Seesaw: A Min Yoongi Fan Fict...

By MelleLuvsBangtan

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As one of the world's top music producers, Min Yoongi didn't have time for relationships and quite frankly di... More

Chapter 1- Intrigued
Chapter 2-Defiance
Chapter 4-Indebted
Chapter 5- Taste
Chapter 6-Touch
Chapter 7-Talk
Chapter 8-The Room
Chapter 9- Hard Vanilla
Chapter 10- Boundaries
Chapter 11: Limits and Rules
Chapter 12-Good Girl
Chapter 13-Collared
Chapter 14-Catch
Chapter 15- Fall With Me
Chapter 16-Family
Chapter 17-Protect
Chapter 18- Shatter
Chapter 19-Gathering
Chapter 20-The Gift
Chapter 21-Tiny Bump
Chapter 22-My Forever

Chapter 3- Lost and Found

1.1K 92 27
By MelleLuvsBangtan


It was official: I was definitely fucked.

I didn't know what it was about Sage but after seeing her during the rehearsal dinner in her red dress combined with how she reacted to my light touches I couldn't get her out of my mind. After our exchange and feeling her reacting under my touch, I'd found myself sneaking glances at her all evening. As I saw her move, the dress hugging her body so well, her gorgeous hair flowing down her back, I felt all the blood rushing below my belt as I imagined all the ways I could make her submit to me.

We'd exchanged a look as she was leaving the party and it only solidified my curiosity in her. I left the party shortly after, desperately in need of a cold shower. As I drove home, I thought over the entire evening and laughed at myself. It had only been a few hours ago that I was fucking someone who's name I'd already forgotten again despite her shouting it at me as she kicked me out of her apartment. Now after seeing Sage at the party and her piquing my interest, I was getting hard behind the wheel of my car driving home. I pictured running my fingers across her overly sensitive skin, learning her curves and what made her tense under my touch, sliding a silk blindfold over her eyes...

By the time I'd made it home and inside my apartment, I was hard as a rock and my mind was filled with thoughts of Sage. As soon as I was inside, I headed straight for my bathroom and unzipped my pants, freeing my erection and moaning at the relief. I placed a hand on the wall behind the toilet for support and took my length in my hand. As I began to stroke myself more thoughts of her invaded my mind...

...her body writhing on my sheets in anticipation as I gazed down at her...

...gently tracing the curve of her breasts with my fingers, gliding them across her nipples and feeling them harden...

...dragging my fingertips down her stomach to toy with the soft curls of her mound, the heat radiating from her making me crazy with need...

...hearing her whimpers of pleasure as I sink myself inside her...

It didn't take long until my climax hit me, and I groaned loudly as I emptied my desire for her into the water below me. I curled my fingers into a fist and pounded the wall as the last of my release drained from me. As I panted and let myself catch my breath I almost laughed as I had a sudden realization. I came harder from my imagination of Sage's naked and responsive body than I did when I was buried inside the woman I had sex with mere hours ago.

I stumbled out of the bathroom toward my bedroom and once I was inside I collapsed back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. How the fuck did this happen to me? I'd gone from tolerating Sage and her bitchy attitude to flirting with and teasing her, to jacking off to the thought of fucking her in the span of one evening.

What the hell?


The next day as I got dressed for the wedding, I'd thought about sudden desire for Sage and came to the conclusion that it most likely stemmed from a mix of whiskey and my uninvited thoughts of Mina. Even after almost ten years since we split, that woman was still finding ways to mess with my head.

The wedding would be a great distraction, I thought to myself. There would be plenty of beautiful single women there and it would no doubt be easy to find someone to get lost in for the evening, hopefully wiping my mind clear of my thoughts of Sage. However, that plan was quickly shot to hell when I saw her before the ceremony, mingling with the other guests in a beautiful rose-colored dress that was feminine and lovely, but it accentuated her curves.

I felt desire not only come back but get stronger as I watched her move that day, smiling and talking with the other guests, playing and being silly with the children, laughing with my friends like she'd known them for years. This was quickly moving way past craving her body...I wanted her in ways I hadn't wanted any woman in years and not just for a one-night stand.

Fuck...this is bad.


"Okay, yes, that's fine. I've already had the contracts overnighted to your offices. Have the girls glance things over and if it looks suitable, we can schedule a meeting to get them signed," I said mindlessly into my phone, my eyes on the road as I drove home.

"Of course, Mr. Min, I'll look forward to their arrival," said the man on the other end of the call. "I have to say I was surprised to be working with you directly with this. I expected to deal with Miss Lee."

"Well, she's Mrs. Kim-Park now," I said, referring to Hana. "And she's actually on her honeymoon so I'm handling things while she's away. When she comes back she will be your point of contact."

"Oh, well that's nice. Please extend my best wishes to her, and I will be looking out for those contracts tomorrow. Have a good evening," he said.

"You as well," I replied before ending the call. I continued my drive, enjoying the quiet of the night as I drove through the streets of Seoul towards home.

It had been a busy week since the wedding and honestly that's the way I'd preferred it. With Hana on her honeymoon, I'd stepped in to oversee business at MYG in her absence and it had definitely been the distraction I needed. It had given me the opportunity to purge the idea of pursuing Sage in any way other than friendship from my mind.

It would never work between us. Despite the fact that we had found a way to get along, the fact was that she hated me. I'd left a bad impression on her the first time we met and even though I'd tried to be polite after that she never saw me as anything more than an arrogant jerk. No matter how confident I was in myself I knew deep down she'd never agree to give me a fair chance with her, even if we were just friends.

I was about to find out in a big way how very wrong I was.

As I drove through a residential neighborhood, I saw a traffic light in the distance changing from green to yellow. I knew I'd need to stop because it'd be red before I made it through the cross section so I began to slow down. Just as I was coming to a stop something near the sidewalk caught my attention. I looked over and saw someone sitting in the grass, holding their knee, someone a child.

Odd, I thought to myself. There's no way a little kid would be out near the street after 9pm, and alone for that matter. However, I quickly realized that not only was it indeed a little boy, but he was crying hysterically and gripping his knee as if he'd been injured.

"What the hell?" I said to myself, slowing down and turning the corner off the main road.

I pulled over and quickly parked before I turned off the engine and got out of the car. As I walked toward him I didn't think of anything in that moment except making sure he was okay. I cautiously approached the crying boy, who couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old, and asked softly, "Hey buddy, are you okay?"

"I...w-w-want my m-m-m-mama," he cried, stuttering and hiccupping as he tried to talk.

"Well I'm going to help you find her, all right?" I asked, taking another careful step closer.

"I'm sc-scared," he whimpered, looking at me. Even in the dark I could see his big, round, innocent eyes as tears poured from them and my chest tightened. "And I fell down."

"I know you're scared and your leg probably hurts, but I'd like to help you and get you back to your mom. Will you let me help you?"

The little boy continued to cry and eyed me cautiously. "My mama says I shouldn't talk to strangers," he sniffed.

I smiled softly at him as I took another step toward him. "Your mama sounds like she's very smart. Listen, how about we talk for a minute? Maybe if we tell each other our names and things we both like, we won't be strangers anymore. What do you say? Would that be okay?"

He looked at me, his little mouth dropped open and tears still rolling down, unable to speak. I crouched down in front of him carefully and said, "How about I go first? My name is Yoongi. What's your name buddy?"

He sniffed and quietly said, "Jasper."

I smiled warmly at him. "Jasper, that's a pretty cool name. How old are you?"

"I'm 5," he answered, holding up his hand and spreading his fingers apart.

He sniffed again as I asked, "What's your favorite video game?"

"Super M*rio," he replied.

"Oh, M*rio is fun. Especially M*rio Kart."

"Yeah," he nodded lightly.

"What's your favorite food?"

"Hamburgers," he answered.

"Ooh, I love hamburgers. In fact, I have a friend named Hoseok that loves them too. They're his favorite just like you."


"Really. What's your favorite ice cream?"

"Chocolate," he said. "But mama doesn't let me have it that much. She says I'm too hyper when I have it."

I smiled at him, doing my best to make him not be afraid of me. "You love your mama, huh Jasper?"

He nodded and more tears began to well up in his eyes. "I want to go home," he cried.

"I know, buddy, I know. Do you know where your mama is right now?"

"At work," he sniffed.

"What about your dad?"

"I don't know him," he answered sadly. I frowned in that moment...poor kid was lost in the dark and his parents were nowhere to be found.

"Do you remember how you got lost?"

"I was in my bed and I heard the doorbell and then I heard a man talking. Mama says Sun-Mi can't have anyone over when she's with me because she'll be mad. The man's voice scared me so I ran away," he cried.

"Who's Sun-Mi, buddy?"

"My babysitter," he answered.

Jesus Christ...sounds like whoever was watching this kid had the nerve to bring a guy over to fuck while his mom was working.

He tried scooting a bit but the action must've caused him pain and he winced, holding his knee and crying harder. I looked down at his pajama bottoms and noticed something I'd missed because it was dark out...blood had soaked through his pants.

I leaned into him and asked, "Can I take a look at your knee, Jasper? I want to make sure you're okay."

He nodded and allowed me to gently roll the right leg of his pajama bottoms up. His knee was skinned and bloody and he had a nasty looking gash right above his kneecap...poor little guy was probably in a lot of pain on top of being lost and afraid.

"That looks like it hurts," I said to him, trying to sooth his cries. "Listen, I'm going to get my phone out and call my friend Jungkook, okay? He's a doctor and I bet with a little bit of medicine and some bandages he can fix you right up."

My first thought was obviously to call Taehyung because he was a pediatrician but since he was currently in Hawaii with Jimin and Hana I had to go with Jungkook. I just hoped that since he was able to spend nights at home with his family he wouldn't be too upset that I was calling after hours.

"Does he know my mama?"

I blinked as I scrolled through my phone, looking for Jungkook's number. "What's that, buddy?"

"My mama works with doctors. Does your friend know her?"

I smiled at him and replied, "I don't know, Jasper. I'll ask him though. Just sit tight and I'm going to call him, okay?" Jasper nodded and I sat next to him as I called Jungkook.

When he answered, I told him briefly what happened and he insisted that he wanted to come and take a look at his knee in person and see if he could help before taking him to the hospital.

"Well, my doctor friend is on his way and he's going to make you feel better," I said to Jasper. He nodded, his big eyes starting to dry up, and I saw him shiver. Even though it was May and the weather had begun to get warm, it was still cold when the sun went down and he was wearing thin pajamas.

"Okay," he said timidly.

I took my jacket off and wrapped it around his shoulders, hoping to warm him up. I tried to think of things to talk to him about to keep him calm until Jungkook arrived. Barely ten minutes had passed since I'd spoken with Jungkook and just as Jasper was telling me about his favorite kind of dinosaur, I saw a black Audi flashing its headlights before it pulled up and parked behind my car. Jungkook quickly got out and grabbed a bag from the trunk of his car before jogging to us.

"Hey guys," he said, his tone soft and gentle as he approached us sitting in the grass. He knelt down in front of us and placed his bag down before he said, "Hi there, I'm Jungkook. Are you Jasper?"

Jasper nodded, his eyes wide, and answered, "Yes sir."

"Well, it's good to meet you little man. My friend Yoongi called me and said you banged up your knee pretty bad. Would it be okay if I took a look at it?"

"Okay," he said nervously. He looked scared as Jungkook began unzipping his bag. He began handing me different supplies to hold before putting on a pair of blue latex exam gloves. "Is it going to hurt?"

Jungkook smiled sympathetically and said, "Well it might sting a little when I clean it but right now that's all I'm going to do. I need to make sure no angry infection bugs try to hurt you. I promise you I will be as careful as I can be and I will tell you everything I do before I do it. Is that all right?"

More tears spilled from his eyes as he whimpered in fear but he still nodded his head and said, "Okay."

"I promise you right now I am just going to clean you up and see what help you might need," Jungkook said softly. He took some cotton swabs and antiseptic I'd been holding, poured some of the liquid on the cotton, and gently began to wipe away the blood on Jasper's knee.

Jasper winced even though Jungkook hadn't touched his injury and suddenly I felt his tiny hand grab mine and squeeze. Despite my surprise at him gripping my hand unexpectedly, I didn't pull away. In fact, it actually warmed my heart a bit that he felt comfortable enough to rely on me for strength.

As Jungkook worked to clean his knee and assess how bad his injury was, I felt thankful in that moment that I was the one who found him and was able to help. I'd barely known this little boy for more than thirty minutes but I already felt a strong need to protect him.

After Jasper's knee was cleaned and all the blood had been wiped off his skin, Jungkook discarded the soiled cotton and his bloody gloves into red trash bag with a biohazard label on it. He put on fresh gloves before taking a large gauze pad and a roll of self-clinging wrap, saying, "Well the good news is that I cleaned all that yucky blood off of you. But the bad news is that this cut's pretty nasty." Jungkook frowned as he looked at me and said, "He's going to need stitches."

"Damn it," I grumbled to myself.

"We need to get him to a hospital and try to track down his parents," Jungkook said.

"It's just his mom," I answered him, "and I guess she's at work."

"Where does your mommy work buddy?" Jungkook asked him as he bandaged up his knee.

"With some doctors," he answered as he began crying. "I don't 'member their name."

"That's okay, Jasper. We'll find her, I promise," I said, lifting my free hand and smoothing it over his hair.

As soon as Jasper's knee was bandaged, Jungkook threw away his second set of gloves and pulled out his phone. "I'm going to call an ambulance and have them come give you a ride to the hospital. You'll get to ride in the back and they'll have the lights and sirens on, doesn't that sound cool?" All Jasper could do was nod. "Yoongi, are you going to follow them there?"

"Yes, I'm going to stay with him until we find his mom," I answered quickly as he was already dialing 119 and giving the dispatch operator our location.

Suddenly I felt another tiny squeeze and I looked down at my hand, not realizing Jasper gripping me as tightly as he could. "Um, sir, can you ride in the ambulance with me?"

I smiled softly at him and asked, "You want me to come with you?"

Jasper nodded and said, "Yes. I'm scared and I don't want to be by myself."

My heart tightened and warmed again, seeing his big eyes wide as he asked for me to stay with him. "Sure, buddy, I'll ride with you."

"Thank you sir," he said politely. Wow...whoever his mother is she definitely taught him to speak respectfully to people.

"You're welcome, and you can call me Yoongi," I said to him. "I'd like that a lot."

Jasper nodded at me and I pulled my phone out again and called Hoseok and after I told him what happened I asked if he'd be willing to help get my car to the hospital. He of course agreed and said as soon as I find out which hospital Jasper was being taken to he was going to make sure that my car made it there safely.

Less than an hour later, I'd arrived at the hospital with Jasper and he was immediately taken back to a room. It was difficult to move him since he didn't seem to want to let go of my hand. Jungkook arrived shortly after us and was talking to the attending physician about Jasper needing stitches. He'd done such a good job cleaning him up and containing the bleeding that they thought Jasper could possibly get by with the glue stitches. Even though that was good news for him, the bad news was that we still hadn't located his mother and she'd need to sign for the procedure.

While we were waiting for any news about where his mom was, I had turned on the television hanging in his room and we passed the time watching cartoons as he ate a small bag of chips I'd bought him from the vending machine. I had decided to get an update and had just stood from my seat next to him when all of a sudden I heard shouting coming from the emergency room entrance.

"Where is my son?" a woman shrieked hysterically. "I want to see him right now!"

"Ma'am, if you could just calm down-"

"Fuck you, I don't want to calm down! Where is my son?" the voice said, getting louder with each word.

I looked at Jasper and his eyes widened as he continued to chew his snack. "Mama?" he asked me, his expression hopeful.

"Yeah, it sounds like your mom found you buddy," I smiled. "I'll go get her for you, okay? I'll be right back."

"Thanks Mr. Yoongi," he said, smiling sweetly at me.

I pulled the curtain back and poked my head out toward the nurses' station, searching for the source of the shouting. As soon as my eyes landed on a woman dressed in light blue scrubs, hair in a messy bun, and tears rolling down her cheeks, I froze.

I'd know that black cherry hair and angry expression from a mile away.

"Sage?" I said just as the nurse was telling her what room Jasper was in...the room I was currently peeking my head out of.

Sage's eyes widened as realization hit her. "Y-Yoongi? What are you doing here?"

"Sage, you're his mo-"

"Why are you in my son's hospital room?" she asked, shocked.

Just then Jungkook walked down the hall and quickly placed his hands on her shoulders, saying, "Hey, Sage, relax, Jasper's fine."

"Why is Yoongi with Jasper, Jungkook?" she asked, her voice shaky as tears fell down her cheeks. She glared back at me and shouted, "And where the fuck is his sitter?"

"I don't know, Sage. I don't know where you live so I couldn't exactly track her down," I replied.

"Well I can tell you where she's going to be headed once I get my fucking hands on her," she seethed. "She'll be on her way to the morgue. Now tell me how and why you're with my son, Yoongi."

"He's the one who found him alone on the side of the road," Jungkook explained. "He stayed with him until I got there to check him out and even rode with him to the hospital."

Sage's red rimmed and watery eyes blinked several times in confusion. "But why-"

"Because he asked me to," I answered her, stepping out even further. "I didn't know Jasper was your son until now but we can talk about that later, Sage. Your little boy has been waiting for you."

Sage's eyes narrowed as she sprinted toward the room. She brushed past me, glaring at me for a moment, before pulling the curtain back further and stepping into Jasper's room.

As soon as she entered Jasper began to cry again and whimpered, "Mama!" as she rushed to his bedside, enveloping him in a hug.

"Jas, buddy, thank god you're okay," she said, crying softly as she pressed her cheek against his hair. "What happened?"

"I heard a man talking to Sun-Mi and I got scared because you said she can't have anybody come over. I got scared and ran away then I got lost and couldn't find my way back," he cried. "I'm sorry Mama."

"It's okay, sweet boy," she said, holding him and rubbing his back soothingly. "Mama's not mad at you, but you have to promise you'll never ever walk outside by yourself again, okay? Promise?"

"Promise," he said, sniffling.

Her eyes flitted to mine again and she asked Jasper, "So how did you meet this guy?"

"Oh, Mr. Yoongi?" he asked. "He's very nice, Mama. He found me and asked me about my favorite things, then he called his doctor friend to help and then he came with me in the ambulance and bought me chips and watched tv with me."

Jasper was talking a mile a minute, but it was nice seeing him relaxing now that he had his mom by his side.

Sage looked at me like she wanted to say something but was frozen solid. As much as I would usually enjoy teasing her and annoying her into speechlessness, I wasn't going to be a jerk. Not now. She needed to be alone with her little boy.

"Listen, I'm going to step out and give you two some privacy," I said. "How about I go get you something to eat? I bet you're still hungry after finishing your chips."

"A little bit," Jasper answered.

"Yoongi," Sage started, but I cut her off, my eyes trained on Jasper.

Looking at him, I said, "Then I'll bring you something. That is if it's okay with your mom."

"Mama? Can he?" Jasper asked Sage.

She sighed, admitting defeat, muttered out, "Yes, that's fine."

"Okay, I'm going to order you the biggest hamburger you've ever had, buddy" I said, smiling at him.

Jasper returned my grin before I walked out of his room. Just as I was about to walk through the double doors and out into the lobby to order Jasper's food when I heard Sage calling my name.

"Yoongi wait!"

I turned around, ready to face her wrath or inaccurate accusations about why I was with her son but instead I received an even bigger shock. Before I could blink her body slammed against mine and she threw her arms around me in a tight hug.

I stood there frozen to the spot as I felt her body shaking as soft cries escaped her. She buried her face in my neck and sobbed as she mumbled, "Thank you, Yoongi. Thank you for taking care of him and getting him here safe."

I tensed, keeping my hands at my sides, and replied, "Hey, don't mention it."

She leaned back and looked me in the eye as she said, "Seriously. You saved his life. I will never be able to repay you."

In that moment I wrapped my arms around her, my hands touching the small of her back and I could feel her body heat radiating through her thin scrub top. Her eyes were red rimmed from her tears and tired from worry. But right now, feeling her pressed against me in a way I never had before had electricity flowing all through my body.

"I don't know about all that. Anyone would've done the same."

She sniffed and a few tears fell down her cheeks as she released her hold on me. She wiped her eyes and said, "But they didn't, you did. I owe you, Yoongi."

"You don't owe me a thing Sage."

"There has to be a way I can make this up to you."

"Let me buy the little guy something to eat and we'll call it even," I said.

Sage hugged a tiny laugh and nodded, saying, "Sure."

"You're not going to let me off the hook with this are you?" I asked her, a crooked smile on my lips.

"Not a chance," she replied and I saw her first genuine smile since she arrived.

I returned her grin and said, "Go back in with your son and I'll take care of this."

Sage nodded and looked at with big, emotional eyes and said once more, "Thank you Yoongi." She turned and walked back into Jasper's room as I stepped out into the lobby and placed the order.

I took a seat in the lobby and sighed, ran my hands through my hair, and thought about how my evening had taken a crazy turn. I had every intention of going home and having a nightcap before getting some much-needed sleep. Instead, I found myself helping a lost little boy who happened to be the son of the woman I couldn't stop thinking about.

Jasper was a great kid too, very sweet and respectful. His big eyes were so expressive, and I could already tell that he had a good heart for someone so young. Just from the evening I'd spent keeping him safe I could see that Sage was a great mother. She was just as fiercely protective of him as I'd have expected her to be.

When she showed up looking for him and I realized she was Jasper's mother, I was fully prepared to be screamed at, accused of something, or even slapped. Instead, she shocked the hell out of me and hugged me tight, letting her guard down in a vulnerable and scary moment for her. She thanked me and told me I'd save her son's life. She let me hug her back, let me embrace her in a moment when she really needed someone.

In the midst of my wandering thoughts I realized I was involuntarily doing something I didn't expect I'd do in that moment...

I was smiling.

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