A New World (Seven Deadly Sin...

Por DevilGirl5736

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It was a normal night, when you had a weird dream that transported you to a different world. A world where t... Más

Chapter 1 - A not so normal night
Chapter 2 - The Next Morning
Chapter 3 - The Adventure
Chapter 4 - Multiple Fights
A/N birthday
Chapter 5 - Waiting to Happen
Chapter 6 - Meeting a Demon
Chapter 8 - The Fifth Sin, Gowther
Chapter 9 - A New Day
Chapter 10 - The King Has Arrived!
Chapter 11 - The Fairy's Lost Friend
Chapter 12 - The Past
Chapter 13 - A Broken Curse
Chapter 14 - A Threat
Chapter 15 - Danger!
Chapter 16 - Awakened
Chapter 17 - The End and The Beginning
Chapter 18 - Headache
Chapter 19 - Their Fighting Festival
Chapter 20 - A Date?
Chapter 21 - A Bad Omen
Chapter 22 - Ban's Journey
Chapter 23 - Camelot
Chapter 24 - Spirit Chastiefol: True Form
Chapter 25 - Commandment of Truth
Chapter 26 - Lost Memories
Chapter 27 - Matrona
Chapter 28 - An Unexpected Guest
Chapter 29 - Training
Chapter 30 - Power
Chapter 31 - An Old Friend
Chapter 32 - Separation

Chapter 7 - Their Story

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Por DevilGirl5736

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"Hey!" A green haired boy named Alan called from outside of the cave, alerting bats that flew out of the cave. "Let's take shelter here." He tells the giant in purple armour. The giant screams and he starts to run away. " Wait a sec!" Alan calls after the giant. Alan searches for the giant, seeing him in a clearing with birds on top of him. " There you are." Alan says. The giant looks up at him, making the birds fly away from the sudden movement. The giant looks up at where the birds were now sitting, on a branch connected to a tree. "Please wait here for a moment." Alan tells the giant. Alan comes back with food for the birds and puts it into the giant's hand. Birds come flocking over to the giant's hand, nibbling at the food. "Birds approach vegetation to gather food or to find a resting spot." Alan tells the giant. "So if you want to attract birds, you just need to apply the laws of nature." Alan tells the giant, while smiling a bit. A bird lands on Alan's head, making him look at the bird. "I am not a perch for you to roost on." Alan tells the bird. The bird starts to peck at his head. "Nor am I food." The giant laughs a bit, catching Alan's attention. "If that was laughter, then why don't I laugh along with you?" Alan asks as he starts to laugh. A bunny appears from out of a bush, startling the giant. Making him rise up and raise his fist, smashing the bunny. Alan looks a bit sad as the giant says something, "Afraid..." "That was just a hare. It wouldn't do any harm to you." Alan explains. "Gowther.....Afraid." The giant says again, panting. "I'll return it to the forest." Alan says, putting his hand on the giant's, hoping to calm him down. Alan was in the forest, walking around when he found something that would work perfectly for something else.


A raindrop splashed onto Alan's head, making him look up. He saw that it started to rain and went back to the cave, where the giant was. A fire was started and they sat in silence as Alan was carving something out of the piece of wood he found in the forest. He stopped as he analyzed his piece of work and walked toward the giant with it. He placed it in a hole that was in the giant's armour. "Perfect fit." Alan said, proud of himself. But the piece of wood falls out and makes a noise as it hits the ground. "I had a feeling we were going to need glue or something sticky." Alan says as he picks up the piece of wood. "I'll look for some when the rain clears up." He tells the giant. "Rain is just one process of the water cycle. When it evaporates from the surface, it forms clouds around the dust in the air and the rain that falls seeps into the ground, forming rivers, then flowing into the sea. Only to ascend into the sky again. Everything in the whole world is part of a cycle. Plants, insects, as well as animals. They eat others to survive and return to the earth when they die. Over and over, the process is repeated. But the ones that stray from that path, where would they go, I wonder?" Alan asks himself. "Book..." The giant says, making Alan remember that he promised to read them a book. "Right, so which book shall we read? Dark Pulse? Memory of the Darkness? Her Justice?" The giant groaned, not liking any of the book choices. "I see. You seem to really enjoy this book." Alan says, taking the book out. "Hey! This situation..." Alan starts, making the giant look up. "I read a book and you listen. It makes you happy and I learn something. We're part of our own cycle too. I've never seen this written anywhere before! A new discovery!" He says, happy. "It really is a cycle. And quite an alluring hypothesis. At least, to me anyway. So, thank you. I learned something new. It's very enlightening to be with you." Alan tells the giant. "Thank....you." The giant says. "Yeah, that's right. Thank you." Alan replies, looking out of the cave entrance. "It's unfortunate that my journey with you will be coming to an end soon."

At the Kingdom of Liones

"Sir Helbram!" A knight calls. "Yes, what is it? Can't you see we're on our break?" Helbram says, annoyed while sitting in a bean bag chair with a book on his face. Jericho on the left of him, sitting down on the floor wearing a dress. Guila on the right of him, wearing a romper with a white jacket and her white boots. "Forgive me, but I have just received word that the armour giant has been spotted in the wood of Ordan, east of Vaizel." The knight tells them what he was sent there for. "The armour giant?" Jericho asks. "Surely not one of the remaining Seven Deadly Sins...." "The goat sin, Gowther?" Guila asks. "Then summon the Roars of Dawn." Helbram says, sitting up and taking the book off his face. "Them? But-" The knight starts. "Don't let him get away. Make sure you finish him off." Helbram tells the knight. "Yes, sir!" The knight says before exiting the room.

With Guila and Jericho

"Ugh, why do we have to stand by?" Jericho complains. "Jericho, can't you do something about that mouth of yours?" Guila asks, annoyed. "After all, you're wearing such adorable clothes!"

"My clothing has nothing to do with it!" Jericho yells. "Sending in the Roars of Dawn was an unexpected decision, but Sir Helbram must have his reasons." Guila explains. "We can't forget that the Seven Deadly Sins overpowered us." Guila says, touching her wrist, remembering her hand being cut off. "We should be building up our strength now before the next battle. Well, see you." Guila says, walking away. "What- Where are you going?" Jericho asks. "This is our break time, isn't it?" "But you just said that we should build our strength. Guila!" Jericho says, annoyed.

In the town

"Thank you Missus! See you tomorrow!" A little boy says, exiting a shop with some money. The little boy walks away from the shop, looking at his hand to see how much money he got. 'It may not be a lot, but it should help.' The little thinks in his mind. He runs off to his home. "I'm home." The little boy says. "Welcome back." Guila says, greeting her little brother. The boy looks shocked seeing his sister home. "Big sister! You're home!" He runs to hug his sister. "Thank you for all your hard work!" "Zeal..." Guila starts. "How did you get hurt? Who did this to you?" "I'm sorry. I actually just got this months pay from my boss, but all that's left is this." Zeal opens his hand showing one coin that looked like a penny. Guila hugs her brother again, apologizing. "I'm sorry. This only happens because I'm never home." "No...You're a Holy Knight, sister. Of course you're busy!" Zeal explains, trying to make his sister feel better. "You know, if it's for you, I can put up with just about anything!" Guila smiles, glad that she has a little brother like this. "Don't get sick or push yourself too hard, okay?" Zeal asks. Guila nods. "And don't get beaten up by those Seven Deadly Sins, okay?" She nods again. "But whatever you do, don't get hurt." "Alright." Guila says. They both sit down in chairs and Guila patches up Zeal's injuries. "Does it sting?" Guila asks as she finishes. "Nope! Thanks a lot, Big Sister!" Zeal thanks his sister. Suddenly a rock bursts through the window, aiming for Zeal but Guila catches it before it does any harm. "What a disgrace to the Holy Knights!" One of the kids yell and then they all run off. "I know Dad was a Holy Knight, but people say that he ran away from his mission and because of that, tons of people died." Zeal says, a bit sad. Guila looks at her little brother with worry. "But I still believe in him. Father would never desert his fellow Holy Knights. He just can't come home right now, but I'm sure that it's for a good reason. That's why you became a Holy Knight because you believe in him, too, right?" Zeal asks his sister. "Not exactly." Guila says. "Huh?" Her brother asks, confused. "Well, it's because I wanted to protect in Father's place." She responded, smiling toward her little brother. "I wanted to become the type of person you could always be proud of." "Thanks, but I think I can take care of myself. I'm helping out at the missus's shop, after all!" Zeal says, trying to convince his sister he can take care of himself. "Zeal..." Guila says, before moving closer and kissing his forehead.

It was now nighttime and Zeal was being read a bedtime story. "And so, believing in their father's return, the two children lived in hope." Guila finishes, looking up to see Zeal sound asleep. "To be continued." She closes the book. "Big sister." Zeal says, tiredly. "Yes?" Guila asks. Zeal touches her bangs, which are very short. "They are short, does it bother you?" She asked Zeal. "No, I think it looks cute like that." Zeal says, taking his hand away from his sister's bangs. "Thanks." Guila says, giggling a bit. She gets up and blows out the candle, leaving Zeal to sleep.

In an alleyway - Night Time

"We should go throw some more rocks!" One of the kids say. "Nah, that's lame. This time, we should light the place up!" Another kid says. "Come on, don't you think that's going a bit too far?" The last kid asks. "Like it matters! Their old man is a traitorous Holy Knight!" The guy in green says. "Rumour has it that the big sister is a Holy Knight, too, but who knows?" The tall dude says. "Yeah and that Zeal brags about his sister every time he talks!" The one with the ugly face says. Guila was following behind them, without them knowing. "It's so annoying!" He continues. "So what do you think we should do to that shrimp next time, you guys?" The tall one asks. Blood splattered against the walls as Guila cleans any blood off her armour.

With Alan

"Alright, I'm heading out. Please be quiet in there." Alan tells the giant as he heads out. The giant stays quiet as little pieces of armour fall out.

With the group

"Captain, is this good?" Diane asks. You, Elizabeth, and Meliodas were standing on the pig, seeing windmills and open clearings. 'This place is peaceful. I'll have to explore in my own time.' You think to yourself, letting the breeze waft over you, making your (h/c) hair move around. Your eyes were closed as you were enjoying the breeze, but you could feel some stares. You open your eyes and see Diane, Elizabeth, and Meliodas staring at you. "Um, is there something on my face?" You ask them. They look away, blushing from how beautiful you looked from the wind. "Uh, there was a fly on you and it flew away!" Diane says. "Oh, well okay. But I didn't feel a fly." You say, mumbling the last part to yourself. "So, is this a good place, Meliodas?" Asking him. "Huh? Oh yeah, it's a little far from town, but we should be fine if we advertise!" Meliodas says, smiling. "Thanks Hawk's Mom!" Elizabeth says, thanking the giant pig. "Yeah, you did good." You tell the pig, while petting her. "Hey Diane, why don't you rest for a while? I'm sure you must be pretty tired from when you used your sacred treasure." You tell Diane. "Yeah, that would be nice. Alright, I'll get a little shut-eye before the tavern opens. Good night, you guys!" Diane says, laying on the ground and sleeping. "Night." You reply and head into the tavern with the others.

"All right! Why don't we get ready to open the tavern? Us guys will handle the food. Elizabeth, Y/n, why don't you guys go promote the tavern. And could you also buy some herbs?" Meliodas tells us. "Sure! But shouldn't Elizabeth wear something that could disguise her, since she is basically a wanted person now? And I need some new clothes." You say, still wearing what you wore from the explosion that nearly killed Elizabeth. "I agree with Y/N." Hawk says. "I mean Elizabeth is a wanted person now. And I'm sure the Holy Knights will be patrolling the town looking for her, as well as us. Maybe she should just stay here, while me and Y/N go get groceries." Hawk explains. "Nah, keeping her cramped inside will just dampen her mood. And besides, if anything happens to the two of you, I'll rush right over!" Meliodas smiles. Elizabeth is happy by that fact, but you blush knowing that he cares enough about you both to come and rescue you if there's any trouble. "That's great and all, but doesn't Elizabeth need a disguise and Y/N needing clothes?" Hawk asks. "Hm, alright then." Meliodas says, smiling devilishly. 'Oh dear.' You think to yourself. (Describe the outfits or find the pictures) "Village girl style!" Meliodas exclaims having both you and Elizabeth in an outfit that looked like something a villager girl would wear. "Minstrel style!" Having you and Elizabeth wear a big hat with a jewel. Your outfit had a blue cape and teal top with gold accents and dark blue shorts. You both were holding a lute with beautiful designs on it. "Traveling Dance Style!" You and Elizabeth were in revealing clothing that looked to be from Egyptian times. Honestly, you didn't think it was that bad. It wasn't as suffocating as the other outfits and your body could breathe, but it would cause too much attention. "That makes them stand out more!" Hawk complains, making you snap out of your trance. "Yeah, I think that I'll just stick with a shawl." Elizabeth says. "I guess so." Meliodas says, understanding. "What about you, Y/N?" Meliodas asks you. "Well, I kind of like it. It's not as suffocating as the other outfits, but it'll bring too much attention." You say, kind of sad. "Well, since you have to take it off, I'm sure you could use some help!" Meliodas says, trying to take off your skirt. Your face turns beet red and you hit him in the head. "I can take this off by myself!" You say, embarrassed. You grab Elizabeth by the wrist and you both head upstairs to her room and change. After a while, you both finished and went outside to say bye to others before leaving. Elizabeth was wearing the tavern uniform with a shawl covering her head while holding a basket. You were wearing the skirt of the tavern uniform and a bra. You weren't wearing any shoes and you decided that you didn't need a shawl because you weren't really well-known yet. "Well, we're leaving now." You say to Meliodas and Ban. "Alright, take care!" Meliodas says, waving you both off. You and Elizabeth turned around headed off to the town.

'Y/N's skirt looks tinier than usual. I can almost see their panties.' Meliodas says in his thoughts, blushing a bit. A yawn could be heard. "Do I really have to do this?" Ban asks, tiredly. "Ban, King!" Meliodas says, catching their attention. "Whoever catches the biggest animal is the winner!" This perks Ban up and interests King. "Winner of what?" King asks. "Winner of feeding Y/N what they caught and sleeping with her for tonight!" Meliodas answers. " I've got this!" Ban says, cracking his knuckles. "Hey, Captain? Where's your weapon? Are you gonna hunt barehanded?" King asks, thinking that it would be absurd to do so. "I'll make it work." Meliodas says, not caring much. "Heh! See you losers!" Ban yells, running off into the woods. "You're in the same boat!" Meliodas yells, going into the woods next. "Don't go too crazy, okay?" King says, going into the woods last.

With Elizabeth, you, and Hawk

Elizabeth looked back at the three males and heard what they said. She was a little mad that they were betting about sleeping with you, but also wondered something. "I'm a little curious. Has Sir Meliodas ever armed himself with a proper weapon?" She asks as she hangs a poster for the Boar Hat. "Beats me. I've never seen him carry one around since I've been with him." Hawk answers. "Hm, it's just that we've seen him carrying that broken blade until now." Elizabeth says, a bit worried but not really. "Elizabeth, Hawk, hide!" You yell to them, seeing Holy Knights on horses. You all hide behind bushes until they pass you. "Holy Knights from the kingdom." Elizabeth says, scared. "You think they found us already?" Hawk asks. "So Holy knights are bestowed with a beast-like sense of smell, eh?" A voice asks from behind you three. You three were startled and backed away from the person until you saw them. You relaxed a bit and sighed. "You gave us a fright there, Alan." You say, still a bit shaken up. "We thought you were a Holy Knight or something." "I apologize, but I saw that you three were playing hide and seek from the knights." He answers while smiling. "Oh, I should introduce myself. Hello, young lady. And, oinkity, oink, oink." Alan says, greeting Elizabeth and Hawk. You stifled a laugh from how he greeted Hawk. "You making fun of me or something?!" Hawk asks, outraged. "Oh, a pig who can speak like a person!" Alan says, a bit startled. "Yes, it is startling at first, isn't it? Although, Y/N didn't care that much." Elizabeth says, looking at you. "Hey, if I got transported to another world, a talking pig would be the least of my worries." You say, defending yourself. "Are the Holy Knights after you too?" You ask Alan.

"'You too?' Are they after you two and that creature?" Alan asks. "You know I can talk, so stop acting like I can't!" Hawk yells. "Calm down, Hawk!" Elizabeth says, trying to calm Hawk down.

With the boys

"Hey Ban! What do you think?" Meliodas says, holding up what he caught. "Sword wolves are mostly red meat, which means they are perfect for smoking!"

"Well, these rabbits taste great whether you fry, stew or boil 'em! And the broth you make from these guys is really good for the skin!" Ban says, showing multiple blue and white bunnies. "Even so, I think that I won the contest." Meliodas says. "A hopeless kitchen catastrophe with no taste buds.......who are you to talk?" Ban says. "Hey King, what did you catch...." Meliodas stops when he sees that King is sleeping on his floating pillow. "King!" Meliodas and Ban yell at him. "Time to wake up!" Ban says, holding King's nose rather harshly, making him wake up in pain. "Ban's right! We've been losing business, so we need a decent haul." Meliodas says while acting serious. "It's good enough." King says while holding his nose from the pain, making him have a nasally voice. "Isn't what you caught good enough?" "Nope, not enough!" Meliodas says. "As punishment, you can go catch something more awesome King!" Ban tells him.

"Why?" King complains. "Haven't you forgotten what we're playing for? Feeding Y/N and sleeping with her." Ban tells him, making King perk up. "I guess if I have to." King says while blushing.

A loud noise was heard, not too far away from the boys. "What was that?" King asks. "Couldn't have a bear, right?" "Maybe The God of the Mountain?" Ban asks. "Kind of sounds like Hawk moaning when he has the runs!" Meliodas says. Ban laughs from what he said, whacking King in the back a bit too hard. "What was that for?!" King asks, annoyed.

"Guess we should go check." Meliodas says, looking in the direction the noise came from.

With Elizabeth, you, Hawk, and Alan

"My name is Alan." Alan greets to Elizabeth and Hawk since you already met him. "I'm.." Elizabeth starts but gets cut off by Hawk. "Hold on, Elizabeth! Fugitives shouldn't go telling people their names!" Hawk tells her. "You're right, Hawk!" Elizabeth says. You put your hand on your face, sighing. 'You basically just told him your names, dummies.' You say in your thoughts.

"So, Elizabeth and Hawk?" Alan asks, checking to make sure he is correct. "I spilled our names! I'm so sorry, Elizabeth!" Hawk yells, while crying tears. "No, it's fine!" Elizabeth tells him. "It's good manners to share names. They are used in conservation, anyway." Alan explains. "But, Y/N didn't tell you her name." Hawk says. "That's because we already met." You explain. "It was when I was at the fighting festival, when I went with the boys before coming back to the tavern. We met at a book stall and he paid for a book for me since I didn't have any money." "That's correct." Alan says, looking at you. Suddenly, a poster comes flying and hits Alan in the face. You giggle a little before stopping. Alan looks at the poster then back at Elizabeth. "I can get money from you?" He asks, making Elizabeth and Hawk freak out. "Just kidding." He says which makes them calm back down. "Alan, do you need money for something?" Elizabeth asks. "I need glue to fix some armour." Alan explains. "Armour?" You ask, a bit confused on why he has armour. "Yes, but that's not as if that will really help." Alan says, a bit sad. "There's someone suffering and I don't know what I should do or what I should say. Or what kind of look I should have on my face. It's not written in any book." "What a weirdo." Hawk says, making you bonk him in the head, earning a yelp from him. "Well, I'm not sure why the person you care about is suffering, but try to understand why he is. And see if you can help him. I'm pretty sure the reason that this isn't written down in books is because something like this comes from the heart. You have to understand what that person is feeling in order to help or at least, have an understanding." You tell Alan. "I'm glad that you have someone you care about." "Hm, what do you mean?" Alan asks you. "Well, isn't this your lover?" You ask. "Lover.....that's someone who you have a deep feeling with. Do you happen to have someone like that?" Alan asks, hoping in his mind that your answer is no. You start to think back to a few times when everyone in the group was being nice, especially Meliodas. Your face turns red and you look down. "N-no!" You yell a bit, somewhat embarrassed. "I see, well, I don't think our relationship is like that." Alan says, thinking about what his relationship might be with the giant. "Well...could he be your friend?" Elizabeth asks. "A friend?" He asks. "Is that not right either?" Hawk asks. "A friend........A companion." Alan says, thinking more deeply about it. 'Maybe he is a friend.' He thinks in his mind.

With the boys

They came to a spot, seeing many dead bodies of knights, although one was still struggling for life. "Hey! Over there!" Meliodas says, running over to the man. "Hey! Hang in there!" He tells him. "What happened to you?" "The Roars of Dawn. They're responding to the attack." The man says weakly. "The monster....You have to stay away...From the armour-clad giant!" The man warns them before taking his last breath.

"Did he say armour-clad giant?" King asks. "What exactly the hell is that?" Ban asks. "Ban, King, we've found him." Meliodas says, serious. "It has to be him." He looks back at them. "Him?" Ban asks. "No way." King says in disbelief. "Yeah, it's Gowther the Goat Sin!"

The three start to run in the direction of where they sense Gowther's magical energy. "I can sense that he's close by." King tells them. "But he's not showing any signs of making a move!" Ban says next. "Well, be ready! The Roars of Dawn....I've heard a couple nasty rumours about them." Meliodas says. "Yeah, when I was on the Kingdom's side, I saw them a lot. Their one and only mission is to kill their targets. They're ruthless." King explains. "Ahahahaha, wouldn't have it any other way!" Ban laughs. "That just means I can go crazy on 'em!"

They arrive from the sky and stand in front of Gowther, making the Roars of Dawn move back. "Hey Gowther! You okay?" Meliodas asks the giant.

"Hey Slader, are they...?" A boy with grey hair and red armour asks. "No unnecessary thoughts or questions." A man with blue hair and an iron mask, known as Slader answers. He wears a ripped shirt and black pants. "Our job is to eradicate our target in silence. Concentrate."

"Captain..." King says. "Whoever moves first loses." Meliodas tells him. The two groups don't move for a few minutes, waiting for their opponent to make a move. "There you are! I apologize for being late." A voice says to the giant, making the three boys look behind them to see a boy with green hair. "I looked all over town, but I couldn't find any glue." He tells the giant. The green haired boy looks behind him to see people staring at him. "Hm? What is it?" He asks the three boys looking at him. "What is up with you?!" Ban exclaims. "Me? I'm just--" Alan is cut off by the giant shaking. "Afraid...Gowther......Afraid....." The giant tells the green haired boy while shaking. "Hey, easy!" The green haired boy tells him. "What the hell?" Ban asks, confused.

The giant screams and rises up, raising his fist. "Scatter!" Meliodas orders. The giant smashed his fist down to the ground, but nobody got hit. "Kill him." Slader orders and the Roars of Dawn go in for the attack, but they get knocked away by Meliodas. Slader charges for Meliodas and Meliodas charges at him. 'This guy's strong.' Meliodas realizes when his head gets slammed to the ground by Slader. "Run Gowther!" Meliodas yells, but the giant does not listen. The lady with short blonde hair conjures an electric whip and catches the giant's hand before it comes down, while the grey haired boy and the knight in all armour hits the giant while he is tied. "Prepare for the second wave." The knight in all armour says. "Above you!" The woman warned him. A staff came down in front of him. "Sorry to do this, but I'm turning you to stone till the dust settles." King tells the knight. "Simon!" The knight tells the grey haired boy who cuts off the stoned limb. King gets tied by the whip that the lady has. "You can stay there until this all settles down." She tells him.

"It's my turn next." Slader says, letting go of Meliodas and running toward the giant. "As if I'd let you!" Meliodas yells. "Let me." Simon says, standing in front of Meliodas with his sword. Slader backflips onto the giant, putting his sword onto the giant's shoulder and cutting away at the armour.

Ban finds an archer on top of a rock ledge, hitting his neck but is met with nothing. "An illusion!" Ban says, surprised. "Too bad." The archer says. "Charging complete and now it's mission accomplished." He fires the arrow and it hits the giant, causing a huge explosion. "NO!" Meliodas yells.

The dust and light settled, showing a new person. This person caught the arrow just in time. "What had just transpired, none of those present could comprehend.....And like a corpse, the man just quietly waited for time to pass." The person said, while everyone looked at him. "For the arrow that would be hurled from his blind side at full strength....The price for breaking the seal will be steep.....humans."

"Did he say...seal?" Slader asks. "Wait a sec, the way you talk sounds like! And that symbol on your chest.....Don't tell me!" Meliodas says. "Yes, my true form is..." The green haired boy says, having his hair change to a different color. King, Meliodas, and Ban are shocked from what they were seeing.

"A member of the Seven Deadly Sins....Gowther the Goat Sin of Lust." The magenta haired boy confessed.

(I do not own any of the pictures or the video! All the outfits that Meliodas dressed you and Elizabeth in are the same, but the color and any accessories you want to add are your's to choose.) (Don't forget to comment and vote, plz!)

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