Chapter 256- 260

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Chapter 256 What is your name?

  Li Mingyue asked, "Why can't you wait?"

  Mrs. Lin smiled softly, and this smile had a miserable, moving look.

  She said to Li Mingyue, "I feel like I'm about to die."

  Li Mingyue was shocked and blurted out, "You won't."

  Mrs. Lin smiled again: "Well, everyone thinks I'm talking nonsense, but I think it's true. ."

  Li Mingyue couldn't help but grabbed her hand: "Don't worry, wait a few more years, five years, no, three years, after three years, you can return to China with your family through normal channels."

  Mrs. Lin asked He tilted his head and smiled, "You don't have to wait three years, I'll sail back in two days. By the way, do you want to see my ship, you'll love it if you see it, if you call me grandma , I can take you with me for free, you can enjoy the sea scenery all the way, and then go back home happily with me."


  Li Mingyue suddenly felt that a string was being plucked in her brain. She looked closely at Mrs. Lin in front of her, her heart was beating faster and faster.

  "Excuse me. What's your name. Name and character?" When she said such a sentence, she felt her tongue stiffen.

  Mrs. Lin blinked, "I named my boat Xiaohuzi."

  Li Mingyue was stunned, Xiaohuzi?

  She swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked again, "Then what's your name?"

  Mrs. Lin rolled her eyes and said, "I used to have a dog, and that dog is very smart. It's called Dahuzi, but it's a pity he died. already."

  Big tiger?
  Li Mingyue was stunned again. She grabbed Mrs. Lin's hand and asked eagerly, "Then what's your name?"

  Who knew that Mrs. Lin, who had always been fine, suddenly stood up and shook her hand away.

  "I won't talk to you anymore. You keep asking people's names. It's rude."

  She said and left.

  Li Mingyue was stunned, was she impolite?

  No, this.
  No, Xiaohuzi, Dahuzi, have anything to do with grandpa's name Li Dahu?
  No, is Mrs. Lin her grandmother Lin Qiuyu?
  Li Mingyue's brain was in confusion, she quickly stood up, and subconsciously wanted to chase after Mrs. Lin, but there were so many people in the hall, and Mrs. Lin had already entered the crowd.

  Mrs. Lin in front heard Li Mingyue's voice, but instead increased the speed, and said in a panic: "Don't chase me, don't chase me"

  This change attracted the attention of many people, and Teacher Lu's brows wrinkled. , Some people's brows also wrinkled.

  The curly-haired girl noticed this fluctuation immediately, thinking that Li Mingyue had stimulated Mrs. Lin, and while regretting it, she hurriedly greeted Mrs. Lin to comfort her.

  Zhou Heng also noticed Li Mingyue's change. He nimbly walked through the crowd and grabbed Li Mingyue who was still pushing forward.


  Li Mingyue looked back at Zhou Heng and said anxiously, "Zhou Heng, she. I think that old lady just now is the person I'm looking for."

  She wanted Zhou Heng to help her chase Mrs. Lin, but who knows Zhou Heng held her hand tightly.

  "Mingyue, don't be impulsive, everyone is watching."

  Li Mingyue was stunned, but just as she was about to speak, Zhou Heng wrapped her arms around her belt and walked towards the edge of nowhere, whispering in her ear. Said:
  "It's not suitable to chase now, the banquet is over, I'll take you to see her at her house."

  Li Mingyue's anxious heart slowly calmed down, only then did she realize that many people were watching her.

  "When you go out, remember to be careful with your words and deeds."

  When she set off, Teacher Zhou's serious warning rang in her ears.

  Yes, this should not be known.

  Although the country has opened up a lot, she is still very sensitive in certain matters. After she goes back, she will face severe scrutiny from relevant departments.

  In that case, grandpa's forbearance for decades will be in vain.

  Thinking of this, Li Mingyue couldn't help but be afraid of breaking out in a cold sweat.

  "Take a deep breath and smile." Zhou Heng's calm reminder sounded in his ears again.

  Li Mingyue looked at him subconsciously and calmed down even more towards Zhou Heng's gaze, she breathed slowly, and a smile appeared on her face.

  At this time, Teacher Liu came over and asked, "What happened?"

  Zhou Heng said calmly, "It's okay."

  Li Mingyue made an embarrassed look, she smiled a little embarrassedly, and then said softly, "Ms. Li Let me take care of Mrs. Lin, but Mrs. Lin suddenly stood up and wanted to leave, I was worried about what happened to her, so I chased after a few steps."

  Teacher Liu looked in the direction of Mrs. Lin and Ms. Li with curly hair just now, but found that Ms. Li helped Mrs. Lin to walk towards the gate, just at this moment, she turned her head to look this way, and when they met their gaze, Ms. Li paused slightly, nodded apologetically, and then supported the anxious Mrs. Lin is gone.

  This made Teacher Liu believe Li Mingyue's words, so he comforted her softly, so that she didn't have to worry about it, and then left.

  When Teacher Liu walked away, Zhou Heng brought a glass of orange juice to Li Mingyue.

  "Drink some of this, it tastes good."

  Li Mingyue suppressed her temper and took two sips. Seeing that no one was looking at her, she put down the cup and bit her ears with Zhou Heng.

  "That Mrs. Lin, I suspect that she is my grandma."

  "There may be something wrong with her spirit. It should be that she has been wanting to go back to China all these years, but she can't."

  "She just told me that she secretly bought a boat, and plans to sail across the ocean by herself, and then find a quiet place to land."

  "I asked her what's her name? She started talking about left and right, no Ken told me her name, and when I asked, she suddenly stood up and ran away."

  "By the way, she named her pets and boats 'Big Huzi' and the other 'Little Huzi'. "

  Hearing this, Zhou Heng's face was a little weird for a while, he knew that Grandpa Li Mingyue's name was 'Li Dahu'.

  Is she really Lin Qiuyu?
  For now, there are indications that this possibility is very high.

  Zhou Heng shook Li Mingyue's hand soothingly, and said, "Don't worry, I'll go ask Mrs. Lin first, sit here and stop walking around."

  He confirmed that Li Mingyue was completely calm, then stood up and left, and went back again into the crowd.

  Li Mingyue watched Zhou Heng chatting and laughing with others for a while, and then she looked back.

  She recalled what happened just now, and she was still very excited.

  If Mrs. Lin is really her grandmother...

  It seems that Mrs. Lin has been suffering a lot these years, and her spirit is a little abnormal.

  How can she confirm and recognize Mrs. Lin, will they recognize her? Do you think she is a liar?
  It would be great if grandpa came together.

  Li Mingyue's thoughts became more and more anxious.

  By the way, Mrs. Li with curly hair said that Mrs. Lin's son would come to pick up Mrs. Lin. Shouldn't it be time at this time?

  Thinking of this, Li Mingyue looked at Zhou Heng.

  Zhou Heng, who has been following Li Mingyue at all times, quickly received Li Mingyue's attention.

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