The Bad Boy's Heart Of Gold

By nikkiwikki_02

111K 4K 476

"Only once in your life, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things tha... More

The Bad Boy's Heart Of Gold
Chapter One: You Think I'm Hot?
Chapter Two: Legend Or What?
Chapter Three: You Must Be Delusional!
Chapter Four: Tomato Sauce And Mayonnaise
Chapter Five: This Is A Date?
Chapter Six: Phobia Of Stairs And Magazines
Chapter Seven: Better Than Any American Soap Opera
Chapter Eight: If That's What Puts Your Mind At Ease
Chapter Nine: He Is A Hottie!
Chapter Ten: I've Been Working On It For Quite A While
Chapter Eleven: Am I Insane For Liking The Most Sweetest Bad Boy?
Chapter Twelve: It's A Little Crush, It's Harmless
Chapter Thirteen: God He Notices A Lot Of Things, Huh?
Chapter Fourteen: There's More Where That Came From
Chapter Fifteen: You Didn't Invite Anyone Did You?
Chapter Sixteen: This Is Our Tent?
Chapter Seventeen: It's A Diner Not McDonalds
Chapter Eighteen: She's Acting As If The Doll Anabelle Has Possessed Her
Chapter Nineteen: Colton Makes Me Feel Complete
Chapter Twenty: I Guess A Broken Nose And A Bruised Face Wasn't Enough For You
Chapter Twenty-One: Is This What It Feels Like To Be Heartbroken?
Chapter Twenty-Two: You Should Get Embarrassed More Often
Chapter Twenty-Three: I'll Buy Kanye West's House If That's What It Takes
Chapter Twenty-Four: I Am His Girlfriend
Authors Note
Chapter Twenty-Six: You Mean These Sexy Things?
Chapter Twenty-Seven: You Have A Boo Boo Eye And A Swollen Lip
Chapter Twenty-Eight: You Mean You've Packed Everything For Me?
Chapter Twenty-Nine: It Turns Out They're Not That Bad
Chapter Thirty: You Were Too Busy Staring At My Sexiness
Chapter Thirty-One : I Managed To Convince Them That I'd Been A Good Boy
Chapter Thirty-Two: It Must've Took A Lot Of Courage To Get Up From Hibernation
Chapter Thirty-Three: Like You're Wanting To Rip My Balls Off
The End: And I'll Always Love You

Chapter Twenty-Five: You're More Whipped Than Whipped Cream

2.2K 93 12
By nikkiwikki_02

Chapter Twenty-Five: You're More Whipped Than Whipped Cream

"Madeline, you made me promise that if you don't wake up when I tell you too the first time, I get to pour water and I'll be more than happy to do it." Brad says and I groan throwing a mini fit in my bed.

"But Brad..." I groan and try going back to sleep but he shakes my shoulders violently.

"Your boy-boyfriend." He almost chokes when he tries saying boyfriend and I can't help but laugh no matter what time it is in the morning. "Will be picking you up for about an hour. That means you have half an hour to pack your stuff and another half to get ready."

I already packed my bags after Colton left, he said he couldn't stay because he has things to pack as well and I'll be seeing him for two days straight.

"If you haven't already met me Brad, I pack my things before the day of the trip unlike you and it takes me about fifteen minutes to get ready." I state and I'm surprised at my smart mouth to say I've just woken up.

"Do you want that water on your head?" He asks and I shake my head. "Or I'll call Colton and tell him that you're not going on that trip."

"You wouldn't dare." I say and he nods smirking.

"I would." He says and I get up from the bed immediately. "Oh and what you said to mum yesterday was so funny." He laughs and I shoot him a glare.

"I'm proud of you Mads." He walks over to me and gives me a hug. I'm honestly proud I said those things to her because no one else would. "Now go and get ready." He pushes me in the direction of my wardrobe and he walks out of the door. I open my wardrobe and get the clothes that I picked out last night.

My blue sleeveless top with my skinny jeans, my white high top converse and a jacket. I don't want to be dressed over the top when I meet his friends but I don't want to dress too casual, as they might think I don't give a toss about Colton's 'bros'. I lay them out onto my bed and head to the shower.

As soon as I feel soft as a baby's bottom I get out of the shower. I wrap the towel around my wet body and use another one to dry my hair. I brush my teeth and head back into my room.

I dry off my body and get out some new fresh undergarments. I slip them on along with my jeans and top. I let my hair fall down free and bounce off my shoulders. I add some blusher to my cheeks so I have a bit of colour in them, I've always been told that I'm so pale.

I get my bag that has my clothes in and swing it over my shoulder. I've actually just realised how nervous I am to meet his friends, what if they don't like me? What if I don't like them? Oh god. I'm way over thinking this. I head downstairs and I see Brad lounging in the living room.

"I see you're ready." He says when he turns to look at me. "You better not do anything Mads, I'm being serious."

"I see you're annoying." I say smugly and walk off the kitchen. I'm not going to do anything apart from hang with Coltons friends. I don't know if I want to even go on this trip, I don't want to get in the way of Colton and his friends. Where will we even be staying? At a hotel or?... Stop over thinking this.

I get another belvita biscuit out from the cupboard and a glass. I go into the fridge and get some orange juice, I pour it into the glass. I put it away and I realise it's awfully quiet in here. I turn on the radio that stands alone on the window pane, I turn the radio channel on and start moving and humming to the song.

I wash my glass and put it away still rocking out to this song. I chuck my belvita packet away and sit down at the table. I sing along to the song and twiddle with my thumbs.

"Having fun?"

I jump back from my chair and look up to see Colton leaning against the door frame. When did he even get here?

"I'm- I'm- I mean, I didn't see you there." I gesture to the door and he let's out a laugh. "You're here early." I turn to the clock and he still has another fifteen minutes to pick me up.

"I know, I thought we could make a couple of stops before we go there. You know since it's about a three hour drive?" He asks and my mouth falls open.

"Three hours drive?! I thought you said it was outside of the city!"

"I did." He scratches the back of his neck. "...But it's on the other side of city."

"So not where Amanda lives then?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No, the opposite direction of that." He says and my mouth falls open."Do you really think I'll be picking you up this early if it was an hours drive?"

"Lets go." He chuckles and I stand up to turn the radio off. I grab my bag from the floor and swing it over my shoulder then follow behind him. I say goodbye to Brad and get into Coltons car.

I look at the backseat to see Coltons bag and god its so small. "Please tell me that's not the bag you're going to bring."

"What's wrong with it?" He asks. Yep, its the bag he's bringing.

"Nothing... It's just so small." I say and he laughs starting the engine. He reverses away from the house and drives onto the main road.

"I'm a boy Mads. We'll be gone for two days not a week." He says gesturing to my bag. He has a point. I wouldn't say my bags big because it's not. Trust me I have way bigger bags than this. If Colton ever saw the bag I have in mind I think he'll just collapse on the floor.

"Open that." He gestures to the compartment that's inline with my knees. I open it and I frown at him.

"What am I exactly looking for?" I ask and he tuts shaking his head before his hands go into the compartment. He pulls out a CD and he hands it to me. Nickelback- Silver Side Up.

"How did you know I liked these?" I ask and read the tracks on the back of the case. Never again is such a good song. How does he know I love listening to these though?

"I've known you for six months Mads." He winks and my heart skips a beat. Six months with Colton! I remember when the principal asked me to tutor him and I was dreading it. The tutoring stopped when his grades got back on track.

I immediately insert the CD and track one comes on- Never again. I start moving my head to the song and Colton joins.

"He's drunk again, it's time to fight. She must have done something wrong tonight-"

"Can we change the song... It's so depressing." He asks and I laugh nodding. He changes it to How you remind me.

"Never made it a wise man. I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealin'. Tired of livin' like a blind man." We both sing together and moving our heads to the rhythm of the song.

"Now this is more like it." He says and I laugh rolling my head back in laughter. He turns the volume up to such a high volume its like we have our own nightclub. In a car of course.

After two hours we pull up to a couple of restaurants that looks appetising even though we're only on the outside. Me and my appetite has grown since I've been hanging around with Colton,  he's always telling me how healthy it is to eat and not skip meals.

We walk over to McDonald's and wait in the que. He's telling me how hungry he is and I can't help but smile at his eagerness to inhale the food.

"What would you like to order?" The female behind the counter pulls us out of our conversation. Colton doesn't hesitate to answer as I know he's being thinking about him and the BigMac in his mouth.

"BigMac please and Maddie, what do you want?" He asks smiling at me putting on the most sweetest tone possible. I place a finger on my chin thinking what to eat, McChicken-. "McChicken sandwich for the lady." Colton says for me and the lady smiles at his charm. I shoot him a glare when she turns away for not letting me speak for myself.

"I'm hungry."


We park in a parking lot behind a building with at least twenty floors, when Colton told me his friends lived in an apartment I never thought about it being this big. We walk towards it and I grab ahold of Coltons hand hoping he doesn't notice the nervous expression written all over my face.

"Don't be nervous; they're just my old friends and I've told them about you before so you don't have to do all the introducing stuff, finding out about your life." He says as we step into the elevator, yup he noticed. He presses the number twelve repeatedly before the door shuts.

"My life?"

"Yeah, I've just told them about the most amazing girl I've ever met." He says and I smile at his words, he squeezes my hands reassuringly, which I squeeze back in response. The door opens and there stands a white modern corridor, number fifteen he's looking for. There on his left! He knocks on the door and we wait patiently outside. The white door opens slowly and there stands a guy around Coltons age.

"Hey you must be Madeline." He gestures us inside his apartment before holding out his hand for me to shake. I return the kind gesture and he smiles, a bright pearly smile. "I'm Theo."

"Colton's told me a lot of things about you." Theo says as he shuts the door behind us.

"Good things I hope." I say nervously and Theo scratches the back of his neck, a habit Coltons obviously picked up.

"Trust me. There's only a certain amount a guy can listen to how his best friend is in love with the most incredible girl he's set eyes on." Theo says and I blush, I turn to Colton who is now smiling at me goofily. I grab his hand and squeeze it. "Hey guys, don't be so ignorant!"

I look around the room to see three other guys lounging on the couch, I hadn't even notice them there. One makes their way over to us with brown hair and a vest that shows off his tattoos.

"Hi I'm Max." He leans in and holds my hand. He brings my hand to his mouth giving me a kiss on the hand, I blush not knowing what to do. I turn to look at Colton who has clenched fists and teeth. He's getting jealous over his own best friend!

"Cut the act Max!" Another voice booms behind him,  I turn to look and there stands yet another guy with shaved blonde hair what looks like an inch long.  He's wearing an army jacket that's rolled up to his elbows. "Long time no see man." He walks up to Colton and gives him a manly hug, you know the pat on the back and all? He introduces himself as Ethan.

"I know Colton, where have you been these last few weeks? All we've been doing is Skyping and you know what my signal is like up here, it's really rubbish." Theo says and Colton let's out a laugh.

"I'm Michael but call me Mike, I'm the normal guy in this group." He says and holds out his hand for me to shake. I laugh and so does he, that's everyone I need to know. Mike, Ethan,  Theo and Max.

"Do you play?" Mike asks pointing to the screen of the telly, GTA. Of course I play,  I've grown up with Bradley Dixon who is a legend at games like this and he has passed those skills down to his little sister. I nod and they all turn to look at each other, I look at Colton who's smiling away at me because he knows I can play these games.

"Woah!" Max half laughs before he sits himself down on the floor. "You've got yourself a pretty girl and she can play GTA. You've got yourself a keeper Colton!" Max laughs and Colton smiles at me. I sit down and Colton plops himself next to me, Theo sits next to Colton and the rest of the guyssit on the floor.

Colton pulls me onto his lap forgetting we're in public, but we may aswell get ourselves comfy right? Theo hands me the controller and I twitch my thumbs over it.

Half an hour passes and I'm still playing, they're all talking about how good I am at this.

"You're better than Ethan and that's saying something." Mike says and everyone laughs clutching their stomachs, I pause the game when my fingers start to ache. Ethan rolls his eyes at Mike's remark before getting up and walking over to the fridge.

"Does anyone want a drink?" He asks and I'm almost about to agree to it but when I turn around I find him holding a can of beer. Everyone turns it down and he shrugs his shoulders. "What about you Madeline?"


"She doesn't drink." Colton answers for me before Ethan shuts the fridge.

"Where are you guys crashing for the night?" Theo asks before switching the TV onto something else. Friends, this is such a good episode. Wait where are we crashing tonight? I've been meaning to ask that but I've been too busy sharing my GTA skills with the guys.

"Probably the hotel across the street." Colton says before turning to look at me as if he's asking me if it's alright. I nod and he smiles. I honestly would much prefer to stay some place than just some 'hotel across the street.'

"Why don't you just sleep in the spare room?" Theo asks and I soon realise that this is his place. Wow, he's Coltons age and already has a decent apartment. I bet his parents are rich.

"Sure if that's alright with you man." Colton shrugs and Theo nods. "I'll leave you guys to socialise while I put our bags away." Colton leaves me standing up, I don't know whether just because I've been staring at a screen for what feels like hours or I'm just seeing things, but I see Colton glare around at the guys. Why? He folds his arms, heading to what I assume is the guestroom.

"How has he been?" Max asks and they all turn to look at me, I soon feel cornered and pressure weighs down on my shoulders.

"Good... yeah." I say chewing on my fingernails not knowing what else to say. What do they mean how he's been? They asked him earlier.

"I mean has he got into any fights." Max says and my mind rewinds the beating Casey got.

"He punched someone but that's all." I say.

"Colton's always been known to be the one to throw a punch. At least it's not as bad as last time." Ethan half laughs but the laughter dies out when everyone's face turns serious. They all give Ethan a death stare and Ethans eyes zero out on the guestbedroom door. Last time? There was a last time?

"What happened last time?" I ask but they don't say anything but look down at the floor. "What happened last time?" I repeat again but with much force, a lump forms in my throat and the door to the guestroom slowly opens.

"Hey Maddie?-" Colton walks in looking down at a shirt that I put in my bag, stopping halfway through his sentance. "What? What did you say?" He asks through gritted teeth and looking around the group of boys.

"What happened last time?" I ask and then his face immediately scrunches up in anger.

"Who the fuck said it?!" He shouts slamming the door behind him, they all turn to look at Ethan and then Coltons nostrils flare even more if possible. Before I know it he runs up to Ethan leaping onto him and pushing his head to the ground. He wraps his hands around Ethans neck as Ethan gasps for air.

"It's always you, you're always a fucking screw-up! You're such a bastard!" He shouts and it takes Theo, Max and Mike to pull Colton off of him. What's even happening? It feels like I'm rooted to this chair and I can't even get up. When Colton lets go off of Ethans neck he immediately starts coughing his guts up.

"We'll give you a minute." Theo says as he signals the guys out of the room. Colton paces back and forth in the room mumbling swearwords underneath his breath. Why is he so mad? What happened last time?


"No Madeline don't start please... Just give me a minute to catch my breath and then I'll explain." He tugs at his hair roots and I'm sacred if he pulls any more they'll come out. He's never been this harsh to me, 'don't start.'

"At least sit down?" I say but it sounds more of a question. He takes a moment to respond before he sits down next to me, I shuffle closer to him and I don't hesitate to place my hand on his back. He hides his face in his hands before mumbling things.

"Okay. I'm ready." He takes a deep breath, "no. No I'm not. I can't do this." He gulps and stands up shaking his head, he paces back and forth in the room. I immediately stand up and my patience is wearing thin.

"Why? Why can't you tell me Colton?" I ask but he doesn't answer. "You can't do this to me Colton, you can't let me believe that you'll tell me something and you don't even end up telling me!" I raise my voice and he snaps his head towards me. Well isn't this great? So much for a healthy relationship and no arguments.

"Because... because." He's a complete loss for words as I am totally confused of what he is hiding from me.

"What are you hiding from me?! What are you so afraid of?!"

"Afraid?! Madeline I'm not afraid, I'm absolutely terrified of what you'll think..." He gulps, "if you stop loving me and leave me." His voice quietens as if it's meant to be a whisper.

"How could I stop loving you Colton?! After everything we have been through, I can't just stop." I say and his face softens, he walks over to the couch sitting down, he pats the space next to him and I take a seat.

"I know I'm sorry." He gulps taking hold of my hands in his. "I just... I'm scared of what you'll think of me now."

"Well you won't know what I'll think until you tell me. I promise I won't stop loving you." It hurts to know that he thinks if he tells me I will immediately stop loving him.

"Okay I'll tell you." He sucks in a deep breath before hiding his face in his hands. "Remember when I told you I got kicked out?"

"Yeah." I say folding my legs on the couch.

"Well it was because of my behaviour-" He says and I frown.

"You've already told me this." I say cutting him off, and he shakes his head sighing, he pinches the bridge of his nose before sighing again.

"No, Mads just let me finish." He says and I nod, "well my mum and dad use to fight with each other like all the time then my dad started drinking." It's just sounding like my life story.

"People began to find out how Jerry Reeves started drinking and some people said that he use to... you know beat me up? But he didn't and there was one fucking bastard at school.  He said something to me about my parents and I just lost it." He spits, mumbling the very last part, the flashback comes back where I remember him correcting himself before about his 'dads friend' problem of drinking.

"What-what do you mean you just lost it?" I ask and he doesn't make eye contact with me.

"I beat the crap out of him Mads." He pauses and my breathing stops, "I did some serious damage to him." I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"That's why we moved town because I needed to get clean and I didn't want to be known as the guy who almost killed someone." He says and shock comes over me, I didn't even know he moved towns, how can I be so stupid? Of course he moved towns,  he wouldn't attened a school three hours away. How come he's not in jail? Why hasn't he got like a sentance? I know he's been in prison before but why not this time?

A moment of silence passes us as I hug my knees to my chest. "Why didn't you tell me?" I gulp and he looks down at the brown carpert. I know I'm suppose to be mad at him for not telling me but my heart aches for him.

"Because you'd hate me and I don't blame you if you do now. I'm a monster and I know it, I'm-"

"I don't hate you Colton." I say and tears sting my eyes, I hate for him to think that about himself, it makes me hate me because I want to change that but I don't think I'm capable of doing that. I can't change his past. Things have changed around here now, that's the reason he kept to himself about moving schools. I've only found out he moved towns but of course he had to, my towns a small town and I would've seen him around before. That's why he'd snap at me when I asked about his last school; of course he would've. I don't blame him for doing so.

"You- you don't?" He stutters as he turns to face me, finally.

"No. I love you, I'm in love with you." I say and leap into his arms, tears run down my face but he kisses them away. I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist pulling me onto his lap.

"God how can you love me so much?" He mufffles into my hair.

"You make it easy." I say and he smiles against my skin.

"I love you Mads." He says and I smile. "Please don't cry Maddie." He says and strokes his thumb across my cheek. I nod and smile while a smile plays on his lips, god I love him. So freaking much.

"One minute." He says as he pulls me off of him. I nod and he walks over to the front door, he pulls it open and there falls the four boys, piling on top of each other. I spring to my feet when I realise they were listening to our conversation and our little minor argument.

"Man! You are more whipped than whipped cream." Max says and everyone stands up laughing even Ethan who Colton strangled.

"Listen I-um... sorry Ethan for calling you a fuck up... because you're not even though you somehow manage to let something slip out." He pauses and a huge grin comes over my face, I know how hard it is for him to say sorry. "What do you say? Brothers?" He holds out his hand for Ethan to shake and Ethan turns to look at the guys who are nodding.

"Brothers!" He shakes his hand and they do another man hug, they pat each others back before Ethan walks over to the fridge helping himself to a beer.

We end up ordering chinese takeout and the boys and I are debating what to watch for tonight.

"If you end up picking something like 'The Time Traveller's Wife,'  remember we have little Mike over there." Max says and they all laugh.

"He ended up crying at Marley and Me." Ethan says and they all laugh harder clutching their stomachs.

"I mean how can you not cry? A legendary dog dies!" Mike says as they all mock him.

"On a serious matter Madeline what do you actually want to watch? Ignore the guys over there." Theo says and I smile. Theo is like the guy that holds the group together, he must have helped Colton when he was on the verge of killing someone.

"The Vow." I say and they all let out groans.

"And that's what we're watching." They all groan louder.

What even is this? Did you just read another update?! Oh my God, that's right, you just did! You guys should be thankful due to I should be studying for my exams but I have 1,900 people waiting for their update. First of all almost 2,000 reads! How about we get this chapter to 20 votes and 15 comments? What do you guys think of this chapter? If you hadn't noticed already but I'm pretty sure you're smart people and you've worked it out, I worked on building up Colton's past, that's the reason he'd never tell her about his old school and why he'd snap at her hehe :P. Do you think Coltons old past will change things in their relationship?

Read. Vote. Comment. Follow.

Nikki x

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