Gamophobia: Mikaelson's Mate...

Oleh -Mrs-Mikaelson-

291K 9.2K 1.2K

Gamophobia: The fear of commitment SEQUEL TO PHILOPHOBIA: MIKAELSON'S MATE Mikaelsons x oc x Kai Finn x oc El... Lebih Banyak

I Hate the Retroville Life
I Don't Hate the Retroville Life
May 10th 1994
Yellow Ledbetter
Pork Rinds...?
Bourbon Lane
I Love Scavenger Hunts
Maybe I Don't Hate Eclipses
Just Draw A Butterfly
To Go or Not To Go Home
Peter Pessimist :(
Let's Get Out Of Here
Home Bound?
Bar Hopping
My Favourite Golden Retriever
Flipping Switches 24/7
Woof Woof
Breathing Isn't Important
Think Before You Speak
Don't Call Me Up
Sleep is a Strange Concept
Hot Yoga
I Feel Like Davina Claire
Welcome to the Family
Just Kidding
Before-care <3
50 Shades of Mikaelson
It's Not What It Looks Like
Magic Fingers
Buzz Off Bex
Menopause Can't Come Soon Enough
Moral of the Story: Don't Get Sick
Bella Swan? I Only Know Lexi Carter
Here's The Thing...
Awkward is My Middle Name
Did You Know My Favourite Letter is K?
Stupid Hormones
It's Daddy Time
Baby Fever
Stressful Shenanigans
Always and Forever

Splish Splash

4.5K 155 16
Oleh -Mrs-Mikaelson-

A pained groan escaped Lexi's lips as a another nudge pushed against her organs. As Lexi tried to roll over again, her current position becoming more uncomfortable then the last, a flood of nausea overtook her body. 

"What's wrong?" Finn asked as he turned to face Lexi.

"My stomach." Lexi mumbled as her gaze flickered down to her abdomen. According to some moderately intimidating poster in Dr Hart's office, 'Lexi Jr' was supposedly the size of an average mango. Concerned, Finn rested his hand on her stomach whilst Lexi simply watched the roof above her. "What is it?" Lexi asked as she felt Finn melt into her side.

Finn tried to start speaking before cutting himself off. When Lexi turned her head to face him, he continued, "I can feel the kicks." 



"It feels like a fish is swimming laps around my bladder." Lexi deadpanned. Finn rolled his eyes at her playfully whilst he continued to hold her abdomen with the intention of feeling every movement the baby was making. As Finn appeared to enter a trance whilst feeling the baby's kicks with his supernatural sensitivity, Lexi had less luck in her attempt to relax and fall back asleep.

As another sleep deprived stab penetrated her mind, Lexi whimpered, her fatigue and overall discomfort ruining what should have beautiful bonding moment between her, Finn, and the mango- I mean baby- in her body. Finn, picking up on Lexi's upset demeanour, momentarily removed his hand from her stomach to switch on the lamp on his nightstand. 

"What's wrong?" Finn repeated.

"My internal organs are being beaten up by a fetus which depends on me for everything, I am getting morning sickness despite being in my second trimester and it being 2am, and I haven't gotten anywhere near enough sleep that I need to tolerate everything around me." Lexi ranted.

"Come on." Finn said as he pulled her towards him before letting out a sigh, "You need to relax." Once Lexi's body melted into his, her hand resting on his chest whilst her legs held one of his hostage, Finn grabbed a book from the stack on his nightstand and began reading it to Lexi.

After about half an hour of Finn reading the sweet story to Lexi, he could no longer feel the movements in Lexi's stomach and Lexi appeared to have calmed down from her previously distressed stated. Finn then moved Lexi so that she was on her back and began to press soothing kisses down the side of her neck.

"Let me help you relax." Finn requested as he kisses move down her body.

"Is that not what you were already doing?" Lexi questioned cluelessly. Lexi then noticed the suggestive look in Finn's eyes and quickly pieced together what she had previously missed. "Oh, right."

Finn then guided her shirt over her head before continuing his kisses down her body, careful not to disturb the baby as he moved over the lower part of her abdomen. Lexi, trying to distract herself from the irritation of not being able to see anything over her stomach anymore, slipped off her pants and underwear in one go, allowing Finn to press his lips to her.


"Are you ready?" Dr Hart asked as she entered the room.

"Always." Elijah answered as he held Lexi's hand tightly in his own. After a concerningly violent argument, Elijah finally convinced Finn, Klaus, Kai, Kol, and Rebekah to not be in the room whilst finding out the gender of 'Lexi Jr' and reminded them that they could each get this moment with Lexi when it was their turn... a comment which extremely worried Lexi as she recalled that she had promised to do the whole pregnancy thing five more times over the next eternity.

"So if I'm correct" Dr Hart started, "You are currently around 20 weeks pregnant. Have you begun to feel any signs of movement from the baby? Keep in mind they don't always feel like kicks and generally can feel like butterflies in your stomach or even fish swimming around."

Oh... lovely.

"Yep." Lexi deadpanned, emphasizing the 'p' as she recalled the many sleepless nights and the amount of overall discomfort Lexi Jr had caused by practising their gymnastics in utero. 

"So today we should able to tell the gender if you want to know now." Dr Hart stated.

"We would like to know now." Elijah stated, his hold on Lexi's hand continuing to tighten nervously. 

Daddy Elijah is too cute.

"Okay." Dr Hart said, "Lexi, you know the drill." Lexi let out a soft breath as she raised the seam of her shirt and lowered the waistband of her pants before Dr Hart squirted a cool substance onto her stomach. Lexi tried not to wince as Dr Hart moved the transducer around the lower parts of her abdomen. As Dr Hart continued to move laps around Lexi's stomach, Elijah watched anxiously.

"Is something wrong?" Elijah blurted out nervously as Dr Hart examined the screen causing Lexi to run her thumb over is knuckles reassuringly.

"Oh nothing like that." Dr Hart said, "I'm just making sure that the gender is correct before telling both of you." Elijah let out a muted sigh of relief as he rested his lips on his and Lexi's interlocked hands and continued to watch the screen. "You ready to find out now?" Dr Hart questioned teasingly.

"As we'll ever be." Lexi said, knowing that she was only hoping for a healthy baby so the gender didn't really affect anything for her.

"You are having a beautiful baby girl." Dr Hart said  as she turned to face Elijah and Lexi, "Congratulations." 


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