most definitely a day to remember, but I couldn't help the feeling of loneliness as I watched the three couples spending quality time together. Despite what people may think, not having Edward with me regularly was affecting me more than I like to admit. He is always in my thoughts, to the point where I couldn't think of anything else and even though it was pretty clear that being his mate was going to be harder than the others are handling with theirs, he is more than worth it in my eyes.

So, as we left Sam and Hermione to start their date, the rest of us portkeyed straight onto the porch of our home.

"Come on, I'll make some lunch" Sirius announced as he opened the front door, the wolves walked in eagerly along with Harry, Pansy and Remus but I remained frozen. My heart and mind fighting against one another, my heart wanted nothing more than to see Edward but my mind was telling me that I should give him some space, seeing how he was under a lot of stress due to Bella and Victoria's situation.

"Little moon?" My head snapped towards the front door, where Sirius was standing with a concerned frown.

"I- I miss him," I said as I lowered my head, tears threatening to fall as I felt my heart squeeze. This alarmed the dog animagus, who was used to Luna having a bright smile on her face at all times.

"Go and see him. From what I've gathered, the mate bond is strong and your absence has most likely caused him to be a little disorientated" With a little hesitation, I nodded my head and transformed into my animagus, taking off into the woods without a second glance.

Everything was a blur, my main focus was to see my mate and nothing else mattered but being in his arms. As I approached his home, I stopped in my track when I saw his familiar figure leaning against the wooden bannister with a smile on his face. I transformed back and slowly approached, suddenly feeling nervous.

"Luna" His deep but soft voice sent shivers down my spine, I looked up and the adoration in his eyes allowed me to release a breath that I wasn't aware that I was holding.

"Edward" He let out a chuckle when he noticed my large smile, and in one quick motion, he was by my side with a hand on my waist and the other brushing against my cheek.

"I've missed you" He sighed contently and pulled me firmly into his chest, causing me to giggle as I wrap my arms around him.

"I missed you too, love" I responded as I snuggled against him.

"Come" He pulled away and guided me towards his home with a hand on the bottom of my back. As we made it into the kitchen, the Cullens were seen conversing with one another, though it wasn't hard to see and feel the intense air surrounding them.

"Hello" I greeted cheerfully and strayed away from Edwards's hold, skipping towards the family with a large smile. Their faces lit up instantly and were greeted with warm hugs.

"How are you, dear?" Esme asked as she gestured for me to take a seat at the table.

"I'm good, just arrived back from London a few minutes ago"

"Couldn't wait to see Edward, huh" Emmet teased with a smirk, causing me to nod my head in agreement.

"It's hard to be away from your soul bond, especially with my kind" This caused the group to look at me with a curious expression, all remaining silent to allow me to elaborate.

"Soul bonds aren't necessarily common, but they do happen. Hermione and Ginny feel the connection more intensely because of their vampire and wolf sides, I can feel mine because of my magic. My magical core can feel that I have finally found my other half, my life partner. If we were to separate or if Edward rejected the bond, it could cause me agonising pain, the loss of my magic or even death" They all remained silent, their eyes wide and mouths hung open at the seriousness of the bond.

"Why is it different for you than Hermione and Ginny" Rosalie questioned as she rested her gin on her palm, her large golden eyes staring at me with eagerness for new knowledge.

"In our world, vampires and wolves are known as dark creatures, and even though their wolf side is only an animagus form, it had caused them to have some animalistic traits. Vampires and wolves are dominant and powerful, so when they meet their mates, their souls would refuse to let them go. It's a lot more intense for them because they also have magic, meaning they are experiencing their magical cores reaching out for their mates, along with their animalistic side" Realisation was seen on their pale faces, for them, it was a rather simple situation when finding their mates and they never realised just how complicated it could get for others.

"That sounds... Complicated" Alice comments with a small frown, confusion clear on her face as the others nod their heads in agreement. I let out a small giggle and shook my head in amusement, missing the soft smiles aimed in her direction from the family, who all agree that her laughter was quite frankly, magical.

"Would you like some cherry pie? I enjoy baking and was going to bring some to your home for everyone tomorrow" Esme said with a proud smile. I nod my head eagerly, bouncing up and down in my seat which gained a few laughs from those around me. Everyone took a seat around the dining table, though they aren't eating, they all have a glass filled with animal blood.

"You don't mind, do you? We haven't eaten dinner yet" Edward asked sheepishly as he gestured towards the glass. I shook my head with a small smile before placing a kiss on his cheek, and if he could blush, his face would be bright red. Emmet and Jasper both sent him teasing smiles as they wiggled their eyebrows up and down, but he seemed to be in some sort of daze as he touched the stop that I kissed.

"Damn, I've never seen Edward so quiet before" Emmet chuckled and nudged Edward, who was sitting beside him. It seemed to snap him out of his daze and he sent Emmet and half-hearted glare, making those around him laugh. I shook my head as my lips twitched into a smile as Esme placed a plate of cherry pie in front of him.

"Thank you, Esme. It looks delicious" and it truly did. The hot fruit and cherry sauce were oozing out of the pasty, and the sweet smell lingered in the air, making my mouth water.

"You're most welcome, sweetie"

The Cullen's and I spent the next hour or so making small talk and quite frankly, I was having a lot of fun. However, I suddenly slipped into a vision, one of a man with a uniform shouting at a girl who seemed quite angry. The girl's blurred figure seemed familiar but I couldn't make out the features, all I knew was that she was heading this way.

"Luna?" As I snapped out of the vision, I looked around a little dazed and noticed seven golden eyes staring back at me, all looked concerned.

"Are you okay?" Carlisle asked as he placed the back of his hand on my forehead, checking if I was coming down with a fever.

"Someone is coming and she's angry... I can't see her face properly but she's coming here" I stated with an emotionless tone as I looked out of the window, not noticing the worried and confused looks exchanged between the vampires.

"Is she a threat?" Silence filled the air for a few moments before I took a deep breath and shook my head. Images of the blurred figure speeding in her red truck, her hands clenched around the steering wheel.

"No, not a threat but she sure is angry" I giggled as I began to figure out who the girl was. I turned towards Edward with a raised eyebrow, his face converted to one of confusion as he noticed my expression.

"Bella is coming" a moment later, a banging was heard against the front door.

"Why didn't we hear her come?" Rosalie asked with a scowl.

"She must have parked further down the road" Edward responded with a frustrated frown, I instantly took his cold hands into mine which caught his attention.

"Don't worry, my love. I'll greet her" I said mischievously as I placed another kiss on his cheek and skipped out of the room. Esme shared a concerned look with her husband whilst the others found Luna's eagerness quite amusing and refreshing.

I made my way downstairs and opened the front door, a large smile on my face as Bella came into view. She opened her mouth to speak but once she caught sight of me, her eyes widened and her face began to turn red in anger.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She shouted and tried to look over my shoulder in hopes to see Edward.

"Esme baked me some cherry pie" I answered cheerfully, which seemed to anger the girl more. She barged past me and stomped her way up the stairs, I followed casually as I hummed to myself. I entered the living room, where the Cullens were standing around as Bella began shouting at a bored-looking Edward.

"Why haven't you been answering my messages?!"

"I've got nothing to say" He shrugged. In the background, Rosalie and Emmet were trying to hold back their sniggers, despite the warning glare coming from Esme.

"I'm your girlfriend!" She screeched, making everyone cringe slightly due to their enhanced hearing. The unfamiliar feeling of jealousy bubbled in my chest, I walked towards the Cullens and stood beside Jasper, who wrapped a reassuring arm around my shoulders. I looked up at him with a thankful smile, which he sent back along with a squeeze of my shoulder. I turned back to the arguing duo, raising an eyebrow as I noticed Bella glaring at me with pure hatred in her eyes.

"All cosy with the family, are you?" She seethed through her clenched teeth.

"Uh, yeah" I answered innocently, causing the family to laugh lightly at my response. However, my answer seemed to anger the brunette more and as she attempted to step toward me in a threatening manner, Jasper pulled me behind him and the family stepped forward, protectively. A shocked expression crossed Bella's face, looking at each of the Cullens with a look of betrayal.

"You don't even know this girl! she's friends with shapeshifters, she's your enemy" She shouted as she desperately tried to get through to the vampires.

"She's not our enemy, she's our family" Rosalie growled, shocking everyone around us. A warmth spread through my chest as I looked over at the beautiful blonde, who smiled over at me. I mouthed 'thank you' to which she nodded in acknowledgement.

"Family!? How exactly is your family?"  Bella questioned as she crossed her arms over her chest, a smug expression on her face as she did so.

"She's my mate" An intense silence filled the air after Edwards's admission. Tears filled Bella's eyes and her face grew as red as the Weasley's hair, everyone could see her muscles tense as she stared at Edward.

"Mate?" She whispered in shock.

"Yes, she's my mate"

"You told me I was your mate"

"I was mistaken" Edward responded with a shrug before looking over his shoulder, sending me a loving smile that caused my cheeks to heat up. Emmet chuckled and playfully nudged me, making me slap his arm with a half-hearted glare.

"This is all your fault!!" She screamed as she charged in my direction and before we could blink, she was pressed against the wall with a hand around her throat.

"Edward" Esme gasped. Jasper and Emmet sped towards Edward and struggled to pry his hands away from her throat. He began struggling in their embrace, growling as he tried to charge at a shocked and pale Bella, who was gasping for air. I rushed towards my mate and stood between him and Bella.

"Move Luna" He growled, his eyes darkening as his glare remained on the brunette.

"Edward, please" I pleaded as I placed my hands on his cold cheeks. My touch made him stop abruptly, though his gaze never faltered.

"Look at me" He didn't budge.

"Edward Cullen, you will look at me right now" I growled in frustration, making his wide eyes snap towards me. Shock is evident on his and the faces of the others at the unfamiliar tone. I nodded towards Emmet and Jasper, who reluctantly let go of Edward. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stepped closer to him where his hands instantly found my waist.

"She isn't worth it, my love" I whispered and watched as his eyes returned to their usual Amber colour. His expression softened and a small smile formed on his face.

"You're so beautiful" His compliment caused a goofy smile to appear on my face and my cheeks to redden.

"And you're very handsome" I responded which made his face light up, making me giggle.

"Can you do me a favour?" I asked softly, receiving a nod back.

"I'm quite parched, do you mind getting me a drink" His eyebrows furrowed slightly and his eyes glanced towards the angry brunette who remained silent against the wall. Seeing his unsure expression, I placed a lingering kiss on his cheek which snapped his attention back onto me.

"Please" I begged with large puppy dog eyes. He let out a chuckle and nodded his head, placing a kiss on my forehead before exiting the room. In one quick motion, I had my hand wrapped around her throat and she was once again pressed against the wall.

"I'm giving you one chance to leave before I call my pack to deal with you" I growled furiously. She paled drastically and nodded her head in acceptance, I let go of my hold and she instantly ran from the room. I let out a tired sigh and ran my hands over my face. I jumped slightly as I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me look to my left where Carlisle was standing with a proud smile.

"Thank you"

"For what?" I questioned cautiously, my eyebrows furrowed to show my confusion.

"You were able to calm down his killer instincts. It's hard for our kind to fight the rage, especially when our mates are threatened" The others nod their heads in agreement, making a small smile form on my face as I look down. Our attention was snapped towards the door, where Edward appeared with a mug of steaming hot coffee. He smiled lovingly and handed it to me before placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you"

"Anything for you"

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