Natasha Romanoff x scarlet jo...

By floral_escapes78

73K 1.9K 117

This is a POV story so if you want a POV just say and I'll try to make it work. This might be my first book i... More

🌿Natasha 🌿
Im sorry i let you go
Meet me at the water fountain
The interview
The interview part 2
Thank you
🌿 natasha 🌿
The war
It comes out
Im gay
The nightmares
10 years
Love letters
Part 2 of Nat ( the miscarriage one)
2 positives
2025 the year she left
The morgue
Coming out
Happy Halloween
In love
The day the music died

Deadly kiss

1.2K 61 0
By floral_escapes78

Me and Natasha had been dating for two years before we married. She's the love of my life , my person. The girl I want to spend hours with. I could lay  talking with her all day and not get bored. Her voice is calm, loving. But when she's around the avengers her voice goes stern, but I know it's all an act she's a softy on the inside. Or at least for me she is.
Life's been crazy at the moment the avengers are busy, meaning I don't have as much time with Nat. With them saving the world. And trying to get half of the population back. Luckily neither me or Nat blipped, meaning we still have each other . We both lost friends to the blip, I lost my sister. And she lost her boss. Fury and Maria were together when they both blipped, that day when people started blipping i immediately called my sister , no answer. I was with Nat at the time when it happened, she lost her sister to the blip as well . Yelena I think her name was, I never got the chance to meet her.
Tony had asked me if I could go with them to get the stones because there weren't enough people . I obviously agreed it gave me the chance  to make sure my wife was okay and that the world would be alright. We stood in a circle waiting for everyone to be ready. When everyone was finally ready we stood there waiting for Bruce to turn the machine on.
Natasha: * to y/n* no matter what happens there I will always love you.
Y/n: you can't  get rid of me that easily Romanoff .
She gives me that  smirk of hers .
Y/n: good luck everyone  and  see you on the other side of this.
We all disappear I'm with Nat which is good. We stop at our destination, Vormir, this guy in a cape is stood there. Is he one of Thanos'  men? He turns around .
Red skull: Natasha the daughter of Ivan .
Red skull: y/n the daughter of Veles.
Natasha: the stones down there.
Red skull: for one of you. For the other. In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul.
Y/n: I guess we both know who it should be
Natasha: yeah
I tackle her  to the ground but she flips me over and points her bracelet at me and I feel the electrical wave run through me.She tries to run but I shoot next to her so that she trips.
Natasha: I love you so so much babe. And I will always love you.
She runs off put I attach to a hook. At this point we both dangling off the edge only using a hook. She holds my hand as she's nearer to the top.
Y/n: just let me go.
Natasha: no, I'm not letting you die . Your getting out of here alive with or without me.
Y/n: it's okay just let me go
Natasha: please. Please don't leave me .
I kiss her hand and push off.

Natasha's pov
I wake up at the top of vormir. Maybe it was all a dream maybe she's not gone.
It's silent the only sound heard is the echos . She's gone. I lost her, I let her just go.

Somehow I get back home.
Steve: Nat where's y/n
Natasha: she's gone Steve, she's gone. My wife's gone and its my fault.
Tony: how's it your fault?
Natasha: it was a soul for a soul she sacrificed herself to save the world. All of a sudden my phone starts buzzing it's Maria.
Natasha: Maria?
Maria: hey y/n's not answering her phone is she with you?
Natasha: Maria she died. She sacrificed herself for the world.

Thank you for reading this. I hope everyone's okay and I hope people enjoyed this .
672 words.

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