My Luck Exploded After Being...

By jhenylle0117

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Chapter 1- 5
Chapter 6- 10
Chapter 11- 15
Chapter 16- 20
Chapter 21- 25
Chapter 26- 30
Chapter 31- 35
Chapter 36- 40
Chapter 41- 45
Chapter 46- 50
Chapter 51- 55
Chapter 55- 60
Chapter 61- 65
Chapter 66- 70
Chapter 71- 75
Chapter 76- 80
Chapter 81- 85
Chapter 91- 95
Chapter 96- 100
Chapter 101- 105
Chapter 106- 110
Chapter 111- 115
Chapter 116- 120
Chapter 121- 125
Chapter 126- 130
Chapter 131- 135
Chapter 136- 140
Chapter 141- 145
Chapter 146- 150
chapter 151- 155
Chapter 156- 160
Chapter 161- 165
Chapter 166- 170
Chapter 171- 175
Chapter 176- 180
Chapter 181- 185
Chapter 186- 190
Chapter 191- 195
Chapter 196- 200
Chapter 201- 205
Chapter 206- 210
Chapter 211- 215
Chapter 216- 220
Chapter 221- 225
Chapter 226- 230
Chapter 231- 235
Chapter 236- 240
Chapter 241- 245
Chapter 246- 250
Chapter 251- 255
Chapter 256- 260
Chapter 261- 265
Chapter 266- 270
Chapter 271- 274 end

chapter 86- 90

289 5 0
By jhenylle0117

Chapter 86 The Newly Received Apprentice 

After a long time, it turned out to be an oolong!
  Everyone was speechless.

  The educated youth felt that Uncle Li and Li Mingyue did not speak clearly and misled them.

  Uncle Li thinks that these educated youth dolls can really think wildly. How old is his candied date, what kind of target is he looking for!
  Besides, just like Zhang Junbo, the designation is not worthy of his good granddaughter, and he is not blind.

  Mai Lili cleared her throat and asked, "Master, where did you deceive such a person from? You're not afraid of his family coming to the door."

  This attitude completely treated people as long-term workers.

  The old man Li shook his head: "His father begged me to bring people back, don't worry, they are happy."   Gu Shijie was the last one to jump out. As soon as he looked up, he saw a dark shadow in the yard. Looking at them, I was also startled, and hurriedly poked Mai Lili in front of me.   Because the night was windy and dark, and the five fingers could not be seen, no one could see who the other was, only that there was someone on the other side.   So in the dark, the five educated youths and Zhang Junbo looked at each other across the courtyard, and they confronted each other tensely.   The old man Li in the room heard these educated youths jumping out, why did the sound suddenly disappear and was eaten by monsters?   Thinking about it, he stuck his head out, and saw several people leaning against each other and standing still in front of his window.   "What's wrong?"   Gu Shijie whispered: "Master, people have entered the yard."   At this moment, Zhou Heng thought of something, and tentatively said: "Zhang Junbo?"   Zhang Junbo also heard Zhou Heng's voice. When he realized that it was those educated youths, he let out a long sigh, "It's me, how did you get out of Uncle Li's room?"   Old Man Li hissed, "Don't ask anything, go back to sleep and go back to your own nest."

  Shen Xiaoqin asked: "Then what happened to the so-called Mingyue Yusheng happiness that you went to town today?"

  Old Man Li When I think of the forty dollars that I threw away, my heart aches, "I'm happy to help others."

  Everyone was puzzled, Gu Shijie asked what it meant.

  Old Man Li didn't want to go into details, it was painful to say it again, he waved his hand to drive people away: "It's getting late, go to bed quickly, you have to get up early tomorrow to work, remember to jump out of the window, don't put my jujube I woke up."

  Several people asked again, Old Man Li made up his mind not to say anything, and everyone had no choice but to queue up and jump back to the window.

  Zhang Junbo, who was woken up by the urine and went out to urinate, was frightened by a casual glance. He saw a black figure jumping out of Uncle Li's window
  . , 2, 3, 4, 5!

  Incredible, five figures jumped out of Uncle Li's room!

  But don't wake up Zao'er again.

  The five educated youths quietly returned to their rooms numbly.

  After Zhang Junbo lay on the kang, he still wondered, could it be that he actually entered an underground station? Those educated youths were holding a secret meeting in Uncle Li's house just now.

  And he was actually a cover? Or a cannon fodder?
  When Li Mingyue got up the next morning, she found that the stove was on fire and a pot of water was burning, and she felt warm and relaxed.

  There are many Zhang Junbos in the family very good.

  After she hastily washed up, she hurriedly made breakfast.

  Porridge, potato cakes, shredded radish salad, boiled sweet potatoes.

  Zhang Junbo ate a piece of potato cake, and then left the events of last night out of the sky. What kind of cover, what cannon fodder, feel free! Potato pancakes are delicious.

  "I'll wash, I'll wash, hurry up and leave."

  After dinner, Zhang Junbo diligently contracted the washing of the dishes, so that everyone should go to work, go to school, and just leave the housework to him. .

  Gu Shijie smiled embarrassedly: "Then I'll trouble you." Usually they take turns to wash the dishes.

  On the way to the school, Li Mingyue met Li Shizhu and Li Baoling.

  In the past two days, Li Shizhu sent his children to school every day. Although the distance from home to school was only a few hundred meters, he could not hold back an old father's love for learning.   Seeing Li Mingyue

  , Li Shizhu asked with a stern face, "I heard that you didn't go to school yesterday?"   Li Mingyue hurriedly said, "Mr. Xu and I asked for leave yesterday. I bought some pens and notebooks from the supply and marketing cooperative, and planned to hand them over to the school, so that the teachers could give them to the students who couldn't afford them."   Li Shizhu one Hearing this, his face became better, and he said kindly, "So it's like this, it's very good, study hard, and go to the village with Baoling to study in the future, and give your grandfather a fight."   "Well, uncle captain . "   Li Baoling secretly stuck out her tongue at Li Mingyue, pointed her finger at her father, and then spread her hands in a helpless motion.   Li Mingyue winked at her.   Li Shizhu kept sending them to the door of the classroom, and after watching them enter the classroom, he left very reluctantly.   home.   After Zhang Junbo cleaned up, he begged Old Man Li, "Master, please point me to a place, and I'll go and pick up wicker sticks for you. When I have enough wicker sticks, let's weave baskets together."   Old Man Li saw that he was so proactive and didn't care. Take the shelf, happily lead the person and go out.   In the village, he stopped to chat awkwardly when he met someone, and then turned to Zhang Junbo, "My new apprentice."   "What are you learning from me? Look down on people, I have a lot to teach."

  "For example, weaving wicker baskets, who can compare to me."

  "Okay, I won't tell you too much, it will save you jealousy, we still have business to do.

  " Everyone in the village knew that Old Man Li had tricked a big fool out of nowhere.

  And Zhang Junbo is still cheerful, he thinks Uncle Li is really a good person, he not only introduced him to the whole village, but also intends to pass on Li's ancestral basket weaving skills to him.

  "Master, don't worry, I will be filial to you in

  the future." "You will be my master in the future."

  Looking at Zhang Junbo, who was very emotional, Old Man Li laughed on his face, but he thought in his heart, what the hell is this big stupid man? brain.

  When the two walked to the willow forest by the river, they met Zhao Wensheng who was singing to the river.

  Zhang Junbo asked curiously, "Master, why does this person sing here? Is he a singer?"

  Old Man Li: "P, he is a fool. You will walk around him in the future."

  Zhang Junbo listened and looked at Zhao Wensheng carefully. After a few glances, I am even more surprised that the fool can sing with a straight face, and it sounds good.

  When Li Mingyue came home at noon, he found a lot of wicker piles in the yard. Grandpa and Zhang Junbo were cleaning up the branches and leaves on the wicker.

  "The fire is ready, and the ingredients that can be prepared are ready. Don't worry, do it slowly." Old Man Li greeted his granddaughter.

  Li Mingyue went into the kitchen and saw that she had prepared everything she could, so she was just about to start cooking and stir-frying.

  This is hassle-free and efficient, and the meal is ready in half the time.

Chapter 87 Let the willow tree go

  . During the meal, everyone was surprised to find that Zhang Junbo actually called Old Man Li 'Master' and treated Old Man Li very thoughtfully.

  "Master, you sit here, I have chosen the most comfortable bench for you."

  "Master, come and eat, this bowl of rice is the most, I have carefully compared it."

  "Master, chopsticks, these chopsticks are the most beautiful."

  "Master, you eat first, you eat the first bite, we can start eating as the juniors."

  Everyone looked at his busyness, moved their buttocks to feel the comfort of the bench, and carefully observed whether the rice in the bowl was better than other people's. Little, the final conclusion of whether chopsticks are uglier than others
  is: this military wave is actually a flatterer!

  No, I haven't seen you this morning. What happened?

  How did Old Man Li become Master Zhang Junbo? What can Old Man Li teach? Teach how to be slick, how to spoil Li Mingyue, or how to take advantage of it quietly?

  Zhang Junbo said with a look of gratitude: "Master has treated me so well, not only saved me from the fire, but also taught me a unique trick from the old Li family: weaving baskets, feeding me, and taking me to earn money. Money, I can't be too good to Master." The corners of

  everyone's mouth twitched together, and it was a magic trick from the bad street!

  Since they came to the Li Family Courtyard, they have learned a lot of old man Li's tricks that are not rumored.

  Not to mention the other tricks, just eat earwax to become dumb, everyone passed the practice test and only gave Old Man Li the word 'hehe'.

  The five educated youth marveled at the skill of Old Man Li's tricks and progress.

  Li Mingyue giggled while eating, and almost broke out in laughter, her grandfather is so amazing!
  No matter what, Zhang Junbo stayed in the Li Family Courtyard like this, which not only brought joy to the Li Family Courtyard, but also made everyone's life a lot easier.

  That evening, Li Mingyue sat in the yard and lowered her head to do her homework.

  Zhang Junbo came back with a bundle of wicker sticks in his arms, glanced at it casually, and said in surprise, "Isn't five or six thirty-two? How did you write thirty."

  Li Mingyue paused, knowing that Zhang Junbo graduated from junior high school and was better than her. So I silently recited the formula for the multiplication of six.

  Five or six is ​​thirty.

  She tentatively asked: "How much is four or five?" Zhang   Junbo

  opened his mouth and said: "Forty-five-eight." "Six-



I know how he graduated from high school.

  She smiled at Zhang Junbopi without smiling, "Thank you."

  Thank you for your kindness and enthusiasm for taking me into the ditch.

  "No, no, I'm a junior high school graduate anyway. I'm quite sure about your elementary school questions." Zhang Junbo said cheerfully, and then walked away to play with his wicker.

  In the evening, when Zhang Junbo went out and didn't know what to do or not at home, Li Mingyue hurriedly said to his grandfather: "Master, you will give the county's supply and marketing social basket in the future, but don't let Zhang Junbo settle accounts independently, no, no matter what you do in the future, as long as it involves accounting and counting, Don't let Zhang Junbo take care of you."

  Good guy, 458 are so righteous and blown away!

  Old Man Li rolled his eyes: "You said I want to stop teaching him our Li family's unique arithmetic?"

  Li Mingyue grinned at his grandfather, "Good idea!"

  After a few days, Li Shizhu came to the door with his hands behind his back.

  As soon as he entered the gate of Li's house, he saw that the yard was full of wicker piles.

  "Uncle, where is your apprentice?" He glanced around, and then asked Old Man Li, who was sitting at the door basking in the sun.

  "What's going on in the vegetable shed, what's the matter? Tell me about it."

  Li Shizhu frowned and said, "Can you ask your apprentice to let go of the willow trees in our village?
  Good guy, because of his height, he stunned a few willow trees and bald their heads. That day. When my mother-in-law came to our village, she almost didn't know the land.

  It's been a long time since he came here for less than a week, and the tree became like this. How beautiful it used to be, now it's the ugliest tree in our village. If I were a person, I would have jumped into the river earlier."

  So Zhang Junbo paused his work of picking the willows, giving the willows in the village some time to breathe.

  Friday night.

  The old man Li announced: "Get up early tomorrow, let's go up the mountain."

  Zhang Junbo had stripped the wicker at home, but he couldn't weave baskets before it was dried.

  After thinking about it, Old Man Li decided to go up the mountain. There are many willow trees on the mountain.

  I haven't gone around the mountain for a long time.

  Winter is coming soon, and the pheasants and rabbits on the mountain are all stocked up, so I can't say I'm lucky enough to catch two of them.

  Even if you can't catch wild animals, you can still pick some fungus, wild pears, chestnuts and so on.

  It's been a long time since I gave Candied Dates a snack, so I have to go up the mountain to get some.

  Li Mingyue naturally wanted to go, she turned her head to look at Zhou Heng, "Brother Zhou, you can go too, I'll make a pancake and bring it tomorrow, and we'll eat it on the mountain."

  It is natural to bring 999 for such an adventurous activity up the mountain. what.

  Without 999, danger will be lost; with 999, safety will be rewarded.

  Zhou Heng twitched the corners of his mouth and glanced at Li Mingyue, "Go!" If you

  don't go, you won't be able to eat pancakes.

  Gu Shijie and Mai Lili also raised their hands enthusiastically, "I'll go too." They went there to eat the pancakes, and Zhou Heng and the others brought a lot of good things from the mountain before, and they also wanted to go to the mountain to see and experience.

  Shen Xiaoqin has some regrets. She plans to go to the county town tomorrow. The family trustee brought some things to the county town, and she needs to get it in person.

  Xu Yingna was also very regretful. She had promised to accompany Shen Xiaoqin long ago, but it was hard to regret it at this time. She could only wish Uncle Li and the others a safe journey with laughter and tears.

  The next morning, everyone had breakfast and started to pack up and get ready to go.

  Old man Li brought Zhang Junbo the things he wanted to bring up the mountain, such as baskets, sickles, axes, ropes and other tools.

  Zhou Heng brought his own dagger and binoculars.

  Gu Shijie brought a book about wild plants.

  Li Mingyue is busy in the kitchen making pancakes. The pancakes are pancakes. The dishes include cold shredded potatoes, wild vegetables, the last bit of ham, cold noodles, and bamboo shoots. It looks very appetizing.

  Shen Xiaoqin and Xu Yingna didn't expect Li Mingyue to bring them two pancakes.

  "Wait for me to bring you something delicious." Shen Xiaoqin patted Li Mingyue's face and said in a grand manner.

  Get ready, let's lock the door and go together.

  On the way out of the village, I met Zhao Wensheng and Ma Cuilan again.

  Ma Cuilan dragged Zhao Wensheng's arm and pulled it home, while Zhao Wensheng let his mother drag her and sang by herself.

  Zhao Wensheng suddenly saw Li Mingyue in Old Man Li's group. The singing stopped abruptly and turned into shouting: "Ugly, ugly, ugly."

  Chapter 88 The So-called Good Luck

 Zhao Wensheng shouted "Ugly Bastards" to Old Man Li and his party. Old Man Li and his party looked at each other in dismay, and they all felt that Zhao Wensheng was calling them.

  No reason!

  Regarding appearance, it is not allowed to be slandered, even a fool cannot be forgiven.

  "You are ugly!" Zhang Junbo and Mai Lili scolded back together.

  Zhang Junbo had a tiger face, and his tiger face returned to the appearance of the old man Li Sun when he saw him at that time, which was very bluffing.

  Miley's face turned red.

  Gu Shijie also shouted: "Who is the ugly scolding?"

  Old Man Li scolded: "Don't think you are stupid, you can talk nonsense, be careful to be beaten." He felt that Zhao Wensheng was scolding his granddaughter.

  Li Mingyue: You are so excited, is it true that you are not confident?
  Zhao Wensheng was still shouting "Ugly Bastards", Ma Cuilan wanted to stop it but it didn't work at all, but she was not happy when her son was scolded, so she couldn't help but said angrily:
  "He's a fool, what do you care about with him?

  " Besides, he wasn't talking about you, he was talking about that ugly girl Li Mingyue!"

  Huh? Did you mean Li Mingyue?

  Mai Lili, Zhang Jun, and Gu Shijie suddenly looked at Li Mingyue. When they met Li Mingyue's hehe expression, they suddenly felt bad, saying that Li Mingyue was ugly!

  "Where is Mingyue ugly? Your son is stupid, are you stupid too? Is it right to say that others are ugly?"

  Mai Lili, who had learned a lesson, immediately turned into a fighter and opened fire on Ma Cuilan on the opposite side to protect Mingyue's appearance.

  Ugly is not for you!
  Old Man Li was even more angry, and he started to scold Ma Cuilan.

  Ma Cuilan alone is the opponent of several people on the opposite side, and there is Zhao Wensheng who is holding him back, but after two back and forth, he retreats in a daze.

  Everyone relieved their anger and comforted Li Mingyue while saying a few harsh words.

  "Mingyue, you don't have to be sad, we think you are the best."

  "Yes, although some people are good-looking, but their hearts are dark, we are the inner beauty."

  "Don't worry, the 18th Women's University will change, and it will change more and more. The better-looking."

  Li Mingyue has a black line, do you think she is ugly? Do you still want to eat vegetable buns?

  Everyone quickly changed the subject and exposed the 'ugly' thing.

  Ma Cuilan, who was on the other side, held her son in one hand and cursed for a few words. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and then stood still.

  She glanced at her son, who started giggling again.

  Why does Wen Sheng have reactions other than singing only when he sees Li Mingyue?

  Could it be that Li Mingyue is actually a special existence to his son?

  If I let my son see Li Mingyue frequently and stimulate him frequently, will his brain become normal?

  In her mind, the menacing appearance of Old Man Li's group appeared in her mind before, and she was a little cowardly, especially the tall and tall man, who was about to pounce on and bite people, which was too scary.

  Why don't you take Wen Sheng to the neighborhood of Li's house alone, and then slip away?
  She was confused for a while, not knowing what to do.

  On the other side, as soon as he got to the foot of the mountain, Old Man Li asked Zhou Heng to lead the way, so he could walk freely.

  Li Mingyue came close to Zhou Heng, and her eyes and feet followed Zhou Heng all the time.

  A bunch of wild garlic, a tree ear, a bunch of mushrooms, two walnuts, a smooth and beautiful stone
  Mai Lili and others were amazed, "Mingyue, what kind of eyes do you have, you have discovered all the good things, we are apart from weeds and Nothing was found."

  Li Mingyue smiled without saying a word, she just followed in the footsteps of 999.

  Zhou Heng was also very calm, maybe it was my so-called luck.

  After climbing the mountain for a while, Old Man Li reminded everyone: "From now on everyone be careful, don't go too far, there may be dangerous animals here."

  Mai Lili took a careful breath, looked around cautiously, and approached Zhang Junbo .

  Zhang Junbo carefully looked for the shadow of the willow tree.

  Gu Shijie flipped through his book for a while, then shook his head and closed it and put it in his bag. The theory and practice were a little difficult to connect.

  Zhou Heng looked left and right, then climbed up a sturdy tree and took out the binoculars to take a look.

  "There is a chestnut tree in front, and the chestnuts have opened their mouths." He pointed to the right front and said.

  Everyone's eyes lit up as soon as they heard it, and they were eager to pick chestnuts.

  Li Mingyue circled around the tree Zhou Heng was climbing, and sure enough, four wild eggs were found in a pile of hay behind the tree.

  "Is this a wild egg?" Zhang Junbo came over to look at it, and he gave Li Mingyue a thumbs up: "Awesome, you can find wild eggs."

  Li Mingyue said with a smile: "Go back at night and make egg drop soup for you."

  Zhang Junbo immediately Take a breath.

  When everyone came to the chestnut tree, they saw that the chestnut tree was more than three meters high, and the crown was very lush.

  Seeing that a lot of them could be picked up, everyone quickly took out sacks and baskets to pick them up.

  Zhou Heng climbed to the tree, picked it, and threw it down. Zhang Junbo, relying on the height of the person, tapped the chestnut on the branch with a tree stick.

  While picking it up, Mai Lili asked, "There are so many things in the mountains, why is no one here?"

  Old Man Li snorted, "Did you pick up a wild vegetable along the way? People are cleaned up, and everything is in the deep mountains, this place is generally not visited, it is dangerous, and it may not be possible to find it, we are lucky when we meet."

  So lucky?
  Gu Shijie was puzzled.

  Old man Li handed the basket in his hand to Gu Shijie and said, "It's convenient for me to go, you can pick it up here, don't run around."

  Li Mingyue, who was picking up chestnuts, immediately raised her head and said worriedly, "Grandpa, don't go far. Now , you must be optimistic about the safety around you."

  Old Man Li smiled: "Don't worry, Grandpa is an old-fashioned one."

  Zhang Junbo believed it, and Li Mingyue didn't believe it at all. In his last life, his grandfather died on the mountain.

  Old man Li took a few steps a little further. He didn't walk up and down the mountain, but down the mountain in the direction they came from. He also knew that he was unlucky and prone to disasters.

  Finding a flat spot, he walked around a big tree and unbuttoned his pants.

  He was urinating when suddenly he felt a chill on his back.
  The man turned his head cautiously, and when he could see clearly what was behind him, his eyes instantly became the size of copper bells.

  My goodness!

  A huge wild boar was staring at him from a distance of ten meters behind him.

  Old man Li couldn't urinate for a moment, he swallowed, and tied his pants belt tremblingly.

  What to do?

  What to do?

  Old arms and old legs, where should he run?
  If I had known that he would stop urinating, what should I do now?

  Under the chestnut tree not far away, Li Mingyue suddenly raised her head. She looked in the direction where grandpa had just left, and called out, "Grandpa."

  Old man Li heard it, but did not dare to respond, for fear of irritating wild boars.

Chapter 89 Who else!

  Li Mingyue waited for a while, but when she saw no response from her grandfather, she stood up, raised her head and called to Zhou Heng,
  "Brother Zhou, can you see my grandfather?"

  Zhou Heng paused and turned to look into the distance. , and took out a telescope.

  Zhang Junbo under the tree said with a smile: "My master is very capable. His old man can kill a wild boar by

  himself. You don't have to worry about it ." down.

  "Wild boar!"

  Gu Shijie and Mai Lili looked up blankly.

  Li Mingyue's brain went blank for a while, and then he started to run. After two steps, he stopped abruptly. As a result, the brakes were too urgent, and his body followed the inertia and fell to the ground.

  At the same time as she fell down, she shouted: "Brother Zhou, help!"

  When grandpa encountered a dangerous thing like a wild boar, she just went there to feed the wild boar with her grandfather. You must be a big luck person like 999, maybe bad things can change. good thing.

  At this time, Zhou Heng had already jumped from the tree twice. He solemnly said to the three of Zhang Junbo: "Master has encountered a wild boar."

  Miley swallowed nervously.

  Gu Shijie grabbed a sickle beside him for emergency preparedness, with a trace of excitement in his nervousness.

  Zhang Junbo was instantly excited. Oh, is Master going to hunt wild boars?

  I didn't expect to be so lucky. It was the first time I entered the mountain with my master, and I could encounter such an exciting scene.

  He also hurried out, took two steps, then turned around and asked, "Zhou Heng, where is my master?"

  Zhou Heng held a dagger in one hand, and while running to Li Mingyue to help him up, he directed Mai Lili to climb the tree first. , ignore Zhang Junbo.

  The scene was tense and chaotic.

  Zhang Junbo didn't get a response. He was anxious to see Master PK the wild boar. He straightened his mind, and ran out in the direction that Li Mingyue just ran out, shouting while running.

  "Master, wait for me, I'm here."

  The old man Li, who was retreating cautiously in the face of the wild boar, heard Zhang Junbo's roar, and couldn't help scolding, "The bastard!" A vigorous posture.

  Zhang Junbo only took a few steps when he saw Old Man Li running towards him, and behind him a wild boar with tusks galloping toward him.


  Old Man Li roared at the second fool Zhang Junbo.

  Zhang Junbo's eyes widened, and when he received the light from the wild boar's fangs, he shivered with excitement. He raised the hoe in his hand high and smashed it out.

  Seeing Zhang Junbo's action, Old Man Li was so angry that he almost turned into a bolt of lightning and slashed the rammer's head.

  If something really happened to Zhang Junbo, he could imagine the scene when Zhang Qingchun came to him desperately, and what would happen to his family Zaoer at that time.


  he roared again.

  It's a pity that the time is too late, and the wild boar is galloping.

  Zhang Junbo smashed the wild boar with his hoe. At the same time, Old Man Li saw Gu Shijie holding a sickle, Zhou Heng holding a dagger, and Candied Jujube holding a stick running. He immediately braked and turned to save Zhang Junbo's two fools .

  In the chaos, Zhang Junbo rode on the waist of the wild boar, clutching his two fangs tightly with both hands, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhting he flying in the wind.

  For a wild boar, the most unbearable thing is to be ridden!

  The wild boar went mad and swore to throw the rider off and rammed around.

  Li Mingyue was close to her grandfather, nervously holding a wooden stick, smashing it out whenever she got a chance.

  In the end, the wild boar was pierced by Zhou Heng with a sharp dagger in the neck and in one of the eyes. When the blood was pouring out, Zhou Heng wrapped it with a rope. Several people pulled the rope hard together. Just knocked down the wild boar.

  The wild boar is dead, and the person riding it is not killed.

  Zhang Junbo yelled, "My leg, my leg, the pig is pressing on me."

  At the last second of the pig's fall, he was still firmly riding on the pig's back.

  Exhausted, Zhou Heng and several others lifted the wild boar up and down again, freeing Zhang Junbo's legs.

  Zhang Junbo was so excited that he couldn't calm down. He stomped his hands and feet and danced around the wild boar.

  "I actually rode a wild boar once!"

  "I actually rode a wild boar to death!"

  "Ah, ah, ah—"

  "Who else?!"

  "Are there any pigs? Tiger, come out, I really want it Ride a tiger!"

  Sitting on the ground, Old Man Li wanted to jump up and slap the two fools, but was caught by his granddaughter and couldn't move.

  Li Mingyue's hands were still shaking at this time.


  She recalled the scene in her previous life when her grandfather entered the mountains and was killed by a wild boar.

  "Be good, don't be afraid." Old man Li gently touched his granddaughter's head with his big hand, and then the calluses on his hand scratched his granddaughter's hair again.

  Li Mingyue got up with tears in her eyes.

  Old Man Li was embarrassed and distressed, "Honey, don't cry, Grandpa will loosen your hair."

  "Grandpa, let's not go to the mountains in the future.

  " Zed, next time. Even with Zhou Heng around, she doesn't want to take any chances.

  Old man Li shouted "Hey, hey" twice, wanting to wipe his granddaughter's tears, but he was afraid that his rough hands would hurt his granddaughter's face.

  "Don't cry, Lord, listen to you, we won't come again in the future."

  Everyone heard Li Mingyue's cry and looked over.

  Zhou Heng frowned slightly, his eyes turned to the wild boar, he walked over and pulled out a wooden stick embedded in the wild boar's eyes.

  Gu Shijie and Mai Lili thought that Li Mingyue was scared to cry by the thrilling scene just now.

  Mai Lili came over to comfort Li Mingyue, and diverted her attention with a smile: "Mingyue, now we have pork to eat. I haven't eaten wild pork before, so I don't know if it's delicious."

  Zhang Junbo said, " Don't worry, with me here, I won't be afraid of another ten wild boars."

  Old Man Li rolled his eyes and said:
  After resting for a while, everyone also groomed, and while eating the vegetable sandwiches brought by Li Mingyue, they discussed how to go down the mountain.

  After the discussion, Li Mingyue and Mai Lili continued to pick up chestnuts, while Zhou Heng and Zhang Junbo chopped down trees to make stretchers.

  Old man Li went to continue to relieve him. The wild boar suddenly appeared and scared his urine back. It was hard to say if he wanted to release it.

  Gu Shijie accidentally heard Old Man Li's muttering.

  "Dude, I know you're frightened, but we should release the water."

  "Come on, let me count one, two, three, and you open the floodgates to release the water."

  "If you don't cooperate like this, it's outrageous. It's hard to scare you again. Once?"

  "Forget it, forget it, I won't force you anymore, I'll eat some wild boar to make up for you when I go down the mountain, An An Jing."

  Gu Shijie: Really good at chatting!
  After a while, the chestnuts were picked up, the simple stretcher was finished, and the wild boar got on the stretcher.

  "Let's go!" Li Laofa ordered.

  Zhang Junbo and Zhou Heng carried the stretcher in front and dragged it to the ground at the back. The others carried chestnuts on their backs and went down the mountain together.

Chapter 90 I Want to Learn From You

  On the way down the mountain, Zhou Heng found that Li Mingyue was very silent, not as bright and lively as when he came, and only walked all the way, at most looked at her grandfather, and was full of worries.

  Obviously still in the state of being frightened before.

  He thought about it, and found a chance to walk beside her.

  "I just looked at the danger, but it's actually not dangerous. Zhang Junbo is stupid and bold, and his body is strong, and I am not bad, and Gu Shijie is there to help, and the uncle is also experienced and experienced, so it will be fine." Zhang Junbo on

  the side listened . When he was a little dissatisfied, how could he be so stupid and bold?
  He recognizes the sturdy body, but he does not recognize the stupid and bold.

  But forget it, for the sake of Li Mingyue's low mood, he didn't say anything. After all, he was the granddaughter of Master.

  Li Mingyue listened and squeezed out a slight smile, expressing acceptance of his kindness.

  Suddenly, she thought of something and turned to look at Zhou Heng.

  "What's the matter?"

  "Brother Zhou, do you know a little bit of kung fu?"

  she asked. Zhou Heng's movements are usually very agile. No matter whether he climbs trees or runs, he looks like an ordinary person. Different, like a leopard.

  Moreover, when he was hunting wild boars before, Zhou Heng's movements were also very articulate, and it looked like he had practiced.

  Zhou Heng nodded, "I learned a little bit of beating from my grandfather when I was a child."

  "Then can you teach me?" Li Mingyue looked at Zhou Heng hopefully, "You also found out, I'm very unlucky to go out. This situation is that situation, I want to have a little self-protection ability, can you teach me?"

  Zhou Heng did not expect that Li Mingyue would make such a request, he raised his eyebrows, and did not say yes, nor did he say no. Instead, he asked another unrelated question.

  "What did you and uncle go to town for some time ago?"

  Li Mingyue thought for a while before she understood what Zhou Heng was asking. She hesitated for a moment, glanced at Zhang Junbo quietly, and then leaned closer to Zhou Heng.

  Zhang Junbo:

  Hmph, I saw the look in your eyes that was guarding me just now.

  Zhou Heng felt Li Mingyue approaching him, and then said with his breath: "Brother Zhou, I actually took the money that Ma Cuilan lost."

  Zhou Heng raised his eyebrows again, and heard Li Mingyue say, "This money came from an incorrect source, so I used it to do good things. Zhang Junbo always said that my grandfather saved him from misfortune, and that was to use the money to solve a big problem for him."

  Zhou Heng asked calmly: "How do you know that Zhang Junbo is in trouble?"

  "Oh, I saw him on the road with a sad face, my grandfather looked at him twice, and then he walked over by himself.

  " So you didn't know Zhang Junbo before?"

  "Well, I don't know. We also helped another pair of grandfathers and grandsons in the village, and we didn't know each other either."

  So it was.

  Zhou Heng was very surprised. He didn't expect Li Mingyue to take Ma Cuilan's money, and he didn't expect that she would be willing to give all the money to help others.

  "Okay, if you want to learn self-defense skills from me, then you should be prepared to endure hardships, and you must not give up halfway, but also listen to my command."

  Li Mingyue was happy and said quickly, "No problem."

  Watching her post again With a bright face, Zhou Heng hooked the corner of his mouth, and he was easily coaxed.

  Immediately, he told Li Mingyue a trick on how to walk without getting tired.

  Li Mingyue listened carefully, used it in practice, and felt it carefully, and she really felt that walking was much more brisk.

  "Brother Zhou, you are amazing." She couldn't help but marvel.

  Zhou Heng smiled and let her continue walking.

  "Brother Zhou, can I tell my grandfather this method?"

  Li Mingyue got the benefit, so she thought about her grandpa and wanted to share it with her.

  Zhou Heng smiled, "You can do whatever you want."

  So Li Mingyue jumped and ran to Grandpa's side.

  Old man Li couldn't stand the entanglement of his granddaughter, and he muttered in his heart that he was getting old. It was really not easy. He had to learn, learn to laugh, and now he had to learn to walk, but as long as his granddaughter was happy, he would let him learn to dance. Gotta try it somewhere where no one else is.

  Isn't it just walking? After decades of walking, could he still not walk?

  Under the guidance of his granddaughter, Old Man Li mastered the essentials of the movements after trying a few times. After a while, he really felt relieved.

  Heck, the past few decades have been lost in vain.

  The group of them and a wild boar finally walked down the mountain and entered Shibei Village.

  The wild boar caused a stir as soon as it entered the village.

  Mrs. Gao followed behind the old man, "Oh my God, where did you get these wild boars? This old guy even brought such a small group into the deep mountains, so he is not afraid of an accident.

  " , "With me here, it can only be the wild boar."

  The wild boar dragging on the stretcher is the best proof.   Zhao Wensheng

  , who ran out again, actually squeezed in to join in the fun. He sang: "Unity is strength, this strength is a pig, and this strength is a pig."

It's quite fitting."

  Old Man Li, who had a grudge against Zhao Wensheng, and his group were busy greeting people at this time, and they didn't care about Zhao Wensheng, so they sang along with him.

  Someone asked, "What are you going to do with this wild boar? Are you going to send it to the village to sell to the food station or keep it for yourself?

  " sell.

  When Old Man Li was about to speak, he saw Li Shizhu hurriedly squeezed past the crowd and rushed over.

  "It's time for you to come back, hurry up and transport the wild boars to the brigade headquarters, there are people from the county!"

  Old Man Li refused, "Who are you here, you want our wild boars as soon as you come. We cost the boss. It took all the strength to kill this wild boar."

  Li Shizhu happily said: "The production team paid for it with you, and people from the county came to inspect the school in our village. In the future, can those who graduate from our village school go to school in the county and township? But it's all up to these people."

  "People have come all the way, so we can't entertain them properly."

  When he heard this, Old Man Li immediately agreed. His family candied dates also go to school in the village. If candied dates can go to school in the county in the future, it will be great.

  Zhou Heng and others did not object to the issue of the village primary school. Gu Shijie and Mai Lili also hurried home to wash up, and then hurried to the brigade. After all, they were teachers of the school.

  The charm of wild boars is really great, and a meal of wild boars makes people from the county and township communes smile. Things were done very smoothly.

  Mai Lili and Gu Shijie came back and said excitedly, "We will go to the county for a meeting in a while."

  Old Man Li interjected and asked, "Is there any leftover pork?" The

  big guy has been tired all day, so he must eat some meat to make up for it. .

  "There should be a lot left." Gu Shijie said carefully.

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