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By Odile_theblackswan

222K 5.3K 2.3K

๐„๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐š ๐€๐ฅ๐ข๐œ๐ž ๐๐ฅ๐š๐œ๐ค. ๐€ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ๐œ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ค๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ž๐ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ซ๐ž๐›๐ฎ๐ข๐ฅ๐ญ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฐ๐ข๏ฟฝ... More

Aurthors note
Love Letters
1.0 Visitors at Breakfast
1.1 Vistors at Breakfast pt 2
1.2 Aunt Marge
1.4 Platform 9 3/4
1.5 Common rooms
1.6 Omens of Death and Hippogriffs
1.7 The Biggest Fear
1.8 Neville and Alice have a moment
1.9 Fat Lady gets attacked
1.10 The Quidditch Match๏ฟผ
1.11 Information Uncovered
1.12 The Black Break in
1.13 The Prisoner, Werewolf, and Seven Teens
New Guests
2.0 Down the Rabbit Hole
2.1 "๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜Œ๐˜บ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฅ๐˜ช๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜‰๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜š๐˜ฏ๐˜ข๐˜ฑ!"
Lots of incorrect quotes-not chapter
2.2 The Red Queen
2.3 Hatter
2.3- The walk
2.4- Meeting the Caterpillar
2.5- Break
Short snippits because i can
2.6- A Failed Rescue Mission
2.7- "All the Best People Are"
2.8- This Place Isn't a Dream
2.9- The Final Battle
Calm before the storm
Not a chapter
3.2~The Dark Mark
3.3~ Back to Hogwarts
3.4~ Three Schools, One Winner
3.5~ No funerals
3.6~ Blazers, Threats, and Dragons Delight
3.7~ The first task
3.8~ Castor
3.9~ "Gorgeous"

1.3 The Leaky Cauldron

10.6K 289 79
By Odile_theblackswan

It's unedited btw

[Camera moves in to show Cooper and Harry walking down Magnolia Street at night]

Harry and Cooper are shown walking along until Harry suddenly stops and looks around. "Dude are you checking for monsters? Come on let's go figure out where the fuck we're headed." Cooper was saying until a creaking noise comes from chains on the swing set in the nearby playground. Beside the playground was a carousel that was slightly spinning from the wind.

"What are you shits still doing there!? Leave goddamn it!" "Calm down darling I'm literally right here." "Don't tell me to calm down I can yell at you idiots all I want."

The other habitants of the great hall stared at the couple who seemed to be some what fighting. "Are they always like this?" Remus whispered to Hermione seeing that she seemed the most sane of the group. "Not really Alice can be really calm but Cooper ya no that's him almost always." "Got it thanks."

"Alice is right you two are idiots, Harry would be the first to go in a horror movie though." Ginny told the twins who looked at her with matching looks of betrayal.

Harry turned to look at the swings, not bothering to reply to Cooper. Both of them turn to the street and look across it. In the shadows was something big with wide gleaming eyes. "Hey Coop" "Hmm" "You see the weird shadow thing too right?" "Nope that's there." The two draw their wands as Harry steps back tripping over his trunk.

Sirius started to laugh at his godson before realizing he was the only one who was and stopped.

A blinding white light appears on the screen as Cooper lets out a girly shriek. A purple double decker bus comes into view. It has big gold letter on the side that read The Night Bus. The doors to the bus open to show Stan Shunpike in a wrinkled uniform. "Welcome to the Night Bus. Emergency transport for stranded witches and wizards. I'm Stan Shunpike and I'll be your conductor this evening. Why is he on the ground?" Stan asked Cooper who was standing there with disheveled hair and wide eyes. "I fell over." Harry deadpanned. "Wha' cho do that for?" Cooper was failing to stop his laughter as Harry said, "I didn't do it on purpose."

"Now that I think about it mate you do fall a lot of the time." Ron said to Harry and was returned with a lighthearted glare.

"Well come on then." Stan grabbed both the boys trunks. Once aboard you could see that there were no seats but beds instead. There were few others onboard. "Whatcha say your names were again?" Stan asked the two who glanced toward each other quickly to see if their scars were covered. "I'm Neville Longbottom and this is my best mate Ronald Wheatley." Harry told him before sitting down on the closest bed.

"Did you say Longbottom?" Frank Longbottom asked Harry. "He did you have a son named Neville he's a Hufflepuff. He is also one of the sweetest people on the planet and he makes great herbal tea." Alice started to rant about one of her closest Hufflepuff buddy's. "Who's the mother?" Alice Fortescue said with a hopeful look toward her boyfriend. "You are miss." Luna replied in her dreamy voice.

"Wait did you use my name for Cooper?" Ron asked a suspicious looking Harry. "I mean sort of I changed the last name a bit though." "Geez thanks mate I knew you loved me." "Oh shove off"

"Where are you off to?" "Leaky Cauldron please" Cooper told the driver before sitting next to Harry holding onto the beds poles that were keeping it standing. Almost ten minutes into the ride Cooper spotted a copy of the Daily Prophet that had a man with bushy, tattered hair and dark eyes. "Who's that?" He asked Stan, "Who is that? You don't know who that is? It's Sirius Black, you mean to tell me you haven't heard about him?"

James had no words left to say as Sirius began tearing up. "Sirius I'm sure there's a reasonable answer as to why your on the cover-" "LOOK AT MY HAIR! ITS RUINED WHAT WAS FUTURE ME THINKING!?" He exclaimed as Remus shook his head at his boyfriend wondering why he was like this.

Regulus looked physically hurt by the screen as he reached up to touch his curly brown locks causing Evan Rosier and Bellatrix to laugh at him.

The twins shook their heads, "He's a murder that got himself locked up in Azkaban. Somehow escaped no one knows how. I reckon he was in league with You Know Who, bet you know him at least." "You could say that we know about him pretty well." Cooper joked before getting elbowed in the ribs.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Bellatrix practically yelled, "Sirius supporting the Dark Lord? He would chop all his hair off before he joined him." "Is it bad that I kind of like young Bella?" Alice whispered to Cooper to get a look of confused.

Then another bus came toward the Night Bus but before Harry could yell out, the bus started to squeeze down and go through the small gap in the two buses.

"Bloody hell that looks like your guys are getting squashed." Narcissa told her family around her. "Oh my gosh Gin look it's Cissy." "She doesn't look that different in the future either, maybe we should talk to her. You guys are related right?" "Of course we're related she's also my godmother so."

"But wouldn't the muggles-" Cooper started to ask, "Them! They can't listen properly or see properly can they now. Never notice nuffink, they don't."
The bus is shown speeding down the road before it comes to a stop. Tom, the owner of the leaky cauldron starts to come outside. "Potters at last"
Cooper and Harry carry their trunks inside to a quiet pub. The two get led upstairs into a room with two beds, inside the room was a snowy owl. "Hedwig!" Harry exclaimed letting her fly to his shoulder and nibble on his ear. "That's a smart owl you got there Mr Potter. She arrived only minutes before you did." Tom told the two before stepping out of the room leaving them with Cornelius Fudge.

"Eww not him" Ginny made a face at the man on the screen.

"He was the rudest minister ever"

"Allie what about the vamp?"

"Never mind Mione your right once again."

"I should tell you two that your uncles sister has been located and her memory has been modified, she has memory of the event happening. So that's that, and no harm done." "But we broke the law minister. You aren't allowed to do magic at home underage-" "Harry shut up now, are you trying to get us expelled?" Cooper said through clenched teeth. "Now come on boys, the ministry doesn't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts. On the other hand running away like that was clearly irresponsible."

"Why is this minister trying to tell you what's irresponsible or not, your not his kids." James said protectively not wanting to be replaced by some minister that was clearly balding.

"State of things?" Cooper asked confused. "We have a killer on the loose and can't have you two running around." "Sirius Black you mean, we'll what's he got to do with me, sorry us?" Harry said as Cooper stepped on his foot rather hard.

"I'm still more worried about my hair than the whole killer thing to be honest." Sirius told his friends, Alice overheard him and said, "Don't worry Uncle Siri the black madness was bound to catch up with us at some point." Sirius smiled at his niece before realizing that he was her uncle. "MERLINS BALLS IM A UNCLE!" "Yes you are Siri now please stop yelling." Remus told his boyfriend as he was drawing stars shapes onto his leg. "Wait Alice did you say us?" Ron asked looking at his girlfriend for guidance "If you have figured out that I'm crazy by now then you shall later on."

"Oh that's nothing you two should worry about, in the meantime tomorrow you two will be off to Hogwarts. These are your books I made sure to bring them here for you. Also it would be best for you two to not wander." After Fudge left Cooper tries to open a book that has a belt wrapped around it. The book leaps over and starts snapping at his ankles, causing him to jump onto a bed. The book makes a roaring sound from under the bed and Cooper grabs the belt to try and reshut the book. Harry is sitting on his bed petting Hedwig watching the free entertainment.

James and Sirius start laughing so much that they are on the floor choking on air. Remus and Lily roll their eyes at the two along with the older pure blood folks.

A knock on the door is heard, "Housekeeping" as the girl tries to open the door a gush of wind comes out along with papers the monster book scattered. "I'll come back later" the poor girl said as she rushed away from their room.


The next morning an orange cat is seen running past Harry's legs toward a rat as he is walking down the stairs.

The future people all glare at the rat including Luna which shocked most people. James looked toward Peter and then back at the screen confused.

"I'm warning you Hermione. Keep that bloody cat away from my rat or I'll turn him into a tea cozy!" Ron's voice is heard yelling from in the pub. "He's a cat, Ronald! It's in his nature." Harry is at the bottom of the steps watching his two best friends argue as they both try and separate their pets. "A cat! Is that what they told you? It looks more like a pig of hair if you ask me." "That's rich coming from the owner of a smelly old shoe brush. It's all right Crookshanks, just ignore the mean little boy." She told the cat she was cradling. Both of them turn to see Harry watching them and smile at their friend. Cooper comes down the stairs with messed up hair and half closed eyes. "Are they married yet?" He mumbled tiredly, the two give him matching looks of disgust.

"You two are together now correct?" Marlene asked and received blush's from both of the two that she took as a yes.

"You don't know the amount of time we've had to deal with their married couple bicker." Ginny told the beautiful blonde girl who was making her have a gay panic.

"I see you have a thing for blondes there Gin. No wonder you would always run away from me." Alice whispered to her blushing friend.

Ron pulls a newspaper clippings out of his pocket. It's reads: "𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝚅𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝙴𝚐𝚢𝚙𝚝" with a picture of the whole Weasley family, in the middle is Ron with Scabbers on his shoulder. As Harry looks over the clipping Hermione talks to Cooper about Alice asking whether or not he had heard from her. "Egypt! What's it like?" Harry asked to a very proud Ronald. "Brilliant. It's got loads of stuff. Mummies. Death makers. Tombs-" "You know ancient Egyptians of the Nile River delta worshiped the cat goddess Bast." Hermione smugly told Ron who ignored her. "I got a new wand too." Then a noise is heard and Fred and George walk in the room along with their parents, Percy, and Ginny with purchases from Diagon Alley. "Not flashing that clipping off are you?" George said to his younger brother, "I haven't shown anyone!" "No of course not, unless you count Tom, the day maid, the night maid, the cook, that bloke that came to fix the toilet, the wizard from Belgium....." Fred cut in and said.

"They look exactly like my brothers!" Molly Weasley said surprised. "That's not where the resemblance stops." Luna told her, "They act alike as well."

Mrs. Weasley takes Hold of Harry's face and then Coopers with a soft smile on her face. "It's good to see you two." They responded at the same time with, "Its good to see you as well Mrs Weasley."

"Is Alice still at her boarding school?" Mr Weasley asked Cooper, "Ya, I've been sending her letters with Knight but he's still with her I think."

"Do you stay at that school all summer?" Her dad asked her and was happy when she finally looked him in the eyes. "Yes, I stay there all summer." She responded thinking that one little white lie won't hurt anything. Cooper leaned down to her ear and playfully bite it gently whispering, "So all the times you've snuck out to see me was still you staying there?"

Regulus was watching the two with red eyes. "Reggie your metamorphmangus is showing. You look like the devil." Narcissa told him not used to seeing her younger cousin look so demon like. "Well then he should separate from her, he's too close they can converse from further apart." Lucius along with Bella was laughing at him.

Author pulled the twins to the side away from anyone else and said, "I need to tell you both something and then you need to pass it along to Alice. Some ministry officials think that you shouldn't know but I feel the need to tell you because I believe that you both are in grave danger. What do you both know about Sirius Black?" "He has the worst hair ever, can't pose for a picture, oh and he escape Azkaban which he was in since he killed someone." Cooper said with a slight smirk.

"EXCUSE YOU! I HAVE FLAWLESS HAIR, AND I CAN TOO POSE. THATS JUST THE WRONG ANGLE!" Sirius yelled once again to be hushed by Remus hand over his mouth.

"Don't be a smart arse Coop." "Thirteen years ago, when you two stopped...." "Voldemort" they both said at the same time unbothered.

"I still personally think that it should have been something else. All the guy did was move around some letters, this isn't tiny child school." Alice announced to the others making plenty of people laugh.

"You both know I hate it when you say-never mind. In Blacks mind, only you two stand in his way of you-know-who returning to power. He wants to get to Alice because he's her uncle. He's trying to find you both and..." "Kill us? I feel like everyone does in one way or another." "I want you both to swear that whatever you hear you won't go looking for Black and that you keep Alice away from him." "Why would we look for someone that wants to kill us? They come to us were killer attracters." Author claps his hands on their shoulders, "Just make sure your safe."

"James I swear that I don't want to kill them I would never try to kill them I promise. Reggie I wouldn't...I wouldn't.." Sirius began to ramble over his words not realizing that his younger brother stood in front of him. "It's fine I know you wouldn't." Regulus told him before grasping his older brother into a hug. The others all looked away letting them have a moment.


Cooper is shown sleeping in his bed before the camera moves toward his head signaling that they were in his dreams. In the dream Cooper had stolen one of Dudley's old bikes and started to bike away from the Dursleys. After what seems like hours he fell off the bike and ran toward the back of a humongous building.

"Wait is that Alice's boarding school?" Ginny questioned only to be responded with a muffled maybe.

He picked up a pebble and threw it at a window hoping that she was in the room. Sure enough a younger girl with blonde hair and blueish green eyes opened the window looking down to see a panting Cooper Potter. "Give me one minute to get down." Sure enough a minute or two later Alice jumped from her window, rolling before she hit the ground. Which was a strange sight because of her blue dress she was wearing. The two joined hands and began walking in the woods.

"Wait wait wait when was this?" His twin asked confused about the timing of all of this. "We were both ten and had met a few times months before."

"I have something to show you." Cooper told her as he began to run in the woods coming to a more open part of the woods. He started to look around as Alice spun in circles watching her dress poof out around her with a wide smile.

"You look so happy." Hermione noted, "I was boarding school is formal and stiff most of the time."

Cooper suddenly stared walking away causing her to run after him to find the boy in a giant hedge holding out his hand. Trusting him, she takes it and gets pulled into the hedges. Once through they saw a gate, racing toward it they started to climb up and jump onto the other side.

"You did all of that in those flats?" "Yep"

The two walk into the abandoned mansion wandering around until Cooper grabbed a box of matches and lit a candle. He put it near a stone lion causing her to jump. The two continued to search through the house finding old junk. Cooper sat up in his bed thinking about his memory's.

"Aww you two were so cute together." Dorcas told them then whispering to Lilly that she needs to talk to her future daughter-in-law.

Authors note:
Hellloooo hope you like my longish chapter.
Do you prefer me making shorter chapters but more or bigger chapters but less. The dream scene was basically parts of the scene in greatest showman when they're younger because I love that movie.

My babies are so cute when they're young

Harry: how long does it take to start seeing hallucinations from sleep deprivation?
Hermione: I think-
Alice: Seventy Two hours
Hermione: how do you know that exactly?
Alice: there's a dancing clown behind you

Cooper: if I run and jump at Willy, he will almost definitely catch me
Cooper: *starts to run at him*
William: *drops coffee to catch him*
Alice: honestly Rina, let's ditch them and get together
Sabrina: we can date each other, let's go

Sabrina: "knowledge" is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; "wisdom" is not putting it in a fruit salad
Blaise: that was deep
Cooper: "philosophy" is wondering if that means ketchup is a smoothie
Theo: that was deeper
Alice: "common sense" is knowing that ketchup isn't a bloody smoothie you nasties

Random person: did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
Alice: *looking around* you mean me?
Random: yes you beautiful
Alice: sooo are you calling me satan?
Rando: wwhat?
Alice: satan fell from heaven into hell so your calling me satan but to answer your question no it did not hurt because I started off in hell to begin with
Cooper: I'm in love

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