Kirby Right Back At Ya! Seaso...

By FluffyChocolate777

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Kirby's new adventure in Cappy Town with a new enemy, Haltmann! King Dedede signs a contract with Haltmann so... More

Author's Note
To my readers, followers, and passers
Episode 1: Haltmann Works Company
Episode 2: Smart Secretary Susie's Sly Steal - Part 1
Episode 3: Smart Secretary Susie's Sly Steal - Part 2
Episode 4: Dyna Chick's Mini Adventure
Episode 5: Golf Course You Can!
Episode 6: Knightclub
Episode 7: A Cat Named Pooch
Episode 8: Star Warriors, Same Worries
Episode 9: It's All In The (Cook) Book!
Episode 10: Take A Chill Pill
Episode 11: Galacta Knight: Galaxy's Villain - Part 1
Episode 12: Galacta Knight: Galaxy's Villain - Part 2
Episode 13: Outfought Robobot
Episode 14: Seventopia
Episode 15: Warp Star Upgrade!
Episode 16: Robobot Armor
Episode 17: Dark Shadow
Episode 18: E-scar-goat
Episode 19: Varie-Tee of Waddle Dee
Episode 20: Crown for Clown
Episode 21: Yamikage's Revenge
Episode 22: Bulls-eye: Part 1
Episode 23: Bulls-eye: Part 2
Episode 24: Armor vs. Armor
Episode 25: Flashback's Payback
Episode 26: Dedede-stroying Dedede-pression
Episode 27: Channel vs. Channel
Episode 28: Sleep With Fishies~
Chapter 29: Leaders-whip
Episode 30: Spook Camp
Episode 31: Naturing Mature
Episode 32: Tech-NOT-logical
Episode 33: Royal Battle
Episode 34: Star-warrior-bucks
Episode 35: Happy D-Day!
Episode 36: Alien-nation (Part 1)
Episode 37: Alien-nation (Part 2)
Episode 38: Weather Controller
Episode 39: 39 Crepes
Episode 40: This Robot's on Fire~
Episode 41: Race Ace - Part 1
Episode 42: Race Ace - Part 2
Episode 43: Mic Drop Bamm!
Episode 44: Gone With The Wind
Episode 45: Evilizer
Episode 46: Morpho Knight Has Emerged!
Episode 47: Susie's Major Strike With Mecha Knight (The Second Movie: Part 1)
Episode 48: Susie's Major Strike With Mecha Knight (The Second Movie: Part 2)
Episode 49: Susie's Major Strike With Mecha Knight (The Second Movie: Part 3)
Episode 50: Susie's Major Strike With Mecha Knight (The Second Movie: Part 4)
Episode 51: Ultrasword Unleash!
Episode 52: Darkness Illusion Unleash!
Episode 53: Dedede-cibels
Episode 54: Dream High!
Episode 55: Amazing Glaze, How Sweet the Taste
Episode 56: Mukbang to its Max
Episode 57: Hail to the Queen
Episode 58: Long Live the Queen
Episode 59: Cappy Lunar New Year!
Episode 60: 0K Weather
Episode 61: Dedede-isease Breakout
Episode 62: Prankster Alert!!
Episode 63: Beach Mess Madness
Episode 64: Daroach's Devilish Deeds with Dudes Part 1
Episode 65: Daroach's Devilish Deeds with Dudes Part 2
Episode 66: Daroach's Devilish Deeds with Dudes Part 3
Episode 67: Waddle Doo vs King Doo
Episode 68: Invader Armor Part 1
Episode 69: Invader Armor Part 2
Episode 70: Invader Armor Part 3
Episode 71: Two Girls, One Ring
Episode 72: Octopus Game Part 1
Episode 73: Octopus Game Part 2
Episode 74: Magolor's Return to Dreamland Part 1
Episode 75: Magolor's Return to Dreamland Part 2
Episode 76: Magolor's Return to Dreamland Part 3
Episode 78: Research Schmesearch
Episode 79: Hater Hater Alligator
Episode 80: Fight the Heat!! ... With Heat...??
Episode 81: Flawed Fraud
Episode 82: Super Duper Ultra Nova Part 1
Episode 83: Super Duper Ultra Nova Part 2
Episode 84: Super Duper Ultra Nova Part 3
Episode 85: I QUIT!!!!!! I QUIT!!!!!!!
Episode 86: Pilot Episode
Episode 87: Smash to Victory! Part 1
Episode 88: Smash to Victory! Part 2
Episode 89: Smash to Victory! Part 3
Episode 90: Protect Against the Sun

Episode 77: (Un)Peaceful Day in Cappy Town

393 6 2
By FluffyChocolate777

Meta Knight, Kirby, and Tiff dragged their injured body to help Magolor carry all the Lor Starcutter parts into the Halberd. Dedede and Escargoon helped of course. Even though Meta Knight was damaged so much, he was the only one who knew how to drive the Halberd, so he controlled it all the way back to Planet Popstar and into Cappy Town. 

"Meta Knight, Kirby, and Tiff," Yabui said. "You all should lie in bed for the next three months."

"But we need to fix the Lor Starcutter!" Tiff said. 

"Oh, Dedede and Escargoon agreed to help me," Magolor said. 

"How? He never works for anyone," Tiff said. 

"Sometimes, fear works on someone who is too egotistic," Magolor said. "I did almost kill him after all."

"Oh, good luck!" Tiff said. 

"Um... guys... I'm sorry to say this... but I'm leaving Cappy Town..." Magolor said. 

"What?? Why??" Tiff asked in disbelief. 

"I promise I'll help you guys someday," Magolor said. "But I'm going to go around the space to explore if I can trust anyone else besides you guys. You guys agreed to help me even though I made you guys lie down here for the next three weeks."

"Will you be okay?" Meta Knight asked.

"I'll be fine," Magolor said. "If you're the only guys whom I can trust in this whole universe, so be it. At least I know I'll have some allies." 

"All right, good luck," Meta Knight said. 

"See ya," Magolor said as he went around to hug each of them. Even Meta Knight accepted his hug. 

"Poyo! Poyo!" Kirby has already forgotten about Magolor almost killing him and accepted his apology. 

"Thank you for forgiving me, Kirby," Magolor said. 

He hugged Tiff last but not least. "Good luck, Magolor," Tiff said as she gently caressed his head as she hugged him. 

"See you soon, Tiff," Magolor said. He left the building as he waved them goodbye for the last time and closed the door behind them. 

"Is this the first time we befriended the enemy?" Tiff asked. 

"Poyo, poyo!" Kirby was excited to have a new friend. 

"He did have a hard past," Meta Knight said. He had a hard past too, although it was a different type of hard past as mentioned in the past where he had to watch his comrades be murdered in front of him by Nightmare Enterprises. "In fact, it seems he is the only one who had a valid reason to become evil. Now, he is not evil and he is on our side now." 

As soon as the Lor Starcutter was fully repaired, he blandly said "Thank you," to both Dedede and Escargoon because it was mostly Magolor who did the most work and left the planet. 

"Whew! That was exhausting!" Dedede said. 

"You smell more than exhausting, your majesty!" Escargoon said as he covered his nose to prevent himself from smelling his sweat odor. 

"Set up da bath fo' meh!" Dedede demanded. 

"Of course, your majesty," Escargoon agreed fast because he couldn't stand smelling Dedede's sweaty body anymore. 

While Dedede was in a bath, Escargoon was dusting, wiping, and vacuuming his room. While he was doing that, Susie connected to talk to him. "Hello? Is Dedede there?" 

"Oh, hey, Susie!!" Escargoon greeted brightly. "How you doin~??" 

"I'm here to pick up Dedede's payment," Susie said. "He's past due for so many." 

"Oh," Escargoon said, disappointed. "Well, he's taking a bath."

"Ugh! I did NOT want that image in my head!" Susie groaned in disgust. 

Escargoon added unnecessary additional information that Susie did not need to hear, "Imagine having to bring him a towel and he stands up from the-"

"OKAY!! THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Susie screamed in horror. "I'll just come for the payment later." After disconnecting, she hurried to the bathroom and vomited. Her retching sound was so loud that even Haltmann was able to hear it. 

"Susie, dear?" Haltmann asked as he knocked on the door of her personal bathroom in her office. "I'm here to drop you off your paycheck... Are you all right...?" 

"I imagined Dedede taking a bath..." Susie groaned. She retched more before she said, "Then sir Escargoon explained how he was supposed to bring a towel and he stood up from the-" Before she was able to finish, she retched even louder. 

"I'll be right back," Haltmann said calmly in the beginning until he exited her office. Haltmann then quickly ran to his personal bathroom in his own office and started vomiting. 

Susie met up with Haltmann again after vomiting like crazy. They still felt weak to their core due to throwing up so much. "I'm sorry... Mr. President..." Susie groaned as they sat on the same table. "I shouldn't have... been so descriptive..."

"It's all right, dear," Haltmann answered. He threw up less than Susie, so he was not that much in a pain. "But it would be great if you look over the 30% report... I think there are so many products that we sell that the margin is less than 30%..."

"I'll be on it, Mr. President," Susie said as she rose from her chair and walked out. "By the way, if you need that memory eraser to get the image off your-"

"Yes, please," Haltmann said without having Susie finish her sentence. 

"Follow me," Susie said with a slight understanding chuckle. 


"You know," Tiff said in the patient room. "I really hope nothing happens now that three of us are hospitalized."

"It will be fine," Meta Knight said. 

"Poyo, poyo!" Kirby said. 

"Tiff...?" Lady Like's voice called from across the room. 

"Mom! Dad!" Tiff sat up to see her mother and father. Lady Like was holding a bouquet of flowers and Sir Ebrum was holding a basket of fruits. 

"How are you holding up?" Sir Ebrum asked. 

"I'm doing fine, thank you for coming to visit me," Tiff said. 

"We're your parents," Lady Like said. "Of course, we need to come."

"What about Tuff? He's my brother. Shouldn't HE come too?" Tiff asked.

"He's too busy streaming," Sir Ebrum said. 

"Of course, he is," Tiff groaned as she rolled her eyes. 

"Poyo! Poyo!" Kirby greeted Lady Like and Sir Ebrum. 

"Hey, Kirby! I hope you enjoy these fruits!" Sir Ebrum said as he placed the fruit basket next to him. "Make sure you share with Tiff and Sir Meta Knight!" 

"Poyo! Poyo!" Kirby cheered excitedly. 

"Thank you for your concern, Lady Like and Sir Ebrum," Meta Knight thanked respectfully. 

"I hope you feel better soon," Lady Like said. 

"Thank you for protecting my daughter even after she went on a dangerous mission with you," Sir Ebrum said. 

"Your daughter... is brave..." Meta Knight complimented. 


When Tiff wished that nothing bad happened while they were hurt, Susie was already planning something. However, her target this time was Escargoon. "He's gonna get it for making me imagine that thing, making me throw up for nearly an hour!" she angrily grubled to her self as she rapidly moved her mouse, typed on the keyboard, designed and fabricated a machine strong enough to teach Escargoon a lesson, but very weak so that it doesn't destroy anything. "This oughta teach you not to make me imagine that..." Susie was about to finish her sentence, but she felt sick to her stomach again, so she decided to stop and just send the machine over. "All right, Labotory. I don't want to cause any dramas. Just punish Escargoon, and your job will be over," Susie said as she sent Labotory over. 

Labotory beeped as Susie pressed the button to send Labotory over. As soon as it was sent over, all Waddle Dees that were cleaning Dedede's room all focused their attention to Labotory. They looked at it for a second, blinked twice, tilted their head a little bit, and started communicate to each other by moving their hands, feet, and/or their body. Labotory made its way out, and since Waddle Dees did not see it as a threat, they just let it go. Labotory scanned around to scan for Escargoon this time. 

Escargoon was just humming around while taking his break-walk when Labotory scanned Escargoon. "Huh, I wonder what that is," Escargoon said to himself as he noticed Labotory, but little did he know, Labotory was scanning him from top to bottom. As soon as it was clear, Labotory raised its flail and started chasing after Escargoon. "GAAHHHH!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!! I'M BEING CHAED BY SOME SORT OF KIRBY OR WADDLE DEE SHAPED DARK THINGY WITH A LARGE SPIKY BALL WEAPON THINGY!!" Escargoon screamed as he ran away from Labotory. 

"How can I help you, sir Escargoon?" Waddle Doo asked as he was used to Escargoon making a fuss everywhere. 

"JUST STOP THAT THING FROM CHASING ME!!!" Escargoon screamed in fear without looking back as he ran away from Labotory with swinging flail. 

"Stop right there!" Waddle Doo screamed as he stood in between Escargoon and Labotory as he raised his sword. Labotory kept swinging the flail that it hit Waddle Doo and made him fly off. "WHOOOAAAAAAaaaaaaa..." Waddle Doo's scream was lost in the air as he flew further away. 

"HELP! HELP ME! SOMEBODY SAVE ME!!" Escargoon screamed throughout Cappy Town. All the cappies wondered what was that thing chasing Escargoon, but cappies being cappies, did not bother trying to help Escargoon. As long as Labotory was not hurting any of them, they just acted like bystanders. 

Eventually, the screaming was audible from the hospital. As Escargoon went around screaming, "SOMEBODY PLEASE SAVE ME!!!" Tiff and Meta Knight heard in the middle of their nap while Kirby still snoozed away peacefully. Lady Like and Sir Ebrum, who were also there, heard Escargoon screaming in fear as he was running for his life.  

"Ugh, not again, what is going on?" Tiff groaned. 

"Sounds like Sir Escargoon has caused another trouble," Meta Knight said. 

"I wonder what his majest is angry about it this time," Sir Ebrum said.

"But I don't hear his majesty," Lady Like said. "Maybe it has nothing to do with his majesty." 

"Zzz..." Kirby was still sleeping with his sleeping hat. 

Before going back to his nap, Meta Knight peeked at Kirby. How adorable... Meta Knight thought as he watched Kirby sleep as he slowly snoozed away.


Escargoon was now deep in the forest. "Did I... lose it...?" Escargoon asked himself as he looked around. Labotory was nowhere to be found yet. "Lemme take a break here..." Escargoon said as he plopped down, leaned against the tree, and wiped his sweat. 

"Caw?" Dyna Chick's voice came as he was resting. 

"Oh... hey there... Dyna Chick..." Escargoon was still breathing heavily from the chase. 

"Caw! Caw!" Dyna Chick said as he handed an apple to Escargoon. Dyna Chick now can feel pity, and it knew that Escargoon was in distress, so he decided to share a snack with him. 

"Oh, thank you, Dyna Chick!" Escargoon said as his eyes sparkled, and received the apple as if it was a ball made of gold. While they were eating apples together, Labotory found Escargoon again and started swinging its flail as it continued to chase him again. "GAHH!! RUN DYNA CHICK!! RUN!!" Escargoon screamed in alert as he started to run away from Labotory. Dyna Chick also followed along with him. 

Soon, it looked like both Escargoon and Dyna Chick were being chased by Labotory. Dyna Blade being an extremely protective mother, noticed something chasing her precious offspring, roared in fury, and flapped its wings so violently that it created a forceful wing that blew almost everything away. Escargoon and Dyna Chick ran into Cappy Town. Normally, cappies would still not care, but they noticed Dyna Blade swinging its wings, so all the cappies started to scream and run away from Escargoon and Dyna Chick. 

Dyna Blade created a wind that was so strong it blew off almost every roof of every building in Cappy Town, including the hospital building. 

"One day, just one day, I want a peaceful day in Cappy Town!!!" Tiff screamed in fury. 

"Calm down, dear," Lady Like said in concern. "You don't want to overdo it, or else your fractures are gonna get worse!" 

"We'll fix that later..." Meta Knight said. Kirby was still sleeping. 

Dyna Blade eventually reached Labotory. She picked it up with her beak. Labotory tried to fight Dyna Blade as it swing the flail to Dyna Blade's beak. It did not hurt her a bit, but it did make her tremendously angry. Dyna Blade roared furiously, which caused Labotory to fall out of its beak, and Dyna Blade swing its wings as hard as she could that instead of flying off like usual, Labotory shattered into pieces, almost into dust, as soon as her wings made contact with Labotory. Dyna Blade then landed in front of Dyna Chick to see if her baby was all right. Surely, it was all right. It nuzzled its beak against its mama's beak to show affection. 

"Aww..." all the cappies said as the sight was so adorable. 

"All right, enough with the googly eyes. We got work to do! We need to fix the roof!" Escargoon killed the mood for everyone at the end of the episode. 

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