Tidal Wave

By zarynmaples

1.8K 205 485

Riley Matthew has it all... Or so it seems... but not everything is what it seems. Riley has liked the same... More



90 14 16
By zarynmaples


I wake up the next morning with a horrible headache. I really don't want to go to school. That would mean I'd have to face Heather after what happened yesterday.

I have to go to school though. I get out of my bed and get myself ready. It doesn't take that much. Sort of fix my brown hair, brush my teeth and I'm done. Super easy.

I then walk downstairs and wait for my mom, after a moment she walks out of her bedroom.

"Alright. You ready to go, sweetie?"

I nod and follow her out to the car.

On the way to school, I stare out the window. It's not raining like it was yesterday. When we get to the school, I say goodbye to my mother and get out of the car.

I know Heather is probably going to immediately come talk to me. Not something I'm looking forward to. I walk over to Jamie once I'm in the school.

"Hey, what's up?"

I shrug.

"Just waiting for someone."

Jamie tilts her head but doesn't question me. Soon, Kirrie joins us. Which is cool I guess, we're kind of becoming friends.

Dylan walks in and I watch as she walks over to us. She's wearing a dress and converses. She looks nice. She also looks kind of nervous though.

"Nice outfit!"

I say, hoping it helps a bit.

She looks down at her shoes.


Heather sneaks up on me before I could say anything more.

"Riley! What are you doing over here?"

She grabs my arm tightly.

"Why don't you come over here with me? You know, your girlfriend?"

She pulls me by the arm but not as harshly as I was expecting. I wanted to talk to Dylan more. I probably wouldn't have been able to form any words though.

She drags me over to her group of super popular friends.

Once we get over to them, Kassie and Aspen smirk at me.

"Well, well. Look who it is. Heather's new boyfriend!"

Kassie snickers.

"Gee, Heather, you really got you a cute one, didn't you?

Aspen giggles.

What did she mean by that?

Heather just keeps a plain expression and her grip on my arm. I don't say anything. I just stand there. I notice that Heather doesn't really say anything either. She glares at Kassie and Aspen as they talk to each other.

The bell rings and Heather and I go to class with everyone else. Heather points to a desk in front of her.

I have to sit by her too? This just keeps getting better and better.


I sit in the seat reluctantly. After I finish the work we have, I look over at Dylan. She's sitting at her desk and she's doodling in some kind of notebook. She rips the page out and puts it on her desk, half crumbled.

The bell rings. I hurry up out of my desk. I let everyone leave the classroom before I leave. I slowly walk over to Dealynn's desk and pick up the half-crumbled paper. I un-crumble it to see the drawing.

It's actually pretty good.

I put it safely in my bag and head to the computer lab.

I sit at a computer and look over at Dylan. Her copper-red hair. Her hazel eyes. Her freckles.

I can't explain it but I just think she's... not like Heather or any of her super-popular friends. She's kind, unlike them. She's pretty. She's genuine. She's real.


I... definitely have a crush. On Dylan Mayfield.

My cheeks become warm from the realization. I'm probably blushing. What the heck is wrong with me? Get a grip! It put my hand to my forehead in frustration.

There's nothing I can do though. I have to date Heather. No matter how much I hate it. No matter how much I may like someone else. I have to do it.

There also is the fact that Dylan could not like me back. That's something I don't really want to think about right now.

I take out my sketchbook and pencils. I don't even think, I just start drawing. I start drawing Dylan. It sort of takes my mind off of the Heather situation.

Before I can finish the drawing, it's time for gym class.

I run the laps like normal but Heather tries to get me to keep up with her.

Then it's time for dodgeball. I watch as Dylan gets hit with a dodge ball and walks to the bleachers. Everyone starts laughing. I feel horribly about it even though I'm not even participating.

I lazily throw a couple dodge balls, missing anyone on the other team. I eventually get hit and have to go sit out on the bleachers.

After a bit, dodgeball is over and the bell rings. Heather drags me with her to lunch as everyone else is also walking.

We are in line, standing silently. She tries to start a conversation but I just stay quiet. I start accidentally staring at Dylan, who is behind us.

Heather glares at me, snapping her fingers in my face.

What does she want?

"You're seriously staring at that loser? you can't actually like her. You don't right?"

I don't really like Heather referring to Dylan as a loser. I clench my jaw tightly and look up at her. She's taller than me by quite a bit.

She makes a disgusted face and all I can do is stand there baffled by her audacity.

How could she possibly know about my crush?My cheeks feel warm now and they're probably red too.

Heather looks at me, obviously not impressed.

"Ew. Seriously? Over me? Come on. Well, too bad, you have to date me anyway."

Heather smirks and looks at her neon pink-colored nails.

I hate how she talks to people. How she acts towards people. How she treats people. I hate everything about her.

As we are walking to our table, Heather stops. I keep walking over to the popular table as she told me to. I sit down at the table and watch Heather just stand there.

As Dylan comes out with her tray to sit at her table...

"Ha! Looks like the loser got herself a new wardrobe!"

Heather giggles at her own snarky remark.

"A wardrobe of spaghetti and meatballs!"

Everyone starts laughing after Heather dumps her whole tray onto Dylan. I can see her start tearing up.

"Awe look! The loser is crying! Boo hoo!"

The laughter only grows and Dylan runs out of the cafeteria, crying. This is awful.

This whole situation really makes my blood boil. I want to yell. Scream. Shout. I'm so angry at Heather.

I watch as Jamie runs out of the cafeteria too. I start to worry a bit more. I can't leave though, because I'm with Heather and she will get mad.

I stay quiet the rest of lunch.

I can't even stand to look at Heather and her makeup-caked face. I can't tolerate her. I'm angry at her.

I'm starting to think me being extremely angry with Heather is going to become a new normal.


When the lunch bell rings, I find Jamie so we can walk to class together. She was standing with Dylan, who immediately walked to her next class once I came over.

Heather tries to get me to sit near her again. Me and Jamie sit by each other a few seats away from Heather.

I look at Jamie. I'm so nervous but I think she should know.

"Jamie I... I like Dylan."

I immediately turn red as I whisper it.

Jamie tilts her head.

"Like... you have a crush? On Dylan?"

Luckily, she whispers too, because I didn't need anyone else knowing.

I nod quickly, my cheeks still burning with embarrassment and nervousness.

Jamie squeals.

"That's adorable!"

No one looks over at us because we are being kind of quiet. Or maybe because they're focused on their assignments?

Eh... probably the last one.

Me and Jamie then work on our assignment together. After we are finished, I continue working on the drawing of Dylan I started earlier. I get lost in this world where... I don't have to be with Heather.

The bell then rings which means recess. Before I can get up to walk with Jamie, Heather grabs me by the arm and we walk out to the playground with everyone else.

She pulls me over to the blacktop where all of her friends are. We all sit down. I don't pay much attention to the talking that is going on. I try to scan the playground for Dylan but my eyes strain.

I put my chin in my hands and tune the whole world out. I let my imagination help me escape.

Until Heather pulls me up harshly.

"Time to go to class."

I don't say a word. I just let her drag me off to our last class of the day. At least that's something good.

In art class, I continue my drawing of Dylan while sitting with Jamie. Jamie watches me draw. I put my sketchbook back in my backpack. I'll finish it later.

I don't think Jamie knew who I was drawing. Probably because I was sitting opposite of her and it would be hard to see. Which I'm glad.

The bell finally rings. It's time to go home.

I look for my mother's car as usual. I get in and she drives us home. Something is different. She keeps looking at me.

"Is something wrong sweetie?"

I shake my head slowly.

"I'm fine mom."

When we arrive home, I sit at the kitchen table. I get out my sketchbook to finish my drawing. I completely forget about the world around me as I draw.

Then feel a hand on my shoulder. It's my mother.

"Who's that sweetie?"

My eyes go wide. I don't know how to explain this. What do I say? She can't know... she can't know that I have a crush. She will feel even worse about the whole Heather thing. And she will probably ask me millions of questions.

"It's... no one. Just a... girl."

My mom looks at me confused. Then I hear my father grumble.

"What girl? Answer your mother!"

My mom shoots him a look.

"Leave him alone James. Please. Do think this is fair? That our son should have to be paying for your crimes?"

My father turns off the television and gets off the couch.

"Fuck you, Joyce."

I stay quiet. My father walks into their bedroom, slamming the door. I shudder at the loud noise.

I hate when he does this. But he always does. He always treats my mother horribly.

I go back to my drawing, finally finishing it after about half an hour. I go up to my room and pin it to my wall and then come back downstairs to see if my mom is okay.

She's making some spaghetti. It's another one of our favorites. I patiently wait, letting my imagination take over again.

I'm brought back to reality by my mother
putting my plate in front of me.

"Thank you, mom."

She smiles and nods.

I eat my food silently. Once I'm done eating I help with the dishes and head up to my room for the night.

I get out the drawing of Dylan's and pin it beside my drawing.

I wish that I knew what to do. For now, there is nothing I can do.

I plop on my bed and try to fall asleep which is kind of hard with the flooding thoughts about everything happening in my life.

What Heather did was so horrible. It's bullying. I guess I already knew Heather was a bully, and just a horrible person in general.

It takes me over an hour before I can fall asleep. I suddenly start to drift off to sleep after that.

Before I know it, I'm completely out cold.

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