A New World (Seven Deadly Sin...

By DevilGirl5736

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It was a normal night, when you had a weird dream that transported you to a different world. A world where t... More

Chapter 1 - A not so normal night
Chapter 2 - The Next Morning
Chapter 3 - The Adventure
Chapter 4 - Multiple Fights
A/N birthday
Chapter 5 - Waiting to Happen
Chapter 6 - Meeting a Demon
Chapter 7 - Their Story
Chapter 8 - The Fifth Sin, Gowther
Chapter 10 - The King Has Arrived!
Chapter 11 - The Fairy's Lost Friend
Chapter 12 - The Past
Chapter 13 - A Broken Curse
Chapter 14 - A Threat
Chapter 15 - Danger!
Chapter 16 - Awakened
Chapter 17 - The End and The Beginning
Chapter 18 - Headache
Chapter 19 - Their Fighting Festival
Chapter 20 - A Date?
Chapter 21 - A Bad Omen
Chapter 22 - Ban's Journey
Chapter 23 - Camelot
Chapter 24 - Spirit Chastiefol: True Form
Chapter 25 - Commandment of Truth
Chapter 26 - Lost Memories
Chapter 27 - Matrona
Chapter 28 - An Unexpected Guest
Chapter 29 - Training
Chapter 30 - Power
Chapter 31 - An Old Friend
Chapter 32 - Separation
Chapter 33 - Jealousy and Love

Chapter 9 - A New Day

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By DevilGirl5736

It was a new day and everyone was outside, setting the table for breakfast while you sat down, thinking about what you saw in your dream last night. 'Who was he?' You asked yourself in your thoughts. You kept touching your lips, thinking about the kiss that Elaine gave you. You started to blush, covering your face and groaning. "Are you okay, Y/N?" Elizabeth asks you. "Yeah, just peachy." You respond. You didn't need to make anyone worry for you because you couldn't comprehend what you saw last night and besides, it was a dream. Which means, it wasn't real, it couldn't have been, right? "Hey Ban!" You heard Meliodas ask. "Did you just have another spare?" Looking at the new red jacket he had on. "Nah, went into the village to get another." Ban answers. "Stole, you mean." Meliodas says, correcting Ban. "This looks so good!" Hawk says, looking at all the food. "Hawk, find your manners." Diane tells the pig. "I think it's bad manners to sit like that." Elizabeth tells Diane. "Oh, right!" Diane says, changing her position.

"Nice to meet you, Sir Gowther! Please, lend me your assistance in saving the kingdom from the Holy Knights." Elizabeth asks. "No." He answers. "No?" You and the other exclaim. "This isn't the first time we've met." He says. "Really?" Elizabeth asks. "Yes, we crossed paths once in Ordan and you met us when you were a child." "Really?" She asks again. "Well, what do you know? So, she was the runt around the king." Ban says. "Wow, I totally don't remember that." Diane says, giggling. "Hey, maybe you should be a little nicer to Her Highness?" King tells Gowther, whispering. "Do you think you could tell if I met Sir Meliodas before all this?" Elizabeth asks Gowther. "Of course you have!" Meliodas says, cutting in. "Well, what do you say, Gowther? Wanna join us?" "I suppose I should." He answers. "Great! And with you, our Sin count is up to five. Let's get drunk to celebrate!" Meliodas says, raising his arm into the air.

Suddenly, it was evening and you all were drinking and eating. "Hope you brought your A-game, Captain!" Ban says, drunk. "Less talking, more drinking!" Meliodas replies. "Hey, eat." You tell Gowther. "I'm sure we have something you might like." "I have no preference when eating." Gowther responds. "Then, you can have some of my food, if you want." You tell him. Gowther agrees and eats some of your food, having a light tint of pink on his cheeks.

"'I'm so moved. I was starting to think that I'd never get reunited with the others again.' That's what you were thinking, right?" Meliodas asks Gowther, while you eat some food. "I was noticing that we all aren't from the same species." Gowther answers. "Huh, I guess you're right." Meliodas says. You offered some food to Gowther who gladly ate it. "So Gowther..." Meliodas starts, the atmosphere around him is serious. "Ten years ago, when we were framed for killing the grandmaster, do you happen to ----?" Meliodas was cut off by a shock in his neck. Seeing a light from Gowther's finger going through his neck. "I know what you want to ask. Your memory of the event is hazy, incomplete. You wish to know who assaulted you when we fled." Gowther sums it up. "Do you know?" He asks. "It was the Boar Sin of Gluttony - Merlin." This piqued your interest. "Merlin, but why?" Meliodas asks. "I do not know. I have heard several rumours about her, but none of them seem to be true. And whenever I would get close to the truth, she would disappear again." "It sounds like she doesn't want to be found yet." You say, them noticing what you said but not saying anything.

"Hey, you guys!" Ban says, drunkenly and grabs Gowther to his side. "Wouldn't you know, Gowther was able to identify King by his body odor!" "Along with his bone structure and tone." Gowther adds. "Actually?" You ask. "I'm curious, let's all have a smell." Ban says, grabbing King and putting him in the middle of everyone. "It's kind of sickly sweet, isn't it?" Ban asks, a bit disgusted by the smell. "Like flowers!" Hawk adds. King was about to interject, but everyone surrounded him and started smelling him, even you. "It smells so familiar." Diane says. "Just what you'd expect from the Fairy King!" Elizabeth says. "He smells so sweet and fruity." You add. 'Y/n's face is so close!' King freaks out. "Guy's, knock it off! If you crowd me like that..." King starts, but changes into his other form. You all sniff again and get a different scent. "Now he smells kind of sour." Ban says. "Like sweaty socks!" Hawk adds. "It can't be that bad!" King yells. "Gross man." Ban tells him, smirking. "Don't let him get to you, King!" You tell him. "What's the big idea ganging up on me?" King yells, mad. "I didn't do anything to you." Gowther says. "Of course, you did! You started this mess, so do something about it!" King yells at Gowther. "Very well." Gowther says, lifting his hand and sending a shock to everyone's neck. "Diane, you claim to be 29 feet tall, when you're actually 30 feet. The fudging of your weight is even more severe---" "What is wrong with you, Gowther? Why do you have to go and be so mean?" Diane yells while pummeling Gowther with her fists.

"I don't get it. What's the point of lying about your height when you're as big as she is?" Meliodas asks. "Well, you're a boy. These things are sensitive to girls." You explain.

"As for you, Ban, twelve years ago, during the battle with the vampires in Edinburgh, you got unreasonably drunk." Gowther says. "I got pretty hammered and decided not to join the mission. I said I was sorry!" Ban defends. "But you didn't apologize for using Physical Hunt to steal away King and Diane's power, or for laughing at them as you watched them struggle." Gowther finishes and starts to clean his glasses. Ban spits out his drink, while you struggle to hold in your laugh. "Oh, so that's why I couldn't muster up any strength that day!" Diane yells. "That was you?!" King yells. "Hey, it was a long time ago. Forgive and forg--" He was cut off by Diane picking him up and squishing him with her hand. "Hey, it wasn't my finest moment, but I don't deserve this!" Ban says, trying to get out of Diane's grasp. "Y/N..." Gowther says, getting your attention, as well as everyone else's. "Go ahead. I ain't got nothing to hide." You say, confident. "You were blamed for your parents death five years ago. You lived with a family member until they commited suicide since they couldn't stand seeing you. You have lived on your own for the rest of your life." Tears could be seen on your face, coming down like a waterfall. You walked toward Gowther and slapped him, hard. "You know, some things are better left as a secret." You say, coldly, not knowing that your eyes had changed color. You go inside and see Elizabeth, tears threatening to leave your eyes. 'It wasn't my fault and I know that. I don't care what anyone else thinks.' You say in your thoughts. "Y/N, is something wrong?" Elizabeth asks you. "Yeah, just Gowther being a dummy." You say, your voice shaky. "But, you don't sound okay. Do you want to talk about it?" She asks. "Actually, yeah I would." You tell her. You both sit down and you begin to tell her about what Gowther said and what happened. "Wow, he is a dummy for saying that." Elizabeth says, angry at Gowther. "Yeah, the funny part is, I should be over this, but I'm not." You say, trying to laugh as tears spill out your eyes. Elizabeth hugs you and comforts you, rubbing circles on your back which calms you down. You wipe the tears from your eyes and thank Elizabeth. "Thanks." "No problem. It's what I'm here for." She says, smiling. "Do you want to help me bring out Meliodas's food?" "Sure." You say, getting the plate while Elizabeth gets the drink. You both head outside. "Hey, Meliodas! Your food is ready!" You tell him. "Oh really, thanks." He says. You two begin conversing, him asking if you're okay and whatnot, you saying yes and whatnot. Gowther analyzes you two talking and asks the biggest question. "Does Y/N love the Captain? Her voice rises in pitch and her heart rate increases by a bit." Gowther says. You blush from what he was saying, thinking if you maybe did like Meliodas. "Which doesn't really happen much when she speaks to the rest of us." Everyone glares at Gowther, but soon their attention turns to Diane. They know that she also has a crush on the Captain, so how would she react? "I've heard of this before. Love-something affects humans, as well as other species." Ban and King turn around to see Diane happily sleeping away from being too drunk. They sigh in relief, glad that a village won't have to suffer from one of her outbursts. "I'm....gonna go back inside, okay?" You say. "Elizabeth, come join me!" You say quickly, grabbing Elizabeth's wrist and dragging her inside. "Hey, wait!" Meliodas yells, making you two stop in your tracks.

"Thanks, you two." Meliodas says while holding up the sword. "Oh, no need to thank us." You say. "I was wondering.....what kind of person was Liz?" Elizabeth asks, sitting down in a stool with you sitting next Meliodas on the other side. "She was strong-willed, so we'd get into a lot of fights. Kind of like you, Y/N!" Meliodas says. "But, we don't fight." "Yeah, but you are strong-willed!" You blush from what he said and looked away from him. "But she was also kind and gentle, a lot like you, Elizabeth." "Oh..." She said. "You three also had a few other things in common." Meliodas says, groping both you and Elizabeth's boobs. You bonked him in the head and told him to stop doing that.

It was getting late and everyone went to their rooms to sleep. You decided to sleep with Ban for the night. As you were laying down, you drifted into a deep sleep, until you felt arms wrap around your waist. "Ban?" You asked, tiredly. "What are you doing?" He just pulled up closer into his chest, his chin resting on top of your head. You realized that he was just sleeping and ignored it, drifting off to sleep.

In the dream

"Hello Y/N!" Elaine says, happy to see you again. "Hey Elaine." You say, kind of tired. "You look tired and your eyes are puffy. Were you crying?" Elaine asks, concerned for you. "Yeah, I'm fine, there was just a........a very hurtful topic." "I heard Gowther say something about your parents?" Elaine asks you. Tears started to leave your eyes and Elaine freaked out. "Oh! I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?" She asks, scared that she might've hurt you. You were about to explain, but everything turned dark, like last time. You were still crying, hearing voices around you, saying that you should die and suffer. You telling them to stop, to stop talking and yelling at you. The voices were getting louder and louder and your ears were pounding, you had had enough. That's when the boy you saw found you and glared at you. "What are you doing here?" He spat. "Shut up!" You yelled, your eyes turning (reader chooses eye color) and horns grew out of your head as well as a tail. "Get out of my head!" You yelled, a powerful aura surrounding you, making the boy in red back up. The aura went away when you weakened and your tail and horns faded away. You fainted as the boy in red looked at you, "What are you?"

Dream finished

You shot up from bed, panting and sweating. You looked around, still on edge from what happened. You touched your head and butt, not feeling any horns or a tail. "It was a dream, just a dream." You mumbled to yourself. "But what happened and who is that boy I keep seeing?" You ask yourself, starting to go back to sleep, this time, seeing nothing in your sleep.

At the Kingdom of Liones - Inside the Castle

"Grand Master Dreyfus!" Howzer yells while running down the hall towards the tall male. "Are you alright, sir? You were locked in your room so long that we started to worry." Howzer tells the tall male. He was wearing a green-blue shirt with yellow pants and had light brown hair. "Of course, I do apologize. It isn't like me to be affected by such things." He says while looking down. 'He looks so worn down, but who could blame him? To be told that his son, Griamore, died.....' Howzer says in his thoughts. "Did anything out of the ordinary happen while I was gone?" Dreyfus asked him. "There have been reports that more Apprentice Holy Knights have joined the ranks of the New Generation." "I see." Dreyfus says, concerned for what might come. "Could this be some kind of omen? The looks in their eyes, they look like they've been possessed by something." Howzer says. "They've allied with Hendrickson, correct?" Dreyfus asked. "It would seem so." "Then, it would seem that my prophecy is proving far more accurate than I had hoped." Dreyfus tells him. "The time has finally come for the two of us to have a little chat......Hendrickson."

Outside the castle - On the Training Grounds - With Guila and Jericho

Guila and Jericho were sword fighting, going all out. Guila was winning and she used her sword to force Jericho's out of her hand. Jericho fell to the ground from the sudden force, her sword falling next to her. "This isn't like you." Guila tells her, walking toward her. "What's going on?" "Remember the other day, when Sir Helbram called out the Roars of Dawn to carry out the Armour raid?" Jericho tells her. "The thing is , it pissed me off that he didn't ask us, so I decided that I would follow them. And...I saw the Seven Deadly Sins fighting the Armour Giant, or at least that's what I think it was." "Seven Deadly Sins? So that would mean the monster was eliminated by--" Guila gets cut off. "That's not the issue. I sensed two kinds of magical power coming from that monster. One was the same as the Demon we saw underground. The other was the same as a Holy Knight." "Are you sure?" Guila says, highly alerted. "I couldn't believe it! A monster that could possess both kinds of magical power! It was almost like...." "Like us. Like the New Generation." Guila finishes for her. "I wanted to be sure. So I dug up the grave the Seven Deadly Sins made and found this on the monster." Jericho says, holding out a necklace. "But that's..." Guila says, recognizing the necklace.

Somewhere within the Castle

"Did you take care of it? The so-called Armour Giant?" Hendrickson asked Helbram. "Thankfully yes. It took longer than we expected when the experiment failed and he managed to slip away." He answers. "Because of their power, the Old Generation of Holy Knights spun out of control and were difficult to control. But the New Generation of Apprentice Holy Knights, their powers are adequate yet inferior to those of the Old Generation, making them easier to control." Hendrickson explains. "What we have here is a daughter succeeding where her father could not." Helbram sums it up. "What a beautiful story." Helbram says, raising his hands. "'The embrace that binds you and the kiss that imprisons you..'" "Now that preparations are finally complete." Hendrickson says while Helbram continues the incantation that makes the podium glow bright purple that has Meliodas' sword hilt in it. "All that's left is to await the coming chaos. The King of Liones brought down a terrible prophecy with his power. It has robbed people's survival instincts and robbed knights of their pride and will to fight. This piece has done nothing but rust our armour and dull our swords. But I swear I will restore Britannia to its former glory." Hendrickson says as a bright purple light shoots from out the podium. "We will now release the Demon race, and we Holy Knights and the New Generation shall meet in battle!" Looking at the bright purple light opening a gate to another realm. "The gate is opening!" Helbram exclaims. "Come Demons! Reveal yourself in all your unholy glory!" Hendrickson yells as red, chubby hands with long, sharp nails try to get out of the portal. "It's just as I thought, you're missing a fragment." Helbram tells Hendrickson, looking at the small gate that's refusing to open any bigger. "In that case, we'll just have to take it by force." Hendrickson tells him. "What are you going to do?" Helbram asks him. "Our only choice now is to summon it."

Back at the tavern

"What're you doin?" Ban asks Gowther as you try to hold in your laughter. "This is the greeting that Captain did, is it not?" "That's mostly used on women, Gowther, not men." You tell him. He nods and takes his hand off Ban's pec and puts his hand on your boob and starts to squish it. "This is the correct method, then?" Gowther asks as he starts to blush a bit, but he's not sure why. "W-well, yeah, but....You shouldn't do it unless you want to be identified as a perv by other people." You tell him, looking at Meliodas. Gowther takes his hand off your boob as he sits down next to King. You stood up and decided to help Elizabeth clean the tables, grabbing a rag and walking over to her. "So where are we heading next?" Ban asks Meliodas. "Any idea on where the next sin might be?" King asks next. "Escanor and Merlin...." Gowther says with his eyes closed. "The first thing I'm doing...is storming the capital and getting my sword back." Meliodas tells everyone. "Sword? You mean that dragon hilt you lost..." Ban says. You look toward Meliodas and give him a confused look. "Why would you want to go back for that?" You ask him. "I'm not going anywhere without it." Meliodas tells you, serious about getting that sword back. "Alright, so who's coming with me?" Meliodas asks everyone. "As much fun as that sounds, I'll pass." Ban says, laying back in his stool. "Yeah and besides, it's your fault that you lost it." Kind adds. "He has a point." Gowther tells him. You were dumbfounded by how they just said no to their Captain like that. You could feel something under your skirt and saw Meliodas under there. "Comfort me!" He says, muffled. You blushed from him under your skirt, patting his head, unsure of what to do. "Captain!" Diane yells, angry at what he was doing, breaking a window in the process.

"Right, The Coffin of Eternal Darkness....That dragon hilt is a fragment of a ritual relic." He tells everyone while fixing the window. "A ritual relic?" You ask. "Yeah, according to an old legend. It's part of the relief created to seal away the Demon Race...when the Goddess, Giant, Fairy, and Human races joined long, long ago." "So you're saying that the Holy Knights are trying to summon Demons?" You ask Meliodas. "Yeah, they're trying to bring back the Demon race." Meliodas says. "Those bastards again?" Ban asks, annoyed. "Hold on, wasn't it Hendrickson that turned Dale into that monster? It's not everyday that you see that." King says. "True." Gowther says. "Hendrickson....I don't understand why he and Dreyfus would do such a thing." Elizabeth says, sad. "It doesn't make sense. Why would he resurrect the Demon race? What would he need to accomplish?" "What, does he want to become friends with them?" Hawk asks, mouth full of scraps. "There is absolutely no fucking way that he would resurrect the Demon race just to be friends with them." You tell him. "Then what does he want?" Hawk asks.

With Hendrickson

I want to start a Holy War." He tells Dreyfus. "Are you serious? Have you gone mad?" Dreyfus asks, shocked by what he said. "Dreyfus...Your prophecy of this Holy War saw us Holy Knights as the Guiding Hands of Light, and the Seven Deadly Sins are the Bloodline of Darkness, correct? But I have a different vision of our future and it requires even more of us." Hendrickson says. "Surely you're not saying that the Demon race is the true Bloodline of Darkness?" Dreyfus asks. "In the ancient times, the Demon race fought against the Four Clans, proving that they are more than capable opponents." Hendrickson says. "You bastard! I knew you might be planning something behind my back, but this...." Dreyfus yelled. "The preparations are nearly complete." Hendrickson says, smirking. "All that's left to do is to find the last fragment and break the seal." He raises his hand, which makes footsteps depart from where the two were. Dreyfus looked back and caught a glimpse of the person that was walking away. "Are you crazy? Do you really think Humans stand a chance against Demons?" Dreyfus yelled at him. "I can assure you that we will win." Hendrickson says, with no doubt in his voice. "I have studied the Demons for many years and reaped various results. The New Generation is one of them." "You lie!" Dreyfus accused. "Open your eyes! The Holy Knights fight for justice and would never break the seal of a cursed race." "You want to lecture me about justice?" Hendrickson asks, turning his face to look at Dreyfus. "Ten years ago, you longed to be a Grand master......so much so that you sought my help in killing your elder brother, Zaratras!" Dreyfus is shocked and racked with guilt, backing away a bit from Hendrickson. "Dreyfus, I need you." Hendrickson tells him, putting his hand on his shoulder. "Return to me the favor I did for you. And remember, if you try to hinder me, I will have you killed just like your son, Griamore." Hendrickson walks away, exiting the room.

At the Tavern

"Hey, Captain. If your sword really can resurrect the Demon race and Hendrickson has it, doesn't that mean he already has?" Diane asks. "No, it's a pretty powerful seal, so if they do break it, there's bound to be some kind of sign." Meliodas tells her.

A loud groan could be heard, freaking everyone out and making you grab onto Elizabeth and hide behind her. That noise freaked you out and it sounded scary. "A sign...I'm getting a sign!" Hawk says in pain from something. You calmed down and let go of Elizabeth, saying sorry for grabbing onto her. She said it was fine and you both focused back on Hawk. "Hey, are you okay?" You ask as Elizabeth tries to help the pig. "I get what those guys want with the sword, but who do they want with Elizabeth?" Hawk asks, making you and Elizabeth confused.

"It's simple." A voice says from behind you and Elizabeth. "She's the last piece to breaking the seal." "Damn it! Get away from her!" Meliodas yells, reaching for Elizabeth as a light surrounds her, the lady, Hawk, and you.

"Damn it!" Meliodas yells, making a huge wind from his yelling. He grabs his sword and heads out the tavern at full speed. "What the hell was that?" Ban asks. "Most likely a mage." Gowther responds, going out of the tavern as well. "Follow me! I'm going to the tower to save Y/N and Elizabeth!" Meliodas tells them. "But, that's more than 40 miles from here." King tells him. "Diane!" He yells. "Gotcha!" She tells him, knowing what he's thinking. "No so fast." Ban says from behind Meliodas while holding him in his arms. "I'm going too!" "Ban! This isn't the time to fool around. Y/N and the Princess are in trouble." King tells him. "You've got your reasons for going and I've got mine." Ban tells Meliodas, ignoring King. "I'm coming too." Gowther says, trying to copy what Ban was doing to Meliodas by hugging him from behind. "The captain and Ban are always fighting. I'd like to observe them. I would also like to try and save the Princess and Y/N." He says. Diane picks the three of them up. "I might be a little off, so bear with it." "Doesn't matter. Just throw us as close as you can and we'll handle it from there." Meliodas tells her. "No matter what happens, bring Y/N back safe, alright?" She says, turning her head to look at Meliodas. "Got it!" He tells her. She starts to get a running start and throws them with high power and at light speed.

"We're dead." Ban says, muffled while flying through the air. "Did you say something?" Meliodas asks, yelling. "I can't make anything out.." Gowther says, yelling a bit as well. They keep flying until they start to lower and hit the ground harshly, making a dust cloud form. They run out of the dust cloud at full speed, seeing Holy Knights. "Our objective is to rescue Y/N and Elizabeth, so keep the fighting to a minimum, got it?" Meliodas orders them. "Roger that. Gowther responds. "We can go all out with that minimum, right, Captain?" Ban asks, itching for a fight. "Go straight for the kill!" Meliodas tells them. The Holy Knights start to attack them with air, wind, water, and fire powers. (Like the avatar) "Full counter!" Meliodas yells, deflecting their attacks right back at them. The three run past the Holy Knights, not wasting any time with them, trying to get to the gate. But, they stop. "What's this? Did they just stop?" Ban asks. "I sense a magical power. It's emanating from the other side of the castle." Gowther says.

With Hendrickson and Dreyfus

"The South gate? What is this magical power?" Dreyfus asks. "Perhaps the sins have split up and decided to flank us from both sides?" Hendrickson asks, also feeling the high magical power. "No, this feels bigger than their power and it includes two exceptionally devastating powers...Who are they?" Dreyfus asks, feeling the power of the two unknown's magic. "Holy Knight Grand Master!" A knight yells, frantic. "We have a problem!" "What seems to be the issue?" Dreyfus asks the knight. "A massive army has appeared at the front gate!" The knight responds. "An army?" Dreyfus asks, confused. "Did you see the leader?" Hendrickson asks. "Yes, sir! The new king of Camelot! King Arthur!" The knight tells them. 

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