Twilight Morning Sky (COMPLET...

By SimpleEllegance

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COMPLETE Please read the "before you read" section. Thank you (Ninety years after breaking dawn) Nobody real... More

Twilight Morning Sky
Chapter One: New Faces in Forks
Chapter Two: Secrets and Lies
Chapter Three: I Know Who You Are
Chapter Five: Love Comes in all Forms
Chapter Six: Nothing but Tears
Chapter Seven: Beauty
Chapter Eight: Here we go again.
Chapter Nine: Angles
Chapter Ten: YOU DID WHAT!!!?
Chapter Eleven: Surprise...
Chapter Twelve: Wait whoa what!
Chapter thirteen Taken
Chapter fourteen Well...
Chapter Fifteen Savior
Chapter Sixteen oh dear god
Chapter Seventeen Well.... that's not convenient
Chapter Eighteen: Bad News
Chapter Nineteen Sinking
Chapter Twenty My life will never be the same
Chapter twenty one my new family
Chapter Twenty Two, Here we go again
Chapter Twenty Three, should have seen it coming
Chapter Twenty Four, pain, pain, and more pain.
Chapter Twenty Five, Fire
Chapter Twenty Six: The Letter
Chapter Twenty Seven: How to be a vampire (for dummys)
Chapter Twenty Eight: An eventful evening
Chapter Twenty Nine: The Vampires, The Werewolves, and The Clearing.
Chapter Thirty: This is war
Chapter thirty one War at last
Chapter Thirty Two Aftershock.
Chapter thirty three But Your Dead
Chapter thirty four peaceful day
Chapter Thirty Five The new Enemy.
Chapter Thirty Six Forever and Never
Chapter Thirty Seven Funeral
Chapter thirty eight Worst timing ever
Thirty Nine Spiraling
Chapter forty Those broken few
Chapter forty one Goodbye memories
Forty two Forever and ever
Chapter forty three This is Family
Chapter forty four "Freshman Orientation."
Chapter forty five The date
Chapter Forty Six Birthdaycakes and Fear
Chapter Forty Seven Broken bones
Forty Eight Hospital kisses and morphine
Chapter 50 Is it goodbye, or is it hello?
Chapter 51 The one less travled by
Chapter 52 The visitors.
Chapter 53 The proposal
Chapter 54 Bridesmaids
Chapter 55 If only they cared.
Chapter 56 Stressful Occasions
Chapter 57 Happiness at last
Chapter 58 Just the Flu
Chapter 59 Thats NOT the Flu
Chapter 61 Alls good... I think.
Chapter 62 The twins
Chapter 63 Fresh Eyes
Chapter 64 Definitely did not see that coming
Chapter 65 A New Day
Chapter 66/ Epilouge Safe Haven
Alternate Ending

Chapter forty nine The Last Dance

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By SimpleEllegance


Chapter 49 The Last Dance

"Okay, meet us at the mall when your date is over!" Mom kissed my cheek.

"Okay mom!" I smiled and ran out to my new car, I got my license hotly after I healed, I had taken the test a day before my sixteenth birthday, but I had to wait twenty four hours to apply. Twenty four hours turned into a few days, and now that my fractures has completely healed, I am not going to be staying home any more. Thank you modern medicine! Grandpa said that about 118 years ago, fractures had to heal themselves in a long process, but now thanks to science, we have a few days wait if the fractures are placed in a mechanical compression cast or brace, and proper medication for the more serious ones is taken.

I drove to the coffee shop, parking my sparkly blue compact hovercar in the only parallel parking spot and jumped out, filling the meter for an hour. I got into the coffee shop and sat down at the table Harry sat at. "So I heard you got a charm bracelet from your Uncle Jake..." Harry began, instantly I was confused as he slid a cup of coffee to me. I picked it up and sipped, signaling him to continue. "I thought I should be properly represented." He smiled at me and I raised my eyebrows.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Well, I know that each charm represents one of of your loved ones," he began, pulling something out of this pocket and grabbing my wrist, clipping a charm on. "So I thought I had an equal place among that bracelet." He smiled and let go of the bracelet, motioning to the golden topaz gem he just clipped next to the diamond that hung there.

"It's beautiful, I love it." I laughed and leaned forward, kissing his lips gently.


"Come on!" Aunt Alice grabbed my right arm and sped up, mom on my left, keeping up with ease to me, even walking a slight bit faster. "Before all the good ones are gone!" Shopping with my mom and Aunt Alice is like throwing someone in a shark tank and saying, fight for food! Aunt Bella whole heartedly agrees with me.

After being ushered into a changing room, and every few seconds a dress thrown over the door, and a pair of shoes that match set beneath the door, I spent an hour modeling the dresses for my mom and aunt, they narrower down the choices quickly, and then I made the final decision, it was a beautiful dress, tight at the top but poofing out around the waist. The color light and beautiful, I looked in the mirror and marveled at the pure color, spinning around happily.

"Hey! Your favorite people just came by for a birthday visit, they're waiting at home for us to return!" Mom said, looking up from her phone as I came back out of the dressing room, my chosen dress draped over my arm and the shoes in my hands.

"Can we leave now!" I asked, so happy I nearly dropped everything.

"Not before we buy your accessories!" Aunt Alice scolded.

"But... But...." I looked to Aunt Alice, and closed my mouth when she pointed at me sternly.

Two hours later I sat in the car bouncing up and down, hoping that we got home soon. As soon as we pulled in to the driveway, and parked, I scrambled out of the vehicle as fast as I could, and ran up the stairs. "GARR-BARR! Kate! Tanya! Aunt Carmen! Uncle Eleazar!" I rushed forward and hugged my cousins, cousin in-law, aunt, and uncle. "I missed you guys so much!" I laughed as Aunt Carmen tapped my nose.

Garret came over and enveloped me in a huge hug that trumped even my dad's big teddy bear hugs. "You get bigger every time I see you Clar-bar!" He was the one that came up with the nickname Clar-bar when I called him Garr-bar when I was seven. Ever since then he used it regularly and My family even used it sometimes.

"Well you never change!" I said with a smile, barely noticing the nervous glance he shared with his wife, and my cousin, Kate. "You guys need to move down here, I never get to see you guys." I stuck out my bottom lip.

"Ahh, I don't know, I like Alaska." Garret said with a smile.

"Come on! It's cold, dark, and snowy!" I frowned as we walked over to the couch and sat down.

"That is the most stereotypical thing I've ever heard you say." He shook his head and motioned to the charm bracelet around my wrist. "Thats a pretty charm bracelet." He smiled and picked up the topaz gem Harry gave me.

"Where'd you get that one Clara?" Uncle Jake asked, walking over to sit in his usual chair.

"Oh, Harry gave it to me." I smiled and toyed with it.

"We must meet this boy!" Garret and dad said at the same time. If it wasn't dad trying to protect me from boys, it was Garret. "He should have dinner with us tonight, clearly the two of you are serious." Dad continued, "its only logical for us to meet him, I'm shocked we didn't get to meet him after your accident."

"Oh yes, we heard about your accident Clara." Uncle Eleazar walked closer. "I hope you are okay. I trust Carlisle to great care of you." He offered me a gentle smile.

"Yes, I'm fine now, and unfortunately Harry has a family function tonight, thus why we had our date this morning." I quickly explained, my family is very intuitive and the last thing I want is for them to figure out that he is a vampire, he has only seen the house a few times, and those where weekends when half the family was away of camping and the rest where running errands or at work.

"Well then we should meet him before homecoming." Dad challenged.

"Maybe." I crossed my legs and looked at the coffee table. "Whats with the bags?" I asked curiously.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Everyone yelled simultaneously.

"What the Jesus!" I said laughing as I got more hugs. After opening all the presents and laughing, I came aaa with two new bracelets, tons of clothes and makeup, my favorite perfume, a new laptop, an iPhone63, and even more iTunes cards. "Thank you!" I said again, hugging each an everyone of them.

"Oh! Here! One more thing!" Grandma rushed forward, handing me a small box wrapped tightly. "From your grandpa and I." She smiled and I laughed. slowly I began to pull apart the green paper, but I moved my hand too fast and too close to the paper, earning a paper cut just beneath my index finger that began to bleed profusely. I gasped and tried to make it stop, the smell of blood hitting my nose. I felt the urge to vomit at grandpa grabbed my hand and dabbed it with some goss, then put a bandaid on top of it. A few members of my family looked like they where resisting the urge to vomit too, and Mom told me once that that's where I got my ability to smell blood from, and that it ran in the family.

I sighed and finished unwrapping the gift carefully, the tensions in the room going back to the light airiness. "Diamond studs!" I looked up surprised.

"Alice told me what color dress she thought you would pick, and I picked something that would match." Grandma said with a smile. "I knew you would want something for your second holes, and I figured you might wear your silver hoops, so these would go perfect." Grandma spoke quaintly.


Garrett helped me carry everything up to my room and froze when he stepped in. "It was pink. Where is all the pink. It looks like your growing up! Your not allowed to grow up Clar-Bar!" Garret scolded me.

"Become older and growing up is inevitable Garr-bar." I said with a laugh as I set my laptop on my bed and took the clothes I had carried to my closet, the dress for homecoming was on a manikin that had a hairstyle pinned to it. Aunt Alice had ran up to my room to put my dress up before it wrinkled, and I guess she picked what hairstyle I was going to have before I could say no to it. Next to the manikin was a small circular glass table, on it was makeup.

"Alice and Rose still making your outfits the way she did when you where little?" Garrett asked as he stepped in, holding some clothes.

I pointed to the color coded racks that fit the season and style of what he was holding. "Only for important things like Homecoming, junior high dances, dates."

"Seriously, color coding on top of style segregation and season separation. This is literally the most OCD thing I have ever seen you do." Garret looked at me in disbelief as he picked up a white hanger and began placing a pleated spring dress. "You better not de going on dates! Your too young!"

"I'm sixteen! And sometimes people say I act like I'm at least twenty four." Garret rolled his eyes and sighed. "You never told me where you where from. You don't sound like the rest of my family, not even the extremely cold tolerant ones that put up with Alaska weather."

"Your being stereotypical again." Garret's voice took on a whole new level of condescending. "I was born in England, and lived all across the world for my first nineteen years." Garret said after a moments hesitation.

"That's really weird, so they still talk in really old accents in England?" I asked, and Garrett sighed.

"Enough about me, you have homecoming tomorrow right? Well let's make the plan to meet this Harry. He needs to go through your big bad cousin in-law before he is qualified to even touch you." He smiled and I laughed.


I had woken to the smell of pancakes, ignored the insistent hounding of Garrett about me still being vegetarian, listened to stories that uncle Eleazar and aunt Carmen provided, and then delved into hours of mom, aunt Alice, aunt Bella, Kate, Tanya, and even grandma at some points doing my makeup and hair, dressing me and making sure I was just perfect. Now I stand in my living room texting Harry. I was nervous, but he said that everything would be fine, and that there was no way my family would be able to figure out that he is a vampire. I sighed and deleted the messages, placing my phone back in my clutch as I heard his hovercar pull up to the house. I got giddy and aunt Alice pulled me upstairs. "Make a grand entrance!" She hissed, and I laughed, not because of how insistent she was, but because I knew that Harry had herd her no matter what. "I'll call for you to signal you to come down."

After she disappeared downstairs, I heard my dad greet Harry stiffly, and then some murmuring, then aunt Alice's voice called up for me, and I began my descent. I scene I was walking into seemed tense, stiff, and all around awkward. Like there was something going on that I didn't know about, but all the tension dissipated when Harry turned around and laid eyes on me. He walked over slowly, taking my hand gently and offering me a smile that I returned. "Your beautiful." He whispered, and I felt my cheeks go red with blush.

"You look beautiful honey." Mom said, waking over and hugging me. "Have fun and stay safe."

"Harry, you and I have things to discuss tomorrow." Dad said menacingly.

After we walked out of the house and got into the car I laughed. "I think my mom likes you, no so sure about any of my uncles or even Garrett."

"Well your mom was right, you look stunning. I can barely keep my eyes off you long enough to watch the road." I looked over and saw that Harry was in fact, staring at me rather than the road.

"Eyes on the road! That's flipping terrifying!" I scolded him, hitting him on the arm, but he showed no sign that it even registered at a smack.

Once we arrived at the dance I walked around, laughing and talking with a few friends. I ran into a teacher and he stared at me. "Clara Mellow? Is that you?" He looked at me in disbelief

"Um... I'm Clara Cullen."

"O-oh..." He scratched his chin. "I'm sorry can't you just look so much like one of my old students. She... She was very smart... Very difficult.... She went missing."

"Oh... Well I'm very sorry, I'll have you next year though. I got to skip a science class."

"You remind me so much of her." He smiled happily. "I hope I get to have you in class." He offered me a happy smile. "I'm Mr.Gale."

"Well nice to be aquatinted with you." I smiled before walking away to the punch bowl. Scooping out some punch from the bowl, having to stand on my tippy toes just to even reach the cups on the floating platter, even in my heels, then I had to pull the punch bowl down a few inches to prevent myself from spilling it. The bowl was glowing and blue, floating two feet off the table that came up to the bottom of my ribs.

"Gosh your so short!" My friend Kat came up laughing. She was blonde, and beautiful. She wore a lace white dress similar to mine, only form fitting and extremely long.

"Not everyone can be tall Kat!" I glared playfully as Harry came over and wrapped his arms around me. Soon I was surrounded by Caitlin, Kat, Harry, and Felicity. We where all dancing to the fast songs, then with are dates to the slow. Harry dragged me out of the hot room where the dance was being held, and out to the gazebo that the gardening group uses, and slowly danced, kissing me gently.

If this is my last moment on earth, let it end now, because at least my last breaths and memories would be something so perfect I feel I should die to preserve its memory and stop my crazy unrealistically hectic life from catching up to me.

"I love you." Was the last words of the night.


Thanks for reading, I hope you liked the peace. I tried hard not to creat hell now. No promises to the next chapter. I feel you deserved a breather.

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