Vergil's Irritation Rises

By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

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Virgil got thrown into a world with questionable customs. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Valentine's Special)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Omake: Salty Reunion
Omake: Salty Reunion Part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
One BEEG Omake pt1
One BEEG Omake pt2
Chapter 34 (Fox Season)
Chpter 35

Short: Mamono Reacts to Vergil

1.3K 29 7
By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

3rd Pov

It is a quiet morning. Birds are singing, bees are buzzing. And most of all, Mamono and People are working.

Well, except for some select few that are either lazy, or because of their inherent weakness to the sunlight.

A good example of laziness is Meera, who currently is moping on a balcony. Clearly distracted by something.

Meera: Master... Why couldn't I come with you this time?

She asked to no one but herself. Until of course, Sasha came around and spotted her moping.

Deciding to greet her, Sasha made her way next to Meera.

Sasha: Good morning Meera, still couldn't get over about being left behind?

Meera lazily greeted her and groaned audibly.

Meera: Yes. I don't know why I can't come with him this time though.

Sasha wryly smiled, knowing the reason why.

Sasha: Well, that's because you're pregnant. Vergil did say you should focus more on making sure you keep healthy, and being on the battlefield doesn't help with that.

Meera groaned again.

Meera: Easy for you to say. I know you're a former Hero and all, but now you've mostly stuck to the back line as support. That and you're still not pregnant yet.

Sasha blushed, remembering her time alone with Vergil.

Sasha: Well, as potent as his genes are. Sometimes, things will be unsuccessful.

Sasha looked away, making Meera feel bad about what she'd said.

Meera: Sorry, this shouldn't be a reason to suddenly say that to you.

Sasha looked back at her with a soft smile.

Sasha: No harm done, I have made piece with it knowing that while it may be low. There is still a chance of me getting pregnant.

Meera then hugged Sasha, clearly apologetic to what she had said earlier.

Sasha: Say, why don't we have breakfast?

To answer her question, Meera's stomach answered with a loud growl. Making the poor girl blush in embarrassment.

Meera: Y-yeah, let's go.

However, before the two could leave the balcony. They are suddenly surrounded by a magic circle, much to their surprise and panic.

Sasha tried to cast a spell, but couldn't as something is stopping her from doing so, while Meera tried to break the circle through brute force, empowered with Demonic Energy. Only to fail as the Magic Circle absorbed the blow.

Seeing no options, they tried to scream for help. Except they couldn't as they vanished.

Meera Pov

Meera: Ow, my head. What did just happen?

I groggily got up, but I could barely maintain my balance as a headache kept pounding my head.

I casted a healing spell I learned from Druella only to fail as I couldn't gather any Demonic Energy at all.

I panicked slightly before remembering what Vergil told me.

Meera: Ok, calm down and observe your surroundings. Maybe you got teleported to some place you recognize.

But to my fear, I couldn't recognize my surroundings.

I seem to be in a room with velvet walls and a dark oak door in the middle, with two beds. One from I woke up on, and another to my left where Sasha is still asleep.


Seeing Sasha's sleeping form, I immediately stumbled towards her, and upon reaching her. I gently woke her up.

Sasha: W-where are we?

Meera: I don't know, someone brought us here for a reason if we aren't gagged and bound.

Upon realizing what I've said, Sasha tried to contact anyone with magic but is also unable to do so.

Sasha: Someone or something is stopping us from using magic, but I can still feel my mana, which means they don't want us from using magic but clearly wants us alive.

My mind raced with possibilities, until I came up with something plausible.

Meera: Maybe whoever brought us here could be Vergil's enemy.

Sasha's eyes widened in fear, but tried to keep a brave face.

Sasha: I don't know what they want from us, but we won't give up. Vergil can find us.

I nodded, pulling her into a hug.

"Well, isn't that heartwarming."

We both let go of each other and went into a stance.

"Woah now, I assure you. I am not your enemy."

The disembodied voice spoke in a disarming manner. But we both kept silent.

"*Sigh* This is why I should've just sent someone to pick you up. But no, I just had to give in."

I couldn't help but feel awkward listening to the clearly disappointed voice.

"Anyway, you two should open the door. You'll get your explanation outside."

We both looked at each other, untrusting of this disembodied voice.

"Just... Ah, fine."

Without warning, the room suddenly flipped upsidedown, and we both landed on the door. Only for it to open as well.

We yelled in surprise, and braced ourselves. Only to land on something soft... Or rather, someone soft.

I opened my eyes and I found ourselves on top of a dazed Fumiko. Who alongside Ciel and Ryoko are sprawled on the ground with swirls on their eyes.

I quickly pulled myself off alongside Sasha who is also dazed, but still able to stand up.

Druella: Meera? Sasha? You girls as well?!

I turned to my left and found Druella, Deonora, Wilmarina, and the twins Kaga and Akagi, all staring at us with surprise.

Meera: You girls too?! I thought we were the only ones.

Druella cleared her throat.

Druella: Same for us, we thought that we were the only ones kidnapped but then Ciel and her group showed up, then you two followed next.

My eyes widened, I can see a pattern here that I don't like. However, there is someone missing.

Meera: Since everyone is here... Where's Alto-Eris?

Before Druella could answer, the pile of bodies where Ryoko, Ciel, and Fumiko are still recovering from. Suddenly started shaking before a disheveled Alto-Eris bursted out of the pile like a geyser.

Alto-Eris: What was that for!?

Both Sasha and I, sheepishly apologized to her and the rest, for suddenly crashing into them.

"Good, now everyone is here."

The disembodied voice spoke, scaring everyone into fight or flight mode.

"Now, now. No need for violence. First of all, I'd like to apologize for... Suddenly bringing you all here without consent."

Ryoko: You kidnapped us!

Ryoko yelled loudly.

"I prefer the term "Borrowed" but yes, you can say that. But anyway, I'm sure you girls want some answers and before that."

The room we are in shook intensely for a few moments, until the front wall, with the words "Front Wall" written on it, fell down and revealed a Theater and a man with Black and White hair.

???: Ah right... I keep forgetting to change how the wall reveals everything.

We all looked at him like he's crazy as he starting talking to himself.

???: For the record! I am perfectly sane, well... As sane as any person can be. But that's enough about my sanity.

He suddenly disappeared and reappeared before us. Surprising everyone yet again, from the suddenness of the teleportation.

Haise: Greetings Monster Wives of Vergil Sparda! I welcome you to my humble Theater where I basically kidnap people from different universes to watch theirs or their loved one's story! May also include other series.

But before they could say something or cry in outrage. A portal suddenly appeared above them, where Arleth, Lilith, and Imera fell from and landed on a mattress that came out of nowhere.

Haise: And of course, The Demon Lord, The Chief God, and The Fallen Goddess. I must say, now that I got a good look at you. You look like that one girl from a school where gambling is everything.

He spoke while eyeing a still recovering Imera.

Haise: But anyway! Now that everyone is here. Allow me to reintroduce myself once more. I am Haise, full name is Haise_Sasaki_Soul. And I, welcome you once more to my humble Theater.

Lilith: You should be hanged for kidnapping everyone like this.

Lilith threatened once she fully recovered, only for Haise to roll his eyes and mimicked Lilith childishly.

Haise: "YuO ShoUlD bE HaNGed" bleh, bleh bleh! Yeah, really didn't heed the random letter from nowhere huh? I mean, I did write there that I'll be bringing you lot for something, and you should tell the girls. But no, you thought it was a prank.

Everyone is in utter silence after what he just did. Mocking the Demon Lord is basically the highest form of offence one can do.

Haise: Well, now that everyone is quiet. Please take a seat, there are snacks at the left, and the restroom is on the right. Fair warning, you lot can't use magic in my domain. I made sure of it, mostly because the last time I brought people who can use magic, almost blew up half of the theater.

All of us are suddenly caught by soft seats, and are given ample space for stretching, before arranging us by rows in front of a white cloth, wide and large enough to cover the whole wall.

Haise: So, questions? And better raise your hands!

He said with a voice of authority, similar to that of an instructor.

Haise: Yes you, Sasha.

We all turned to Sasha, who raised her hand meekly.

Sasha: Well, uhm... Sir Haise-

Haise: Haise is fine, Sir makes me feel old.

Sasha awkwardly cleared her throat before continuing.

Sasha: Yes, uhm Haise. Why did you bring us here exactly?

We are all in agreement to what Sasha just said, so we all focused on Haise. Who now is standing on a lectern... Where did that come from?

Haise: Good question Sasha. To formally answer your question. All of you are brought here to watch and react to Vergil's Past.

Quiet murmurs spread from ear to ear, as everyone somehow became excited at the prospect of learning more about Vergil. All except for an annoyed Imera. Even Arleth is showing mild interest.

Imera: But why bring me here also?

Haise: You didn't raise your hand! But I'll humor you anyway.

We, except a few flinched from his sudden yelling.

Haise: You're here as an extra body to fill in an extra seat. And you might get some good laughs at how Vergil gets treated by Dante once in a while.

Isn't Dante Vergil's twin brother?

Haise: He's Vergil's twin brother by the way.

The wall behind us suddenly broke, and a man wearing a red leather coat burst through with a smirk on his face.

Dante: Oh yeah! That's me! Vergil's Fun Twin!

He then jumped over us and gave Haise a high five that made a shockwave.

Haise: Yep, he's also here to be some sort of guide, and definitely a commentator.

Dante laughed before leaning on the lectern.

Dante: Well, nice to meet you pretty ladies. Honestly, when Haise first came to me and told me about Vergil. At first I thought I was either High, or drunk. Possibly both.

Ryoko and Ciel laughed at that, while Fumiko hid a giggle behind her hand.

Dante: But when he showed me a projection of where Vergil is. I believed him. And honestly? Seeing this amount of women, except these three. Get through Vergil's "Lone Wolf" attitude, is very surprising.

He then pushed himself off the lectern and started walking back and forth.

Dante: But, I'm also thankful for you girls as well. I'm sure it was a struggle to get him to open up considerably.

We all smiled softly at that, until I remember someone missing. To which I raised my hand.

Haise: Yes, Meera?

Meera: Aren't you missing someone?

He raised a brow, before smacking himself on the head.

Dante: Hah! Some good you are.

Haise: Hey! I may be a god, but I don't have the best memory ok? Plus! I ain't omniscient.

He rolled his eyes as Dante continued to laugh, and snapped. Forming another portal, only this time. It's on the floor, and out came Topaz, confused and scared.

Meera: Topaz!

I yelled, garnering her attention and she immediately slithered towards me.

Topaz: Meera! I was scared when I just saw you and Sasha disappear like that!

The poor Lamia cried as she hugged me tightly.

Meera: Sorry, but that was out of our control.

I patted her head, calming her down.

Haise: Yeah, that is my fault. I should really triple check the list. But anyway, let me do this again.

One explanation later

Haise: So, did you get all that?

Topaz nodded with excitement. Clearly happy to meet her Uncle and getting to know more about Vergil.

Dante: Well, aren't you just adorable. Huh, to think he would already-

Haise cuts him off by whispering something in his ear.

Dante: Ah, sorry little one.

Dante patted her head, clearly understanding what she's been through.

Dante: Well, at least you're another reason why Vergil unwound himself.

Topaz brightened at that, before returning to take a seat between me and Sasha.

Haise: Alrighty then! Now that everything is in order. Time to watch how the Twin Sons of Sparda became legendary.

The room darkened, and the white screen illuminated for a brief moment, before darkening.

The sounds of a Peashooter boomed, as the Dwarves called them. But Vergil himself said that they have them in his world, but more advanced. Which he called them as Firearms.

Then, a female voice echoed the words.

Devil May Cry

Pause! Now, normally or rather. I started this and thought about writing everything... But that's torture, and even a switch like me isn't that cruel to my own being. So! I'll let you peeps do all the work by watching the video "In the mind of: Vergil" by King J. Grim! Wonderful video, and I can't stop rewatching it.... Seriously, I need help.

Anywho, I'll let you peeps handle what kind of reactions the girls will have on Vergil's past and Trauma. Hell, maybe share some of the cake for me to blatantly place it on this very digital book. But to summarize this whole thing. "Lazy Author couldn't write out the entire story in his head and decided to let his readers do his job for him" to compress the whole thing. So yeah! That's all for this short chapter and SOUL out!... Still very sorry though. I'll make it up by putting Vergil in unfamiliar situations next chapter for a good round of laughs XD

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