My Luck Exploded After Being...

By jhenylle0117

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Chapter 1- 5
Chapter 6- 10
Chapter 11- 15
Chapter 16- 20
Chapter 21- 25
Chapter 26- 30
Chapter 31- 35
Chapter 36- 40
Chapter 41- 45
Chapter 46- 50
Chapter 51- 55
Chapter 55- 60
Chapter 61- 65
Chapter 66- 70
Chapter 71- 75
Chapter 76- 80
Chapter 81- 85
chapter 86- 90
Chapter 91- 95
Chapter 96- 100
Chapter 101- 105
Chapter 106- 110
Chapter 111- 115
Chapter 116- 120
Chapter 121- 125
Chapter 126- 130
Chapter 131- 135
Chapter 136- 140
Chapter 141- 145
Chapter 146- 150
chapter 151- 155
Chapter 156- 160
Chapter 161- 165
Chapter 166- 170
Chapter 171- 175
Chapter 176- 180
Chapter 181- 185
Chapter 186- 190
Chapter 191- 195
Chapter 196- 200
Chapter 201- 205
Chapter 206- 210
Chapter 211- 215
Chapter 216- 220
Chapter 221- 225
Chapter 226- 230
Chapter 231- 235
Chapter 236- 240
Chapter 241- 245
Chapter 246- 250
Chapter 251- 255
Chapter 256- 260
Chapter 266- 270
Chapter 271- 274 end

Chapter 261- 265

176 2 0
By jhenylle0117

 Chapter 261 Changes

  Zhou Heng's sudden shock made Mu Shilin and Du Liyin immediately puzzled, what was this operation?
  Li Mingyue knew Zhou Heng, so there must be danger. Coupled with the black luck value on her parents' heads, Li Mingyue immediately believed Zhou Heng, and she immediately went to find the switch button at home.

  When the Muslim couple was still in a state of unresponsiveness, they saw Li Mingyue swooping and slapped the switch on the wall directly with his palm.

  "Mom and Dad, there are bad guys!" She shouted in a low voice, then rolled over and moved towards the window.

  At this time, Muslim and Du Liyin reacted. Du Liyin wanted to grab her husband's hand for the first time, and suddenly thought of Li Mingyue who had just met, so she stood up and walked towards Li Mingyue without thinking.

  Muslim also walked towards the window, he wanted to check the situation outside.

  The three of them almost reached the window with their front and back feet.

  When they opened the curtains, they were startled.

  There were two cars parked on the road outside. The lights were off. Someone was getting out of the car. At a glance, there were five or six people. They had long sticks and daggers in their hands, and one person seemed to be holding a gun in his hand. shape things.

  At first glance, the visitor is not good.

  These five or six people are gathering together, looking at the house on their side and discussing something.

  Du Liyin grabbed Li Mingyue's hand in horror. She was clearly too afraid, but she comforted her with a trembling voice: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, there is a mother here."

  Li Mingyue held her hand instead.   At this time

  , Zhou Heng asked in a low voice, "Is there a back door here? I suggest that it is the best strategy   .

  " I can't walk away, especially since there is a Mrs. Lin upstairs.

  As he spoke, he pushed a cabinet behind the door against the door.

  Muslim immediately grabbed his wife with one hand and his daughter with the other, and stepped back.

  "Xiaoyin, Mingyue, you two go through the back door first, go to the back garage and drive to Sang Yingtong's house." He turned to Zhou Heng again and said, "There is a knife in the kitchen.

  " Door to the backyard.

  Du Liyin grabbed his hand.   "I know, it must be Keith Enbei. Their family has always coveted our family's food formulas. They wanted to buy out a few food formulas from our food factory at a low price, but we rejected them. They threatened us, saying I hope we don't regret it."   "Yes, it must be Keith Ember!"   Du Liyin became angry, "Despicable people! Their family has bullied others by despicable means before. It must be them." What should I do?   Li Mingyue turned her head quickly, her luck value is now very high, as long as she doesn't kill herself, generally nothing will happen.   The current situation, looking at the danger, is fatal to parents and grandmothers with extremely low luck values, but it should be a false alarm for her and Zhou Heng.   Those people just got out of the car.   Du Liyin kept her eyes on Li Mingyue's movements. She saw her daughter nimbly approaching the car. After checking it carefully, she squatted in front of the forum and poked it in with a dagger. Although it was night, she still saw Those tires were visibly deflated very quickly.

  Mu Shilin hurriedly said: "You all go, I will go up to find my mother, bring her down, and join you right away."

  Li Mingyue looked back at Zhou Heng's figure in front of her, and grabbed Du Liyin's hand.

  "Let's go first, don't worry, nothing will happen."

  Du Liyin wanted to say to stay, but she was even more worried about her daughter's safety.

  As soon as the mother and daughter went out, they heard the door slamming in front of them. The two of them paused and turned around at the same time to see the figure of Muslim disappearing on the stairs.

  Zhou Heng, clutching a few knives in his hands, hid behind the wall and was eager to try.

  "Mingyue." Du Liyin's face was pale and her eyes were full of horror.

  Li Mingyue grabbed her and said calmly: "Let's go first, we'll go, so they can have no worries."

  She half-pulled her mother and walked to the car behind.

  As soon as they got to the car, they heard the sound of glass shattering and knocking on the door.

  Li Mingyue thought for a while, dragged her mother to hide behind the car, and did not rush to open the door to get into the car.

  She asked, "Who did you mess with?"

  Du Liyin shook her head: "No. We." She suddenly stopped, looking stunned.

  They should have all entered the fenced courtyard by now, smashing the door and smashing the glass at the front door.

  Now is the time for chaos.

  what can she do.

  Just then, a painful cry came from the front door.

  The voice sounded like a man's, but it wasn't Zhou Heng and Mu Shilin, much less Mrs. Lin.

  Du Liyin was even more nervous.

  Li Mingyue comforted: "It must be Zhou Heng who fought with those people. Those people must not take advantage. Zhou Heng has a lot of skills."

  Seeing that Du Liyin was still nervous, she simply pulled Du Liyin's hand.

  "Let's go, mother come with me."

  Du Liyin followed Li Mingyue out of the backyard nervously and confusedly, and bent over to the front.

  There are many lush bushes around the yard, just blocking their shadows.

  Li Mingyue pulled out a sharp dagger from her body, turned around to comfort her mother, told her to squat in the bushes, and then jumped over to the two cars that were driving towards them.

  What is this for?
  She watched her daughter puncture all eight tires of the two cars, and then saw her daughter actually opened the door and climbed into the car, took out two small bags from the inside, and then rushed towards her.


  Du Liyin quickly grabbed her daughter's arm, her heart was about to jump out just now.

  "You're too bold."

  Li Mingyue said calmly: "It's okay, let's go back to the backyard now. Mom and Dad and Zhou Heng should come out." The

  two walked quickly from the bushes.

  When I got to the backyard, I saw Muslims hurried out with the help of my mother.

  Zhou Heng was in the back, waving a baseball bat in one hand, blocking the two.

  It started!

  Li Mingyue and Du Liyin hurried to open the door.

  Seeing that they came out of nowhere, Muslim didn't even bother to ask, but urged: "Get in the car."

  After everyone got into the car, Muslim sat in the driver's seat, started the car, and the car made a big turn. With a roar, he shouted "Zhou Heng!"

  Zhou Heng kicked one person out, flew over, opened the door and jumped on the co-pilot.

  The car sped out quickly.

  The car was speeding, and everyone was holding on to the handlebars.

  At a tense moment, Mrs. Lin suddenly asked, "Hey, why are you here?" She looked at Li Mingyue.

  Li Mingyue blinked, "Grandma, I'm your granddaughter."

  Mrs. Lin was taken aback, "Really?"

  "Well, it's true, don't believe me, ask my father and my mother."

  Mo Shilin and Du Liyin, who were driving, said at the same time:
  "Mom, it's true."

  "Mom, Mingyue is really your granddaughter." The

  tense atmosphere subsided strangely.

  Zhou Heng asked: "Where are we going now?"

  Muslim didn't look back, "Go to a friend's house in the city to avoid it first."

  Li Mingyue interjected: "Mom said that those people belonged to Kaisi Enbei's family, I think We should call the police first, by the way, I just punctured their car tires, they should not be able to catch up with us." The

  car made a harsh "squeak" sound, and then stopped directly in the dark.

  Mo Shilin turned his head in shock: "What did you just say?"

  Li Mingyue explained again: "I just punctured their car tires, and then I took two bags from a car and just looked at them. , there are two mobile phones inside."

  She raised her hand, and there was a big brick-like mobile phone on it.

  Everyone in the car looked at her.

  In such a thrilling situation, you can still get two big brothers and big mobile phones from the other party's car!

  You are telling everyone now!

  You can actually do such a thing!
  In everyone's shocked expression, Li Mingyue thought for a while and said, "If we know their old nest, we can actually go to their nest, I think the harvest will be even greater."

  Mu Shilin felt that he understood why his daughter had so much money.

  He stabilized his emotions, pondered a little, and started the car again.

  "Let's go to the police station!"

  is the most appropriate way to call the police.

  This matter must be dealt with on the bright side. There must be nothing wrong with his family. They finally saw their daughter, and her daughter will return to China the day after tomorrow. Maybe they will go back home soon.

  So this matter has to be dealt with clearly, and no one can get hold of it and block their way back to China.

  Then the car went to the police station.

  Everything was handed over to Muslims to negotiate, and the two mobile phones were handed over to the police, the reason being: to prevent the robbers from contacting more robbers.

  People from the police station heard that the robber's car had a flat tire and immediately sent someone to the scene.

  Li Mingyue and the others were left at the police station and continued to record various transcripts.

  The police who went out soon came back with a few people.

  Sure enough, the gang of robbers wanted to chase after Muslim and others, but found that the car was punctured and could not move at all, so they had to get out of the car cursing.

  When the police arrived, they were wreaking havoc at Mu's house and were caught. ,

  In the process of waiting at the police station, Li Mingyue watched with his own eyes the luck value of his parents and grandma's tops increased little by little, and then disappeared and disappeared.

  Is this back to normal?

  She was pondering whether it was because of Kaisi Enbei that they encountered bad luck for no reason, so the luck value dropped suddenly for a period of time.

  After this danger was lifted, their luck value returned to its normal normal value.

  So in their last life, they never went back to China or went to her. Maybe it was because of this incident that they were in danger, and then there was no way to go back. She was an orphan all her life.

Chapter 262 Farewell 

  night finally passed without any danger.

  No one was injured, Mrs. Lin and Du Liyin were a little frightened, but fortunately, with Li Mingyue's company, they slowly calmed down.

  At dawn, they returned to their suburban home.

  The two cars at the door have been towed away by the police. The flowers and plants in the yard have been trampled and ravaged.

  As soon as Mrs. Lin saw it, she turned around and walked outside.

  "Wrong place, this is not our house."

  She also held Li Mingyue in one hand and said with a smile, "Good granddaughter, call Grandma twice to listen."

  She remembered one thing along the way, that is Let Li Mingyue keep calling her "grandma".

  Li Mingyue cheered up and shouted "grandma" again. Anyone who was thrilled all night and stayed up all night, and then called "grandma" one hundred and eighty times, lost his energy.

  If only she had a speaker that could record, she only needed to record 'grandma' once, and she could play it thousands of times, making her vomit.

  Mrs. Lin heard it sweetly, "My good granddaughter, call me grandma again."

  Li Mingyue:
  Muslim and Du Liyin checked upstairs and downstairs. Renovation to move in.

  While everyone was discussing what to do, Teacher Lu came to the door.

  It turned out that although he promised Zhou Heng and Li Mingyue to travel, the two did not return overnight, which made him very worried. The next morning, he looked for the address left by Zhou Heng.

  When he got out of the car, he saw the messy yard and was startled.

  Fortunately, he soon saw the figures of Zhou Heng and Li Mingyue, he was relieved, and hurried forward to ask what was going on.

  When Muslim saw Teacher Lu coming over, he put down what he was holding and came over to say hello.

  "Leadership," he said politely.

  Teacher Lu waved his hand and interrupted him, "Just call me Teacher Lu, are you all right?"

  In fact, before leaving yesterday, Zhou Heng had already revealed to him the relationship between Li Mingyue and the Muslim family.

  This matter, personally speaking, has nothing to do with him, but he is willing to sell the Zhou family a favor.

  For Yu Gong, the country is changing day by day, and who can say what happened in the past? It is impossible to say that one day, people like Muslims will become people welcomed by the country.

  Zhou Heng briefly explained the following situation.

  When Teacher Lu heard that it was done by a foreigner, he was startled, and couldn't help feeling sympathy for the injustice of his fellow countrymen.

  Who are these people!
  If we can't handle fair competition, we just resort to this kind of violence.

  He patted Mu Shilin on the shoulder, "It's not easy."

  Mu Shilin said politely to him, just when a phone call came, he went to answer the phone.

  Zhou Heng took Teacher Lu to speak in the courtyard outside, and quietly revealed that Muslim wanted to return to China to invest and build a factory.

  When Teacher Lu heard this, he raised his eyebrows.

  He pondered for a while, then patted Zhou Heng on the shoulder and said, "In the name of the delegation, I can put some pressure on the police station and give Mr. Mu a fair account. When this happened to the Mu family, you and Li Mingyue can stay in I can help you here, but one thing is, you must return to the team before eight o'clock in the evening."

  Zhou Heng agreed immediately, patted his chest and promised to return to the hotel before eight o'clock in the evening.

  Teacher Lu nodded and saw that Muslim was busy talking about business on the phone, so he went to talk to Du Liyin, and when he went to Li Mingyue, he saw Li Mingyue and Mrs. Lin who had met twice in the backyard. is pulling.

  Forget it, just pretend you didn't see it.

  Mr. Lu drove away again. He was also very busy today. There were a lot of people to see and a lot of things to do.

  When Muslim answered the phone and looked for Teacher Lu again, he found that the person had left.

  Zhou Heng told Teacher Lu what he had just revealed, and Mu Shilin stopped when he heard it. It seemed that his daughter's tens of millions had to be taken over.

  He looked around and finally said to his wife, who was still packing,   "

  Xiaoyin, don't do it. Go upstairs and pack some luggage. Let's go to the supermarket."

It didn't fall to the ground or the legs were missing. There were even two holes on the floor of the living room, and there was glass slag on the ground. It
  wasn't possible to clean up the living room in a while.

  He'll hire someone to do it in two days.

  And who knows if those people will come again.

  There are two rooms upstairs on the other side of the supermarket, which can be temporarily lived for a while.

  Now that he has decided to return to China, he can also sort out the assets here.

  Busy day.

  Li Mingyue went back to the hotel and gave Mrs. Lin a few photos of her grandfather.

  When Mrs. Lin saw it, she hugged her into her arms, and cried for a long while. After she had cried enough, she took a closer look at the photo.

  "A handsome and strong young man at the time has turned into such an old man with a knotted elm tree."

  She looked and looked, and said with difficulty: "I don't want to go back."

  Li Mingyue: ". There is an old lady in our village who has been Coveted my grandfather, and met my grandfather whenever I got the chance."

  Madam Lin raised her eyebrows in disbelief, "He dares!"

  Li Mingyue: "My grandfather vowed to die, and ran away when he saw that old lady. , said I want to guard him, just because I'm afraid you don't want him."

  Mrs. Lin said with a "hum", which is almost the same.

  Forget it, for the old man's sake, she will go back and have a look.

  After dinner, Zhou Heng and Li Mingyue had to go back to the hotel, and they had to fly back to China early the next morning.

  Mu Shilin and Du Liyin were very reluctant, especially Du Liyin, who looked at their daughter with wide-eyed eyes, and told her over and over again, wanting her not to miss them too much, but also for fear that she would not miss them.

  She took off a heart-shaped pendant she was wearing and put her teeth around her daughter's neck.

  "Here is a photo of you when you were a child. My mother has come here all these years. Now it is handed over to you. We will meet again soon. Next time we meet again, you will give it back to me."

  Li Mingyue couldn't help choking . Yes, "ummm" a few times, they will meet soon.

  Seeing the passage of time, when it was time to go back, Li Mingyue left with the large and small bags prepared by her parents and grandma.

  When they arrived at the hotel, they reported to Teacher Lu.

  Li Mingyue went back to the house to calm down.

  Zhou Heng stayed in Teacher Lu's room and started talking. He knew that Teacher Lu was not only a teacher leading the team, but his real background was very profound.

  The next day, when they left for the airport after having breakfast in the morning, they saw Muslims coming with their daughter-in-law and mother as soon as they left the hotel.

  Many people in the team knew Mrs. Lin and said hello.

  Mrs. Lin responded with a smile.

  Teacher Lu greeted others to get on the bus first, leaving space for Li Mingyue and Zhou Heng to say goodbye.

  Du Liyin reluctantly said, "After the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, you must always write to me."

  Mrs. Lin winked at her, "The sea is a good place, go to the beach often."

  Li Mingyue paused, then turned around and said To Muslim: "Dad, grandma bought a boat secretly, and she wants to sail back home by herself."

  Mrs. Lin was dumbfounded.

  Du Liyin blinked, looking at her mother-in-law with two eager eyes.

  Mu Shilin took a deep breath, turned to look at his mother, and said solemnly: "Mom, let's talk about it later."

  Mrs. Lin said anxiously: "I won't talk to you."

  She pointed at Li Mingyue, the traitor, angrily, and said : "If your grandfather knew that you betrayed me like this, he would definitely educate you."

  Li Mingyue laughed, grandpa loves her the most, and she doesn't know who will be educated by then.

  The melancholy of parting is destroyed like this.

 Chapter 263 Think You Are Too Ugly

  Although he knew that his daughter was rich, even richer than him, Muslims still stuffed her with a roll of M gold with the largest face value.

  "Go back to your grandfather."

  His heart was heavy and complicated. Although he knew that it was far from enough to make up for his absence over the years, that was all he could do now.

  "Go back, tell your grandfather that we will go back to find you as soon as possible, you have to be good, if the domestic environment is relaxed, write to us if you can write.

  " Don't do it, don't write a letter, this matter can't be tested, if you make a mistake, it will be doomed, as long as you and grandpa are fine, we will be fine, sooner or later we will have a reunion day."

  Li Mingyue nodded.

  Du Liyin came over to talk to her daughter.

  "Mom has thought many times about what my daughter will be like when she grows up, and whether I can see her again in this life. I didn't expect God to send you here. Mom is satisfied, and it's good for you to go back."

  She Looking at Zhou Heng near the car, she lowered her voice: "Where are you and Zhou Heng?"

  Li Mingyue:
  Zhou Heng with sharp ears:
  Li Mingyue twisted: "Let's talk about marriage."

  Du Liyin was stunned, then Which step is it?
  She said, "Don't be in a hurry to get married. Mom wants to watch you put on your new clothes and get married."

  Li Mingyue nodded happily.

  Seeing this scene, Zhou Heng took a deep breath, and it seemed that he had to hurry up and get the three people back.

  Li Mingyue thought about it and asked, "You were young when you came out, so why didn't you think about having another one?"

  Du Liyin looked at her carefully and let out a long sigh, "I'm sorry enough to leave you in the country. If we have another one, I'm afraid we'll completely forget you. Mom can't bear it."

  As soon as these words entered her ears, Li Mingyue became red. Eye.

  She felt that something was flowing in her heart, and some grievances and resentments hidden in her heart disappeared in an instant.

  She hugged Du Liyin tightly, "Come back quickly, grandpa and I are waiting for you."

  Mrs. Lin came over and handed Li Mingyue a small box.

  "Go back to your grandfather."

  Li Mingyue asked with a smile, "What?"

  Mrs. Lin glanced at her, "The old man is too ugly, give him a comb and let him take good care of himself."

  Li Mingyue: The love of the old man and the old lady, Please forgive her for not understanding.

  Seeing that Teacher Lu had already stretched his head twice, Mu Shilin urged Li Mingyue and Zhou Heng to get into the car and go.

  The car drove out for a long time, and when Li Mingyue looked back, he could see that his father was holding his grandmother with one arm and his mother's hand with the other.

  She wiped her wet eyes again.

  Zhou Heng next to her patted her arm comfortingly, "We will meet again soon, we are going back, I think the country will send people out in the future, if you want them, I will find a way to get two more places. "

  Li Mingyue rested her head on his shoulder.

  "Zhou Heng, it's great to have you."

  Zhou Heng stroked her hair and smiled, "I remember your words."

  Li Mingyue snorted twice.

  She opened the necklace pendant on her neck, which was inlaid with a small black and white photo, and the little face of Nianmeng opened her mouth and smiled.

  She was so cute when she was little.

  Bon Voyage.

  After more than ten hours of flight, they once again set foot on the land of the motherland.

  Li Mingyue couldn't help taking a deep breath, she just felt fresh and warm.

  She had planned to go directly to the train station to buy a ticket back to Jinning County, and she couldn't wait to share the events in country Y with her grandfather.

  Who knew that after leaving the airport, Zhou Wei and his grandfather were waiting at the airport.

  Li Mingyue called out in disbelief, "Grandpa!"

  When Old Man Li, who was stretching his neck to look for his granddaughter, heard this crisp voice, his spirit was shaken, and he immediately followed the voice and saw the figure of his granddaughter at a glance.


  Li Mingyue ran over with the suitcase.

  Old Man Li excitedly said "Hey, hey" and stretched out his hand.

  The grandfather and grandson can be considered a successful reunion.

  Li Mingyue looked at Grandpa from head to toe and asked, "Master, why are you here? Are your feet okay?"

  Before going out, Grandpa's feet couldn't touch the ground, but now he went straight to the airport in City A to pick her up .

  Old Man Li nodded: "Okay, okay, how are you doing abroad? Didn't you get bullied?"

  He also looked at his granddaughter from head to toe, trying to find traces of her granddaughter's suffering and grievances, but only saw that her granddaughter was fat face in a circle.

  This child is still fat when he goes out!
  Just as Li Mingyue was about to say that she had found her parents and grandma, a flash of inspiration occurred in her brain, and she took out the small box from her pocket.

  "Here, a gift for you."

  Old man Li smiled with an old face, "It's good if you come back." He put the small box in his pocket, thinking that there was another Zhou Wei next to him, in front of people The face is not very good, and I will look at it when I go home.

  On the other side, Zhou Wei first exchanged a few words with Teacher Lu, and then they agreed to take Zhou Heng and Li Mingyue away directly.

  Zhou Wei drove a jeep, and the jeep was full of people and things.

  Old man Li said that he came to Jinning City the day before yesterday, and his apprentice Zhang Junbo accompanied him, and the house was all packed up.

  Li Mingyue told Zhou Heng to go home.

  Zhou Heng did not persuade him, and directly asked Zhou Wei to drive the car to the vicinity of the University of Science and Technology first. He knew that the grandfather and grandson of the Li family must have a lot to say, and it was best to give them time and space first.

  When he got home, Zhang Junbo heard the movement and ran out to help unload the truck.

  After sending the Zhou brothers away.

  Old man Li asked his granddaughter if he was used to living abroad these days, and took out the small box from his pocket and opened it.

  Li Mingyue and Zhang Junbo suddenly stopped when they saw that the old man was talking, and their old eyes were wide and round.

  A look of madness appeared on his face.

  With trembling hands, he grabbed the quaint little wooden comb and shouted, "Xiaoyu!"

  Zhang Junbo was startled, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

  Li Mingyue smiled and comforted: "It's okay, my grandfather is just so excited, When I saw the gift I gave him, I couldn't be more excited."

  "By the way, second brother, the brown suitcase is the gift I brought to everyone, and there is a white cloth bag in it, that is for you and Sister Yingying, you Take it out."

  As soon as Zhang Junbo heard that he had a gift for his wife, he ran around the house to rummage through Li Mingyue's suitcase.

  Old Man Li came back to his senses and looked at his granddaughter eagerly: "Where did you get this comb?"

  Li Mingyue spread her hands: "My grandma gave it to you. She asked you to take good care of it. She thinks you are too ugly.

  " ? !

  Old man Li was dumbfounded on the spot.

  After a long while, he asked tremblingly, "Your grandma? You didn't recognize the wrong person, right? Let me tell you, you mistakenly recognize your grandma, but I won't mistakenly recognize my daughter-in-law."

Chapter 264 The Way of Health

  Li Mingyue nodded and patted a small leather satchel that she was carrying.

  "There are some good things that my parents gave me, sir, let's go back to the house twice?"

  Old Man Li's eyes widened in disbelief, and then he pointed his finger at her leather bag, then at himself, and again Pointing to the sky, and finally pointing to the ground.

  Li Mingyue is sluggish: I don't understand.

  She rolled her eyes, pointed to the room, drew a circle with her finger, and shook it.

  Old man Li is about to get dizzy, what does granddaughter mean?
  The grandfather and grandson looked at each other and asked a soul: What do you mean?
  Old Man Li: I was so excited that I didn't know what to say, I just gestured casually.

  Li Mingyue: I mean it's not appropriate to talk outside, we have to go back to the house to talk.

  Old Man Li: OK! You are really my granddaughter.

  The grandfather and grandson returned to the house.

  Li Mingyue took out a stack of photos from her purse, and then handed it to her grandfather who was stunned.

  "This is a photo my parents and my grandma took over the years."

  Old Man Li took a deep breath when he heard it, and immediately took the photo and couldn't wait to look at it.

  Tsk, this old lady is really flamboyant, and she is so pretty at such an old age.

  "Grandpa, this is what my grandma looks like now, look good." Li Mingyue came over.

  Old man Li paused, his eyes moved closer, and after a careful inspection, he became excited.

  This is really his little jade!

  The smile, the eyebrows, the pursed lips, and the ears are exactly the same as Xiaoyu's.

  Oh, Xiaoyu is so old, and she still shines so brightly.

  Li Mingyue saw that her grandfather looked carefully and laboriously, thinking that she didn't know her grandmother, so she actively pulled out the photo below.

  "Look, this is a photo my grandma took when she first went abroad. How young was that time, is it what you remember?"

  Old Man Li was stunned when he saw it, but it was not from Xiaoyu when he separated from him. look like.

  At this
  time, he couldn't believe it, looked up and asked his granddaughter: "You, did you really find your grandma and them?"

  Li Mingyue nodded, it was true, it really couldn't be more true.

  Old Man Li suddenly covered his face.

  Li Mingyue patted Grandpa's shoulder silently.

  Alas, good fortune fools people.

  After a while, Old Man Li calmed down and asked, "Then why didn't you bring them back? Grandpa misses your grandma so much."

  Li Mingyue sighed: "My dad said that as long as the policy allows, they will come back soon. "

  Old man Li gave a low "Oh" and looked at each photo carefully.

  At the end of the page, he breathed a sigh of relief, Xiaoyu and the three of them seemed to be doing okay.

  "Then tell me what they are like now? How did you find them?"

  Li Mingyue explained how she met Mrs. Lin, how she and Zhou Heng came to the door, as well as the details of their parents and grandma. Said it again, but she omitted the frightening encounter that night, and said it just to make grandpa worry.

  Old Man Li listened straight.

  He secretly made a decision in his heart: go to the bookstore to buy an atlas in a while, buy a train ticket to go to the beach tomorrow, and then get a fishing boat at the beach,
  he and Xiaoyu will definitely meet.

  As soon as the decision was made, I heard my granddaughter happily say: "When I was leaving, my father and I exposed my milk, my father knew about my milk secretly buying a boat, and it is estimated that my father has given the boat to him now. confiscated."

  Old Man Li:
  The first time I saw my granddaughter's smiling face, what should I do?

  "Zao'er, it's wrong for you to bully your grandma like this." Old Man Li decided to save first.

  Li Mingyue snorted twice, "Grandpa, do you want my granddaughter to stop when you have a grandmother? If you dare to say yes, I will not give the tens of millions to my father."

  Old man Li: Oh, I feel a heart attack .

  Is it a heart attack?

  He squeezed out a flattering smile, "How can you do that? You were brought up by your grandfather. Even if I don't want me, I can't want you."

  "We are all a family, and your dad will use the money for investment. It's still yours if you earn it, by the way, why don't you give the few golden lumps that we buried underground to your dad."

  He dug a pit and buried the golden lumps again.

  Old Man Li quickly surrendered in front of his granddaughter. He felt that the palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh, and he couldn't afford to offend anyone.

  Outside Zhang Junbo studied the gift that Li Mingyue brought back for a long time, and then came out to find that the man hid in the house and closed the door to tell the secret. He didn't bother, quietly tidy up the yard, and then went to the big pot to boil water and cook.

  Li Mingyue must be tired, sleepy, and hungry after traveling such a long distance. After eating, she can go to sleep after washing.

  When the big pot of hot water boils and the rice is ready, the door is still closed.

  It seems that the words are not finished yet.

  Zhang Junbo looked at the noodles in the bowl and thought that it would be a mess after a long time.

  So he chomped and ate.

  After eating, continue to give Li Mingyue the next post.

  Then he choked again and finished eating.

  The third bowl of noodles was also finished by him.

  What's the point of this!
  He went to cook the noodles again, and then came to the door of the house with the fourth bowl of noodles.

  "Master, Mingyue, I really can't eat it, why don't you come out and eat before continuing?"

  It happened that Li Mingyue's mouth was dry, and she explained everything that should be explained. I don't quite understand what Brother Zhang said before, but I know the meal is ready.

  So the grandfather and grandson opened the door and walked out.

  Li Mingyue said with a smile that Xie Duan had started eating late.

  Zhang Junbo glanced at him casually, then called out "Oops", and then walked around the old man Li.

  "Master, are you taking a panacea? Why did you suddenly look radiant and look several years younger."

  Old Man Li happily patted Zhang Junbo's bulging belly and said, "Master is happy, I will bring it with you tomorrow. You go to the restaurant."

  Knowing that his wife and children were all well, he felt a joy and lightness that he had never felt before.

  Zhang Junbo didn't know why, but thought that Master was happy because Li Mingyue was back.

  After dinner, Li Mingyue took a shower and went to sleep.

  On the plane back, she kept thinking about her grandma and the others, and hardly slept much.

  This time I slept for twelve hours.

  When she woke up at six o'clock the next morning, she found in the yard that her grandfather was leading second brother Zhang to practice qigong.

  "Master, why do you get up so early?"

  Old Man Li glanced at her, "Early bed and early rise is the way to keep healthy."

  Zhang Junbo said bitterly, "Master called me up at five o'clock and insisted that I practice qigong. "

  Old man Li: "Since you called me Master, I have to teach you something."

  Li Mingyue shook her head with a laugh, feeling that her grandfather was simply stimulated by her grandma's words.

  Not only tossing himself, but also tossing second brother Zhang.

  She said, "You practice, I'll cook."

  After breakfast was ready, Zhou Heng stepped on the door.

Chapter 265 Back to the village to watch a play

  In the kitchen.

  Zhou Heng whispered excitedly while helping Li Mingyue.

  ". I heard that Mr. Lu and their reports are very satisfactory to the above. Maybe Y country will soon send people. It won't be long before the two countries will officially establish a state, and the channel for personnel exchanges between the two sides will be opened. The more relaxed, I believe your parents and grandma will come back just around the corner."

  He estimated that it might be a year, at most two years, Muslims and the others will be able to come back, and then, hehe, they will be able to get married.

  "Why are you laughing at you?"

  Li Mingyue suddenly leaned in front of him and asked.

  Zhou Heng paused, slowly putting away his slightly cunning smile, and said calmly, "I didn't snicker, I was happy for you and grandpa."

  After eating, Zhou Heng explained the situation to Old Man Li.

  Old Man Li was a little disappointed for a while, "Then can't do anything but wait now?"

  Zhou Heng nodded, "This requires a process, we can only wait."

  "Okay." Old Man Li took out Lin Qiuyu's Look at the photos.

  Zhang Junbo didn't know why, so he raised his hand and asked, "Master, don't you mean that Yue's parents are not here?"

  Old Man Li didn't even look at him, he still looked at the photo with a gentle expression, and casually threatened: "You know one now. It's a big secret, you can think about it for yourself."

  Zhang Junbo opened his eyes wide, looked at Zhou Heng and Li Mingyue in horror, and took a step back.

  "I remember that Yingying seemed to say that she asked me to go back early, so I'll leave first."

  He ran a few steps and found that no one made a sound. When he turned around, he saw Zhou Heng and Li Mingyue staring at him, nibbling on melon seeds, and even his master looked at him as if he were watching a play.

  So he was being played by them?

  "You guys are too much!" Zhang Junbo accused them with trembling hands, stomping his feet and clenching his fists.

  Li Mingyue said, "Second brother, I forgot to tell you one thing. I bought two baby clothes in a foreign country, but they were soft and good-looking."

  Zhang Junbo immediately stopped shaking his hands, stomped his feet, stopped clenching his fists, and his face was full of faces. Duixiao, very proudly said:

  "Say, what show do you want to watch? I'll play it for you."

  Hahaha. The
  yard was laughing and laughing for a while, and even Old Man Li's thoughts were destroyed. Curse is useless.

  Everyone sat down and chatted again.

  Li Mingyue asked about Mao Yingying and Shibei Village.

  Zhang Junbo said cheerfully: "Yingying can eat, sleep and work now, her health is good, and it is as easy as not being pregnant. Everyone said that she will definitely give birth to a big fat boy."

  "Shibei Village is very lively now . , When we left, the production team was splitting up.

  The captain asked those who wanted to go it alone to sign up, and those who wanted to continue mutual assistance and cooperation.

  Everyone was in chaos . For those who cooperate, those who work alone can be divided every day.

  Gu Shijie gave the captain an idea, and asked the captain to simply list all the property of the production team and put it on the wall of the brigade. He also said that if he works alone, What can one person get."

  "As far as the big guys are concerned, many people have given up the idea of ​​going it alone and want to continue to cooperate and help each other."

  "Zhao Wensheng's family jumped up and down, and after a while, he pushed the family to follow it alone to divide the property, After a while, he encouraged the family to make trouble with the captain, and even provoked people to go to the brick factory to pick up the brick kiln to make trouble, and then he was held down and beaten by the big guy."

  Speaking of the village affairs, the old man couldn't sit still. It's convenient, I didn't witness the scene of beating people, it's a pity.

  He has to go back, fan the flames, and try to step on Zhao Wensheng's face next time.

  "There's nothing to do here, why don't we go back to the village."

  Old Man Li thought that there were all kinds of good shows to watch in the village every day, which was much more interesting than playing with apprentices.

  Moreover, Xiaobo has been out with him for a few days, and he must miss his daughter-in-law, and he can't be the 'evil mother-in-law' who splits up the young couple.

  Li Mingyue still has 20 days of vacation. After thinking about it, she feels that she can go home and stay for a while.

  Zhang Junbo was even happier and could go home to see his daughter-in-law.

  Except Zhou Heng was a little reluctant, but after thinking about it, Shibei Village was no stranger to him, he could go there too, Li Shizhu would definitely welcome him.

  So the matter of returning to Shibei Village was settled.

  When the old man and old lady of the Zhou family heard that they were going back, she was reluctant to leave.

  Grandson is going too?
  Come on, let them go together too.

  Just in time to see the place where my grandson once jumped in line, and where the grandson-in-law will grow up in the future.

  The whole family of the Zhou family heard that the old man and the old lady were going to Shibei Village. After a period of chaos, they were suppressed by the old man. No one except Zhou Heng was allowed to follow.

  So the Li family grandfather and grandson, plus Zhou family grandfather and grandson three, plus Zhang Junbo, a group of six people got on the train back to Jinning County.

  On the train, after a friendly and enthusiastic exchange, Old Man Li and Old Man Zhou almost wanted to swoop in, but fortunately they were held down by Zhou Heng and Old Lady Zhou.

  It's not good to be in-laws, what are you doing?

  Now it's not popular for gangs to engage in small groups of people!

  Old Man Li comforted Old Man Zhou quietly: "Don't worry, when you arrive at Shibei Village, you will hang out with me, and when you arrive at City A, I will hang out with you, and I will do what I say."

  Old Man Zhou also said, "That's ok, when the train arrives, You must take me with you."

  On the train, he was attracted by Old Man Li's various anecdotes about Shibei Village and yearned for it.

  Old Man Li boasted, and successfully instilled an idea into Old Man Zhou: that is to follow him, Old Li, life will be very happy.

  When they arrived in Jinning County, they didn't stay long. Zhang Junbo found the high-speed rail mountain that came to the city to deliver food, and then the group took a tractor and left for Shibei Village in six days.

  On the way, Gaotieshan also talked about what happened recently in the village, and it was really lively.

  Old Man Zhou found it very interesting just like listening to a big play.

  When he was about to enter the village, Old Man Li showed off his tractor driving skills again, which surprised Old Man Zhou.   "Old Zhou

  , let me tell you that driving a tractor is a must-have skill in Shibei Village, regardless of whether it is men or women, the elderly, or children. I'll teach you in two days. It's very simple."

Zhang big.

  As soon as they entered the village, they saw many people running towards the brigade.

  Among them was Mrs. Gao.

  Old Man Li hurriedly greeted, "Mrs. Gao, you are almost catching up with the young man. What happened? Could it be that there is cow dung at the brigade for you to pick up?"

  Mrs. Gao said "yo" and asked "Are you back?"

  Then he corrected: "I haven't picked up cow dung for a long time. We can't use up the fertilizer we bought in our village. It's cleaner and easier to use than cow dung."

  Finally, seeing others running happily, He said anxiously: "We are going to divide the production in the brigade. I'm going to be late, but I don't have a good place to watch the play. I'll go first."

  Before leaving, he greeted Li Mingyue: "Mingyue, go to my house for dinner at night, I'll give you chicken. ."

  Old Man Li hurriedly greeted Old Man Zhou to get off the tractor: "Hurry up, Old Zhou, the show is about to start, let's go quickly."

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