Scarlett's Daughter Book Two...

By scarlettsbitxh

33.4K 883 26

It has been a 2 years since Scarlett and Elizabeth got full custody of the two little girls, what the girl's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 3

1.5K 42 0
By scarlettsbitxh

February 2017

Scarlett's POV:

It is Elizabeth's birthday and the girls wanted to sleep in our bed last night because they both wanted to be with us for unknown reasons but I don't mind that they wanted to stay with us because I love when the two girls sleep with us in our bed.

I wake up to Rose sprawled out on top of me and Melanie half on Elizabeth and half on the bed which I find the funniest thing ever so I take a picture and send it to my mom which she replies with laughing emojis.

Soon Elizabeth wakes up with Rose waking up as well, "Good morning and happy birthday baby"I whisper as there is another sleeping child on the bed, "Good morning and thank you babe"Elizabeth whisper and she kisses me on my lips and smile and blush, Rose sits up and kisses Elizabeth on the cheek and crawls on top her hugging around her stomach and I laugh quietly before pulling a sleeping Melanie onto my chest so she can sleep a little better.

After around 20 minutes of watching cartoons with Rose on the big tv in mine and Elizabeth's room Melanie starts to wake up, she snuggles her head into my chest even more and lets out a cute yawn, I smile and kiss her head.

"Mama I hungwy"She says and I smile at her, "How about we all go out for a nice and delicious breakfast?"I suggest and Melanie and Elizabeth nod but Rose is still stuck into the cartoons, I smile and get out of my bed and walk out of the room and into Melanie's room to get her dressed and I'm sure Elizabeth will get Rose dressed.

I get Melanie changed into a pair of pink leggings, a white unicorn t-shirt and some pink and sparkly trainers that light up and a little bow on each pig tail in her hair, I smile and take a quick photo of her and she claps her hands and smiles widely.

I pick her up and she lays her head on my shoulder as I walk to my bedroom to get changed myself and I see Elizabeth getting changed with a messy bed haired Rose on the bed still watching cartoons.

"I'm going to go and get her dressed in a minute I am just letting her watch her cartoons for another little while"Elizabeth says and I nod and smile at her before putting Melanie on my bed so she can watch cartoons as well, I get changed and just as I'm finished changing Elizabeth walks in with a now dressed Rose.

She is wearing a dinosaur top, green leggings and green trainers with a little green bow in her hair as she only has one pony tail in her hair.

"We all ready to go?"I ask and Elizabeth nods and Rose nods along with her mommy while Melanie just suckles on her pacifier watching cartoons, I tap Melanie on her back and she looks at me with a smile on her face, "Come on baby we are going to get breakfast now"I say and she nods and takes my hand as I help her off the bed and we walk hand in hand to the car with Elizabeth and Rose in front of us.

Melanie gets into the car and I buckle her in and Elizabeth does the same for Rose before we all head to the breakfast place.

"Could I have two pancakes with Nutella on them and an omelet with ham, cheese, onions and peppers please"I ask the waiter and he nods, "I will have some French toast and can we have two coffees and one apple juice and one orange juice please?"Elizabeth asks the waiter and he nods and smile before walking away to hand our order into the chef.

"Melanie seems to be getting better now, she isn't as clingy now and Rose is just Rose always running around and always energetic"Elizabeth says and I nod laughing, "Melanie has her first gymnastics competition tomorrow and she is very excited and has non stop doing all her little tricks"I tell Elizabeth and she smiles at Melanie.

We eat our breakfast and then head out to the car to head to the cinema because I booked tickets for all four of us to watch a movie suitable for the girls but Lizzie will still like it because she loves Disney movies I mean who doesn't.

I hold Melanie's hand as we walk into the cinema, we get all our snacks and then go to the movie room, I get the girls settled before sitting down beside Lizzie, she rests her head on my shoulder while we wait for the movie to start.

We hear the girls whining and we both look over and see Rose trying to take popcorn out of Melanie's bucket, "Rose stop it, you have your own popcorn"I say and she slaps the bucket making all of it spill on the floor making Melanie cry.

Lizzie picks Melanie up and brings her outside so she can get another bucket of popcorn, "Rose don't ever do that again, since it's mommy's birthday you aren't on a timeout but tomorrow there will be no candy"I say and Rose whines and starts to tear up, "No don't cry it's your own fault"I say and she huffs and leans back in her chair.

"I want you to apologise to Melanie when her and mommy get back"I say and Rose sadly nods.

Lizzie's POV:

I went out with a crying Melanie and try to calm her down while I get her another small bucket of popcorn, she calms down and lays her head on my shoulder while we walk back to Scarlett and Rose.

"Do you want to sit with mommy instead?"I ask and she nods sadly and I smile because me and Melanie have got a close bond but since that incident she became distant with me but now our bond is growing again.

We walk back in and Rose apologises and I sit Melanie on my lap and the movie starts and we all watch the movie in silence.

We all walk out of the cinema, Melanie is in my arms and Rose is holding Scarlett's hand, we hear the sound of cameras and look to our right to see the paparazzi and they start to shout for us causing the girls to get scared, Scarlett immediately picks Rose up and we walk as fast as we can to the car.

We get into the car not even buckling the girls in and I start to drive home, halfway when we know that the paparazzi are gone, Scarlett gets in the back with the girls while I continue driving home.

Rose is crying and Melanie is crying and shaking as well, I think we need to get her checked for PTSD because this isn't normal.

We get home and Rose has calmed down but Melanie is still shaking but the crying has stopped and she is now just whimpering.

"Scarlett this isn't normal, we need to get her checked for PTSD"I say and Scarlett looks at me and nods sadly, I get Rose out of the car and she slowly starts to fall asleep in my arms so I bring her up to her room so she can nap.

Scarlett's POV:

I bring Melanie into the house and I lock the car and close the front door behind me, I walk to the couch and set Melanie on my lap, I cradle her in my arms and gently rub her stomach.

She rests her head on my chest and her breathing goes back to normal.

"You okay now baby?"I ask her as I gently rub her stomach as her eye droop, I can tell she is exhausted.

"Yes mama"She mumbles tiredly as she snuggles her head into my right boob, I smile and kiss her head gently.

"What happened baby? Did the clicking and shouting scare you?"I ask her and she nods her head gently, "Did it remind you of daddy?"I ask her and she whimpers and nods again.

"I tired mama"She whispers and I nod, I stand up with Melanie in my arms, I bring her upstairs and I meet Lizzie in the hallway.

"She okay now?"She asks me and I nod my head and go into Melanie's room, I get Melanie changed and then lay her down in her bed, I kiss her head and leave her to sleep.

I walk out and Lizzie is standing there smiling at me.

"Hey you"She says and she kisses me.

"Hey you"I say after pulling away from the kiss, I lean into Lizzie's touch and she holds me tight.

"What's up with Melanie?"She asks and I look up to her, "It reminded her of Romain"I say and Lizzie kisses my head.

"How about we go and chill for a bit, we have had a lot going on today"Lizzie says and I nod.

Today certainly has been a long day.

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