Chapter 96- 100

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Chapter 96 Don't Want

  Old Man Li, when he couldn't see Old Man Ji's speechless expression, he turned around and pointed at Zhang Junbo and said to Old Man Ji,
  "My apprentice, Zhang Junbo.


  Zhang Junbo immediately shouted loudly: "Hello, sir."

  Old Ji was stunned by Zhang Junbo's altitude. He looked at Old Man Li in the basin on the left and Zhang Junbo in the peak on the right. He couldn't help but want to laugh. The old man was looking for his apprentice. But you can find what you lack, it's really worthy!
  Old Man Li saw that Old Man Ji was so happy that his mouth couldn't close, so he took the opportunity to say: "My apprentice is even smarter than me, and he also made up a few things, you can take a look and see how much money can be exchanged."

  Zhang Junbo hurriedly put the A few dustbins, boxes, vase and gourds strung with a rope behind him were dragged in front of him.

  Ji old man looked up at the high altitude again, and then turned his attention to the string of novelties with great interest.

  He picked them up one by one and looked at them, left and right, inside and out.

  Seeing that Zhang Junbo was very nervous, on a cold day, beads of sweat began to break out.

  Li Mingyue was a little surprised when she saw Wei Wei. She didn't expect Zhang Junbo to be so nervous. He probably wasn't as nervous as he is now in the middle school exam.

  Old Man Li saw that Old Man Ji had almost seen it, so he asked, "What's the matter? It's not bad, it's well-knitted."

  Old Man Ji put down the stuff, tsk-tsk, and nodded: "It's really good, the texture is fine, you can tell at a glance. Those with strength." He shook his head regretfully: "However, it's not practical, I can't take it here, the people who come to the supply and marketing agency to buy things are for durability and durability, and your apprentice's things will accumulate dust here. "

  When Zhang Junbo heard this, he drooped his shoulders in disappointment.

  Old man Li didn't give up, "Old plan, why don't you take two and see the situation first. If no one asks, I'll take them next time you come."

  The old man Ji shook his head firmly, "Old Li, it's not that I don't accept it, we can't accept it here."

  He thought about it and gave a suggestion, and said to Zhang Junbo: "Young man, you will make up the same thing as your master in the future. I think your craftsmanship is good, you can send some and I will receive a few."

  Zhang Junbo squeezed out a smile and nodded: "Hey, uncle, I understand."

  Although his craftsmanship was affirmed, he still felt Still a little uncomfortable.

  Forget it, in the future, I'll still be honestly editing the kind that Master made up, and I'll make up these novel things when someone wants them.

  The four of them handed over the ten baskets of Old Man Li to the acquisition station, and then went to the accountant to collect three dollars.

  The old man Li wanted his granddaughter to go to the non-staple food department to buy delicious food, but Li Mingyue said, "Grandpa, we still have the dishes for Director Qin's house, and we will buy things after delivery."


  So the group of four left the supply and marketing cooperative and went to Director Qin's house.

  After walking for a while, Zhang Junbo suddenly slapped his forehead and made a loud "snap" sound, which startled everyone and thought he was wrong.

  "I know why the uncle Ji didn't want what I made up just now." He said.


  Old man Li, grandfather and grandson asked in unison, thinking that this guy must have made a great discovery when he shoots himself so loudly.

  Zhang Junbo flattened his mouth and said, "It must be because you think that Master, you just gave too little chestnuts."

  Old man Li stretched out four fingers excitedly, "You know how rare it is for me to give those four chestnuts, have you ever seen me give someone else one?"

  "Yes." Zhang Junbo pointed to himself, " You gave me thirty-five dollars."

  Thirty-five dollars can buy at least two large sacks of chestnuts.

  Old Man Li was almost stunned, and was so choked that he was speechless.

  Yes, I almost forgot, for this silly boy, he was able to be so generous.

  "You still know!" he exclaimed angrily.

  Zhang Junbo: "Master, next time, you should be more generous. We ate so much on the way. If you say you give people away, you can give more. If I leave all my baskets, it is money. Buying something delicious for you?"

  Old Man Li stared and said, "Who the hell is there all the time on the road to eat!"

  Zhang Junbo was silent, he was eating all the time on the road, well, it's his fault.

  The two quarreled all the way, and soon came to the gate of Director Qin's house.

  Looking at the door, Old Man Li and Zhang Junbo immediately became honest and well-behaved, with lowered eyebrows and a look that no matter how old they were.

  After registering and entering, Old Man Li quietly asked his granddaughter.

  "Last time, you all came here?"   Li Mingyue

  : "Yes, Grandpa."   "


  Zhang Junbo asked, "Master, what are you doing?

  " Director Qin's lover, An Lanjuan, opened the door at the director's house. As soon as she saw Zhou Heng, she immediately opened her eyes and smiled.   "Xiaoheng is here, come in quickly."   When they entered the door, Old Man Li and Zhang Junbo were even more restrained, their eyes were not squinting, their feet were not swaying, and they completely followed behind Zhou Heng and Li Mingyue.   "Hello Aunt An, this is my grandfather and his apprentice Zhang Junbo." Li Mingyue greeted An Lanjuan with a smile.   An Lanjuan smiled and said, "Master, don't be restrained."   Since the last experience, she has been very enthusiastic about the people that Zhou Heng brought, no matter what the other party wears, words or deeds.   Old Man Li said "Hey, hey" twice.

  An Lanjuan said to Zhou Heng: "Your Uncle Qin is talking with colleagues about work in the unit. You sit down first, and he will tell you later after he sends people off."

  Zhou Heng said, "No need, let's come. Just send some food." He nodded to Li Mingyue after he finished speaking.

  Li Mingyue quickly took out two large handfuls of spinach and leeks from the small basket she brought with her, and said with a smile, "Auntie An, this is a vegetable that we have grown by ourselves. The quantity is not large. I will give it to you to try it."

  An Lanjuan Seeing the green and tender vegetables, his eyes widened in surprise.

  "Is this vegetable grown in the greenhouse you built?"

  When Zhou Heng and Li Mingyue came here before, it was for the materials for the greenhouse. She knew that they wanted to build a vegetable shed that could grow vegetables in winter, but she didn't expect that It was really planted.

  This bright green vegetable is definitely a rarity in winter.

  Li Mingyue smiled and said, "Well, it's planted. Now only spinach and leeks can be eaten. After a while, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, and beans will also be available. I'll bring you some more then."

  An Lanjuan was overjoyed when she heard it, "Ouch", and couldn't help holding Li Mingyue's hand.

  This child is really a conscientious person. She just sent two old clothes that she didn't wear and a piece of floral cloth that she didn't need. This child can remember that she specially sent her rare vegetables in winter.

  "You guys are too sincere. You came from the countryside to the county town just to give me such two dishes. I don't even know what to say to you." An Lanjuan was a little moved.

  She said: "What are you going to do? Hurry up and sit at home for a while. It's cold. I'll bring you tea."

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