Kirby Right Back At Ya! Seaso...

By FluffyChocolate777

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Kirby's new adventure in Cappy Town with a new enemy, Haltmann! King Dedede signs a contract with Haltmann so... More

Author's Note
To my readers, followers, and passers
Episode 1: Haltmann Works Company
Episode 2: Smart Secretary Susie's Sly Steal - Part 1
Episode 3: Smart Secretary Susie's Sly Steal - Part 2
Episode 4: Dyna Chick's Mini Adventure
Episode 5: Golf Course You Can!
Episode 6: Knightclub
Episode 7: A Cat Named Pooch
Episode 8: Star Warriors, Same Worries
Episode 9: It's All In The (Cook) Book!
Episode 10: Take A Chill Pill
Episode 11: Galacta Knight: Galaxy's Villain - Part 1
Episode 12: Galacta Knight: Galaxy's Villain - Part 2
Episode 13: Outfought Robobot
Episode 14: Seventopia
Episode 15: Warp Star Upgrade!
Episode 16: Robobot Armor
Episode 17: Dark Shadow
Episode 18: E-scar-goat
Episode 19: Varie-Tee of Waddle Dee
Episode 20: Crown for Clown
Episode 21: Yamikage's Revenge
Episode 22: Bulls-eye: Part 1
Episode 23: Bulls-eye: Part 2
Episode 24: Armor vs. Armor
Episode 25: Flashback's Payback
Episode 26: Dedede-stroying Dedede-pression
Episode 27: Channel vs. Channel
Episode 28: Sleep With Fishies~
Chapter 29: Leaders-whip
Episode 30: Spook Camp
Episode 31: Naturing Mature
Episode 32: Tech-NOT-logical
Episode 33: Royal Battle
Episode 34: Star-warrior-bucks
Episode 35: Happy D-Day!
Episode 36: Alien-nation (Part 1)
Episode 37: Alien-nation (Part 2)
Episode 38: Weather Controller
Episode 39: 39 Crepes
Episode 40: This Robot's on Fire~
Episode 41: Race Ace - Part 1
Episode 42: Race Ace - Part 2
Episode 43: Mic Drop Bamm!
Episode 44: Gone With The Wind
Episode 45: Evilizer
Episode 46: Morpho Knight Has Emerged!
Episode 47: Susie's Major Strike With Mecha Knight (The Second Movie: Part 1)
Episode 48: Susie's Major Strike With Mecha Knight (The Second Movie: Part 2)
Episode 49: Susie's Major Strike With Mecha Knight (The Second Movie: Part 3)
Episode 50: Susie's Major Strike With Mecha Knight (The Second Movie: Part 4)
Episode 51: Ultrasword Unleash!
Episode 52: Darkness Illusion Unleash!
Episode 53: Dedede-cibels
Episode 54: Dream High!
Episode 55: Amazing Glaze, How Sweet the Taste
Episode 56: Mukbang to its Max
Episode 57: Hail to the Queen
Episode 58: Long Live the Queen
Episode 59: Cappy Lunar New Year!
Episode 60: 0K Weather
Episode 61: Dedede-isease Breakout
Episode 62: Prankster Alert!!
Episode 63: Beach Mess Madness
Episode 64: Daroach's Devilish Deeds with Dudes Part 1
Episode 65: Daroach's Devilish Deeds with Dudes Part 2
Episode 66: Daroach's Devilish Deeds with Dudes Part 3
Episode 67: Waddle Doo vs King Doo
Episode 68: Invader Armor Part 1
Episode 69: Invader Armor Part 2
Episode 70: Invader Armor Part 3
Episode 71: Two Girls, One Ring
Episode 72: Octopus Game Part 1
Episode 73: Octopus Game Part 2
Episode 74: Magolor's Return to Dreamland Part 1
Episode 75: Magolor's Return to Dreamland Part 2
Episode 76: Magolor's Return to Dreamland Part 3
Episode 77: (Un)Peaceful Day in Cappy Town
Episode 78: Research Schmesearch
Episode 79: Hater Hater Alligator
Episode 80: Fight the Heat!! ... With Heat...??
Episode 81: Flawed Fraud
Episode 82: Super Duper Ultra Nova Part 1
Episode 84: Super Duper Ultra Nova Part 3
Episode 85: I QUIT!!!!!! I QUIT!!!!!!!
Episode 86: Pilot Episode
Episode 87: Smash to Victory! Part 1
Episode 88: Smash to Victory! Part 2
Episode 89: Smash to Victory! Part 3
Episode 90: Protect Against the Sun

Episode 83: Super Duper Ultra Nova Part 2

271 2 7
By FluffyChocolate777

While cheering, as all the bosses were defeated, the tunnel started to crumble down.

"Oh no!" Escargoon screamed. 

"Everyone! Out to the entrance! Now!" Meta Knight commanded. 

The Warp Star, Meta Knight, and the Robobot Armor quickly glided through the tunnel and exited right before the whole tunnel collapsed altogether. 

"Is everyone all right?" Meta Knight asked.

"I'm fine! Totally fine! Whew! For the first time!" Escargoon exclaimed happily. 

"Whew, that was close!" Tuff said. 

"Thank goodness we had this star with us," Marx said. "Or else we would have been squished to death!" 

"Or just heavily injured," Tiff said. "So, how do we get to the Fountain of Dreams now?"

"Now that the tunnel has collapse," Marx explained. "I believe we can fly over there now!" 

"Good. Now, everyone, hop into Halberd," Meta Knight said as he walked towards Halberd where he parked before entering the tunnel. 

"Shotgun!" Tuff said. 

"Tuff, there is no shotgun in Halberd," Tiff said. 

"Let's just get in before any other monster approaches us!" Escargoon said as he was already paranoid by all the seven monsters Kirby and Meta Knight had to mostly combat against.

"Why are you here again...?" Marx asked Escargoon. 

"So that I can avoid his majesty!" Escargoon said. "On a second thought, I'd rather be here than with his majesty..."

"He must be a strong monster if you're really that afraid of him..." Marx said. 

"If 'strong' you mean by intensely annoying, then yes, he is strong," Tiff said.  

"I'm curious about meeting him now," Marx said. 

"Don't be," Tiff groaned as she rolled her eyes, and it was a type of eye roll she does when someone says something extremely stupid. 

"Poyo, poyo, poyo, poyo!" Kirby cheered as he was the last one to enter the Halberd. 

Meta Knight activated the Halberd and started to fly it carefully so that he does not miss the Fountain of Dreams. 

"There it is!" Marx said as he pointed at the ray of pink aurora.

"All right," Meta Knight said as he landed the Halberd. 

Everyone hopped out of Halberd and walked towards the Fountain of Dreams. "This is the Fountain of Dreams! Beautiful, isn't it?" Marx toured.

"Wow~" everyone except Kirby and Meta Knight breathed in amazement.

"It's... beautiful...!" Tuff said.

"Very breathtaking...!" Tiff said.

"The most beautiful fountain I've ever seen...!" Escargoon said with his eyes sparkling. "Aww, darn it! I should've brought my camera!!" 

"And I really should have brought my streaming devices," Tuff said in regret. 

"I have to agree with you guys on this one," Tiff said. "This is really beautiful...!" Even Tiff was amazed by how beautiful Fountain of Dreams looked like. 

The Fountain of Dreams was indeed beautiful. The water had an aurora-like pattern of various colors, including purple, green, and yellow. The main fountain was shaped as a large goblet with a smaller fountain on top of it, and the Star Rod on top of it.

"Right there! You need to touch the shining spinning double star," Marx pointed.

As Kirby floated towards it and gently touched the star, the Star Rod lit up. "There! It's activated!"

"Yay! Hooray for Kirby!" Tiff, Tuff, and Escargoon cheered.

"But the journey is not over yet! You gotta go to Nova now!" Marx said.

"Where is Nova?" Tiff asked. 

"It's now gonna come near Planet Popstar," Marx explained. 

"Good! We just need to exit the atmosphere now, right?" Tiff asked. 

"Exacly," Marx replied. "And then wait until Nova arrives so that we can wish for Sun and Moon to stop fighting."

"All right, Nova, here we come!!" Tiff exclaimed excitedly. 

Everyone hopped back into the Halberd and waited for Nova to arrive. Just like Marx said, it knew that the Fountain of Dreams was activated, so it floated towards them. 

"READY," Nova said in a super loud voice, which was actually its normal volume. "I WILL GRANT YOU ONE WISH."

"Well then-" Tiff started until Marx cut her off. 

"I want to control Planet Popstar!!" Marx exclaimed quickly.

"OKAY. THREE. TWO. ONE. GO," Nova said and glided towards Planet Popstar.

"I did it!!" Marx exclaimed happily. "Everything went according to plan!!"

"Hey! That wasn't part of the plan!" Tuff exclaimed. 

"You used us to take control of Planet Popstar!!" Tiff exclaimed. 

"That is exactly my plan!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Marx exclaimed evilly. "And please! This IS going to according to plan!! I got the sun and moon to fight, now I can control Planet Popstar."

"You dirty little liar!" Escargoon screamed. 

"You won't be calling me little anymore," Marx exclaimed evilly. Marx focused that the aurora-like aura that eventually gave him wings. Marx evilly laughed and said while Tiff, Tuff, and Escargoon stared at him in horror, "So now, Planet Popstar is mine!!! IT'S ALL MINE!!!! BUH-BYE!!! MWAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" Marx flew away and followed Nova. 

"Oh, no!! What're we gonna do??" Escargoon asked in fear. "I'd rather have Dedede hammer my head 200 times a day than to have that thing ruling Planet Popstar!!"

"We have to go attack its Nucleus," Meta Knight said. 

"Nucleus? What the heck is a Nucleus?" Escargoon asked as he was still panicking. 

"It's a brain! We need to go! Now!" Tiff said. 

"Everyone inside!" Meta Knight commanded. Everyone quickly got into the Halberd to enter the Nova. 

"Wait! What?? What're they doing inside the Nova??" Marx asked himself as he noticed the Halberd going inside of Nova. "Grr! I gotta go see what they're up to!" Marx entered inside the Nova after them. 

As soon as they entered Nova, the missiles aimed at all of them. "Gah!! I gotta get out of here!!" Mard said as he quickly flew outside of Nova and hoped for the best. 

Meta Knight, on the other hand, was rather calm when the missiles were being shot at the Halberd. He pressed the button so that the Halberd could automatically lock the targets on the incoming missiles and destroy them with lasers that were stronger than 100B Watts. 

"Way to go, Meta Knight!" Tuff exclaimed as Halberd destroyed all the missiles. 

"Let's not celebrate too early!" Tiff said. "What is that thing that's circulating the heart thing?" 

"'Thing'. That is such a huge word for the big brain of you," Tuff said as he put his hands behind the back of his head. Tiff punched him in the head. "OW!" 

"How about that?" Tiff asked as she crossed her arm.

"That's the Nucleus, and we will-" Meta Knight was about to finish his sentence until he was interrupted by Tuff. 

"Destroy it?" Tuff asked. 

"No, reprogram it," Meta Knight said. 

"But I thought we needed to destroy our enemies!" Tuff said. 

"Not this one. We need to make this one on our side," Meta Knight said. "We just need to destroy the spinning barricades that protect it."

"Would that be hard?" Tiff asked. 

"Just need to be careful so that we don't destroy the Nucleus," Meta Knight said. 

"Not destroying. That's boring," Tuff said with his hands behind the back of his head. 

"Tuff, I swear," Tiff threatened. 

"Just have to lower the power and the distance of the attack," Meta Knight said as he adjusted the power and the length of the laser. 

"Wait! I want to shoot the laser this time!" Tuff said. 

"Oh, you're killing me," Tiff said as she facepalmed her face. 

"Here," Meta Knight said as he let Tuff take charge of the control. 

"Meta Knight!" Tiff exclaimed in disbelief. 

"It's fine," Meta Knight said. Then he turned to Tuff and said, "While pressing that, the lasers will shoot out. Then you'll move the joystick around to-"

"I got it," Tuff said as he pressed the button and moved the joystick around. As they all watched Tuff shoot all the barricades. Tiff and Escargoons' eyes opened wide, Kirby cheered, Meta Knight nodded in acceptance. 

"Tuff! How did you become so good?!" Tiff asked in disbelief.

"I'm a video game streamer!" Tuff explained pridefully. 

"Good. Now let's reprogram the Nucleus, the brain of the Nova, so that Nova can break up the fight between the sun and the moon," Meta Knight said as he jumped out of the Halberd, used some sort of a USB-like device, connected to the portable computer, types something rapidly on the keyboard, and disconnected the USB-like device. As soon as they exited, the Nova said, "MISSION CHANGED. NOW STOPPING THE FIGHT BETWEEN THE SUN AND THE MOON. 3... 2... 1... GO."

"AUGH!!!! HOW DARE YOU RUIN MY PLAN!!!!" Marx exclaimed in fury. 

"You ruined our plan! And we ruined yours!" Tiff said as they exited Nova. "Check and mate!!"

"RRRRRRRRRRGGHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Marx exclaimed in fury, charged a laser before shooting out of its mouth. 

"Everyone hold on!" Meta Knight warned. "This laser is stronger than expected!" 

"Gaaaahhhh!" Tiff, Tuff, and Escargoon exclaimed as they were crashing against another uninhabited star near Planet Popstar. 

"I'M GONNA END EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!!! MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Marx exclaimed evilly as it glided down towards them and spat out series of bombs at them.

"Hey! That's Kirby's move!" Tuff exclaimed. 

"Your mistake on exposing your moves!" Marx exclaimed as he paused for a moment to speak and then continued to blast the bombs out of its mouth. 

"Kirby can still beat you!" Tiff said, but she said it rather too soon. The explosion blew everyone away from Halberd, even Meta Knight and Kirby. They all flew away in a high parabola. Marx laughed evilly and hysterically as they flew away and were buried in the fog of dust after the explosions of his bombs. 

Meta Knight groaned as he called, "Is everyone all right...?" The bomb explosions did give him a heavy damage that his voice was weak. 

"Po... yo..." Kirby replied feebly. 

"I'm... good..." Tiff groaned as the pain covered her body. 

"Someone... help me..." Tuff said as he couldn't move at all. 

"I should've... stayed with... his majesty..." Escargoon said as he felt the pain pressing against his skin. 

"Ugh... oof..." Meta Knight groaned as he barely stood up and balanced himself as he used Galaxia as a cane. 

"Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?" Marx said in taunting voice. "I may be strong, but I can't see in the dust fog~~" His creepy and eerie voice gave Tiff, Tuff, and Escargoon shivers and goosebumps. 

Please... please... please don't let him find me... Tiff thought desperately as she shivered. Although she couldn't move, the dust still got in her mouth that she coughed violently once. She gasped silently as she covered her mouth. But... it was too late...

"I FOUND YOU!! I FOUND YOU!! I FOUND YOU!!!" Marx cheered as he glided towards Tiff. 

Oh no...!! Tiff tightly squeezed her eyes shut as she braced for another round of attack that Marx was going to inflict on her. 

"Time to die~~~!!" Marx taunted as he charged his energy. Right before he was about to shoot the laser at her, he felt something punching against in face. "OOF!!! UGH!!!" Marx grunted twice as Kirby's Robobot Armor punched him in the face and landed on his face. Marx didn't hold the laser so as his face was attached to the ground, he shot the laser to the ground, creating a large, deep hole.

"Poyo, poyo!" Kirby exclaimed. Although he was damaged heavily, the star warrior's blood still ran though his body that his body was capable of standing back up sooner than regular beings. Meta Knight was also able to stand up sooner than everyone else, and he used his energy to help Tiff, Tuff, and Escargoon back in the Halberd. 

"Come on, Tiff! Come on, Tuff! Come on, Sir Escargoon!" Meta Knight said as he carried them and flew to Halberd. 

"You're not going anywhere!" Marx exclaimed. 

"Poyo, poyo!" Kirby said as he stood in his way along with the Warp Star. 

"All right, pip squeak!" Marx said. "You're the first one I get! Prepare FOR THE WARTH OF MARX!!" 

"Poyo, poyo!" Kirby said as he took his stance. 

Marx shot several boomerangs at Kirby, but the Warp Star reflected all of them. 

"Poyo!" Kirby taunted. 

"Grr..." Marx said as he soar up the sky, and shot several seeds that were immediately planted in the ground. 

"Poyo?" Kirby asked himself as nothing happened after the seeds were planted. However, the vines of cactus shot up through the ground and to the sky, hitting Kirby. "Poyo! Poyo! Poyo! Pooyoooo!!!" Kirby yelped as the first vine shot up and hit Kirby, and then the second on hit him, making him fly away, then the third and fourth one hit him and made him fly off. Although Warp Star helped him from further injury, it was still pushed away that made Kirby lose his balance. 

"I'M ONLY GETTING STARTED!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Marx screamed evilly. 

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