Her Silenced Voice (Ouran Hig...

By colorlesssky9001

57.2K 1.7K 170

Her name is Evelyn Oshiro. She loves to play the guitar and sing. Her loving brother, Ace, supports her fully... More

Her Silenced Voice (OHSHC)
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 2*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 3*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 4*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 5*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 6*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 7*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 9*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 10*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 11*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 12*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 13*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 14*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 15*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 16*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 17*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 18*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 19*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 20*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 21*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 22*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 23*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 24*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 25*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 26*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 27*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 28*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 29*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 30*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 31*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 32*

Her Silenced Voice *ch. 8*

1.9K 66 11
By colorlesssky9001

I walked in, completely full of energy, the world works in wonderful ways.

Even with Ace in his coma, I felt...light, and airy, as if some pressure had lifted off of me.

For some unknown reason.....

"Hello, Evie-chan, you look happy today," Hunny-senpai said. holding usa-chan in his arms.

As he wanted, Hunny was wearing an actual bedsheets instead of a costume. Usa-chan had a golden laurel wreath crown on his head. He practically shined, making the cherubic look very believable.

I giggled and leaned down, ruffling his hair, "Yes, I am happy today Hunny-senpai. What gave me away?"

Without his answer I hummed as I waltzed away, swaying to the song, feeling Hunny's awed expression looking at me. Humming was as close as I allowed myself to get in singing. Maybe that's why I'm happy.

I can hum.

"And that is why she is a singer," Haruhi said, in regular clothing, the twins flanking both her sides, wearing a white toga, a deep purple sash draped over their shoulders.

It looked more Roman than Greek but not as if the fans would care, they looked hot and that's pretty much all that attracted them in the first place.

"Very beautiful, won't you sing for us?" They chimed together in harmony, leaning in closer to me. I smiled, leaning back, "And who might you be?"

Shrugging Hikaru said, "We're leading a rebellion!"

I cocked an eyebrow, "Now are you?"

"Prepare to meet the start of the most famous empire!" Karou said, raising his golden but probably foam sword.

Raising his own in an identical manner, Hikaru said, "We are Romulus and Remus!"

Clapping my hands, I said, "Wonderful, hope you can bear the wrath of the goddess I will be,"

"Which is Aphrodite," Kyoya said from behind me.

"Hope you can bear the wrath of my love powers!" I said giving them an evil laugh.

Sweeping me up, off my feet, Karou said, "We'll just have to kidnap you, then naming you after a certain terrestrial planet next to the one called Earth,"

Giggling, I said, "Have to take over Greece first," I wiggled out of his embrace.

"Kyoya," I sang, but not really, "What outfit have you got in store for me today?"

"You seem energetic," he said, handing me a hanger, a bag over the clothing.

"I do seem that way don't I?" I smiled happily, "Sorry to make you go through that trouble,"

"Should be," He muttered. Putting the hangar on my arm, I brought my hands up and said, "Turn that frown upside down!"

Placing my fingers on the corner of his soft lips, I pushed them up, creating what I knew was going to he a pitiful smile.

"Go change," he said, moving my hands away, an actual smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.

Smiling, I said, "Okay, bossy, I'll get the job done,"

Walking, practically skipping, I headed towards the changing room.


walking out, I lifted my arms in the air, a yawn escaped my lips.

The dress was magnificent, absolutely fit for Aphrodite.

It was a pure white color, so pure it practically glowed, like snow early in the morning.

The neckline came around one shoulder and below the other, having a smooth over the shoulder look. A gold band went around my biceps elegantly.

Gold twine wrapped around the abdomen, giving the stereotyped Greek feel to it. The cloth scrunched up one hip and cascaded over the other, a split in the dress going up my left leg.

the fabric somehow got lighter as it went downwards, I don't know how you could make white a paler shade than it already was but, it was like I was practically dressed in sea foam.

I could sashay freely at will around the room. The accenting color was gold as it lined the hem and woven throughout the folds in my dress.

It felt smooth as it clung to every one of the right places. My shoes were golden strappy sandals, a matching gold ribbon laced through my own gold locks of hair.

"You look really nice," I turned around from my aimless walking to see Kyoya. Smiling, I said, "It looks great doesn't it? You have very good taste, my friend,"

He looked as if he wanted to say something but held it back. I felt my smile play on my lips, "I'll be leaving first, Kyoya," I said before turning around.

"Your surprisingly happy," Suoh said, bouncing over to me, where I sat waiting for start of customers to come.

I ducked my head, "Suoh...." I said, surprised he bothered to come my way. "Why does my rival choose to call me by my last name?" He asked.

I looked back at my entwined fingers, bracelet clad in gold clinked against each other.

"Is it a crime?" I asked. He shook his head and sat across from me, "You look really nice in that," I smiled brighter, "Thanks, who are you suppose to be?"

Judging from the looks of the thunderbolts tucked behind his ears, he was Zeus, but I seemed to have made him happy by asking.

"Haha! I know who you are but you don't know who I am!" Suoh said. I giggled and said, "Oh you do?"

I was almost sure Suoh was behind choosing my character. Would there be a reason for him to not know?

"Yes, my dear Aphrodite, I am Zeus, king of all gods and goddesses!" He said triumphantly.

I smiled and said, "And where would your queen be?"

Suoh's eyes became wide with tears as he said, "My daughter wouldn't become the queen for me..." I laughed and said, "Oh? Wouldn't it be normal?"

Looking at me, he said, "What?"

"Maybe your daughter didn't want to play the role as Zeus's wife," I explained. He nodded and wiped away tears of sadness.

"You're right!" His happiness suddenly rejuvenated.

With my arms crossed in front of me on the table, I leaned foreword a little bit and said, "Its only about the type of love, Suoh. This is advice from the love goddess and your rival, Evelyn Oshiro,"

He puffed his cheeks again, realizing he, in fact hadn't won after all. I giggled and girls and guys started to pour in.

"Zeus, you should return to your rightful place in Olympus and flirt with mortals before Hera can show up," I said, winking at him before I got up to mingle with my customers.

I watched as the faux fog spread around the ground separated at my movement. Somewhere in the room, something was generating fog to make it look like we were in a cloud. Lights were cut off and torches were lit.

Marble sculptures were strewn around the room decorating the room and fake buildings were built in place to create elegance, besides, what doesn't look good by candlelight?

"My my, I guess you were more than an angel," I heard someone say. I turned around to find Kai.

I smiled, and jumped in his outstretched arms. "Kai, where is Jake?" I asked confused.

He chuckled and said, "Aw,what a lovely welcome Aphrodite has given me," I smirked and said, "Don't make me use cupid on you,"

"Oh, but then why am I already in love," Kai said.

I smiled and said, "Nice one,"

"Jake is trying to hide from the fan girls," Kai said, returning the smile.

I nodded, so some girls even remembered us.

After that, I accompanied the guys who had taken the time to walk to the music room to see me.

It also seemed that guys were surprised at my genuinely happy mood. "Evelyn," Pearson said, "you seem happier," I turned to look at him.

"How so?" I asked before I took a sip of the sparkling drink. Instead of teacups, we used wine glass, except no wine and no alcohol. Just a red sparkling carbonated drink, closest we could get to wine I guess.

"Your eyes seemed to be filled with some sort of anguish before, today, you seem to be unwinding," Pearson said.

I put my cup down and looked at it, "How observant," I said after patting my mouth with the napkin, "Thank you for noticing, I take it personally nice that you didn't bring it up when you obviously knew,"

"I-it's fine," he stuttered, ah....I forgot,

He was an extremely shy person.

His father was the founder of a well known textile company,

favorite color was red,

born on April 13th,

prefers inland food instead of seafood,

has a dog named Champ,

Prefers I wear blue, brings out my eyes, (realized a while ago)

Has a crush on a second year girl, (he's third year)

Really nice and talkative when he's warmed up to you,

and more.

I chuckled and said, "Well, It's unfortunate I have to call time again, I would be admonished by Kyoya if he knew I was off track..." I said, looking at the clock.

"Oh, and Pearson," I said as we both got up, "that girl you like, a dance is coming up, is it not? Why don't you ask her?"

He blushed a bit and I smiled again, "Who could deny someone like you?"

"Thanks for the encouragement, Evelyn," he said and left. I ushered the next guy to the table and he brushes a strand of hair behind my ear.

I struggled not to flinch away from his touch, having memories of someone else. Someone in the past.

"Hello, David, how was the flight?" I asked. He had come back from his business trip with his dad, who was also very well known, fashion designer.

"It was wonderful Evelyn, I should have taken pictures to bring back," David said excitedly, "I saw such rich colors, just brilliant articles of sheer art,"

"Which one was your favorite?" I asked.

His eyes lit up as he said, "But, Evelyn! No words are good enough to describe how much feelings and effort are put into the masterpieces!"

Even so he started to describe the dress in incredibly high detail.

"The fragile scoop neckline was just magnificent, the deep blue hue of lapis lazuli just shone, embedding itself into the cloth as if it had a deep bond in the chiffon textile," he said.

I smiled, laying my head onto the hammock created by my interlocking fingers, "the refined dainty look the butterfly sleeves achieved was about just as gorgeous as the depth of the v on the back,"

I listen to him ramble on for around 4 more dresses before I said, "If you can draw up your own ideas, I can find a way for Pearson to help you out, I am sure you two could help each other out tremendously,"

"Really? He seemed too shy so I was never able to approach him..." David said.

I smiled, it would both benefit their company, their ego, both are doing what they want to do, and it would socially bring them up in the long run.

I looked at the time and said, "Aw, it's about time to go,"

Leaning over the table, he kissed me on my cheek, "Goodbye, sweet Evelyn, we shall see each other tomorrow," he said.

I laughed and said, "I'm in your next class,"

He blinked and said, "I thought you were a first year,"

"That's right, you were on your business trip," I said, "I was brought up a year because of my academic history, influenced by Ace,"

"Oh?" He said surprised, "that makes things even better,"

It does doesn't it? I thought to myself. I'll be attending the same classes as my brother, the closer I was to him, I would be closer to finding the reason why I was a target.

There has to be a reason behind this, maybe I was completely wrong, maybe I thought too high of myself, maybe I was completely wrong, maybe I wasn't the essential target...maybe they mistook me for someone else.

I felt the smile slowly melt off my face, that's right, I didn't sink into this today. I didn't sink into the depression I've dug for myself.....that is until now.

No wonder I was so upbeat. There was a word for this wasn't there? Oh yeah.


"Something wrong?" Kai asked, his voice next to my ear, I jumped and put up a believable laugh up.

"Don't do that, Kai, make me have a heart attack will you?" I said, realizing maybe I was pretending, all of it. Maybe I just wanted to push this out of the way.

To forget about it.

Not care about Ace.

Wonder why he'd put such a burden on me.

Blame him.

"Okay okay," Kai said, "But I feel you're too physically fit to have that happen," I let out an obvious long breath, noticing he pointedly said physically.

"What's that about my mental state?" I joked. He came over and leaned down to look me straight in the eyes, "I don't know, if you drop the facade, I might know,"

I took in a breath, not saying anything, his green eyes peered into mine. "Maybe next time, love goddess," he chuckled, as he was standing up straight, I realized what he just said.

~flashback~ 3rd person pov

"Kai!" Evelyn yelled out. The tall figure walking down the street alone stopped. She smiled triumphantly.

He actually acknowledged her this time. "What do you want Oshiro?" He said, his voice cold.

Keeping the smile on her face she knew he was putting up the usual attitude. Letting her catch up to him wasn't new. She had gotten him to do that 3 months ago.

She laughed lightly and said, "You actually know I exist!"

He rolled his eyes and walked away, as always. "You're really shy, no I take that back, you just have nothing to talk about right?" she asked.

"Go away," he said irritably. Why was this girl always walking with him? Did she like him? Did she do this on purpose? Just to annoy him?

"I wouldn't want that," she said, "I think that walking alone makes you think to yourself a lot,"

"That's usually a good thing," he mumbled, still wondering why this girl was always leaving her friends to come talk to him. What did she want from him?

"Not always," Evelyn said, "When you over think, you start to ask pointless questions. Rarely do you ever get the right answers to your thoughts because what's complicated, isn't so hard when you don't think too much about it,"

Turning to look at the Oshiro girl, Kai studied her face as she looked foreword. What was she even talking about?

She only wanted him to smile, if only once, even if because of anything, she wanted to see him smile. That's because she thought a smile would make him look brighter, help him make friends.

"Well, Ace is taking me out tonight to eat," She said, looking up at Kai. Who was Ace? For the 4 months she's pestered him, he's never heard of an Ace.

Her boyfriend?

"He said something about a surprise, so I think it's a free dinner, paid by him," She said, her face glowing at the thought of Ace.

She must really be attached to this Ace guy...Kai thought bitterly. If she had a boyfriend, what was she doing flirting with me?

"Have I told you about Ace before?" She said, realization dawned on her face, "Sorry,"she apologized, "That must have been uncomfortable, Ace is my brother, he usually doesn't give out much gifts and I hope he didn't do anything rash,"

Her thoughts trailed off to Ace, maybe if it was a dinner Kai could come but that's right, Ace was paying....

"When are you going to leave?" Kai muttered, his own thoughts halfway blocking her voice but something compelled him to listen.

"When are you going to talk to me, not like I'll bite," She smiled. No, Kai thought, but when he opens up, she'll leave.

But isn't that what he wanted? So why didn't he just open up?

"Bye Oshiro," he said, walking the other direction. She stopped, her footsteps behind him stopped. He turned around to see her looking on the ground, her smile disappeared, replaced by a disappointed frown.

Looking up, realizing he was watching, she plastered on a smile, "Maybe next time, Kai,"

~flashback end~

I gave him a mild smile, at that time, he was so quiet....well to this day I still don't know why he was so quiet.

"Thanks, Kai," I said.

"No problem," he said.

I was then promptly swung around. "My love goddess, where have you been?" Jake said.

I looked up at him and said, "I was busy sending flocks of girls to a certain guy in a band,"

His face turned sour as I laughed. "You must have given that person Kai's portion of girls," Jake said dryly.

I laughed, "Don't you have school?"

He took the wine glass in my hand and started drinking. "Stop drinking my godly drink," I said, snatching the cup away from him.

"The school gave me a day off," He joked around, I laughed and said, "I see,"

"Oh, and that was payback for drinking my soda," Jake said. I mocked offense and said, "I apologized already,"

"Evie-chan!" The twins chimed from out of no where. I turned around but I couldn't see them.

"Boo!" They said behind me. I turned to them, not really spooked. They looked at me and started pouting, "How is it you had the same reaction as Haruhi?"

I smirked and said, "Stay strong, you'll find something that'll scare me,"

Suddenly their attention was diverted to Jake, "What is she scared of most?" they asked.

I pushed them away and said, "Hey, hey, no cheating, find out later,"

I turned around and bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Melissa.

A/N: Whoa! There's going to be a sudden mood swing! This one is particularly long though. Oh and you also got an insight on who Kai was before he met Evelyn.

I should also state that Kai is a year older than Evelyn along with Ace and Jake.

Oh and most of you might be worried about how Kai and Jake keep on skipping school for Evelyn or Ace but their fine....when I do something about it.

About who this is going to be for, comment or send me something on who you would want this to be for but let me say something first. I have a feeling that Suoh- I mean Tamaki might win more than just a couple votes.

Just, if you're unsure hold onto your thoughts till later, because I realize I've put Tamaki in a lead, well for me anyways. But if you already have a favorite give me what you have!

(^-^) thank you! Vote and comment!

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