Half a Heart

By avery_grace_23

10.9K 629 586

***Sequel to Stole My Heart*** Things with Taylen and Peter were going great. Peter messed up and Taylen ende... More

1. Taylen Elouise
2. Looking Back at Me
3. Broken Trust
4. No Excuses Yet
5. I Don't Know What to Do (P)
6. Cause a Scene
7. Surrogate
8. Are We Clear?
9. I Could Never
10. Foggy Night (P)
11. What the Hell is Going On?
12. What Am I Supposed to Do?
13. Meet Me at Our Spot
14. Me Too (P)
15. Piece of my HeartοΏΌ
16. Brother
17. Peter Detox Mode
18. Everyone's Mouths
19. Reminder (P)
20. Mason Riley!
21. That's Because I Do
22. High Road
23. I Do
24. So Much For Being Just Friends
25. Like I Should Have (P)
26. I Can't Stop Him
27. Cute Idiot
28. **Should've Been Me**
29. In Love With My Brother (P)
30. Whether Daddy Likes It or Not
31. Cinderella's Dead
33. Felt Like Days Ago (P)
34. Lighthearted Conversation (P)
35. Timeouts Suck!
36. Really Want to Make Out
37. Test My Self-Control
38. God Of Possible
39. Love You More
40. Marry You, Girl

32. There's the Princess (P)

241 14 27
By avery_grace_23

Hey readers, Taylar here, I just wanted to give y'all a heads up on a few things. The next few chapters will be in Peter's POV. I promise I won't leave the bad-girl Taylen storyline hanging too long, but I am missing writing Peter and I have a storyline in mind that I can't really tell through Taylen's POV. So enjoy this bit a Peter. The second thing is that I think I'm going to end this book with about 45 chapters. It could be more, it could be less. I think I've about covered what I wanted with this book and I'm excited to work on the next one. However, I don't yet have a title for it and I'm interested in y'all's ideas. I'll give more details later, but be thinking of titles that have the word Heart in them. I am going to start calling this the heart series!

Peter's POV

Savannah and I were curled up in her bed, trying to get some rest after our recent encounter. I was tracing along the side of her body, the way that I liked to be touched. She never did anything like that, but she touched me in other ways that I enjoy.

Half an hour later, we were watching a movie and I got a phone call.


"Oh my goodness, Peter, you're ok!" Mom's voice was relieved.

"Yeah, is everything ok?" I asked.

I was confused about why she was so panicked. She knew where I was and she told me to be home by eleven. It was only ten.

"Have you seen Taylen?" she sounded panicked that time.

"No ma'am," I replied.

"Shit. Do you know where she might be?"

"I haven't talked to her in a while. I can go check some of her favorite places if you want?"

"Yes, please. She tried to call me but I declined the call. I didn't know that she had run away. Tomorrow is the anniversary of her brother's death. We need to find her now!"

"Yes ma'am. I am leaving now."

"Call me if you find her. Be safe. I love you."

"Love you too, Mom."

I hurried out of the covers and began to put my clothes back on. I had forgotten about it being a year ago that her brother died. That's probably why she was so upset that day at the lake. I thought she was lying to me.

"Where are you going?" Savannah asked.

"Taylen is missing," I replied and continued to get my stuff together.

"Oh my god," she groaned, "When are you going to get over that pathetic little slut?"

"Excuse me? You do not get to talk about her like that," I growled.

"I mean it's her fault my boyfriend killed himself. Maybe the world would be better without her," Sav rolled her eyes distastefully.

"Wait, what do you mean 'your boyfriend'?"

"Isaiah was my first everything, Peter," she rolled her eyes again.

I stared at her.

"You didn't think that I actually liked you, did you? Aww, how cute?"

I continued to stare at her.

"Once the bitch found someone she loved, I took it from her. Just like how she took my someone."

My mind was blank. There were so many things I should say to her, but right now, there's someone I need to find. I walked out of Savannah's and hopped in my truck. I took a deep breath and backed out of her drive. I had to find Taylen.

The first place I went was the lake spot. I knew that someone else would have found her there before me, but I wanted to check anyway. I left the door open and ran to where she normally would sit. She wasn't there. I ran down the sand, just to make sure that she hadn't moved.

I got back in the truck and called Mom as I drove away.

"She wasn't at the lake," I said before she could get a word out.

I was in panic mode. Even though I ignored her scars, I knew they were there. That couldn't happen again. We never talked about it because anytime I would start, she would shut down. I knew that she had spent time in a facility a couple months after everything happened. I needed to find her before she hurt herself. If she wasn't at the lake spot, where would she go?!?

I ran through my brain thinking of all the places that held significance to her. It was a Thursday. What did she like to do on Thursdays?

"Ice cream!" I shouted out loud to myself.

I wasn't sure what ice cream place they used to get ice cream. Sighing, I pulled out my phone and called Sav.

"What do you want?" she asked rudely.

"Where did Taylen and Isaiah used to get ice cream?" I asked, straight to the point.

Her huff came through the phone. I was so fed up with her. She required a serious attitude adjustment.

"They got it at Baskin Robins but then they'd go to the park and eat it."


I hung up and drove a little over the speed limit to get there quickly. By a little, I mean 75 in a 55. I was just getting into town when the red and blue lights flashed behind me.

"Shit," I whispered to myself.

I checked my mirrors and pulled over to the shoulder. The police officer followed. My eyes started to tear up as I rolled my window down. Taylen could be hurt and my parents were going to be so mad.

"Kid, are you aware that you were going 20 miles per hour above the speed limit?"

"Yes sir," I replied honestly.

"License and registration, please," the policeman requested with a sigh.

"In my glove box and wallet," I informed him before reaching over to get it out.

I handed him my license and proof of insurance and he took them to his car. I stared at him through my mirror, willing him to hurry up. I picked up my phone and called Mom. I decided it was best to tell her now than to wait until later.


"What, baby? Did you find her?"

"No ma'am. I got pulled over. I think I might know where she is."

"Why'd you get pulled over?" she asked.

"I was speeding," I mumbled.

"What was that?" she asked with attitude.

"I was speeding," I said more clearly.

"How much?"

"75 in a 55."

"Peter Grayson!"

"I know. I'm sorry."

"We will talk about this when you get home," she said decidedly.

"Yes ma'am."

"I'm glad you are respectful with your mom."

I jumped. Somehow, Officer Blake had snuck up on me. He was standing at the window with my things in his hands.

"It seems this is your second offense," he said, "I have to give you a ticket this time. Looks like you got a warning last time."

"Excuse me, Officer, did you say second offense?" Mom asked the policeman.

"Yes ma'am. The first one happened on September 16th."

I winced. I had forgotten about that. FUCK!

"Peter Grayson Harris, you are in so much trouble, young man. You can expect a good whippin' waiting on you when you get back. Go look in the place that you think she might be, and then come straight home," Mom was mad. Her voice was calm but I knew her well enough to know that she was seething. I wouldn't be surprised if she switched me tonight.

"Yes ma'am," I hung up.

"Who are you looking for?" Officer Blake asked me.

"My ex-girlfriend. She ran away and I'm worried she's going to try and hurt herself," I told him.

"Where do you think she is?"

"Cooper Park."

"I'll escort you there," Officer Blake replied.

"You don't have to do that," I said quickly.

"I would love to. Sounds like this girl means a lot to you."

"She means everything to me," I replied.

"You can ride in the car with me. If she is there, I'll bring you back to your truck."

"Thank you, sir," I climbed out of my truck and he opened the passengers' side door for me of his car.

After he got in and started driving, he glanced at me, "So if she means everything to you, why is she your ex-girlfriend?"

I sighed. I still hated myself for the whole thing. "I messed it all up a couple months ago. I slept with someone. Turns out that someone only wanted to get revenge on Taylen."

"Taylen is the ex?" he asked.

"Yes sir."

"Tell me about her."

"She's got the most beautiful blue eyes you have ever seen. She's little, but she's fierce. She doesn't put up with anything from anybody. She's the best part of me."

"Kid, it sounds like you have got it bad for her. I suggest that you find a way to make it up to her. Show her you love her."

I nodded as we pulled into the entrance of the park.

"I'll wait in the car unless you need me," Officer Blake said.

"I'll holler if I need you."

He nodded and I got out and went to look.

"Kid!" he shouted from his window.

I walked over and he handed me a flashlight.


I walked around until I spotted her truck. There were three entrances and I finally found the one she came in. She was here somewhere. I checked on the playground but didn't find her. I started to walk the trails. I noticed a pond and knowing that Taylen has an obsession with water when she's upset, I went over.

There she was. She had her head resting on her knees with her arms wrapped around her legs. I walked over quietly so I didn't disturb her.

"You ok?" I asked quietly.

She didn't say anything, but she folded into me, crying her eyes out.

"Shh, it's ok, baby," I rubbed her shoulders.

I pulled her over into my lap where she continued to cry into my chest. It was at least fifteen minutes before she pulled herself together. I just did my best to bring her comfort and remind her that she was not alone.

She sat up but was still straddling my waist.

"I'm sorry you have to keep saving me," she whispered.

"I'm not. I'm here for you all the time."

"Thanks, Peter. Hey, do you think that, um, you could bring me back to my house? I've been drinking and I am certain that my dad come unglued if I drove home wasted."

"Of course. I'll even come to get you tomorrow so you can get your truck."

"Thanks," she smiled at me and climbed off my lap.

I held onto her waist as we made our way to our ride.

"Uh, why are you in a cop car?" she asked as we got closer to it.

"Long story. I'll tell you later."


Officer Blake opened the back door and I climbed in. He let Tay in the front.

"So you're Taylen?" he asked her.

"That's me."

"Heard a lot about you. I hope you know that that boy in the back loves you more than anything."

She sighed, "I love him too."

"Then why are you two not together?" Blake was exasperated.

"I can't do that to myself again," she replied.

The rest of the ride to my truck was silent.

When we got there, I opened the door for Tay. I knew that the officer knew that Tay had been drinking, but he didn't say anything about it.

"Well, kid, it was nice to meet you."

"Thank you for your help."

"It's no problem. Drive safe. Good luck with your mom."

"Thanks again."

He nodded his head got back in his vehicle and drove off.

I climbed in and called Mom.

"Hey Mom, I found Tay. I'm going to take her home."

"Her dad is here. Just come on home."

"Yes ma'am."

She hung up without another word. Great, she's still mad.

"So where did you get a police officer?"

"Got pulled over for speeding," I mumbled.

Why do all these women intimidate me so? I could throw them both over my shoulder at the same time.

"By how much?"

"Twenty," I wrinkled my nose and waited on her to react.

"Peter," she replied scoldingly.

"I know."

She sighed and shook her head. We filled the rest of the drive with normal conversation. Finally, we arrived at my house. Her dad's truck was in the driveway and she sighed.

"Dad whipped me with his belt earlier and I was being a brat after. He's going to be so mad," tears shone in her eyes.

I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"The secret is to just accept it and wait on it to be done. As soon as it is, you will get lovin's."

"I'm already so sore," she rolled her eyes.

"I never thought I would see the day I was comforting you before you got a spanking. Usually, that's your job. Don't worry though, I'm in the same boat as you."

She took a deep breath and we climbed out. Dad and Jason were waiting on the porch when we got there. Jason drew her in for a big hug. He was crying and whispering 'I'm sorry' over and over. I feel like there was more to the story than what she told me. I didn't have time to worry about it. Dad propped his leg up on the bench and bent me over it. He landed twenty heavy-handed smacks before standing me back up.

"Mom told me what happened. She told me to send you upstairs with a switch."

I sighed but walked out in the yard to the hickory tree we pick switched off. Pulling out my pocket knife, I sawed a branch off. When I walked back on the porch, Carter and the triplets had just gotten there. They had been searching too.

"There's the princess," Carter said.

Enjoy this update that is the length of two updates. xoxo Tay

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