past and future (Modern AU :L...

By Alie-Heart

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A 27 year old woman named Norie Chausiku is in a relationship with Levi Ackerman, they've been together for 8... More

Short Flashback


314 9 2
By Alie-Heart

"come on let's show Levi"Norie says smiling down at Mikasa as they walked out of the dressing room.

They were out shopping for dresses for Mikasa since she was going to be the flower girl, Norie had already brought her some white flats and her basket.

"Levi, what do you think?"

She places Mikasa on the stand in front of him while Eren slept in the stroller, Levi smiled lightly and says "I like it, it's not to poofy or fancy"

"Do you like it baby?"Norie asked.

"I want that"

The couple turned and saw a veil on a mannequin, Norie laughed and says "I don't think you can, maybe we can find a flower crown-"

"I wanna try it"Mikasa cut her off.

She sighed and says "okay then, wait here"

Norie walked off and spoke to a worker and they handed it to her, she came back and moved Mikasa's pigtails to the sides a bit so the clip can fit in between.


Mikasa smiled and pats her head and turned to Levi while saying "look Levi"

He sat there with his arms crossed against his chest, Norie blinked and said "hey, you okay?"

"Bye Levi!"A 28 year old Mikasa called out with a smile, wearing a wedding dress and a veil while holding her grooms arm.

A boy around Mikasa's age walked pass them as he held his mother's hand, the boy smiled at her but jumped when Levi spoke towards him.

"Go away"

The boy flinched at Levi's glare that he quickly hid behind his mother's legs as they walked away.

"Levi, are you serious?"Norie said as she had a slight smile.

"I need air"Levi said and got up to walk to the exit of the dressing room.

"Don't worry, he loved it, now let's see if you love it. Nothing's bothering you?"Norie says as she fixed the semi puffy short sleeves

"No, I like it" the girl responded.

Norie smiled and said "great, we're gonna go find Eren a tux"

Her phone began to ring and saw Hange wanting to FaceTime, she answered the phone and Norie saw her in the lab with goggles.

"Hey! Does Mikasa have a dress already?! I wanna see! I wanna see!"

"She does, here, let me flip the camera"

Norie placed Mikasa back on the stand and aimed the camera towards her, they heard Hange scream from the phone making Eren flinch awake.

"You look so cute!"

Hange started sobbing and rapidly taking photos till she couldn't anymore.

"I know, now we just need to find Eren a tux-My love you're awake, wanna say hi to Hange?"Norie cut herself off and walked towards the stroller.

"Hi Eren!"

"Happy birthday..."the boy mumbled.

"Aw thank you! Even though it passed, thank you"

"He just woke up, so he's a bit drowsy, but I know he wanted to say hi"Norie says and gave Eren his sippy cup.

"Where's shorty?"

"He's just taking a small break, I think it had to do with Mikasa wearing a veil on her head. He got a little emotional, but he's gonna come back in a couple of minutes"

"What a baby-"

"I'm a what?"Levi cut her off as he stood besides Norie.

"Nothing! Well have fun shopping! Also Norie, I brought a dress and I wanna show you tomorrow at work!"

"That's great honey, I'll see you tomorrow"

Norie turned to Levi and says "so?"

"So?"he responded as he fixed Mikasa's skirt of the dress.

"Levi it's okay if you got a little sensitive, I even felt it. We're gonna have to accept that Mikasa will fall in love and get married in the future, especially Eren"

"But we don't have to worry at the moment, their still toddlers. Let's focus on now"Norie explained as she ran her fingers through his undercut.

Levi brought Mikasa in his arms and says "yeah, you're right"

Norie smiled as Eren mumbled "Happy Halloween... Santa"


"I want a bowtie! And suspenders! And a sword! And a shield-Eren why would you want a sword?"Levi cut him off.

"To protect Norie! She's going to be a princess and I'm gonna be the knight!"

"What about me?"

The 4 year old boy stopped and turned to Levi and says "huh?"

"Are you going to protect me?"

Eren stared at him and he squealed out his laughter, Levi looked at him blankly as the boy grabbed his hand and says "Levi can protect himself"

"Okay so I found some tuxes and Mikasa picked some out too. Let's go try them on Eren"Norie said as she walked over with Mikasa trailing behind her holding one tux.


They walked into the hall as while Eren waved with a smile and called out "hi!" To some of the woman who walked out.

Levi sat besides Mikasa as they waited, he heard the girl yawn making him turn to her.

"You're sleepy?"

She nodded while rubbing her eye, Levi sighed and grabbed her as he said "we're almost going home, we just need to find Eren a tux and then we go, okay?"

Mikasa stared up at him as he raised an eyebrow and says "yes?"

She stays quiet as places her small finger below his eye, tapping it softly before leaning her head down to rest it on his chest while gripping his shirt so she can sleep.

Levi sat there and brought the toddler closer and Norie walked out with Eren running in front of her, he happily got on the stand and says "look! Look! Look!"

"I think it looks nice, what do you think Levi?"Norie asked.

"I like it, we just need to buy a bowtie and the suspenders-And the sword?!"Eren cut Levi off.

He sighed and says "the sword too"

He cheered as Norie smiled and says "Great, we got the kids there clothes. We're all set, I just need to hire a makeup artist, Kuchel and my mom are going to be doing my hair-"

Levi looked towards her and smiled lightly, as she continued to speak, Eren grabbed her hand and quickly let go of it so he can stretch his arms up towards Norie to carry him.

Mikasa snored softly against his chest as he thought of how lucky he was, to marry the girl of his dream and the mother of his kids,  now to wait 6 months.


"Okay! I'll be out, I just need to put my heels on!"Hange called from the break room.

Levi, Norie and the 12 toddlers sat outside as they waited for her to come out and show them the dress she bought.

"I got a new book!"Armin spoke with a smile as he held a book thats bigger than him in his arms.

"Wow! About what?"Historia asks.

"Dinosaurs?!"Connie guessed.

"Croissant sandwiches?!"Sasha says after.

"Nope! The ocean!"

He opened the book and put it in the middle so everyone can see, the toddlers awed at the octopuses, fishes, sharks and coral on the pages as Armin flipped them.

"Why is there a paper sticking out?"Annie pointed out.

Armin frowned and said "That's awful..."

"What is it?"Marco asked.

"The boogie man?"Bertholdt says.

"The boogie man doesn't live under the ocean, I bet you it's krampus!"Reiner said.

"Even if it was, I don't think we should be afraid, right?"Ymir says.

"Yeah! It can't be that bad, let us see!"Jean spoke and every toddler scooted closer to the book.

"Besides! I don't think their real-WHAT IS THAT?!"Eren cut himself off with a scream as the rest screamed in horror.

Levi and Norie flinched and looked away from the laptop as they continued to scream their sobs.

"Honeys-MY EYES! MY EYES!"Sasha cut Norie off with a cry.

"I told you guys!"Armin cried after.

"The horror..."Mikasa mumbled and covered her eyes.

"Oi, what's going on-BURN THE BOOK ARMIN!"Jean cut Levi off.

Norie looked at what they were scared of and saw a picture of a anglerfish, she quickly grabbed it and closed it as the toddlers hugged Levi's legs tightly still crying out.

"Maybe we should fold that page, would that be good?"She says.

"Yes!"the toddlers say.

"Ta-da! Look at me! Aren't I gorgeous?!"Hange says as she appeared out of the break room but stopped when she saw the crying kids.

"What happened? Usually you should cry after someone shows the dress, not before"

She wore a spaghetti strap dress, the fabric was a beige silk and it reaches the mid of her knee. Norie smiled and said "you look beautiful Hange!"

"I knew you'd like it! What do you think shorty?!"

Levi stared before saying "it suits you"

Hange cheered and said "my first compliment from Levi!"

"Don't let it get to your head"

"I knew their was a catch"


"I saw some help wanted signs at the market, I got some applications for us"a 23 year old Norie spoke as she got out of Levis car.

"But it's only going to be temporary okay?"he says as he got out of the driver's seat.

It's been 2 days since they've graduated college, and they were also on the search for apartments and jobs since they planned on living together, though it hasn't been that successful. But they don't plan on backing down.

"Yes of course it's temporary, we're also not going to be living in a motel for the rest of our lives. Besides after working at the college as students we saved up some money so we'll be good"Norie explained as they unlocked the door and walked in.

"My mom called me saying that we can stay at hers if things don't turn out well"Levi said.

"My mom said the same thing, but I told her that I want to do this, I don't want to be the grown ass daughter that uses her money, home and what not and be dependent"Norie explained and sat down on the bed and grabbed the remote control.

He nodded and says "yeah, I know, I don't want to do that too"

Norie switched to a random channel and got her stuff ready to shower.

"I'm gonna shower, you can start heating up some noddles or open up some salads"she said and walked to the bathroom.

"I'll do that"

Norie walked in and closed the door behind her, she placed her towel and clothes down and lowered her pants down to use the toilet. She looked down and remembered that she was suppose to have her period this week.

She furrowed her eyebrows and grabbed her phone to examine the calendar, yup, she was suppose to have it this week. 2 weeks ago actually.

Norie sighed and placed her phone down, she got in the shower and quickly washed her body and hair since the hot water doesn't last and she wanted to save some for Levi.

She got out and dried her body and changed, Norie walked out and saw Levi placing two instant noodle cups on the table and water. She smiled and sat down in front of him.

"Thank you"Norie said.

"No problem"

She then looked over at Levi's bowl, the flavor she most despised, for some reason she never liked the shrimp flavor. But now, looking at it, she wants to eat two of them.

"Hey Levi?"


Norie leaned in closer and said "do you think...we can switch bowls?"

Levi stopped and looked up at her.

"Switch bowls?"


He blinked and turned the bowl to read the label, Levi looked back at her and says "but it's shrimp"

"You hate shrimp"

Norie smiled nervously and says "can I please have it?"

Levi sighed and slid the bowl over and grabbed hers, she smiled and quickly grabbed the chopsticks and once she slurped the first she started eating it as if she hasn't eaten in weeks, enjoying each second of it.

He stared in confusion but ignored it while he ate his.

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