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By Odile_theblackswan

245K 5.7K 2.4K

๐„๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐š ๐€๐ฅ๐ข๐œ๐ž ๐๐ฅ๐š๐œ๐ค. ๐€ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ๐œ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ค๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ž๐ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ซ๐ž๐›๐ฎ๐ข๐ฅ๐ญ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฐ๐ข๏ฟฝ... More

Aurthors note
Love Letters
1.0 Visitors at Breakfast
1.2 Aunt Marge
1.3 The Leaky Cauldron
1.4 Platform 9 3/4
1.5 Common rooms
1.6 Omens of Death and Hippogriffs
1.7 The Biggest Fear
1.8 Neville and Alice have a moment
1.9 Fat Lady gets attacked
1.10 The Quidditch Match๏ฟผ
1.11 Information Uncovered
1.12 The Black Break in
1.13 The Prisoner, Werewolf, and Seven Teens
New Guests
2.0 Down the Rabbit Hole
2.1 "๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜Œ๐˜บ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฅ๐˜ช๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜‰๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜š๐˜ฏ๐˜ข๐˜ฑ!"
Lots of incorrect quotes-not chapter
2.2 The Red Queen
2.3 Hatter
2.3- The walk
2.4- Meeting the Caterpillar
2.5- Break
Short snippits because i can
2.6- A Failed Rescue Mission
2.7- "All the Best People Are"
2.8- This Place Isn't a Dream
2.9- The Final Battle
Calm before the storm
Not a chapter
3.2~The Dark Mark
3.3~ Back to Hogwarts
3.4~ Three Schools, One Winner
3.5~ No funerals
3.6~ Blazers, Threats, and Dragons Delight
3.7~ The first task
3.8~ Castor
3.9~ "Gorgeous"

1.1 Vistors at Breakfast pt 2

13.2K 349 108
By Odile_theblackswan


While the professors began to set up the watching devices, along with the help of Hermione Granger and other students that knew of a tv; the rest of the hall whispered quite obviously to one another as they pointed at the new comers. It made sense why they would: people from the past appear claiming to have been sent there and mother magic is sending letters? Most would question everything by then. The main question, or the question that the smarter of the group was thinking, was what had happened in the future that was so horrible, it made all of these people travel back in time to fix it?

The table of Gryffindor held 3/4ths of a reuniting family: the Potters and Lily Evans all staring in wonder at Harry. They complimented him and asked him things about himself, daring themselves to not ask about what the future entailed for any of them. Effie beamed at the blushed girl, she loved Lily with her whole loving heart. The woman couldn't be happier that she was fully joining the family and would one day marry James.

Harry blinked away the tears when Sirius bounced beside his father, Remus standing tall behind him. The curly haired boy slung an arm around James, pleading to be introduced and begging Harry to tell him that he was cool in the future.

"Yeah," Harry couldn't help but cough out, rubbing his hands on his jeans nervously, "You're really cool in the future, Snuffles."

"Snuffles!" James exclaimed as his best friend recoiled in displeasure. "I'm using that, HA!"

Effie rolled her eyes at her sons, glancing to where Harry gazed longingly at his brother. Her eyes followed his to see a gorgeous blonde witch tucked under the chin of a tall boy that looked very similar to Harry but with curls instead of a shaggy look. The curly haired boy's lips moved as he spoke to the girl, who's eyes were shut as she swayed beneath him ever so slightly.

"Why is Cooper not over here?" She asked him, apologizing when he jumped slightly.

Harry shook his head in defiance for her apology, running a hand through his already messy hair. "He needs a minute before seeing everyone; him and Alice both."

Across the hall, Alice hummed back to Cooper as he whispered his worries into the air around them. "You just need to go over there," She told him, tilting her head back to try and see his dark eyes. "Get it over with, you know?"

"Funny for you to say, Miss 'I'm avoiding my dad'—don't say that you have a good reason."

"Then I won't...." The blonde stayed silent for a moment longer before saying, "But you should. I've had his journals and letters, you don't. Go make memories before everything goes back to before."

Cooper took in her words, thinking them over as his hands absentmindedly fiddled with the ends of her hair. "Fine, I'll go...but only on the occasion that you tell me another thing tonight."

Her face twisted into annoyance and disgust, "No, you know I hate doing that."

"Then I won't go."

He turned her around in his arms and tilted her chin up so they could meet each other's eyes. The ocean blue hit against his own dark forest until it blinked away with a matching scowl.

"Fine. Go." A manicured finger pointed in the direction. He grinned, knowing that he would win their unspoken competition, he always did. One more flash of harsh silver in her eyes made him practically skip over in delight from annoying her.

His palms grew sweaty in nervousness, something that happened to both him and Harry, as he grew closer to his parents. How did he know what to expect? Instead, he threw on one of his false grins and made the best of it all.

Cooper's arms wrapped around Harry's back, tapping it in a pattern of two, three, two: a combination that they made when they were younger to let the other know of their unwariness. "I do believe that you were speaking of me?"

He could feel his twin's eyes roll. "Go back to Alice, we don't want you here." Was what Harry's voice said, but his fingers tapped the same pattern back to him.

They both were treading on uneasy ground. Harry couldn't handle seeing Sirius and neither could Cooper, especially not Alice, which is why she was hiding with Luna and Ginny. Sirius was a special case for all of them. He was an uncle to all of them, literally for Alice; when he died it seemed like a part of all of them did too.

Lily quickly embraced him and Cooped felt his fingers slipping off of Harry's soft shirt. His arms reacted a few seconds late, wrapping around her so his face breathed in the feeling of his mum for the first time. He could feel tears in his eyes when he pulled back, unashamed to let the others see them, but worried that it might ruin what the movies were trying to show. His dad also hugged him tight, not dwelling for any type of "bro" hug; James gave full bear hugs like any father would.

He got asked about his house—surprised when they didn't comment on the Slytherin part—hobbies, favorite sweets, and normal nonsense items that parents liked to know. Then Sirius became impatient and asked about Alice.

"Might you be dating her?" Sirius piped up from where he had been worryingly quiet. His finger pointed in the direction to where Alice was speaking to Luna. Her body language shouting defensive in the millions of languages that she spoke. 

Before he could answer himself, Harry stepped in and commented. "He is. Him and Ali have been dating forever." He drew out the last word, blinking innocently at the glaring teen boy.

"How long is forever?" Lily raised her eyebrows, arms crossing with interest. 

"Since 5th year I think?" Cooper muttered, trying to count back in his mind.

"She is a Black right?" Sirius spoke up, interrupting his counts. "I mean, her eyes are identical to Regulus's in the light and she has the bone structure we all carry."

The boy fiddled with a silver ring on his finger, delaying the answers because he had no clue where Alice wanted him to take this and he didn't want to talk to a young, healthy Sirius Black.

"Alice is a Black." He confirmed, finally making eye contact with the man that had died in front of him. "She and Regulus look a lot alike..."

Sirius leaned against Remus, his grey eyes narrowing as he inspected his niece. He stayed there for a moment before speaking again. "Why is she isolating from everyone else? All of the rest of you besides her and the other blonde are talking to your families."

Part of Sirius wanted to take a step back when Cooper's eyes flashed dangerously at his words; but he stood his ground and only crossed his arms. The boy glanced him up and down, then looked over to Harry, who only shook his head. James and Sirius watched as they spoke to one another silently, not needing any words to truly communicate.

"Alice needs space; she doesn't want to engage, and she doesn't have to." The words came from Hermione instead of the boys. Everyone turned to face the newcomer at the table.

"This is Hermione, one of our best friends." Harry explained, Cooper nodding as Hermione beamed at her title as both of their best friends. They didn't need to know that it took almost five years for that to happen.

Cooper glanced back to see Alice still against the wall. If he hadn't known her for years then he wouldn't of been able to see how her mind was winding down the tunnel, but to him it was obvious. Quickly, he broke away from his family and strode over to where the girl stood. 

Moments after Cooper left
You and lover boy arguing again?" A voice peeped up from behind her suddenly, making her spin. She turned to spot Ginny with a Luna intertwined with her by the hand.

Alice's hands planted on her hips, a pale eyebrow raised. "No? We don't typically anyways?" The Gryffindor opened her mouth to speak again but one look from her girlfriend made her close it quick. Tensions were still tight after the war, jokes that might've been fine a year ago were no longer reachable without tugging on too many heartstrings.

Luna separated herself from the clingy ginger much to its demise. She hummed a familiar tune to a lullaby that the two girls knew as she practically floated to Alice. "Go visit your own family, love." The Ravenclaw suggested with a soft smile that Ginny could never resist.

Once the girl was gone, the two stood in silence against the wall. There was no need to say what was in both of their minds, they had no reason to speak nonsense. Alice sighed, her arms wrapped around her torso in an attempt to comfort herself for the movies to come. She knew what pain would be shown; the death and sadness that filled their years at Hogwarts.

"Do you worry about the reveal, Ali?" Luna murmured, inspecting the flowers that she had pained on her arm earlier that day.

"Which one?" Her sarcastic tone made the other girl look to her in pity. "It'll showcase everything that I have attempted to shield everyone from; of course I do worry slightly."

She bit down on her thumb nail, resisting the urge to reach for her lack of a cigarette box. The anxiety of upcoming events could only be eased in her mind by two things; both were something that she had been forbidden from doing. As her hand automatically reached to draw a cigarette, another hand caught it and laced their fingers together.

Light caught on their hands, showing off the matching silver rings, only difference being the blue vs green stone. Many in the hall caught sight of the couple, pointing in awe and wishing they could have a relationship like theirs. They resembled a fairy tail couple; a princess and knight. There was complete love within their gaze of one another, nothing else mattered as they clung to one another. Luna watched the two, knowing how fierce and passionate the love between the two of them could be. They had fought and killed for the lengths of their love for one another. Whether the fights were for each other or against one another, it was always ended together, their hands reaching for one another always.

Dumbledore stared at the couple as they grew oblivious to all the attention around them, only in their own small bubble of momentary peace. He knew that the Potters would help them in their fight for the light side of the war. Hopefully their children continued the line of help and gained the correct side more supporters. He assumed the war was on going or why else would they be back?

Professor McGonagall tapped a glass with her wand, once she gained attention, she started to speak, "We have set up the movies as they are called. The letter states that we must begin with a movie labeled the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Gasps of horror filled the room. There was only one Azkaban and no one in their mind would venture there.

"Quiet down please, now, as I was stating, we will watch the movie as told to. Please all stand aside as I transfigure the furniture."

The great hall's four tables disappeared, and in their place there was dozens of couches, fluffy rugs, cushions, chairs, and overstuffed pillows to lounge on. All the candles but a few all blew out at once and the screen grew brighter as the movie finally began.

Authors note:
No explano but im backkkkk (for now)

Hermione: Treat Spiders the way you'd want to be treated
Ron & Cooper: Killed without hesitation
Hermione: No.

Hermione: did you have to stab him
Alice: you weren't there you didn't hear what he said to me
Hermione: what did he say?
Alice: what are you gonna do? Stab me?
Literally the whole great hall:
Ginny: that's fair

Harry: Sometimes I wish the world was flat so I could just throw myself off the edge and fall into an empty void of space
Confused teenagers:
Hermione & Ron: .......Are you okay?
Cooper: He's fine trust me it's a normally feeling
Alice, cocking her gun: I mean I could just end you now if you'd like

Alice: what are you five?
Fred (snorts): Ya, five heads taller than you
Alice tilting her head: ....
Fred: .......
Fred: I'm sorry please don't kill me

Cooper: I have a perfect memory, try and prove me wrong
Harry: you left me in the woods a few weeks ago
Cooper: that was on purpose, try again

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