From one night to life

Da Andyerobertbr

26.5K 1.7K 375

What can happen when one night totally changes the story of two people who are passionate about their work an... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 -Christmas special
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81 - Special Christmas
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94

Chapter 22

283 18 3
Da Andyerobertbr

Andy was surprised by the number of call attempts on her cell phone. Call attempts from the cell phone of Maya, Vic, Travis, and a person she didn't expect: Ryan Tanner.

Ryan had been her best friend since childhood. He was the person Andy trusted most in her life. He was a police officer and a few years ago he was working in San Diego.

Despite the distance, Andy always counted on his friendship and it was not uncommon for them to spend hours talking on the phone. But in recent months, these calls had reduced in frequency. It had been a few months since Ryan and Andy had spoken, not since last Christmas, when he went to Seattle to celebrate with his mother. That was the last time the friends met.

Not only had Ryan tried to call Andy several times, he'd also left a message asking her to call him urgently on his cell. That message worried Andy. She knew Ryan so deeply, she knew he wouldn't leave a message like that if the matter wasn't extremely serious.

So Andy got off the plane, got her bags and still inside the airport called Ryan.

Andy: Ryan, how are you? What was there?

Ryan: Andy, I was on a call with the 19 team when your dad got sick and...

Andy: What do you mean, are you in Seattle? What happened to my father? Where is he?

Ryan: Yes. I returned to live here in Seattle. Our teams were working together and... your father... Well, he went into cardiac arrest inside a burning house. Firefighters at 19 had a hard time resuscitating him and getting him out. Now he's at Gray Sloan. He's sedated, but he's fine. I have him in the room.

Andy was apprehensive at the news that her father was hospitalized. She had a feeling that something bad was coming and at that moment, all she wanted was to go to the hospital and see the real situation of her father. However, she would take a taxi and it was impossible to go straight to the hospital with the amount of bags she had.

Andy: I'll leave my bags at home and go straight to the hospital. Please Ryan, don't leave my father alone.

Ryan: Of course I won't leave him alone. You know Pruit is like a father to me too.

Ryan's father has always been a terrible father. So Ryan grew up hanging out at Pruit's house and playing at the station with Andy. Because of this, he had a special affection for Pruit and felt like a member of the family.

While waiting for Andy to arrive, Ryan remained by his neighbor's side the entire time.

Ryan: Come on Pruit, you can get through this. You are our hero. You always come out of the worst situations alive. Andy and I need you.

Andy got to the bedroom and heard what her friend was saying. She was startled to see her father intubated. The sight of Pruit in bed gave her tachycardia and increased her breathing rate. She was panicked by what she saw.

Ryan realized she had arrived and tried to control her.

Ryan: Andy, calm down. He is fine. He's just recovering. He looks at me and breathes with me, okay? Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.

Andy calmed down and then approached her father.

Andy: Papi, I'm here with you. It's gonna be okay.

She sat in the chair and held hands with her father, while Ryan stood next to her, giving her some comfort.

A few minutes later, Dr. Bailey entered the room.

Bailey: Hi Andy. Unfortunately I don't have good news.

Andy: What's up with my dad? Don't hide anything from me.

Bailey: When Captain Herrera entered the hospital today, we believed he had suffered a cardiac arrest due to smoke inhalation. But now we have the test results and we find out that your father has cancer.

Ryan held Andy's shoulders tight so she wouldn't feel alone.

Bailey: We're still going to run some tests to plan treatment, but it looks like we'll need to start chemotherapy this week. I will leave you with him for another 30 minutes, but he will be transferred to the ICU and no companions will be able to stay. It will be the best for us to monitor it.

Andy: I ​​don't want to leave my dad here alone.

Bailey: Andy, I'll be here all night. Any changes I will call you myself. But now, he needs to be alone so he can rest.

Andy agreed to Dr. Bailey. When the doctor left the room, Andy hugged Ryan tightly and cried everything she had been holding since she learned what happened to her father..

Andy: Ryan, I can't lose my dad.

Ryan: Calm down Andy. Let's have faith. He'll have chemotherapy and everything will be fine. Now we need to let him rest. I take you home.

Andy kissed her father on the forehead and went home with Ryan. When they got home, Andy made them a snack while they talked.

Andy: When did you arrive in Seattle?

Ryan: I've been living here since last week.

Ryan paused and asked:

Ryan: Since when does Andrea Herrera travel to another country unaccompanied? Or rather, since when does Andrea Herrera travel?

Andy chuckled because he'd been waiting for that question.

Andy: Funny how I expected this question from you. It was just a trip to relax. As you know, I'm the type of person who never takes a vacation and I felt like I needed to do something different. I always work a lot and I just wanted to have a few days to dedicate to myself.

Ryan didn't quite believe what she was saying. He knew her better than he knew himself and he knew she was getting tangled up in arguments. But he chose not to question her. He respected Andy, and whatever it was she was keeping to herself, she would tell him whenever she felt like it. He just wished that all was well with his friend and that she had had happy days during the trip, as now she was going to face intense days with Pruit's illness.

They continued talking for a while longer, but realizing it was already too late, Ryan got up to leave.

Ryan: It's late and you need to rest. I'll go home and anything you need, call me.

Andy: Ryan, can you stay here with me tonight? I'm afraid they'll call me from the hospital to give me bad news. I don't have the strength to be alone today.

Ryan approached Andy and gave her a hug.

Ryan: Of course I am.

Ryan had always loved Andy and having her in his arms, the urge to kiss him was overwhelming.

Ryan: You and Jack...

Andy: Me and Jack don't have anything else.

Andy couldn't say about Robert, but she understood what Ryan was up to with that question. She needed her friendship, but not in the way he wanted.

Ryan grabbed Andy's face to kiss her, but was interrupted by the sound of Andy's cell phone ringing.

Andy took out her cell phone and saw that it was a call from Robert. Since she arrived in town, she still hadn't even texted him. She wanted to take the call and tell him everything she was going through. Ryan was her best friend, but Robert was her love and confidant. However, she couldn't talk to him in Ryan's presence, so she chose not to answer him.

Ryan: Aren't you going to answer?

Andy: Not now. This matter can wait.

Andy looked at Ryan and decided she couldn't give him hope that they would be together.

Andy: Ryan, me and Jack don't have anything else, but that doesn't mean there will be anything between you and me, okay. You're my best friend. You are one of the most important people in my life. You are the person I know will be by my side in any situation, just as I will always be by your side. But I can offer you nothing but our friendship.

Ryan: All right. I get it. Well, let's go to sleep. It's late.

Andy went to her room and Ryan slept in Pruit's room.

Alone in the room, Andy texted Robert.


"Hi my love, I'm sorry I didn't answer your call. My world came crashing down when I got to Seattle and I couldn't talk to you before. My father is in the hospital. While I was on the plane, he had a cardiac arrest and now tonight he has been diagnosed with cancer. Now I'm home and I'm going to try to sleep."


"Andy, my love, your hunch was right and I said it was just longing. I can imagine your pain and all I wanted was to be able to wrap you in my arms and be your support. I hate the distance between us. Rest and tomorrow we will talk better. If in any way I can help you, let me know how and I will spare no effort."


"You can't imagine how much you already help me by offering your love. I know I can count on you, but right now, there's nothing you can do. Good night Robert. I love you."


"Good night my beautiful. Love you too. Much."

The only reason Andy was able to sleep that night was due to fatigue and the jet lag caused by the trip he had taken.

The next morning, Ryan scheduled himself to wake up before Andy did. He knew she was so worried, he'd forget to eat breakfast before visiting Pruit in the hospital. So when Andy woke up, Ryan had already set the table for her to eat.

Ryan: Good morning!

Andy: Good morning!

Ryan: Did you get any sleep?

Andy: Only because she was exhausted from the long hours of travel. But my head is still racing with thoughts about my father's cancer. What if my father's cancer is not treatable? What if he doesn't resist? Ryan, I can't lose my dad.

Ryan: Calm down Andy. We'll be at the hospital in a little while and Dr Bailey will probably have more information. Now she come eat.

Andy: I'm not hungry. I want to go to the hospital soon.

Ryan: Your dad needs you healthy, so sit here and eat.

Ryan pushed her into a chair, forcing her to eat. She ended up giving in and eating some bread and drinking some coffee.

When she arrived at Grey Sloan, Andy found her father awake and unintubated. He had had a good improvement during the night and the device became unnecessary. Andy was happy to see him. She ran to the edge of the bed and hugged him.

Andy: Papi, are you okay?

Pruit: Yes hija. I'm strong.

Andy: I ​​know you are. But never give us that scare again, ok?!

Pruit: Let's change that subject. Tell me about your trip.

Andy knew her father well and knew he didn't like to look frail or sick. So, she temporarily agreed to talk about her trip. She told him about the beautiful places she visited in Brazil. She had set aside some pictures where Robert did not appear, to show him.

A few hours later, Dr Bailey entered the room.

Bailey: Captain Herrera, I'm glad you're feeling better. We already talked a little bit when I got the tube out, but we need to talk about your cancer treatment.

Pruit was silent listening to what Dr Bailey had to say.

Bailey: Chemotherapy will be an exhausting process. You will feel symptoms like nausea, weakness, vomiting, hair loss and others. We cannot guarantee that you will be cured, but at the moment this is the best option for us to save your life. I am optimistic that we will achieve good results. If you agree with the treatment, we will start this week.

Pruit: I don't want to spend my last days like a sick old man.

Andy: Dad, Dr Bailey is saying that she's optimistic and that this is your best option. Do this treatment.

Pruit: And the station? Who will take care of its? For me to do this treatment, I will have to retire.

Andy: It's not time to think about the station. We all need the lord alive. Please accept the treatment. Do that for me.

Pruit still tried to resist the treatment for a while, but Andy convinced him.

Pruit: Okay. I agree.

Andy stayed in the hospital a little longer, but she needed to go to the station to talk to Chief Ripley about her father's retirement.

Ryan offered to keep Pruit company, which reassured Andy.

She went to the station where she saw her friends. Everyone was happy to see her, but they were also worried about Pruit.

Travis: Good to see you again Herrera.

Maya: I didn't want to confess, but you were missed by the team.

Andy: I'm glad to be back despite everything that's been going on. Thank you for taking care of my father for me. You are like children to him too and I would not have been able to leave without being able to count on the help of each one of you. So thank you very much.

Vic: We're a family, Andy. You can always count on our help.

Dean: Andy, glad you're back. But we need news from our Captain.

Andy: My father was diagnosed with cancer. He's going to start chemotherapy and because of that, he's retiring.

Everyone was upset by the news. They were very fond of Pruit and could never have imagined Station 19 without him.

Jack: And who will assume the captain's rank? Me or you? Since we're both the 19th lieutenants.

Andy: That will be defined by Chief Ripley. He has already been informed of my father's retirement and will come here to talk to us. But honestly, I'm not worried about that. I'm just worried about my dad. It's his treatment that I want to think about now.

Ben: Calm down Andy. I talked to Miranda and she told me that the captain has a good chance of recovering and she wouldn't say that if it weren't true.

Andy: Thank you Ben. I trust Dr Bailey's work.

That same day, Chief Ripley summoned Andy and Jack to a meeting.

Lucas: As you two already know, Captain Herrera is retiring to take care of his health. With the two of you being Station 19's lieutenants, you'll both have a good chance of a promotion. The race for the captaincy will feature other contenders, but I'm placing my hopes on both of you. 10 applicants are allowed to apply and I have already added the names of you two. 19 is a family and I would like not to put a stranger to drive this station. So please don't let me down.

Andy: I'll make my best boss.

Jack: Me too.

Lucas: As long as there is no official captain at 19, the two of you will take over as interim captains, alternating command each turn. Herrera, I know you've always helped your father with his office tasks and I tell it about your experience in conducting the administrative part of 19.

Andy: Alright boss. You can count on me.

As soon as they left the office, Andy ran to her dorm and called Robert.

Andy: Hi my love, how are you?

Robert: How are you? How is your father?

Andy: I'm better. Many things have been happening since I arrived from Brazil. My father is doing better too, but he will be undergoing aggressive cancer treatment. Therefore, he will retire.

Robert: I'm sorry about your father. I am very sorry for all that you and your father are going through, but I am hopeful that he will recover soon.

Andy: Thank you. Chief Ripley put me in the running for Captain 19. Also, Jack and I will be taking over the station until the new captain is chosen.

Robert: That's wonderful. You deserve this position and I know you are capable of earning it.

Andy: I've dreamed of this role since I was a kid, but right now, all I wanted was to be able to focus on my father's treatment. Being by his side and being able to take care of him.

Robert heard the anguish in Andy's voice and fell silent.

Andy: You know... it's so weird to be this close to a dream and not want it. I'm going to dedicate myself to getting the job just because I don't want a stranger to take over at 19. Jack is also running, but I've always helped my dad and I feel better prepared to take over the station. So I need to do my best to be the chosen one.

Robert: I know it's not been easy for you, but I know you're a strong woman and you'll get through this. And in whatever you need my help, I will spare no effort to help you. I can try to anticipate my trip to Seattle.

Andy: I ​​know you'll be there for me when I need you and I won't deny that I'd like that, but it's no use coming to Seattle. I'll be splitting between work shifts, trials for the captain's position, and in all my free time, I want to be by my father's side, taking care of him. So we wouldn't have many moments together. You don't have to sacrifice your work for me.

Robert: Okay, but then, do you promise that if you need help, you'll call me?

Andy: I ​​promise.

Andy hung up the phone and was about to leave her dorm when she saw that Jack was about to knock on her door.

Jack: Can we talk?

Andy: Of course we do.

Jack: I'm sorry I spoke earlier about the captain's rank as if it were more important than your father's health. That was not my intention.

Andy: It's okay Jack. I wasn't upset about it.

Jack was getting closer and closer to Andy and now had a soft voice.

Jack: Well, I think we'll be working partners for the next few days and it would be nice if we let us get closer again.

Andy: I ​​never asked you to walk away from me as a friend.

Jack: I'm not saying to get close as friends. Andy, I still have feelings for you and...

Andy: And what Jack? I already told you that what happened between us is in the past.

Jack took Andy's arm, pulling her close to him.

Jack: I don't know why you're acting like this. You always liked our bubble. You looked for me and I satisfied all your desires. You are alone and I am the ideal guy for you. Even your father has already said he supports us.

Andy: I ​​won't discuss this with you again. You already know my decision and I have more important matters to attend to.

Andy left and left Jack behind.

Andy was released from that shift so she could sleep with her father in the hospital, and the next day she would take over the station.

She had already helped her father several times, but being responsible for the running of the station would be the first time. So she was anxious and took advantage of the night with her father to get some advice.

The next morning, Andy left the hospital very early. She didn't want to leave her father alone, but there was no other option as all her friends, including Ryan, would be working that day.

When Andy arrived at her house, she hurried in. She needed a shower and she didn't have much time for that. She couldn't be late on her first day as acting captain.

Ryan saw her arriving and, even though he was leaving for work, he decided to go talk to his friend and find out about Captain Herrera.

Ryan: Hey Andy. How is your father?

Andy: My dad is fine. Dr Bailey should clear him to go home tomorrow.

Ryan: And you? How are you?

Andy: I'm tired, but I'm fine. I'm in a big hurry. I can't be late for my first day as acting captain. I need a shower and I haven't even fed yet.

Ryan: Go to your shower and I'll fix you something to eat in the meantime. I still have some time until my shift starts.

Andy: I ​​appreciate it.

Andy went to the bathroom and Ryan went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Andy's doorbell rang, and since she was showering, Ryan answered it.

Delivery man: Flowers for Andrea Herrera.

Ryan received the flowers. It was a bouquet of red roses with a card inside an envelope. Ryan wondered who had sent those flowers to Andy.

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