random thoughts // Chaesoo st...

By xxzero04

28.4K 1.7K 472

random thoughts - mostly chaesoo More

nothing good starts with a getaway car
Basketball and Bruises// Pizza and candlelit dinners
my thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again
steady beats of your heart
in between (us)
Memories through polaroid
go on and light me like a cigarette
Lover of Mine
you feel a little bit further away (and I don't know what to say)
I wouldn't mind
Some things are meant to be
if it were up to me I'd be calling you mine already
they say that love is forever (your forever is all that I need)
And everything you hate I'm working on
I've only got forever and forever is fine
You're starting up a wildfire in my heart
Ghost stories // Love stories
Chaeyoung's unhelpful guide to dating
'cause my life goes dark (when I know that I can never be your love)
Content with Contempt
Picasso who? I only know Kim Jisoo
Among Us
In every universe
Hug me now lady (you drive me crazy)
I won't wait a minute longer
If tomorrow brings something new (I hope it brings you)
When I'm alone // You're where I belong
The universe must have divined this // I can be a better boyfriend than him
You're the one designed for me// Make it to me
you walked into the room and now my heart has been stolen
Is this seat taken (are you taken)
I try to capture every minute (the feeling in it)
when there's no getting over the rainbow
a chicken in the sea
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
drunk out my mind
These are trying times
The vacancy that sat in my heart is a space that now you own
And I told you right from the start (You just say the word and I'll go)
You're a beautiful coincidence
What could've been but would never be
This is the road to ruin (and we started at the end)
If's and Maybe's
po-tay-to • po-ta-toe
In Atlantis
I'm not really looking for another mistake
For all the wrong reasons
For the people who have everything
Forever bows with kept promises
A billionaire's ransom
Fall out boy
the one I hate less
Say a little prayer (and hope my dreams will take me there)
You weren't down for forever (and it's fine)
One kiss is all it takes
Every time you go (It's like a knife that cuts right through my soul)
My heart may be missing (but my hands will make up for it)
Into your arms
In between worlds (I would search for you)
She's vicious
Daily advices for the misfit
Darling, all of the city lights // never shine as bright as your eyes
I found the love
I want your love // I want your revenge
Somewhere only we know
Call my name // I'll be there
Written, Bound and Etched in my heart
I had a feeling that I belonged
Don't wanna look back and say it could've been me
I still look for your face in the crowds
To that bloodshed, crimson clover // the worst was over
Isn't it delicate
Every dead-end street led you straight to me
I was looked at but I wasn't seen
If the answer is yes, what's the question

I heard a rumor

384 21 5
By xxzero04

|the hot older cousin|

A story where SNU's rumor mill caught wind of Park Chaeyoung's gigantic crush


Park Chaeyoung had never been one to party and socialize despite being best friends with Jennie Kim - a known social butterfly who are often invited to parties and then some.

Not going parties doesn't exactly translate to not being invited, oh she was invited all the time - she thinks it's mostly because his now college brother was one of the school's  star football player who led his team in 4 straight championships while he's still in high school - also because she sings really well and when she's drunk she gives out free concerts (don't get any dirty ideas)

Plus Jennie bugs her to go with her all the time and most of time she would've caved but ever since her bestfriend started going out with the school's volleyball captain going third wheel doesn't really appeal to her very much - although...

Chaeyoung smiles shyly as she sees Jennie's older cousin cooking whatever in the kitchen as she and Jennie were studying - although she doesn't mind thirdwheeling if Jisoo would be there

Jisoo was two years older than her - she was supposed to be the same year as her brother but she dropped out of school for two years because of her mom's passing and now she's picking up where she left off

Still bloody hot, if you ask me

Chaeyoung shook her thoughts away and focused on her calculus - Jisoo was in the same year as them but she was smart enough to not break a sweat about math

"Chaeyoung" called an all so familiar vocie thar her head spun around so fast she almost gave her a whiplash

"What's up?" She asks Jisoo

"Your brother is coming home"

It wasn't a question, "he is?" Chaeyoung felt a little guilty that she doesn't about her brother's life

"Check his twitter" is all Jisoo said before walking out

Jennie didn't looked up from her history book but her eyebrows were raised as high as she can - oh yeah her bestfriend knows her gigantic crush on her cousin

  "Can I crash in your house" she pleads at Jennie

"You just want to sniff my cousin's sweaters" Jennie laughs as Chaeyoung throws a pillow at her

"Oh come on! Your collegiate brother is coming home to throw the wildest party - it's your time to get it on with my cousin"



"Shut up"


"Hey, nerd" Chanyeol greets her when she comes down for dinner

"Hey, Chan"

"Boo, it's no fun when you're nice" Chanyeol says and kissed her forehead

"Wild party?" She whisper asks her brother who just smirked

"Hell yeah, mom and dad are leaving tomorrow for a conference"

"You know they're gonna kill you if they found out right?"

"-and by the time they do I would be back to college, besides what makes you think they won't suspect you?"

Chaeyoung throws her brother a 'really' look, "have you seen me?"

"Oh right, straight A's, tennis champion and nerd - I really don't why you're famous around campus, oh wait - I'm your brother"

"Don't I know it" Chaeyoung says before their parents called them to eat

"We'll be out for 3 days - be on your best behavior okay?" Their dad says and they both smiled like angels


As Chanyeol stayed up late to plan his party Chaeyoung was scrolling down her twitter feed

SNU's rumor mill is famous for exposing people's secrets - most dip below the belt but mostly it was just secret crushes.

She hated that stupid account since it outed her and Jennie as bisexuals - it wasn't technically a secret but they weren't telling it to everyone and tweeting about it for their 4k followers isn't exactly what they want

And as much as she does hate the account she can't tell for sure who uses it since - according to rumors, the account is passed on to a senior every year and each year you can see the drastic change it tweets, in bio, in following - this year, whoever its user is following Jennie and Jennie alone

Chaeyoung bolted upright in her bed, "How did they know?" She whispered and immediately messaged Jennie who obviously didn't tell anyone

She quietly went down to get some water - her heart was pounding from the tweet, maybe twitter will be cause of death

"Hey, Soo" she hears Chanyeol talking to someone on the phone and Soo can only mean Jisoo

"Yeah, I know" She can hear her brother's laugh echoing in the living room

Her heart broke a little after everyone is saying that her brother and Jisoo had a thing - since not only were they batch mates they are actually childhood friends - kinda like her and Jennie which was also mentioned but Jennie is dating Lisa so that doesn't exactly make sense

There was one account that said it might be her and Jisoo but they ruled that out saying Chaeyoung is not the type to date people like Jisoo

The party came on and everyone was almost hammered by the time the clock reached 11

The dating rumor already forgotten but Chaeyoung's hatred for parties wasn't so she went out to the backyard where there are no people since that's where Chanyeol temporarily stored their parent's valuable and extremely fragile things

"Knew you'd be out here" a voice says and She bolted up to where she was sitting

"Jesus! Jisoo!" She whined, "don't go scaring me like that I'll literally die"

"What are you doing outside of your own house?" She chuckles - did I tell you Jisoo Kim is hot? Because fuck she is

"Y-You know me" Chaeyoung laughs awkwardly - boy she does not have any game - at all.

"About that rumor mill..." Jisoo trailed off

"What about it?"

"Do you want me to do something about it?"

"What do you mean?" She asked clueless and Jisoo just laughs

"Right - I'll see you inside" Jisoo said before going back in

Jennie punches her arm when she tells her what happened, "you should've confessed!" Her best friend cries out frustrated but continued making out with Lisa who just laughed

Chaeyoung woke up to that and a few hundred notifications from Jennie alone and then some from schoolmates and other friends


"It was heck of a story to tell" Chaeyoung says to the mic as she graduates as class valedictorian

"I honestly thought I would be up here quoting someone and giving out a few words of wisdom but I'm here to tell everyone - whoever owns that stupid anonymous twitter account - I will find you and I will hunt you down but thank you for leading me to the highlight of my senior year" she smiles at Jisoo who was finally graduating 

A few years later when they're all about to graduate college - Lisa and Jennie decided to throw one of the wildest party and that means getting hammered 

"You're a cute couple" A random college student gushed to Jisoo and Chaeyoung 

"Right!" Lisa agrees only 2 more drinks away to being completely shitfaced, "And thanks to me these two found the spine to talk to each other" 

"I'm sorry - what?"  Chaeyoung says the same time Jisoo said, "What?" 

Then it all clicked - by the time it was their senior year in highschool there was a drastic change in tweets it was mostly just crushes and then the account was only following Jennie - which now made more sense than their "maybe it's someone that has a crush on me" explanation 

"I heard a rumor-" Chaeyoung says, "-That someone is gonna treat us lunch for the rest of the school year" 

Chaeyoung hums, "I like the sound of that" 

A/N: HAHAHAH I don't know what the hell this is but it's kind of a cute story? no? anyways enjoy!

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