RJ oneshots

By Elazul-Jumi

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random oneshot ideas that come randomly to my mind (I can't promise I'll update this regularly, it would be m... More

Before you read this
Rewrite The Stars
You can't stop the beat
RJ Omegaverse
RJ Omegaverse (part 2)
RJ Omegaverse (part 3)
RJ babysitting
RJ Omegaverse (Final part)
RJ Wedding
Perfect Harmony
RJ comes out
One last sunset
What if we...?
What if I...? (What if We...? Part 2)
Top of the Ferris Wheel
Unsaid Family
The Perfect Gift
The Proposal
Day of the Wedding...s!
Without Him
Be With You (Without him Part 2)
Song dedicated to...
RJ's "Graduation" and First Kiss
Dance lesson
"Last Waltz" (Dance lesson part 2)
Unexpected declaration
Small update!
Taking care of an "army" (RJ Babysitting Part 2)
That's how you make me feel...
I've made my choice...
The Nerd and the Bad Boy
His First Date (The Nerd and the Bad Boy Part 2)
I love you... but you're not mine...
Welcome Back...
Midnight Kiss
Amazing Parents
His First (Unofficial) Day at School

Snow day!

218 10 31
By Elazul-Jumi

(Despite the title, the snow day doesn't actually happen at the beginning of this, but it is the major focus of this oneshot)

(Also, this will be a PURE RJ/CASWEN oneshot, and what I mean by that is that only Ricky and EJ will have dialogues, no one else)

School had finished for the day, and all students had already left East High, some were going to a part-time job they have, others went to different places to spend time in before going to their homes, some decided to take advantage of the cold wheather and get something hot, and then there are the ones who went back to their home immediately, whether to do the homework they were left with, or simply wanting to rest for the day.

Such was the case for Ricky Bowen, who upon entering, said hi to his dad, ate some take-out with him and then went to his room, and plopped onto his bed ready to stay there for most of the day... if it wasn't for his phone that started ringing.

Ricky: *groans* come on, I just want to rest! *says as he grabs his phone*

But upon seeing who was calling him, more specifically wanting to facetime him, he suddenly got a bit nervous but also happy, and he didn't waste anymore time leaving the other person on hold

Ricky: what's up E? *says laying down on his bed*

EJ: hey Ricky, you still coming to my house so we can start on the project?

In that moment, Ricky's eyes went wide open as he had completely forgotten about it.

Ricky: I forgot about the project! Uhh.... give me a few minutes and I'll be there soon, I promise! *says as he puts the phone against his alarm on the nightstand heading for his closet

EJ: if you want I could go pick you up

Ricky: *going through his clothes* nonono it's ok, I just need a quick shower and change of clothes 'cause I had P.E. today and ended up swearting a lot *says as he takes off his shirt*

In that moment, EJ had to completely stay quiet and think of other stuff, due to him having a perfect view of the back of a shirtless Ricky... to make matters worse, or better depending on how you look at it, Ricky had then turned around quickly went for his phone, and then EJ was on the clear as he was now just looking at Ricky's face

Ricky: uhh... give me 15 minutes and I'll be there, ok?

EJ: *clears throat* um, yeah sure, sure, I'll go get my stuff ready for the project, ring the doorbell when you arrive

Ricky: yeah sure, see you soon, bye! *waving his hand at the camera*

EJ: bye! *chuckles at Ricky waving his hand*

As soon as the facetime was over, Ricky grabbed a towel and got in the shower after undressing, finishing in record time and quickly changed into his clothes, putting on a scarf and a beanie for the cold, grabbed his backpack then got downstairs and told his dad he was gonna go to EJ's house and got out with his skateboard.

As he was making his way to EJ's house, he noticed how the sky was a bit cloudy, not the type that would bring rain, but still didn't know what it would mean. Eventually he reached the Caswell residence with a minute left and was already standing at the front door.

He suddenly got a bit nervous since he is spending time alone with EJ, who's also his crush, but hopefully he'll get through this without a problem, so now he reaches for the door bell and hesitates for a moment before finally ringing it.

It didn't even take a few seconds before the door was open and from it came EJ wearing casual clothes, which was something Ricky always likes since it shows another side of EJ.

EJ: Hey *smiles*

Ricky: Hey! *smiles and takes off his beanie*

They stare at each other for a few seconds, and just as EJ was about to let Ricky in... Until they hear barking from down the hall and look to where the sound came from, to then see EJ's dog running down the hall and going straight towards Ricky

Ricky: Hi Bella! *kneels down and starts scratching her a tiny bit*

EJ just looked at them smiling, thinking how it would be if they were boyfriends, Ricky would come over more often and viceversa, and Bella would be very happy to see Ricky more since they got along very well since the first day they met.

But he also thought that despite his crush on Ricky, the boy would probably never be interested in him due to being one of the popluar students at school.

A few seconds later, Ricky stood up and Bella went back inside, as EJ made way for Ricky to come in. 

Ricky: where are your parents? *putting the beanie and scarf on a clothes hanger*

EJ: they went out of town for a few days, they'll be back by the end of the week.

Ricky nodded and felt glad about that, and then EJ motioned to the stairs so they go to hiss room. Ricky sat on EJ's bed, while EJ asked him if he wanted something to drink, with Ricky asking for just water.

Not even 2 minutes pass, and EJ came back with two glasses of water, one for him and one for Ricky, and then he wasted no time in starting on the project, since this was gonna be a bit hard with Ricky Bowen as his partner. But that's what he gets for choosing his best friend, who's also his crush, as his partner.


Ricky: can we take a break? *says as he stretches*

EJ: Ricky we've only been working for 30 minutes *says as he chuckles a bit*

Ricky: I know, but I'm getting hungry.

EJ: *sighs* fine, I'll go get some snacks and maybe we can finally play a game together *says standing up*

Ricky: get ready to lose then, Elijah *starts turning on the TV and console*

EJ: bring it on, Richard! *says already out of the room*

Ricky laughed at that and started looking through the games EJ has. Even though he is mainly known as the "waterpolo/theater" guy, Ricky has been spending enough time with him to learn that on his free time he also likes to play games on occasions.

Although, this will be the first time they play a game together, since most of the times Ricky came over, EJ's parents were always present, and his dad was strict, which meant that they had actually never played a game together.

Eventually Ricky finds a game he likes and that, by the looks of it, EJ plays a lot and right in that moment EJ came back with a bowl of chips and two sodas.

EJ: oh I'm really good at this game, you're so doomed *says putting down the bowl, handing over a soda and sitting down grabbing the other controller

Ricky: really? *looks at him in disbelief* *EJ nods* we'll see about that.

EJ chuckles and the game finished loading, they both chose their favorite characters and started playing. Unfortunately for EJ, he didn't know how good of a player Ricky was.


EJ: How are you so good at this!? *says surprised*

Ricky: *looks at him* You get to be good at realy sports, I get to be good at fake ones *says with a smile as he looks back at the screen*

EJ: No, you're just good at everything.

Ricky: No, I'm not *smile decreases a bit*

EJ: You are! *says looking at him as Ricky looks back at him*

Ricky: *scoffs* I'm not!

EJ: let's see *puts his controller down* You're good at videogames, you're able to write original songs AND have an amazing voice, you know how to use skateboard, befriending dogs and you are good at physical activites, 'cause I've seen you run and you run so fast-

Ricky: shut up! *covers EJ's mouth with his hand as he makes him go backwards to his bed*

EJ: You know it's true *voice muffled a bit* Get off me! Get off

Right in that moment, Ricky saw through the window in EJ's room and noticed something.

Ricky: oh my god.

EJ: *sits back up* what? *asks looking at Ricky*

Ricky: It's snowing! *says with a smile*

EJ then looks back and sees that it is, indeed, snowing. He looks back at Ricky who's looking at him and they both nod.

Ricky: oh but I only have my long-sleeved shirt, I didn't bring anything other than the beanie and the scarf.

EJ: hmmm... come on *grabs Ricky's hand and leads him to his closet*

He starts to go through the different hoodies that he has, and he eventually finds one that he thinks should fit Ricky.

EJ: Ok, try this one *hands him the hoodie*

Ricky looks at it for a second before he starts to put it on

Ricky: it's a bit big *says halfway from putting it on*

Once he's done putting it on, he takes down the hood as he looks at EJ.

EJ: that one looks good *says with a slight smile*

Ricky: alright, let's go *says putting on his beanie*

They walk to the door that leads to the backyard and go out, with EJ wearing his varsity jacket.

EJ: *turns to look at the house* Bella!

Bella didn't waste a minute and she was already out with them

EJ: come here

They went farther into the backyard to be near some trees, and started playing around, with the first thing EJ does is stick his tongue out, and Ricky looks at how EJ enjoys doing it.

EJ: *sticking his tongue out* Gaw I lo now ay! *says with his tongue still out* (God I love snow days!)

Ricky: *chuckling* you really like sticking your tongue out to the snow? *says smiling*

EJ: *tongue is back inside his mouth* what, you've never done it? *looks at Ricky*

Ricky: not really, most of the times my mom didn't let me go out in the snow, and if she did, I had like 4 capes of clothing

EJ: you should do it, it's fun! *sticks his tongue out again*

Ricky looks at him for a moment and then decides to do it as well, and he indeed finds it a bit fun. They hear Bella barking and decide to go over to her and give her a bit of attention.

Ricky: who's a good girl? who's a good girl!? *says with a smile*

EJ just looked at him and how he was smiling in every moment, occasionally petting or scratching Bella, and the way that he talked with a different voice when it came to saying stuff to her. Suddenly, Bella was over EJ and trying to lick his face, so now he was doing the same thing Ricky did, not knowing what he was gonna do in a few moments.

Ricky had gotten a bit far from them, and started to gather a bit of snow in order to make a snowball, once he got it, he turned around to see that EJ was still distracted by Bella, and that's when he took a chance and threw his snowball hitting EJ right in the back of his head.

EJ: *slowly turns head towards Ricky* ...oh it's on Bowen

EJ had made a snowball at an incredible speed and by the time Ricky was able to react

EJ: take this!

EJ had thrown the snowball, but luckily Ricky covered his face and it ended up hitting his hands instead.

This went on for a moment, with each of them throwing a snowball to the other, occasionally missing, while Bella just walked around seeing what the two boys were doing.

At some point where Ricky tried to make a snowball, EJ had quickly grabbed a pile of snow and quickly made his way towards Ricky and let the snow fall on his head and neck, which earned him a quick reaction from Ricky who tried to throw snow at EJ's face, but failed because EJ covered his face with his jacket.

He then took his head out and noticed a bit of snow on Ricky curls.

EJ: wait, you have snow on your hair *says walking towards him*

Before Ricky could react, EJ was already standing close to him, brushing off whatever snow was in his curls, causing Ricky to laugh a bit at that, and thanked EJ for it... until he pushed him with enough force to fall back into the snow and then immediately run away from EJ who was already getting up.

After being chased around for a bit, Ricky decided to just lay down on the snow and then started making a snow angel.

Ricky: this is one of the few things I was able to do whenever my mom let me go out while it was snowing, and I never got tired of it *says looking at the sky while doing the snow angel*

Meanwhile, EJ had listened to him the moment he said that, but also decided to record it as he thought Ricky looked cute. Ricky then took notice and stopped completely.

Ricky:  why don't you lay down as well? *says looking up to EJ*

EJ reacted and proceeded to put his phone away, to then lay down next to Ricky with a bit of space between them, enough to allow him to make a snow angel as well, and after a few moments, Ricky started to make a snow angel again, but being careful on not bumping with EJ's arm.

Eventually, EJ got in a sitting position and motioned Ricky to come closer and sit next to him, taking out his phone and taking 1 or 2 pictures with him, to then call Bella over so she could come sit with them. They pet her again for a tiny bit, and then layed down, and took another photo, until EJ put his phone away again.

By this point Bella was laying down between the two of them, with her head on top of EJ's chest as he scratched her slightly while talking about random stuff, while Ricky just stared at him, somewhat daydreaming, but also paying attention to EJ.

EJ at some point while talking just looks up to the sky and puts his arms up, as he stops scratching Bella for a moment.

EJ: More. Come on, more!

Right after he went back to scratching Bella, and talking with Ricky.

The project was left forgotten for the day, but at least they got a moment between them, alongside Bella, that would definitely stay in their hearts for life, while hoping for other moments like this, and who knows? maybe something even bigger.














Cutest. Snow Scene. EVER! And I'm talking about what this is based on.

I'm almost sure that I don't need to say what this is based on, but I'll do it either way, since Heartstopper has A LOT, of cute and adorable moments that are perfect for Ricky and EJ.

Don't really have much else to say, so I'm gonna leave it at that.


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