Warriors: The Fading Light ~S...

By skystxr

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The light is slowly fading... Will Silverstar, Stormflame and Clearlight be able to save it? Book 5 of the 'W... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Bonus Chapter
Book 6 published!

Chapter 19

120 14 10
By skystxr

Clearlight's POV:

"Dawnheart!" Clearlight yowled for the temporary leader of the clan as he crashed into camp followed by Foxclaw who was carrying Demonpelt.

Dawnheart raced from the warriors den, "I smell blood! What happened?" She halted in front of Clearlight and peeked around his shoulder to see Demonpelt laying limply on Foxclaw's back. A low moan of grief came from Dawnheart and she shook her head, "Not Demonpelt..."

Clearlight nudged Dawnheart lightly, "It's okay. Demonpelt fought bravely, defending her clan territory. She will be honored forever in Starclan."

Did you forget already? Demonpelt is right here with me. Whitetail's voice sounded in Clearlight's head and he flinched.

Dawnheart eyed Clearlight curiously, "What's wrong?" She blinked her eyes at him and her gaze scanned him.

"Oh.." Clearlight stuttered, "My.. My wounds are hurting.." he mentally slapped himself for the lame excuse but it seemed to work and Dawnheart dipped her head.

"Go to the medicine den and get healed up. You too Foxclaw." Dawnheart nodded in the direction of the medicine den. "I'll sort out Demonpelt..."

Clearlight dipped his head and padded into the medicine den. He was immediately confronted by Watersplash. She dropped the stale moss in her jaws and gasped, "What in Starclan happened?"

"Magiclan ambushed us at the border." Clearlight meowed as he settled down on the ground. Blood dripped from his stinging wounds and he winced when a wave of pain swept over him.

"Demonpelt was killed." Foxclaw commented with a sad sigh. "Razbreeze killed her."

"Razbreeze, you say?" Came Silverstar's meow from further inside the den. The silver she cat emerged behind Watersplash and meowed. "I knew that cat was trouble..."

Clearlight growled, "I will go to Magiclan camp and kill Rabreeze myself. Even if I risk my own life, I will avenge Demonpelt."

Silverstar was about to argue but instead she raised her head a little higher, "She was one of our strongest warriors, stronger and more skilled than me in fact. She deserved a better death." She dipped her head to Clearlight, "We must avenge her death. Magiclan has been trying to take our territory for a long time now and they have crossed the line. Too many deathes have been caused by them. Magiclan have forgotten the extent of our powers... I think it is time to show them that we aren't weak and defenseless."


Nutwhisker's POV:

Nutwhisker raced across the moorland.

Wind whipped around him.

His fur ruffled and pulled against him as his legs pumped beneath him.

He screwed his green eyes against the wind and scrunched his muzzle.

Suddenly, Nutwhisker halted at the edge of the familiar dip the in ground. Pawsteps showed just how many times he used to come to this place.

His scent still lingered in the air.

But Nutwhisker wasn't in the mood for happy or sad memories.

The brown tom turned his head up and fixed his eyes in the dark sky above. The sun had set a while ago and the stars had begun to appear in the sky.

For a short while, Nutwhisker glared up at the sky. His fur bristled and his tail lashed. His lips curled back and his teeth shone in the moonlight.

Then, Nutwhisker let out the loudest yowl he could muster. It lasted at least five long heartbeats and birds rose in a panic from the trees in the distance. Nutwhisker's ears rung from his yowl but he didn't care. He needed to let out his anger on something.

Why was the usually calm medicine cat angry?

Because Starclan had abandoned him.

Starclan had abandoned Lightclan when they needed them most.

"Why have you abandoned us?" Nutwhisker demanded angrily, a low growl coming from his lips.

"Answer me!" He yowled.

Nutwhisker didn't expect an answer, but to his disbelief, he did.

Sparks of lights erupted from the ground around Nutwhisker and engulfed him in seconds. Nutwhisker stood frozen in place as the sparks surrounded him, poking at his pelt and blinding him.

Then the sparks faded away and sank into the ground again. Nutwhisker stood gasping for breath, his fur ruffled.


Nutwhisker looked up in alarm and in front of him stood a glowing cat. Their scent told Nutwhisker he was looking at a Starclan she cat. Eventually, her pelt stopped glowing and turned into a bright white. Though her pelt was extremely faded, it was easy to see what she had once looked like when she was alive. Her glowing blue eyes were the only thing that told Nutwhisker he wasn't looking at Skystar.

"Who are you?" Nutwhisker growled and swept his tail nervously behind him.

"Do you really wish to know? What you do not know cannot hurt you." The white she cat meowed, her voice soft and sweet.

"Tell me!" Nutwhisker demanded the older she cat rudely.

"Very well." The Starclan cat traced her forepaw along the ground absent mindedly. "My name is Lightstar. I am the founder of Lightclan."

"Lightstar?" Nutwhisker felt his fury returning, "You are the one that did all of this? How dare you!" He screeched ans flung himself at her but a wall of roots appeared in his way and he fell backwards. When he recovered, he saw a second cat emerging from the darkness. It was Skystar. Her paw was raised and when she dropped it, so did the roots.

Lightstar gave a pointed glance at Skystar, "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be helping Demonpelt and Whitetail?"

"Waterfly is doing that. I came to see my kit." Skystar edged closer to Nutwhisker and blinked softly. "Hello Nutwhisker."

Nutwhisker took a shaky breath and rose to his paws, "Skystar, what are you doing here?"

"Greeting you." Skystar replied with a calm flick of her tail.

"Then what is Lightstar doing here?" Nutwhisker asked.

"She is here because you called her. Correct? You were the one to call her, right?" Skystar whispered even though she knew the answer.

Lightstar nudged Skystar away, "Skystar," she ordered with a voice filled with authority, "Leave now. I cannot do this for long, you know that."

"Yes, Lightstar." Skystar dipped her head and began walking away.

Once Skystar was out of sight, Lightstar whispered, "Just like me when I was younger..."

Nutwhisker opened his mouth to ask but Lightstar beat him to it. "Yes, Nutwhisker. Skystar is my great grandkit. Which makes you my great great grandkit." Again, Nutwhisker went to reply but Lightstar seemed to be in a trance. "Skystar was always destined to lead Lightclan. It was in her blood. My grandkit Raindrop, who was Skystar's mother, chose to leave Lightclan for a reason still unknown to me even after so long... Then that Smallclan tom called Moonclaw won her over with his fake charm.. Then he killed her when Skystar was just one moon old." Lightstar meowed. "Quite tragic, but necessary. It triggered Skystar's destiny to rule Lightclan.."

When Lightstar grew silent, Nutwhisker spoke up in a small voice. "Why did you block us from you?"

"To save you."

"How?" Nutwhisker meowed, perplexed.

"It was another day at the Viewing Pool..." Lightstar began quietly. "I was glancing around, watching over Lightclan. But then dark smoke appeared and cut off my view. I tried to get the Viewing Pool go work again but an ancient voice suddenly sounded in my ear. 'Darkness is coming.' It said, 'Intervene and the Light shall fade forever. Block the Stars from the Light and a new destiny may be triggered.'"

Nutwhisker gasped, "What did you say in return?"

Lightstar sighed, "I asked why and the voice replied with, 'The damage has been done. Too much power has been granted. Give more, and everything will collapse. Stop now and there is a slim chance the Light may not fade.' If I didn't cut Starclan from Lightclan, something bad would have happened. Appearing to you right now is a huge risk."

"But.. We need your help right now!" Nutwhisker meowed and stepped closer to Lightstar. "Please help us!"

"Have you not been listening? I cannot help you! Lightclan must surive alone!" Lightstar suddenly glowed brightly and Nutwhisker turned away to stop himself from being blinded. When he turned back, Lightstar was gone.


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