Bonded (Niklaus Mikaelson)

By niklausssmikaelson

6.8K 269 23

After being sent away Adelaide comes back after 3 years. She already knows about the supernatural world but s... More

Part 1
The Martins
Werewolf curse
Hello father
Moving in
Ricky Ric
He's back
The Curse
Werewolf bite
Werewolf hunt
Night affairs
Cupcake loss
Short story
The reckoning
Phone calls
Ghost world
OG witch
Coffin chase
Birthday ball
Find me
My little target
One more stake
Rupert, Emmy and Mila
Back to the 20's
How far does my bond go
Come back to me
A day of peace
And then there were 10

Karma's a bitch

88 8 0
By niklausssmikaelson

Damon's POV

I sent a text to the group telling them to meet me at the house, I don't really know what i'm gonna say but I'll just make it up as I go on.
Stefan and Elena are the first to get there and I just direct them to the living room while we wait for everyone else. Once everyone is here I go to speak when Bonnie interrupts me.

"Why are we here?" She says in a rather rude tone

"Well if you let me speak you would find out I was just about to tell you. Addy's alive, I saw her myself, I don't know how but she's alive and staying with the Mikaelsons for now"

"Why the hell is she staying with them" Stefan asks slightly raising his voice

"Because they think we are incapable of keeping her safe" I respond

"She died because of them, their mother is the reason this happened in the first place" Bonnie shouts

"Yh well Stefan tried to run her off of a bridge so for now she's with them" I'm not exactly happy about Addy staying with them but if she's ok with it then I have to leave her be, with occasional check ups of course.

The room is silent now. I take time to look over everyone's faces, most are relieved and a bit angry but Elena's is filled with....guilt? I can understand why she would feel guilty for the death of Bonnie's mum but I don't understand why she would feel that way now. She should be relieved, she was one of the people crying the most when Addy died. I thought there'd be more celebration from her part.

"Are we allowed to see her" Elena spoke breaking the silence

"I should think so" I respond she nods her head and gets up to leave sending silent goodbyes to everyone in the room. I make my way to my indoor bar while everyone continues to process the news

"How did you know?" Stefan asks

"Elijah called me" I say simply before continuing to pour myself a drink

"He called you?"

"Mhm" I nod my head

"Why did he call you?" Stefan speaks with disgust

"Cause I'm the only adult that has been taking care of her and hasn't threatened her life" i bite back

"I may have drove her to the bridge but you still left her there" Stefan gets up and starts to angrily make his way towards me

"If I remember correctly you also left her there. So you can't exactly play victim in this one" I storm off to my room before I can say anything that will cause a fight. I quickly send a text to Addy just to make sure she's ok

To little rabbit🫠: you good?

From little rabbit🫠: it's only been an hour and you're already checking in on me

To little rabbit🫠: just making sure ur ok. Elena wants to see u btw

From little rabbit: ok I'll tell u what she says. Ik that's what u really want to know

To little rabbit🫠: thank you🙃

I switch off my phone and make my way to Addy's room. I had spent most of my time either here or drinking downstairs when she died. I never actually looked at anything properly. I start snooping through her things and find her birth certificate. It's not really news to me since she practically tells me everything. I give up on snooping and just decide to lay down, I know she's not going to be happy if she finds out I've been sleeping on her bed but she can't really do anything to me right now can she.

Adelaide's POV

Nik has been stuck to me like glue ever since I woke up. When I went to go get food he would follow me and even offer to make it for me. I appreciate it and it's cute but what happens when I need the toilet. I hear a knock on the door and I immediately know who it is because of mine and Damon's previous texts. I stand up to go get the door but Kol beats me to it opening the door to reveal Elena

"Oh it's just you" he says disappointment clear on his features. He walks back towards me to continue our game of uno when Elena speaks

"Mari. Is it ok if I speak to you?" She seems really nervous shifting her weight between her legs

"No" Kol says. Everyone gives him a look while he shrugs his shoulders

"We're playing uno. You can't just pause the game"

"Yes you can. Pause" I say standing up and walking towards Elena.

"No eavesdropping" I say as I lead Elena upstairs into Nik's room.

Once I close the door she immediately wraps her arms around me and starts apologising profusely. She was crying hysterically and talking so fast I didn't even catch some of what she said but I did catch a few things.

"I didn't realise how bad of a mistake I had made until you died. She said the originals were gonna die and I thought it wouldn't be to bad"

"What mistake?" I break away from the hug

"Giving her my blood. She said that we would only be sacrificing one life which would save load of others and that you were an imbalance of nature so at least if she did it you could die with someone you care about"

"So you knew I was gonna die and you still gave your blood to Esther" I start backing away from her not believing my ears. Her eyes become watery again and she looks like she's about to start the waterworks all over again

"I thought-" her head jerks to the side and a small echo of the connection from my hand hitting her cheek can be heard. When she finally lifts her head to look at me tears are freely falling from her eyes as she cries silently

"I'm sorry" her voice is shaking and her lip is trembling but right now I don't care

"I would've never done that to you" I give her one last look before I make my way downstairs. I want to visit Caroline or Osa just someone with a semi outside view

"I'm going to Caroline's " I announce before leaving the house

I know they were listening, they're all too nosy not to listen. I wonder what they'll do to her now that she's there all by herself. Now even the most level headed of the originals doesn't want to protect her.

Elena's POV

She slapped me. I know she's angry at me but we could've talked it out. The look of pure hatred she gave me makes even more tears well up in my eyes.
I would've never done that to you.
It's true she wouldn't. She's tried to help me numerous times even when she doesn't agree with what I'm doing and I just signed her off to be killed without a second thought. All of the originals are downstairs, every single one of them. I know Klaus needs me to be his human blood bag but I don't think that's even a defense I can use to keep me alive at this point.

I've just managed to piss off a whole family off originals and my only protection has left me stranded. How am I gonna leave? Will I even manage to make it through the door before one of them kills me. Rebekah already doesn't like me and now she's probably just heard that I sent her only friend to be killed. Elijah has never showed any malicious intent towards me but I can see how close him and Mari are. He'll kill me. They all will. They'll take turns ripping me to shreds. I try calling Damon for some sort of protection. I know they won't kill Damon, Mari and Damon are way to close. If they kill Damon, Mari won't speak to them again


"Messages." I whisper

That's all I say before I end the call. I don't know if they're still listening but if they are then it's better for them not to know I'm calling for back up

To Damon: They want to kill me

From Damon: where's Addy

To Damon: she left. Please come pick me up

From Damon: I'm coming.

After a minute or two I decide to go wait for Damon outside maybe he was already here and he forgot to text me. I take a deep breath and start to walk down the stair case. When I reach the bottom I look up to see all of the original lined up and looking at me with the most hateful eyes.

"I never did like you. As soon as Mari told me you had left her at the bridge along with the other fool that claims to take care of her" the younger one says

I start to back away as they all look at me menacingly. I look to Elijah with pleading eyes but he only stares back at me with hatred. I've messed up, big time. Elijah's face is normally blank, no emotion whatsoever but right now he looks like he wants to set me on fire and watch me burn and suffer only to heal me in my final moments and do it all over again. Where the hell is Damon. I try to think of something anything that will get me out of this situation

"Hybrids" I say my voice still wobbles and I don't sound the least bit confident. The laugh Klaus let out after what I had said sent chills down my spine. It sounded like he was amused but his face looked a lot different. I thought I had seen the worst of the originals but clearly they had a lot more torture to dish out and unfortunately for me I had shot myself up to number 1 on that list

"You sentenced Adelaide to death and you think the fact that your blood creates hybrids is going to sway us all from killing you" his voice went deeper his eyes looked cold. Klaus Mikaelson, a true monster, today I have found out the extent of fear Katherine had towards the originals and in a few seconds I'm going to find out the reason so many people have nightmares of the legend that is the Mikaelson family. They all step closer towards me, there eyes trailing my every move watching me like prey. I step back in fear my breathing becoming erratic and my attempts of survival becoming more and more desperate

"We're going to rip you limb from limb and then when your only a clump consisting of a head and heart we will heal you and then torture you all over again" klaus speaks, he speaks in a very slowly and painful manner as if teasing you with sharp words to hurt you before he's even started the torture physically.

The older one is the first to attack, he bites into my neck ripping a large clump of my skin making me scream and cry as he finally drops me to the floor. They all continue to stalk towards me while I helplessly shuffle away screaming and crying out of fear and pain. I tried to get up and run but Rebekah had sped in front of me, I tried going the other way but Klaus was there.

He grabbed a fist full of my hair and slammed my head into the wall making my vision blur and my feet to become unstable I could feel the warm liquid trickling down my face but that was the least of my worries. Next was Elijah instead of attacking my neck he went for my arm biting a chunk of it off and then throwing me to the younger one. Even in my dizzy state I could still make out the harsh viens that protruded from under his eyes. He gave me a punch that in turn broke my jaw and effectively sent me flying. Then there was Rebekah. The one who hated me the most. She sent a harsh kick to my stomach that made me fly and hit the wall next to me but she wasn't done there.

Klaus harshly grabbed me and picked me up by my arm with a brutal amount of force. I'm sure I heard a bone in my arm break but that was the least of my concerns. Klaus held me up while Rebekah sent multiple punches to my face and throat. He eventually dropped me to the ground and they all started to circle me again. I was in pain. A lot of pain. And I was bleeding everywhere. I was seeing double of everything which only added to my fear. The next thing I heard was a door slamming open and arguing and shouting before I was picked up and carried away bridal style.

My head lobbed to the side as I didn't have enough energy to keep it up. I was placed on the ground and after a few seconds I felt a warm metallic liquid trickle down my throat.

"What happened to waiting for me to get there?" I heard a voice ask. Damon. It was Damon. I slowly turned my head towards him but I couldn't speak. I felt tears prick my eyes until they started to fall down my face. Damon gently brushed them away and then took me back to my house to get cleaned up

Adelaide's POV

After I had left I made my way to Caroline's house. Luckily for me Caroline and Osa were both there. I sat down with them and talked to them about everything that happened with Elena and to say they were shocked is an understatement

"I'm gonna whip her. Watch when I get my belt" Osa said standing up

"You know what for once I agree with Osa's violence" Caroline says joining Osa

"I don't want peace I want problem always" Osa high fives Caroline as they start to discuss a plan on how to 'deal' with Elena

"We're not whipping her" I say silencing their discussion

"In the wise words of one of my closest friends. Who is we" Osa says

"I don't want drama right now, I just resurrected from the dead I just want to enjoy time with some people and ignore her"

"Didn't you leave her with the Mikaelsons though" Caroline says a small smirk forming on her face

"Now you know damn well those Mikaelsons were listening in on that convo" Osa says

"Love Elena but at least now she'll learn her lesson." Caroline says

"Learn what. They'll kill her. Whatever lesson she will learn she will explain to all her deceased parents, the whole 2 sets of them" Osa says while Caroline stifles a laugh

"The shade that was thrown in that one sentence" Caroline giggles

"I'm just the best like get on my level" Davina says while putting on sunglasses

"Wow sunglasses inside" I say

"Nah we actually have to at this point the sun is shinning. I would've never expected" Osa says

"Yh that's cause we live in England the sun is never sunning. Only when it decides it wants to kill us" I say

"Nah honestly because how am I getting tanned when I'm already black, dark-skinned for that matter and I'm becoming even blacker than I already am"

"Watch when we start losing you at night, you'll blend into the darkness" I say while Caroline starts laughing

"Um excuse me why are you laughing. Watch when you go from white to black in the next few days then you start calling me a nigga" Osa says

"Once you go black you can never go back"I shake my head

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