Scarlett's Daughter Book Two...

By scarlettsbitxh

31.1K 874 26

It has been a 2 years since Scarlett and Elizabeth got full custody of the two little girls, what the girl's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 8

987 30 0
By scarlettsbitxh

July 2017

Scarlett's POV:

Me and Elizabeth have organised to go to the Bahama's with the girls as a little getaway as we all need it.

It is 4am and we have to be at the airport for 6:30am, we are going to wake the girls up in 30 minutes just so they can sleep a little longer as we don't want them to be grumpy.

We double check all of the bags before putting them in the car and then we both go and shower and change into something comfy to sit on the plane for a few hours.

I go and wake up Melanie while Elizabeth wakes up Rose, I walk into Melanie's room and see her fast asleep cuddled up to her teddy bear.

I kneel down beside her bed and gently stroke her cheek to wake her up, she groans and opens her eyes slightly to see my face and then she extends her arms for me to pick her up.

I gently lift her up and into my arms, "We are going to the airport in a little bit to go on holidays baby!"I whisper excitedly while bouncing Melanie up and down a little bit, she smiles and rests her head on my shoulder still tired.

I smile and bring her over to her closet and grab out a little tracksuit for her to wear before changing her, I brush her hair and put it into a high ponytail and then put a pink bow in her hair to match her tracksuit.

I grab her hand and start to walk out of the room with Melanie beside me, she is holding her teddy bear in her other hand while we walk downstairs.

I see Rose and Elizabeth sitting on the couch so I bring Melanie over to them, "Hey honey, Melanie you look amazing baby girl"Elizabeth greets me and then turns to look at Melanie.

Melanie smiles and climbs onto the couch and snuggles into her mommy's side while Elizabeth wraps her arm around our eldest daughter.

I smile at my three favourite girls until I feel a little tug on my hand, I see Melanie bringing my hand into hers making me smile even more.

I lay with them and we all watch tv until we have to go, Melanie and Rose run out to the car and Melanie buckles herself in but I double check she does it right before buckling Rose in and I then get into the car myself.

I drive to the airport and park in a little private car park because we are leaving the car here, me and Elizabeth get the bags out of the car before getting the girls out and walking into the airport.

Melanie is sitting on my suitcase while I wheel mine and hers with both my hands, Rose is sitting on Elizabeth's suitcase while Elizabeth wheels her suitcase and Roses one with the same hand because she needs one hand free to get to the passports and stuff.

We eventually get to the front desk and Elizabeth is talking to the woman we are dealing with while I make sure the girls aren't running off but they just stay sat on the suitcases giggling to each other.

We go to the baggage area and keep our carry ons with us until we get to security, we go through security and then head to get some food because we are all starving.

We go to Burger King and Melanie and Rose get chicken nuggets and chips while me and Elizabeth get a whopper meal, we sit and eat while the girls talk about whatever they like to talk about.

We head back to our gate and sit down for a little bit, Melanie is sat on my lap while I read my book and Rose is running around while Elizabeth watches her.

I am reading my book out loud for Melanie to hear and I know that it will get her asleep which I'm glad about because Melanie is terrible with planes, she never has been good with them even if she had to travel on them many times before.

Melanie falls asleep on my lap and I put my book away and see Rose and Elizabeth playing with some of Rose's toys.

I smile and hold Melanie close to me and rock her back and forth for her own comfort and for mine, I also rub her stomach because I know that relaxes her and that also relaxes me knowing she is safe and protected.

Our flight is called so I stand up with my handbag, me and Melanie's carry on's in one hand and my eldest daughter on my hip.

Elizabeth shows the boarding passes and we all walk onto the plane, I sit down with Melanie on the chair next me and then Rose and Elizabeth, we have a four row seat so we can all be together.

Melanie is still fast asleep so I buckle her in and Elizabeth does the same for Rose and then we buckle ourselves in.

The plane takes off and we all do our own thing, Melanie is sleeping, I'm reading my book, Elizabeth is watching a movie with Rose and we all just sit and enjoy our flight, well most of us are.

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