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In the kingdom of Ipuinia, the status of Aristricata relies on one thing: whether you have elemental blood or... Еще

Author's Note
ONE | The Red Village.
FIVE | The Royal City
Twenty Three|
Twenty Four |
Twenty Five |
Twenty Six |
Twenty Seven |
Twenty Eight |
Thirty |
Thirty One |
Thirty Two |
Thirty Three |
Thirty Four |
Thirty Five |
Thirty Six |
Thirty Seven |
Thirty Eight |
Thirty Nine |
Forty |
Forty One |
Forty Two |
Forty Three |
Forty Four |
Forty Five |
Forty Six |
Forty Seven |
Forty Eight |
Forty Nine |
Fifty | Book one finale
Prologue |
One | Neorian
Two |
Three |
Four |
Five |
Six |
Seven |
Eight |
Nine |
Ten |
Eleven |
Twelve |
Thirteen |
Fourteen |
Fifteen |
Sixteen |
Seventeen |
Eighteen |
Nineteen |
Twenty |
Twenty-One |
Twenty-Two |
Twenty-Three |
Twenty-Four |
Twenty-Five |
Twenty-Six |
Twenty-Seven |
Twenty-Eight |
Twenty-Nine |
Thirty |
Thirty-One |
Thirty-Two |
Thirty-Three |
Thirty-Four |
Thirty-Five |
Thirty-Six |
Thirty-Seven |
Thirty-Eight |
Thirty-Nine |
Forty |
Forty-One |
Forty- Two |
Forty-Three |
Forty-Four |
Forty-Five |
Forty-Six |
Forty-Seven |
Forty-Eight |
Forty-Nine |
Fifty |
Epilogue |

Twenty Nine |

439 27 7

Twenty Nine |

I bathed after the training with Erik, allowing my skin to soak until the water was cold, and eventually Loli came in demanding that it was her duty to wash my hair. I didn't object—too tired to do so and I could not help but feel intimidated by the tension still hanging between us. She then left, silently slipping out of the room. My eyes fluttered closed as I relaxed in the cold water, until Loli returned, a torn look on her face. I blinked slowly at her, tilting my head.

"What is it?" I asked, sitting up, ignoring the cold breeze that tickled at my chest that rose from the water, "What's going on?"

She hesitated before speaking, "Your brother wishes to meet you in the garden for tea."

I sighed, "Alright, I'm on my way."

She didn't say anything, her expression didn't change.

"What is it?" I demanded yet again as I dried my skin.

"Your brother has been met with Royal Messenger Balsick and his only daughter, he wishes for you to attend tea with them."

I frowned before nodding slowly. Anger itched at my skin as I roughly finished drying off. I was annoyed my brother seems to have no consideration towards my own feelings on this matter but I said nothing. Of course he'd go this far. He truly did not care about me, I was simply property to pawn off now.

"Do my hair and help me dress," I snapped, perhaps a tad too harshly.

She flinched but nodded, moving quickly to obey my words. I said nothing as she pinned my brown locks into an elegant style before moving to help me dress. I pulled on my typical undergarments, followed by a pale green gown, along with a floral deep emerald stay, then I slipped on a pair of flat shoes that would be hidden by my skirt and turned to Loli.

"Let us go meet my brother," I hummed, before pausing, "Wait. Where is Lady Eliza?"

She tilted her head, "The princess is in her room."

"Let us meet with her first," I said firmly.

Loli said nothing, as I stomped towards her room. My knock was rapid, and within a moment's time she swung open the door. My eyes flickered between her shrivelled hair and the wrinkled gown of Lady Mary Tupo. My eyes widened in surprise, but I quickly turned my head. A tang of guilt hit me and while they seemed innocent I realized I had interrupted something that I was never meant to discover.

"Ah Ara," Eliza said breathlessly, pushing a stray lock behind her ear as if it would conceal her secret, "Can I help you with something?"

"I'd like you to accompany me to visit my brother in the garden," I said with a small smile, "It seems my brother does not understand the concept of consent and I'd like a member of the royal family to witness whatever transpires in the garden."

She looked surprised before a cold laugh fell from her lips. It almost made me shiver, reminding me much of her mother before I caught myself and held my chin up high. She was not mocking me, but instead excited of the chaos I promise to bring. This was my position now, and this was my promise to the system that stupidly accepted me without a second thought.

"My favourite elemental continues to remind me why I love her so," she laughed.

On the bed Lady Tupo let out a soft noise. Eliza turned to look at her, I didn't see the look but it commanded obedience—enough obedience that Lady Tupo stood, her eyes casted on the ground as she quickly left the room. Eliza sighed softly, but did not follow her lover.

"Loli I have sent Rosa to pick flowers and prepare mugwort, I want it strong and fresh."

My lady in waiting nodded at Eliza before turning and leaving. Eliza then looked back to me, and grabbed both my hands tightly. So tightly I flinched, but didn't dare pull my grasp free of hers—instead I tensed as she leaned into my ear.

"What Mary and I do, it is forbidden you understand?" she whispered, "And yet we cannot seem to escape each other. I ask as my friend you do not tell anyone, and as your princess I command you not tell anyone."

I breathed in sharply. Eliza was my friend first and would always be that before I considered someone's status and she knew this. I wondered if this was a test. Her words were powerful and that of a royal but she knew me better than to say such a thing. I swallowed before a small smile pulled onto my face. I had no care for whoever Eliza took as a lover, her words were cold because she was afraid of my rejection to her heart's choice.  

"And if I did? Would you kill me?" I asked, testing her words carefully.

She pulled away, looking surprised before her body relaxed, "No. Even if you got me thrown from royalty and my lover killed I would never hold such hate towards you."

It made my own smile grow, "And this is why you are my favourite royal."

A giggle slipped from her lips and she let me go, "Thank you my friend."

"Do not thank me," I replied, stepping out of her room, "Me accepting your own personal choices should not be a merit to praise. Your privacy is not my business your highness."

Her eyes brightened, "Let us be off, I do wish to see the state you leave fearless Fionn."

"Fearless Fionn?" I laughed at that.

We made our way through the castle with ease. Every so often a maid or guard would bow politely at Eliza and she'd nod in acknowledgement before we were moving again each time. Eventually however, we reached the queen's grand garden to where on the stone steps was a beautiful table set with tea and many sweets. Seated at the table was Fionn, and a short fat man, along with a pretty woman who had a deep red gown and short blonde hair that had been curled with red ribbon. My body tensed as we walked over and I reminded myself that Eliza was beside me.

"Sister," Fionn greeted standing, his gaze sliding over to Eliza before he smiled as if she had come to approve of his ridiculous idea, "Your highness, I'm glad you've both come, please take a seat, I have prepared for us a variety of sweets and tea. Ara, do you remember those honey cookies we used to eat in the village? I've had some made."

I kept my face blank, moving to sit. Eliza following my lead. My eyes turned to the table and the cookies he spoke of. They looked out of place, flat cookies made with only honey, water, and flour. They were the only dessert we'd eat in the Red Village and when we did they were stolen. It was a truth Fionn twisted to suit his own reputation. I watched feeling angry as his eyes lit with happiness. It was pathetic that he thought me agreeing to marry this old bastard would make him happy.

"Brother," I said with a smile that indicated no emotions, and neither did my face, I made sure of that, "It all looks delicious, why did you call upon me? I am a busy woman, being a Roisin and the tournament coming up, I must be training not snacking."

His eyes faltered as he frowned, "Well sister, I called upon you to meet your potential future husband Lord Balsick and his daughter, Lady Balsick."

My eyes shifted carefully to the two. The fat man gave me no attention as he stuffed his face but his daughter, looking around my age did. She smiled kindly a deep sadness in her eyes.

"It's lovely to meet you my lady," she said softly, "Please call me Adyn."

I nodded, "You as well, unfortunately I wished it wouldn't be on this occasion."

Only then did Lord Balsick look up, annoyance on his face.

"And what occasion is this?" he demanded, "Girl know your place and the life you will be brought into. You will have everything you want and all I ask in return is a son. My late wife bred me a daughter before dying, a pity but know that I am a powerful man."

My head tilted as I regarded him. Eliza was right, despite him being across the table I could smell the stench of sweat tangled with a rancid musk. It stung my nose so terribly it was a wonder I didn't die in this chair. Instead, I held up my chin, very slowly smiling coldly—like Eliza had done so many times before.

"And what can you offer me that I do not already have?" I demanded, "The price of a son is something gold nor treasures could provide, and certainly not to such a pathetic man."

His eyes grew wide, his face turning red with rage, but not to me. Instead, he turned to Fionn. Lord Balsick stood, slamming his hands onto the table as crumbs flew from his fat stomach. His daughter flinched, telling me that his anger was something he weaponized even to her. I could feel my fingers warm with my own magic but I held back. I didn't know control yet, so I had to be cautious and use wit instead of violence. Eliza placed her hand on my knee under the table and I calmed. She was reminding me that she was here, this man would not get away with causing a fight in front of the royal princess. 

"Sit down Henry," Fionn demanded, his eyes glowing, "You're causing a scene."

"Silence boy!" Lord Balsick roared, in fact not calming, "I am the royal messenger to the king himself! I will not allow your sister to disrespect me in such a way! I demand you punish her and you will do it now! Be lucky if I wed her after this."

Fionn's head tilted, and I could feel the air around us suddenly grow thick. My eyes widened, this was water magic—my brother's doing. I dragged my eyes to him as I watched silently. I did not need to speak up it seemed, he had now insulted my brother's reputation and that was his true care.

No words were needed from my brother either. It was slow but all attention was on him—or rather, all attention was on his actions. The table froze first, then Henry's fingers which still lay flat upon the table. My eyes flickered to the old man's face, horror filling his eyes as his face paled. Then my eyes flickered to his daughter whose face was surprisingly blank.

"You know what will happen if you move your hands," Fionn asked calmly—coldly, like the ice that frosted the table, "They will break off and you will be no messenger. You will be a crippled with a loud mouth and nothing forgivable left."

"You can't do this," he whispered quietly, "I am the king's messenger."

He smiled slightly, his eyes narrowing, "And how will the queen feel that you have just insulted the crown prince's shield and his future advisor? I won't even mention the scene you caused in front of the princess."

Lord Balsick's face paled even more as his eyes flickered to Eliza. I did not turn my head, my eyes too busy absorbing the scene in front of me than to even consider looking away.

Even to look over at Eliza. 

"I a-apologize greatly for the shame I have c-caused," he stuttered, "P-please tell me how I could offer r-reparation for my g-great insults."

I snapped out of my daze and stood gracefully. All eyes shifted to me and I smiled. It was not a kind smile, I would not be kind to this man. Instead, it was an unlady like smile full of teeth. I placed my own hands on the table, pushing them into the frost as I ignored the cold burn. I concentrated on the burn, feeling the itch of my magic as I willed it to protect me from Fionn's hold on the table. When no ice claimed my flesh, I took it as a win. Henry's eyes flickered from my face to my hands and back, he noted how I was not fazed as well.


"I want your daughter," I said.

His jaw dropped, "No! I refuse."

My head tilted and my eyes narrowed, "You cannot. Your reparation is to the Roisin name and I have named our price. Your daughter will be my Lady-in-Waiting, and maybe then I will consider marrying you. You do want a son to take over your name some day, no?"

The red returned to his face and I nodded, my eyes sliding over to his daughter whose face was still blank but I could see her eyes fill with unshed tears.

"What is your responds Lord Balsick?" Eliza finally spoke, "Your hands or your daughter? Decide while the Roisin's are being merciful."

He glared at me, "I accept."

"Then I shall be witness to this agreement," Eliza clapped.

I nodded, pulling away from the table, suddenly wanting to be anywhere else.

"Come with my Lady Balsick," I ordered softly.

She moved fast, scurrying to follow me. I began walking away, as I did I could feel Fionn's questioning gaze. He could not question me here, he would when we are alone and I was determined to not give him that chance. A small smile grew on my face, he was certain I hadn't learned anything from the many lessons.

I had.

Absorbing the ones I deemed important.

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