Chapter 126- 130

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Chapter 126 Liu An Hua Ming

  Before the sun went down, Li Shizhu finally hoped Zhou Heng back.

  Zhou Heng looked very excited, and before entering the door, he said to Li Shizhu: "I saw an agricultural technician from the north in the city, and I chatted with him about building a vegetable greenhouse, and learned something very important. Li Shizhu was a little dazed, and asked, "

  What's the matter?"

  In fact, this winter, he was pulled into the vegetable shed every three or five times by Mr. Li to work.

  Unexpectedly, Zhou Heng changed the subject and asked, "Are Uncle and Mingyue here?"

  He felt that Li Mingyue should be very interested in this matter, and he wanted to tell Li Mingyue.

  Li Shizhu nodded: "Yes, they are all in the north room."

  So the two entered the north room one after the other, and he was stunned as soon as he entered.

  It turned out that Li Mingyue saw that grandfather and Zhang Junbo had been sitting and weaving baskets all the time. They didn't move for a while, so he forced them to stand up and practice qigong together.

  After practicing for a while, she felt that her body was much stronger, and now she highly respects this qigong, and whenever she has the opportunity, she will grab her grandfather to practice together.

  The movements of Old Man Li and Zhang Junbo were much worse than that of Li Mingyue. They were similar to dancing. They were still dancing like a fish in the water, which looked very funny.

  Therefore, when Zhou Heng entered the room, he saw Old Man Li and Zhang Junbo dancing and Li Mingyue practicing the exercises. He immediately thought that Old Man Li and the two were making trouble.

  He also wondered in his heart: This old man is still playing tricks with children, but he is really stubborn.

  When Old Man Li saw Zhou Heng and Li Shizhu come in, he immediately stopped dancing and said, "I'll practice later, and hear about Zhou Heng going to the city today."

  Zhou Heng then realized that they were just practicing.

  It works!
  Li Shizhu urged Zhou Heng to talk about the important things he just said.

  Li Mingyue and others also became curious, and everyone sat down and looked at Zhou Heng.

  Zhou Heng restrained his thoughts and said, "I met a technician who specializes in vegetable greenhouses today, and he told me one thing that the walls of many greenhouses in the north are built with mud and compost layer by layer. It's very warm."

  Li Shizhu's eyes widened suddenly, he looked left and right with excitement, and finally looked at Li Mingyue.

  "Mingyue, does this mean that we saved the money from buying bricks?"

  Li Mingyue nodded vigorously, isn't it!
  Mud, there is nothing else in the village but this.

  As for Kangpi, every household can get a lot of it, and there is no shortage of it.

  This time I can save a lot of money, and I can buy all the plastic sheets with the money I put together.

  Zhou Heng: You don't ask me about this, but Li Mingyue?
  Old Man Li nodded: "This is indeed an important matter, why don't the newspapers say it."

  They had heard a lot of articles in the newspapers.

  Zhou Heng then said the second thing, about the brick factory.

  "Today, Director Qin took me to the house of the head of the brick factory in the county seat, and he talked about the situation in our village. The head of the factory supported us very much in setting up the brick factory, saying that it was also a contribution to the construction of the motherland.

  " Come to the village for guidance, or arrange for the villagers to study in the factory, no problem, just depends on the arrangement of our village."

  Hearing this, not only Li Shizhu was happy, but Li Mingyue Zhang Junbo was also very happy.

  Li Mingyue once again felt that Zhou Heng was worthy of being the son of Heaven's Chosen, and the luck value of 999 was not covered. As soon as he stepped out, all the problems were solved, and it was still over and over.

  Zhou Heng asked Li Shizhu: "When will our village send people to the county brick factory to study?"

  Li Shizhu was pleasantly surprised: "The time is really up to us?"


  Li Mingyue saw that Li Shizhu didn't ask about the idea, so she couldn't help but interjected and asked Zhou Heng: "Did you say how many people can be sent from our village? If we go, how are they going to arrange our people? Can we study there? How long does it take, can I learn all the links? And how to solve the food and accommodation?"

  Li Shizhu came back to his senses, and while saying yes, he said, "Fortunately, there is a bright moon, and I am so happy."

  Zhou Heng also gave Li Mingyue a compliment and answered seriously: "The brick factory has a canteen and a dormitory. People who go there can eat in the canteen, and they also make a room for us in the dormitory. Due to the tightness of the place, they told us to send three people. Let's go, let's make a one-month schedule, and then three people can take turns to do several processes for a period of time."

  "When you go, you will work like the workers in the factory, so you will be paid back, but the salary will definitely be Fewer than the workers in other factories."

  What? Pay back!

  Li Shizhu was so surprised that he didn't know what to say. He wanted to go, but unfortunately Zhang Junbo stole his words.

  "Can I go?" He wanted to earn that salary.

  Li Shizhu came back to his senses, cleared his throat, and said cheerfully: "Junbo, you can't go, Shibei Village needs you more, and when the brick factory in our village is built, you will definitely be the first worker. When the time comes, the village will pay you wages."

  Oh, saying this, he seemed to feel that the village was going to have money.

  As soon as Zhang Junbo heard this, he didn't ask to go to the brick factory in the city.

  Both his brother and his sister-in-law worked in the brick factory in the county seat. When they met, it was impossible for him to be reprimanded by his sister-in-law.

  It's better to stay in the village and wait to be a worker in the brick factory of Shibei Village.

  Such great news must make the whole village happy.

  Li Shizhu immediately shouted loudly and called everyone to the courtyard of the brigade headquarters.

  The big guys assemble quickly.

  I can't do it any time soon, because Li Shizhu said on the speaker that there are important things, and if they come quickly, there will be great things, and they can go to work in the city and work as workers.

  Who doesn't want to go to work in the city as a worker? Although he thinks Li Shizhu may be lying, he still wants to hear what's going on.

  "I want to tell you a big event. Our village is going to build a brick factory!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, the ground boiled.

  What the hell?
  A few years ago, I said that I would build a greenhouse, but after just one year, it became a brick factory. Captain, you are so big, don't you panic?   Wang Shuifeng
  , who paid the most, immediately asked loudly, "Captain, what about our money?"   In the crowd, Old Man Li saw Old Lady Gao quietly approaching him again, and immediately lowered his head and jumped to other places.   Mrs. Gao: Hey, what about people?   Old Man Li hiding behind Wan Sanhai: Hmph, fortunately, I was clever and defended my innocence.   Wan Sanhai stretched out his hand to cover his buttocks, just about to fart when someone suddenly came out and squatted in front of him, so he could only hold back.   difficult!   Li Shizhu patted the table to calm down the big guy.   "Now Zhou Heng has won a great opportunity for our Shibei village. The county brick factory agreed to send three people from the village to work there for a month and pay them back wages. At the same time, they will also send a technician to our village to guide us in building a brick kiln. "   "If you don't know, go to inquire about the business of the brick factory. Let me tell you this. As long as the brick factory is built, the bricks can be converted into money as soon as the bricks are burned. When the autumn harvest, we will have money. The money to buy plastic will continue to build the greenhouse." "   At   that time, our village will not only have a brick burning factory, but also a vegetable greenhouse, and the income   will be two." As soon as these words came out, the scene fell silent.

  Everyone looked at each other, trying to digest the huge amount of information.

  I went to work in a brick factory in the city again, and I was still earning wages. I could only send three people from the village!
  The brick factory is also run, and the greenhouse is also built, earning double money.

  Some people want to wonder why a brick factory is set up, is it reliable to set up a brick factory? He was anxiously afraid that the three places would be taken away by others, so he was thinking about it in two halves at one time, and he was in a hurry.

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