No More Ms.Nice

By khatxdukz

1.3K 72 4

Tired of being Used and Cheated, I Katriss Fox is gonna change,ohh yea baby, No More Ms. Goody two shoes No M... More

Best Friends
Surprise, Surprised.
CHANGE? Let me think about it
Blonde BlueGreen Coincidents Happens
Authors Note
Shopping and Fights this is Nice
Sweet Revenge
Twist, Lick, Dunk!
Lets Go Out!
Confusion and Comfort
Girls Just wanna Have Fun
Boys and Bikinis
Reunion part1
Theyre not mirror image
Boys in the House yow!
Playing with fire
The Talk
I Cant
The Players and a bet
Never Say No to Free Food

Reunion Part 2

38 2 0
By khatxdukz

I was sitting on my blanket under a coconut tree by the beach , warm breeze on my face , the place is gorgeous but I can't seem to relax , everyone's happily doing things like playing the prepared games and some where chatting maybe catching up with old friends , while me is sitting alone here watching my friends were busy preparing to play beach volleyball,

The heated conversation with Trina earlier was cut off by Reed who commented on my answer jokingly but everyone there clearly know that he did it to break the tension , luckily Cameron came and call us to join the others because they were starting the games and programs , I refuse to play that's why I am here now sitting alone , I don't felt like playing for the time being this is the first time in years I'm on a beach I wanna feel the sand for a while, I was on a daze when Emcii came rushing at me on her pale pink with black polka dott ruffled bikini
hey! come on, let's play... She invited

Ugh.. No thanks babe I declined

Geeez , your such a buzz kill! she exclaimed crossing her arms over her chest not taking my answer

No I'm not, Gosh babe! its so hot in there, youre not gonna throw me out there in the open to be barbequed under the sun and catch ultraviolet rays and have akin cancer are you?! I whined , its not like i dont want to be under the sun that much, but because I don't wanna be sweaty and gross later , and to play volleyball wearing only a bikini? tame mping and running, yep! That pretty much is my reason, good luck with that

You just don't wanna play, because you don't wanna be sweaty and you don't want them to see you rocking on your bikini are you?! She nailed it, she's totally my best friend,

You so know me I gushed looking all shocked and awed fake ofcourse

Yass! True, who am I anyways?, I'm just your Best friend since diaper days, so yea that pretty much explained it. She smiled and because your reason is unacceptable plus we really need another one for our team and I don't want Tasha Green to join my team you have no choice but to Play she said faster than lightning ,
Oh, Tasha Green Huh! I get it that you still hate her , but dont you think its time to forgive and forget? I was teasing her Emcii hated Tasha as much as She hated the color Green because she said it was gross and that's Tasha's last name , because on 8th grade Tasha made a story that say's Emcii was Banged by all the senior guys of the football team when its literally her who was slutting around with then typical bitch , emcii was labled whore after that but eventually reversed when Nick Gailemore one of the football jocks whom Pamii flirted just to crack up the whole story and clean Emciis reputation.
Never! She growled, I can't believe you said that! Out of all people- I cut her off with a guffaw , she's going to have an heart attack if I won't stop her

Chill babe! I'm just messing with you , don't need your panty in a knot I said smiling evily at her

Your such a Bitch! She spat eyes peered at me
You love me anyways I retorted I'm starting to sound like Chrysler,
your so going to play! She grabbed my arm yanking me out of my relaxation spot great.. I tried to whine But- I was cut No Buts Just play! This is your punishment she growled , owwwwwwwkay I did this to myself , We walked towards where the other player's are , obviously the other players on Emcii's team has the questioning look, if you know me in highschool you'll definitely don't want me in your team, I'm no sports person , but you know when you go to college and meet new people whom know nothing about you you'll discover thing you didn't know you can do , and that happened to me, now I play different kinds of sports , volleyball is lease of my favorites but I can be a decent player when I wanted to, I play for my department every Sports Week, Pamii was also in Emciis team and they both caught what other team players could be thinking
Guys! You better not think lowly of her if I were you, Trust me, you want her in your team instead of the opposing she warned so confidently that's my friend right there.
Trust her Emcii added smiling at me , my team mates expressions change from questioning to reassured, I smiled not until Queen Bitch spoked my attention was shot across the net

So you play now huh! She spat guess college do good to you, I never knew leaving everything behind can make a person into a whole new one she said venomously flicking her tongue at the last word , that statement of hers made my blood boil and who might be the reason I wanted to forget, actually I have no idea why this girl needed to do that to me back then, what is her problem with me ,I don't even remember I did something bad to her ,

Yes college do good to me, way too good actually , you can see it clearly right? and No, I didn't leave everything behind, just some couple bullshits that aren't important if you ask me I shot back mimicking her bitchy attitude I'm pretty good at this you know, I can see I intimidated her , ha! In your face Trina I got that effect on you! Because her face detorted for a matter of seconds then she will mask it with her bitchy facade so I can't tell Im affecting her , but sorry I can see behalf and her mask I smirked
Is Trevor part of those couple of bullshits then? she said a bit louder than her tone earlier , I know this bitch is getting I'm not letting her win this but she's really getting in my nerves now I gotta keep my cool for now Nah- I know he was screwing some horny Bitch and by that I mean YOU but I was just checking if he will tell me eventually so that you can continue screwing each other,LIE'S cause never in a million years I'm letting him touch such a precious gem *ME* but the fucker kept his Lie's and go on to your stupid bet when he actually don't need to win it if he already claimed his prize , so If you ask me that? yes that's true , I shot back thankfully I kept my cool by hinding my anger on my sweetest voice and smile , and now I know she's mad cause she's now holding her anger down by balling her fists tight,
You heard that Trevor? She growled and my attention was averted to the side where some of her clique is Trevor was there standing when our eyes met he immediately look away one thing is for sure there's something wrong, he's not the same cocky conceited Trevor I know I'm maybe wrong, I shrugged it off and the whistle was blown by Cammie signaling us that the game is about to start, everyone strip off and stand proud on thier bikini bods , they all did except me and Emcii who was already in hers , Pamii was wearing the black strapless that Ryder picked for her because she have no choice but I should say he got taste, her red hair stands out on her black bikini, slender body and pale skin Hoots and wolf whistles boomed from the viewers on the sides especially from boys well what's not to like sexy girls in bikini running and jumping around, what a sight! I rolled my eyes why are you still in those? Emcii asked raising her brow ahh I wanna play like this? I snickered no,no,no,No! Nah-uhh! She chants disapprovingly you can't, its on the rule she informed No! I protested Yes! She shot back
Someone's not confident enough to wear her bikini in public someone spoke that's against the rules,if she don't wanna play replace her already I'm getting bored... We don't have all day she whined bratty as usual
Shot up! Green, Nobody wants your whining, did your parent tell you its rude to butt into other peoples conversation? Emcii growled to Tina

I really don't see people here I see apes she retorted
Tasha , zip it, I don't want another drama here for now, save it for when we kick this loser's in the ass later ,and dont push katriss to her limits she may have her issues- i mean body issues if she cant take off her clothes Trina added fuck! This bitches and then people started to chant Take it Off! Take it off! Take it off so I don't have any choice but to strip

Oh its on, whores! I spat taking my clothes showing my curves flat stomach I say my body was toned, thanks to online workout tutorials I don't need to go to the gym to work on my body, earning roars Hoot's and whistles from the people around , I tied my hair in a tight ponytail
Im sorry, Who has body issues again? I asked them ,when they didn't say anything Speechless I guess, I smirked evily turning into position.
The game was close but we won by a hair with my spike which two of the opposing team member tried to block me but they didn't managed, God! It felt good to win over Trina Bradley for the first time I made her eat her words, sucks to be her right now , I don't participate in any game after that , I seriously enjoy watching than being watched , I caught Trevor looking every now and then and if he was trying to get a chance to talk to me again or privately I'm not gonna let that happen, that's why I never let myself alone so he won't get a chance the day goes by doing games some programs Emcii and Tasha throwing insults at each other Pamii keeping me in check but ofcourse checking out our hot former classmates and batchmates Reed catching up with me he didn't left me alone he was with me all the time, Trina shooting glares at me she manage to spill ketchup over my torso at lunch making it look like an accident but nah- it was intentional Pamii almost flipped out on her but I hold her back saying its not worth the effort and Trevor he didn't try anything not that I wanted him to try anything though but I saw how he ALMOST jump out on my aid when he saw Trina's little dirty trick but didn't bother when his best friend jump in first together with my best friends What is really happening here?
Before the day was almost ever everybody came swimming together at the beach playing with each other like kids its fun being with people whom you grew up with even if I'm not close everyone they are still a big part of my old life, they were the ones who knew the old me , and now the new me, I actually thought everybody know the story behind my sudden disappearance it turns out everyone was a bit shocked to my statement earlier before the volleyball game, some says they just thought the rumors were just rumors yes everybody talks about it but it was just a thing at that time nobody believes it was true.. Not until now yet the real deal was kept hidden between thier clique and mine
Its now 7:30pm our reunion was ended with colorful fireworks at the beach and us singing our graduation song , I walked out of the resort into the parking lot together with My two best friends, Cammie,Reed, Sheena one of our classmate whom is close to Cammie and Jake his boyfriend who is part of another class
You guys going somewhere after this? Cammie asked us all
No- everybody answered in unison
Good! So do you wanna go out together?, party downtown? Everyone turned to look at each other sharing a knowing look

Oh hell yea! Pamii was the first one to answer

Count me in Emcii seconds

Ofcourse were coming sheena said turning to look at Jake who nods in approval

Which left Me and Reed , we shared a look and everyone was staring at us waiting for answers

No- guys I'll pass I said in a beaten tone as much as I wanted to go I'm already feeling tired and not on the mood for partying so I declined
Awwww..... Cammie pouted, I looked over to my friends with a pleading look ,they did get the message and they know how exhausting this day is for me

I guess you're tired babe, its OK Pamii said thank god I smiled and mouthed thank you

I'll drive you home Reed offered

No its OK you go with them I said smiled reassuringly but he didn't let me and insisted , I look over again on my Bffs but they just Gave me the let-him-drive-you-home-cause-we-wont look I sighed and agreed , we said our goodbye and go on our separate ways , I sat shot gun in Reeds Slick silver convertible car , well Reed was from a wealthy family so is he's best friend , the drive home wasn't silent and awkward but a bit lively and some catching up on each others lives ,Reed was a smart guy that's why I'm not surprised he was pursuing medicine just like his parent's ,
Reed pulled over before our gate where it was hidden from the house , we stayed silent for a while before he sighed and look at me and smiled warmly which I also returned
You've changed he started ,I stayed silent but nodded so that he would know I was listening and wanting him to continue its true I didn't recognize you at first, because your looks has change - don't get me wrong you look beautiful he smiled sheepishly thanks. I gratified you aren't shy anymore , you're now stronger and witty too he chuckled no offense , you'll pass as a bad girl now , I stared at him wide eyes on his comment but I knew it wasn't an insult but a compliment no- shit sherlock! I said sarcastically which made him laugh ,after he regained his composure he became serious the air around us tensed
Is this what he did to you - its not a question but a statement Reed Don't! I don't want to talk about him right now I'm done with him now I moved on a little bit, I guess? No- I know he sighed look , I know how much it hurts you but it hurts me too, if I've known all of that I wouldve stopped it I would've stopped him he said with hurt in his eyes and I smiled at him cupping his cheeks with my hand it's OK, it happened its in the past Reedy look into the bright side, if all that didn't happen we couldn't have been friends I said caressing his cheeks but also because of that you left and forget me along with them hurt was in his eyes , boy I don't want to see him look hurt like this , I pulled him into a hug tears was pooling in my eyes no- Reedy ofcourse I didn't forget you, its just that I dont know what to do I don't know how will I face the truth I was so heartbroken I sobbed I don't mean to be distant I thought you knew all about it and I get angry at you then you said you don't know anything from it you were clueless like me and I was so ashamed of myself for doubting you I don't know how will I ever face you I cried sshhhh.... Its OK sweety , its OK, I'm not angry I just miss you, a Lot he said his face buried at the side of my neck caressing my back to comfort me I missed you too I whispered to him we pulled out of the hug and we laughed at our drama, we hoped out of his car and walked to our gate I punched in the code to make the gate open , he walked me in, it was cold I was just in my shorts and off shoulder blues and the night cold wind blew I shivered , Reed notice it so he slung his arms over my shoulders he was warm our house is a bit far from the gates so its like were walking in a park , our peaceful walked was ruined by a roaring vehicle behind us speeding towards my house ,and theres only one guy with that kind of car and craziness that is currently living in there Chrysler

What the F! That car almost run us over Reed growled angrily who's that?! He turned to look at me Don't ask I sighed.

When we reached our front porch Reed pulled me into a hug , I hugged back I felt happy until I was harshly pulled away, detatched from Reed, who was the culprit? Chrysler

She's home, she's safe, I'm here ,you can go Chrysler spat before dragging me inside the house leaving Reed inshock outside I managed to signal call me to him before our front door was slammed shut Rude!.

What the fudge?!


Yo! Hello hello guys....

I Love Reed :-D

SweetXSpices KBD-

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