Scarlett's Daughter Book Two...

By scarlettsbitxh

33.4K 883 26

It has been a 2 years since Scarlett and Elizabeth got full custody of the two little girls, what the girl's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 20

737 24 0
By scarlettsbitxh

September 2018

Scarlett's POV:

(I have no idea with American schools because I'm not from there but just go with it)

Melanie is starting kindergarten 2 and Rose is starting kindergarten 1 today and I am so excited to see my two little girl going into school.

I walk into Melanie's room and gently wake her up.

"Melanie baby, it's time to get up for school"I whisper and she groans and sits up in her bed.

"I have left your clothes on the closet floor for you put on and then come down stairs because I need to get your sister up"I say helping her up and out of her bed and I quickly make her bed.

I walk into Rose's bedroom and wake her up, "Rosebud it's time to get up now baby"I say and she groans and I lift her out of her bed and help her get changed then and I pull her hair into a pony tail and go out of the room and downstairs.

"Hey baby and hey Mel, you excited to see James again?"I ask her as I sit down beside her.

"Yea and James' little sister is joining the school so she can be friends with Rose"Melanie says and I smile at how thoughtful she is about Rose.

"That's great baby, what is her name?"I ask her.

"Her name is Lilly"She says while eating her cereal, I smile and nod.

"Did you hear that Rose, Melanie's best friend little sister is joining the school and you can be friends with her, her name is Lilly"I say and she smiles and nods her head.

"Okay mama"She says smiling to me while eating her cereal as well.

I get the girls backpacks and then put them in the car along with the two little troublemakers and me and Elizabeth get into the car as well.

I drive to the school and all four of us get out of the car and Melanie holds Rose's hand because she can tell that Rose is nervous about starting school.

"Rose, you have nothing to worry about, I'll be there if you need me and if anyone is mean to you you tell me and I'll tell them off okay?"Melanie tells Rose and Rose nods her head.

"Now come on, let's meet James' little sister"Melanie says and they run off to where James and his little sister are.

Me and Elizabeth follow behind them and start to talk to James and Lilly's mom and dad.

Melanie's POV:

Me and Rose run to James and Lilly with mommy and mama behind us.

"Hey Melanie!"James says and he hugs me, "Hey James, this is my little sister Rose"I say and James smiles at her.

"This is my little sister Lilly, Lilly this is Melanie and Rose, you can be friends with Melanie's little sister"James tells Lilly and I look at Lilly and nod my head with a smile.

"Hi Rose"Lilly says quietly and Rose smiles to her, "Hi Lilly, do you wanna be best friends?"Rose asks her and Lilly looks up with a smile and nods her head rapidly.

"Okay kiddos we have to get you inside now"James' dad says, we all walk in with our parents and mommy and mama say bye to me and Rose and give Rose a little pep talk.

We wave to them and the run off to our classrooms.

Rose and Lilly are in the class beside us and me and James are in the same class.

I'm happy that Rose made a friend today hectare she would've  been hanging around with me all day and I don't want her to be lonely.

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